155 research outputs found

    The ORF7b protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is expressed in virus-infected cells and incorporated into SARS-CoV particles

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    Coronavirus replication is facilitated by a number of highly conserved viral proteins. The viruses also encode accessory genes, which are virus group specific and believed to play roles in virus replication and pathogenesis in vivo. Of the eight putative accessory proteins encoded by the severe acute respiratory distress syndrome associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV), only two-open reading frame 3a (ORF3a) and ORF7a-have been identified in virus-infected cells to date. The ORF7b protein is a putative viral accessory protein encoded on subgenomic (sg) RNA 7. The ORF7b initiation codon overlaps the ORF7a stop codon in a -1 shifted ORF. We demonstrate that the ORF7b protein is expressed in virus-infected cell lysates and from a cDNA encoding the gene 7 coding region, indicating that the sgRNA7 is bicistronic. The translation of ORF7b appears to be mediated by ribosome leaky scanning, and the protein has biochemical properties consistent with that of an integral membrane protein. ORF7b localizes to the Golgi compartment and is incorporated into SARS-CoV particles. We therefore conclude that the ORF7b protein is not only an accessory protein but a structural component of the SARS-CoV virion


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    Highly specific PCR-RFLP assays for karyotyping the widespread 2Rb inversion in malaria vectors of the Anopheles gambiae complex

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    Background: Chromosomal inversion polymorphisms play a role in adaptation to heterogeneous environments. Inversion polymorphisms are implicated in the very high ecological flexibility of the three main malaria vector species of the Afrotropical Anopheles gambiae complex, facilitating the exploitation of anthropogenic environmental modifications and promoting a strong association with humans. In addition to extending the species' spatial and temporal distribution, inversions are associated with epidemiologically relevant mosquito behavior and physiology, underscoring their medical importance. We here present novel PCR-RFLP based assays strongly predictive of genotype for the cosmopolitan 2Rb inversion in An. coluzzii and An. gambiae, a development which overcomes the numerous constraints inherent to traditional cytological karyotyping. Methods: We designed PCR-RFLP genotyping assays based on tag SNPs previously computationally identified as strongly predictive (> 95%) of 2Rb genotype. We targeted those tags whose alternative allelic states destroyed or created the recognition site of a commercially available restriction enzyme, and designed assays with distinctive cleavage profiles for each inversion genotype. The assays were validated on 251 An. coluzzii and 451 An. gambiae cytologically karyotyped specimens from nine countries across Africa and one An. coluzzii laboratory colony. Results: For three tag SNPs, PCR-RFLP assays (denoted DraIII, MspAI, and TatI) reliably produced robust amplicons and clearly distinguishable electrophoretic profiles for all three inversion genotypes. Results obtained with the DraIII assay are ≥ 95% concordant with cytogenetic assignments in both species, while MspAI and TatI assays produce patterns highly concordant with cytogenetic assignments only in An. coluzzii or An. gambiae, respectively. Joint application of species-appropriate pairs of assays increased the concordance levels to > 99% in An. coluzzii and 98% in An. gambiae. Potential sources of discordance (e.g. imperfect association between tag and inversion, allelic dropout, additional polymorphisms in the restriction target site, incomplete or failed restriction digestion) are discussed. Conclusions: The availability of highly specific, cost effective and accessible molecular assays for genotyping 2Rb in An. gambiae and An. coluzzii allows karyotyping of both sexes and all developmental stages. These novel tools will accelerate deeper investigations into the role of this ecologically and epidemiologically important chromosomal inversion in vector biology.[Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Autophagy in Adipocyte Browning: Emerging Drug Target for Intervention in Obesity

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    Autophagy, lipophagy, and mitophagy are considered to be the major recycling processes for protein aggregates, excess fat, and damaged mitochondria in adipose tissues in response to nutrient status-associated stress, oxidative stress, and genotoxic stress in the human body. Obesity with increased body weight is often associated with white adipose tissue (WAT) hypertrophy and hyperplasia and/or beige/brown adipose tissue atrophy and aplasia, which significantly contribute to the imbalance in lipid metabolism, adipocytokine secretion, free fatty acid release, and mitochondria function. In recent studies, hyperactive autophagy in WAT was observed in obese and diabetic patients, and inhibition of adipose autophagy through targeted deletion of autophagy genes in mice improved anti-obesity phenotypes. In addition, active mitochondria clearance through activation of autophagy was required for beige/brown fat whitening – that is, conversion to white fat. However, inhibition of autophagy seemed detrimental in hypermetabolic conditions such as hepatic steatosis, atherosclerosis, thermal injury, sepsis, and cachexia through an increase in free fatty acid and glycerol release from WAT. The emerging concept of white fat browning–conversion to beige/brown fat– has been controversial in its anti-obesity effect through facilitation of weight loss and improving metabolic health. Thus, proper regulation of autophagy activity fit to an individual metabolic profile is necessary to ensure balance in adipose tissue metabolism and function, and to further prevent metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. In this review, we summarize the effect of autophagy in adipose tissue browning in the context of obesity prevention and its potential as a promising target for the development of anti-obesity drugs

