1,372 research outputs found

    Incorporating spatial scale into ecological studies of Rangifer

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    The implications of environmental variability on caribou demography: theoretical considerations

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    Random environmental influences, such as snow cover, are widely regarded as an integral feature of caribou population dynamics. We conducted computer simulations to explore the ramifications of such stochastic variability for caribou demography. We devised 4 models with increasing levels of complexity: Model 1, density-independence under different levels of stochasticity and r; Model 2, non-linear effect of snow cover on r; Model 3, non-linear effect of snow cover on r and stochasticity as a function of population size; and Model 4, non-linear effect of snow cover on r, stochasticity as a funciton of population size, and density-dependence according to the logistic equation. The results of Model 1 indicated that nearly all caribou populations subject only to environmental vagaries experienced either extincition or irruption. Model 2 revealed that non-linear effect of snow cover depressed the realised r as a function of population size. Finally, Model 4 suggested long-term population as previously reported in literature, but with reduced chance of overshooting K under moderate to high environmental variability

    Comparative Winter Habitat Use and Associations among Herbivores in the High Arctic

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    We studied winter habitat use and interspecific associations among large- and medium-sized herbivores on southeastern Victoria Island, Arctic Canada, by documenting the deposition of feces in relation to vegetation. Associations between ptarmigan (Lagopus spp.), arctic hares (Lepus arcticus), caribou (Rangifer tarandus), and muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) were assessed using the Jaccard Index (JI) and chi² at two scales, i.e., with 1 m² and 1 ha as sampling units. JI values for species pairs were greater at the larger scale, but chi² revealed significant (positive) associations only at the smaller scale and only between arctic hares and caribou and between arctic hares and ptarmigan. Comparative use of habitats was described with respect to vegetation by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Ptarmigan and muskoxen were most strongly correlated with lowland vegetation and caribou with upland vegetation; arctic hares were intermediate. CCA also indicated rather wide separation in the multivariate space, further suggesting distinct patterns of habitat use. The results imply that these species were segregated in their use of resources in this High Arctic environment.On a étudié l'utilisation de l'habitat hivernal et les associations biotiques parmi les grands et moyens herbivores du sud-est de l'île Victoria située dans l'Arctique canadien, en étudiant l'emplacement des crottes par rapport à la végétation. À l'aide de l'index Jaccard (IJ) et de chi² à deux échelles (c.-à-d. en prenant 1 m² et 1 ha comme unités d'échantillonnage), on a évalué les associations entre le lagopède (Lagopus spp), le lièvre arctique (Lepus arcticus), le caribou (Rangifer tarandus) et le boeuf musqué (Ovibos moschatus). Les valeurs de IJ pour les paires d'espèces étaient plus élevées à grande échelle, mais chi² ne montrait des associations notables (positives) qu'à petite échelle et seulement entre le lièvre arctique et le caribou ainsi qu'entre le lièvre arctique et le lagopède. On a décrit l'utilisation comparative des habitats en rapport avec la végétation par analyse de correspondance canonique (ACC). Le lagopède et le boeuf musqué étaient corrélés le plus fortement avec la végétation des basses-terres et le caribou avec celle des hautes-terres; le lièvre arctique se situait au milieu. L'ACC montrait aussi une séparation relativement importante dans l'espace à plusieurs variables, ce qui laisse suggérer des modèles distincts d'utilisation de l'habitat. Les résultats indiqueraient qu'il existait pour ces espèces une ségrégation dans l'utilisation des ressources au sein de cet environnement extrême-arctique

    Female site fidelity of the Mealy Mountain caribou herd (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Labrador

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    The Mealy Mountain caribou population of southeastern Labrador is listed as threatened. Site fidelity - the philopatric tendency of an animal to remain in or return to the same site - has often been suspected in sedentary caribou like the Mealy Mountain, but rarely has been examined. Philopatric behaviours are important because fidelity sites may then receive priority protection from human disturbance. To describe and document site fidelity for the Mealy Mountain herd, satellite telemetry data from 12 collared adult females during three years was examined. The mean distance between locations in consecutive years of tracking the individual caribou was calculated and an annual profile of site fidelity generated. This profile illustrated that the lowest inter-year distances occurred during calving, when caribou returned to within 39 km (2005-06) and 11.5 km (2006-07) of the previous year's location, and during post-calving, when the mean distance was 7.7 km (2005-06). Spring snow depths were substantially greater in 2007 and appeared to weaken calving site fidelity. This spatial information may serve as a basis for detecting anthropogenic effects on woodland caribou

