11 research outputs found

    Clay content drives carbon stocks in soils under a plantation of Eucalyptus saligna Labill. in southern Brazil

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    Soil carbon accumulation is largely dependent on net primary productivity. To our knowledge, there have been no studies investigating the dynamics of carbon accumulation in weathered subtropical soils, especially in managed eucalyptus plantations. We quantified the seasonal input of leaf litter, the leaf decomposition rate and soil carbon stocks in an commercial plantation of Eucalyptus saligna Labill. in southern Brazil. Our goal was to evaluate, through multiple linear regression, the influence that certain chemical characteristics of litter, as well as chemical and physical characteristics of soil, have on carbon accumulation in soil organic matter fractions. Variables related to the chemical composition of litter were not associated with the soil carbon stock in the particulate and mineral fractions. However, certain soil characteristics were significantly associated with the carbon stock in both fractions. The concentrations of nutrients associated with plant growth and productivity, such as phosphorus, sulfur, copper and zinc, were associated with variations in the labile carbon pool (particulate fraction). Clay content was strongly associated with the carbon stock in the mineral fraction. The carbon accumulation and stabilization in weathered subtropical Ultisol seems to be mainly associated with the intrinsic characteristics of the soil, particularly clay content, rather than with the quantity, chemical composition or decomposition rate of the litter

    Reflorestamento com espécies nativas

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    O Estágio Curricular Obrigatório foi realizado na ECOSSIS Soluções Ambientais, empresa de consultoria ambiental localizada em Porto Alegre, no bairro Menino Deus, com o objetivo de atender as demandas de acompanhamento de desenvolvimento de mudas, para realização de relatório mensal, e identificação de espécies vegetais para elaboração de laudo vegetal, assim como acompanhamento de podas, visando atender as normas ambientais previstas pela FEPAM. O acompanhamento de mudas foi realizado em um empreendimento de Nova Santa Rita, após a observação da morte de 40% de um total de 510 mudas, devido a má drenagem do solo. As espécies arbóreas para reposição com melhor adaptação foram sugeridas após estudo da área. Nos meses subsequentes as novas mudas apresentaram boas condições de desenvolvimento e adaptação

    Reflorestamento com espécies nativas

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    O Estágio Curricular Obrigatório foi realizado na ECOSSIS Soluções Ambientais, empresa de consultoria ambiental localizada em Porto Alegre, no bairro Menino Deus, com o objetivo de atender as demandas de acompanhamento de desenvolvimento de mudas, para realização de relatório mensal, e identificação de espécies vegetais para elaboração de laudo vegetal, assim como acompanhamento de podas, visando atender as normas ambientais previstas pela FEPAM. O acompanhamento de mudas foi realizado em um empreendimento de Nova Santa Rita, após a observação da morte de 40% de um total de 510 mudas, devido a má drenagem do solo. As espécies arbóreas para reposição com melhor adaptação foram sugeridas após estudo da área. Nos meses subsequentes as novas mudas apresentaram boas condições de desenvolvimento e adaptação

    Boletín meteorológico diario: Número 358 - 1981 Diciembre 24

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    Soil carbon accumulation is largely dependent on net primary productivity. To our knowledge, there have been no studies investigating the dynamics of carbon accumulation in weathered subtropical soils, especially in managed eucalyptus plantations. We quantified the seasonal input of leaf litter, the leaf decomposition rate and soil carbon stocks in an commercial plantation of Eucalyptus saligna Labill. in southern Brazil. Our goal was to evaluate, through multiple linear regression, the influence that certain chemical characteristics of litter, as well as chemical and physical characteristics of soil, have on carbon accumulation in soil organic matter fractions. Variables related to the chemical composition of litter were not associated with the soil carbon stock in the particulate and mineral fractions. However, certain soil characteristics were significantly associated with the carbon stock in both fractions. The concentrations of nutrients associated with plant growth and productivity, such as phosphorus, sulfur, copper and zinc, were associated with variations in the labile carbon pool (particulate fraction). Clay content was strongly associated with the carbon stock in the mineral fraction. The carbon accumulation and stabilization in weathered subtropical Ultisol seems to be mainly associated with the intrinsic characteristics of the soil, particularly clay content, rather than with the quantity, chemical composition or decomposition rate of the litter