    Autophagy in Adipocyte Browning: Emerging Drug Target for Intervention in Obesity

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    Autophagy, lipophagy, and mitophagy are considered to be the major recycling processes for protein aggregates, excess fat, and damaged mitochondria in adipose tissues in response to nutrient status-associated stress, oxidative stress, and genotoxic stress in the human body. Obesity with increased body weight is often associated with white adipose tissue (WAT) hypertrophy and hyperplasia and/or beige/brown adipose tissue atrophy and aplasia, which significantly contribute to the imbalance in lipid metabolism, adipocytokine secretion, free fatty acid release, and mitochondria function. In recent studies, hyperactive autophagy in WAT was observed in obese and diabetic patients, and inhibition of adipose autophagy through targeted deletion of autophagy genes in mice improved anti-obesity phenotypes. In addition, active mitochondria clearance through activation of autophagy was required for beige/brown fat whitening – that is, conversion to white fat. However, inhibition of autophagy seemed detrimental in hypermetabolic conditions such as hepatic steatosis, atherosclerosis, thermal injury, sepsis, and cachexia through an increase in free fatty acid and glycerol release from WAT. The emerging concept of white fat browning–conversion to beige/brown fat–has been controversial in its anti-obesity effect through facilitation of weight loss and improving metabolic health. Thus, proper regulation of autophagy activity fit to an individual metabolic profile is necessary to ensure balance in adipose tissue metabolism and function, and to further prevent metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. In this review, we summarize the effect of autophagy in adipose tissue browning in the context of obesity prevention and its potential as a promising target for the development of anti-obesity drugs

    Arsenite exposure suppresses adipogenesis, mitochondrial biogenesis and thermogenesis via autophagy inhibition in brown adipose tissue

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    Arsenite, a trivalent form of arsenic, is an element that occurs naturally in the environment. Humans are exposed to high dose of arsenite through consuming arsenite-contaminated drinking water and food, and the arsenite can accumulate in the human tissues. Arsenite induces oxidative stress, which is linked to metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. Brown adipocytes dissipating energy as heat have emerging roles for obesity treatment and prevention. therefore, understanding the pathophysiological role of brown adipocytes can provide effective strategies delineating the link between arsenite exposure and metabolic disorders. Our study revealed that arsenite significantly reduced differentiation of murine brown adipocytes and mitochondrial biogenesis and respiration, leading to attenuated thermogenesis via decreasing UCP1 expression. Oral administration of arsenite in mice resulted in heavy accumulation in brown adipose tissue and suppression of lipogenesis, mitochondrial biogenesis and thermogenesis.Mechanistically, arsenite exposure significantly inhibited autophagy necessary for homeostasis of brown adipose tissue through suppression of Sestrin2 and ULK1. These results clearly confirm the emerging mechanisms underlying the implications of arsenite exposure in metabolic disorders


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    The loss of nutrients in runoff from agricultural land is a major cause of poor surface water quality in the United State. Scientists (NRCS) developed a technique to estimate the impact of agricultural watersheds on natural water resources. The objectives of this study were to apply this technique on the Wagon Train (WT),watershed to predict (1) loss of water by surface runoff, (2) loss of phosphorus (P) from soils by runoff and P loading for WT reservoir. The annual loss of water by runoff was estimated at 4.32 million m3 . The USGS data for a 50-year period (1951 to 2000) indicated that the average annual inflow for WT reservoir was 4.25 million m3 . The predicted annual P loss by runoff was 844 kg and could be considered as the annual loading for WT reservoir. The predicted P concentration in the runoff water at field sites was 196 ÎĽg/L. Phosphorus concentration observed in major streams at the beginning of spring (March) ranged from 99 ÎĽg/L to 240 ÎĽg/L with an average of 162 ÎĽg/L (S.D..= 40 ÎĽg/L), and the average P concentration in water samples taken from different locations in the reservoir was 140 ÎĽg/L. Phosphorus uptake by algae, weeds and aquatic plants, as well as high pH in the reservoir and streams might explain the slight drop of P concentration in waters. Further, the average P concentration observed in the main stream samples for the entire rainy season (March through October), ranged between 157 and 346 ÎĽg/L with an average of 267 ÎĽg/L (S.D. = 65 ÎĽg/L). Application of P fertilizers (April/May) for summer crops might explain the increase in P concentration. When factors affecting P concentration in streams are considered, the technique could provide a reasonable estimation of P concentration in stream water
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