    Humanized microbiota mice as a model of recurrent \u3ci\u3eClostridium difficile\u3c/i\u3e disease

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    Background: Clostridium difficile disease is the leading antibiotic-associated cause of diarrhea and nosocomial acquired infection in the western world. The per annum burden in the USA alone amounts to 250,000 cases with 14,000 ascribed deaths and medical costs in excess of a billion dollars. Novel models for the study of C. difficile infection are therefore pertinent. Results: Germ free C57BL/6 mice gavaged with a healthy human fecal microbiota maintained a stable “humanized” microbiota over multiple generations when housed under specific pathogen-free (SPF) conditions. As with mice containing a conventional microbiota, treatment with a five-antibiotic cocktail followed by a single dose of clindamycin renders the animals susceptible to C. difficile infection (CDI). Interestingly, after recovery from the initial CDI infection, a single intraperitoneal injection of clindamycin is sufficient to induce CDI relapse. Relapse of CDI can be induced up to 35 days postinfection after recovery from the initial infection, and multiple episodes of relapse can be induced. Conclusions: This model enables the study of recurrent C. difficile disease in a host containing a human-derived microbiota. Probiotic treatments using human-derived microbes, either prophylactic or curative, can be tested within the model. The identification and testing of human-derived microbial communities within a humanized microbiota mouse model may enable a higher rate of successful transfer of bacteria-based treatments from the lab to human patients due to the microbes involved initiating from, and being adapted to, the human GI tract

    Footedness in foraging muskoxen Ovibos moschatus

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    Derivation of the freshwater fish fauna of Central America revisited: Myers\u27s hypothesis in the twenty-first century

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    © The Willi Hennig Society 2014. Although attempts to understand Central American freshwater fish provincialism date to the 1960s, early efforts lacked the wealth of distributional data now available. Biogeographic work on Central American freshwater fishes has been largely descriptive and regional, and lacked a broader synthesis. Here we use parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) to elucidate faunistic relationships between major drainages and to delineate areas of endemism. We then perform a Brooks parsimony analysis (BPA) on the resulting areas. The PAE recovered a primary division between four Pacific and six Atlantic slope areas of endemism. In contrast, the BPA recovered two Central American geographic clades, one sharing a history with North America and the other with South America. Fish diversity is uneven across Central America, with greater diversity in areas adjacent to the more species-rich regions of North and South America. In northern and nuclear Central America, the paucity of ostariophysan freshwater fishes such as catfishes and characins (groups that dominate adjacent regions) contrasts with high species richness of poeciliids and cichlids. Results of this study are consistent with Myer\u27s hypothesis that poeciliids and cichlids dispersed to Northern or Nuclear Middle America early in the Cenozoic, long before the Plio-Pleistocene rise of the Isthmus of Panama

    Morphological change in Newfoundland caribou: Effects of abundance and climate

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    The demographic and environmental influences on large mammal morphology are central questions in ecology. We investigated the effects of population abundance and climate on body size and number of male antler points for the La Poile and Middle Ridge caribou (Rangifer tarandus, L. 1758) herds, Newfoundland, Canada. Across 40 years and 20-fold changes in abundance, adult males and females exhibited diminished stature as indicated by jawbone size (diastema and total mandible length) and the number of antler points at the time of harvest. Associations between jawbone size and population abundance at birth were consistently negative for both herds, both sexes, and all age classes. Large-scale climate patterns, as measured by the North Atlantic Oscillation in the winter prior to birth, were also negatively associated with jawbone size. Declines in male antler size, as measured by the number of antler points, were not well predicted by either abundance or climate, suggesting other factors (e.g., current, rather than latent, foraging conditions) may be involved. We conclude that these morphological changes indicate competition for food resources

    Causes and Consequences of Broad-Scale Changes in the Distribution of Migratory Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) of Southern Hudson Bay

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    Understanding the factors driving changes in species distributions is fundamental to conservation, but for wide-ranging species this is often complicated by the need for broad-scale observations across space and time. In the last three decades, the location of summer concentrations of migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in southern Hudson Bay (SHB), Canada, has shifted south and east as much as 500 km. We used long-term data (1987 – 2011) to test two hypotheses that could explain the distribution shift: forage depletion and anthropogenic disturbance. Over time and space, we compared the body size of live-captured adult female caribou, dietary quality from fecal nitrogen in July, the location of VHF- and GPS-collared female caribou in July, distribution of all-terrain vehicle (ATV) tracks and caribou tracks in August, and the proximity of collared caribou to sections of the coast with higher ATV activity in spring and summer. The forage depletion hypothesis was supported by greater body size and dietary quality in caribou of the eastern portion of SHB than in western SHB animals in 2009 – 11. The anthropogenic disturbance hypothesis was supported by the negative correlation of the distributions of ATV tracks and caribou tracks on the coast in 2010 and the fact that caribou avoided areas with ATV activity by 10 – 14 km. In 1987, collared caribou were observed largely along the coast in western SHB in mid-July, while in 2009 – 11, they were inland in western SHB and along the coast in eastern SHB. While these locations demonstrate a substantial change in summer distri­bution over three decades, we were unable to differentiate between forage depletion and anthropogenic disturbance as a single causal factor of the distribution shift.La compréhension des facteurs qui influencent les changements caractérisant les distributions des espèces est fondamentale aux efforts de conservation, mais pour les espèces dont l’aire de distribution est étendue, ce principe est souvent compliqué par la nécessité de faire des observations à grande échelle, dans le temps et dans l’espace. Au cours des trois dernières décennies, l’emplacement des concentrations estivales du caribou migrateur (Rangifer tarandus) dans le sud de la baie d’Hudson (SBH), au Canada, s’est déplacé vers le sud et vers l’est dans une mesure de 500 km. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur des données de longue haleine (1987–2011) pour mettre à l’épreuve deux hypothèses susceptibles d’expliquer ce changement en matière de distribution, soit l’appauvrissement du fourrage et la perturbation anthropique. Au fil du temps et de l’espace, nous avons comparé la taille du corps des caribous femelles adultes capturées vivantes, la qualité de leur alimentation à partir de l’azote fécal en juillet, l’emplacement des femelles portant un collier de type VHF ou GPS en juillet, la répartition des traces de véhicules tout terrain (VTT) et des pistes de caribou en août de même que la proximité des caribous portant un collier aux tronçons de la côte où la présence de VTT est plus grande au printemps et à l’été. L’hypothèse de l’appauvrissement du fourrage a été étayée par la plus grande taille du corps et la qualité de l’alimentation du caribou de la zone est du SBH comparativement à celles du caribou de l’ouest du SBH entre 2009 et 2011. Pour sa part, l’hypothèse perturbation anthropique a été appuyée par la corrélation négative caractérisant la répartition des pistes de VTT et des traces de caribou sur la côte en 2010 et par le fait que les caribous sont restés à l’écart des zones fréquentées par les VTT dans une mesure de 10 à 14 km. En 1987, des caribous portant un collier ont été observés en grand nombre le long de la côte ouest du SBH à la mi-juillet, tandis que de 2009 à 2011, ils ont été repérés à l’intérieur des terres dans l’ouest du SBH et le long de la côte est du SBH. Bien que ces emplacements indiquent un important changement en matière de distribution estivale au cours de trois décennies, nous n’avons pas été en mesure de faire une distinction entre l’appauvrissement du fourrage et la perturbation anthropique en tant que facteur causal unique du changement de distribution

    Ultrafast time-gated ballistic-photon imaging and shadowgraphy in optically dense rocket sprays

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    Time-gated ballistic-photon imaging is a form of shadowgraphy in which an ultrashort, optical-Kerreffect (order 2 ps) time gate is used to enhance the relative intensity of ballistic versus multiply scattered photons. In the current work, this technique is adapted for what is believed to be the first time for use in the moderately dense environment (optical density ∼1:5 to 2) of a high-speed 5 to 15mm diameter rocket spray to improve image contrast and observe liquid-breakup phenomena. Unlike coherence gating, which is another form of ballistic imaging, the time-gating approach allows sufficient signal levels from ballistic and near-ballistic photons to enable time-resolved single-shot imaging. Direct comparisons with non-time-gated shadowgraphy indicate that the two techniques are sensitive to different features of the flowfield, with regions composed of a dense field of droplets being highly attenuated in conventional shadowgrams but appearing transparent to ballistic photons. This enables significant image contrast enhancement (∼6:6∶1) of liquid-core structures and facilitates improved understanding of the primary and secondary breakup processes in sprays of moderate optical density