136 research outputs found

    The Impact of Visual Impairment on Perceived School Climate

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    The current investigation examines whether visual impairment has an impact on a student’s perception of the school climate. Using a large national sample of high school students, perceptions were examined for students with vision impairment relative to students with no visual impairments. Three factors were examined: self-reported level of happiness, perception of a positive school climate, and negative school affect.  Results revealed no differences for the seeing and visually impaired students on self-reported happiness and perception of a positive school climate factors, however significant differences were found on the negative school affect factor. Additionally, gender was significantly related to the negative school affect factor

    Cloning and sequence analysis of canine apoptosis-associated molecules

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    The aim of the study was to clone and sequence the coding sequences of a representative set of proteins, primarily from the intrinsic apoptotic pathway in dogs and to assess their conservation with human and murine orthologues. cDNA for these proteins, including Bcl-2 family members (Bcl-XL, Bcl-w, Mcl-1, Bax, Bak, Bad, Noxa), caspases (Caspase-3, Caspase-8, Caspase-9), Inhibitors of Apoptosis Proteins (XIAP, cIAP-1, cIAP-2, Survivin), their mitochondrial inhibitors (Smac/ DIABLO, Omi/HtrA2) and p53, were generated by RT-PCR with RNA extracted from two canine non-neoplastic cell lines. Eleven sequences are novel for the dog. Interspecies comparison revealed strongest similarity between the sequences of human and canine intrinsic apoptosis pathway members. Differences with potential functional impact, however, were observed in both dogs and mice. In dogs, these changes involve the putative Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein binding motif of canine Omi/HtrA2, some caspase substrate recognition motifs and some functionally relevant residues of p53. Canine XIAP yields a caspase-cleavage site reported as unique to humans. In conclusion, the generally high degree of similarity of canine apoptosis-associated proteins as compared to human counterparts is supportive of the use of dogs as a model for human diseases. Single interspecies sequence variations with potential functional relevance under physiologic and neoplastic conditions do exist, however, and will require further analysis. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, eine repräsentative Gruppe von Molekülen, die hauptsächlich am intrinsischen Signalweg der Apoptose beteiligt sind, zu klonieren und sequenzieren, und mit den Homologen von Mensch und Maus zu vergleichen. Mittels RT-PCR, basierend auf RNA aus zwei kaninen nicht-neoplastischen Zelllinien, wurden cDNAs von Bcl-2 Familienmitglieder (Bcl-XL, Bcl-w, Mcl-1, Bax, Bak, Bad, Noxa), Kaspasen (Kaspase-8, -9, -3), "Inhibitors of Apoptosis" Proteinen (XIAP, cIAP-1, cIAP-2, Survivin), Smac/DIABLO, Omi/HtrA2 und p53 generiert. Elf dieser Sequenzen werden beim Hund erstmals beschrieben. Die höchste Konservierung der Nukleotid- und Proteinsequenzen wurde zwischen Hund und Mensch festgestellt. Sequenzunterschiede zum Menschen mit potentiell funktionellem Einfluss wurden bei Hund und Maus beobachtet. Darunter fallen beim Hund das mutmassliche "Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein Binding Motif" von Omi/HtrA2, einige Substraterkennungsmotive von Kaspasen, sowie einige funktionell relevante Aminosäuren von p53. Des weiteren weist das kanine XIAP eine Kaspasen-Spaltstelle auf, die bisher als einzigartig für den Menschen galt. Die generell hohe Ähnlichkeit der Apoptose-assoziierten Proteine des Hundes mit denen des Menschen befürwortet dessen Einsatz als Modelltier für humane Erkrankungen. Einzelne speziesspezifische Sequenzunterschiede mit potentieller funktioneller Relevanz unter physiologischen und neoplastischen Bedingungen bedürfen jedoch weiterer Untersuchungen


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    Depression is a common post-concussion symptom. The depressive symptoms and its effects seemingly appear to be more long term, with some patients still reporting three months to nine years’ post-concussion. School apathy post head trauma can negatively influence prognosis and essentially make the condition worse. Student disruptions post head trauma will result in an inability to reason, problem-solve, set goals, self-monitor, initiate or inhibit response behavior, and effectively execute purposeful behavior. The current investigation examines the effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) among school-aged athletes (ages 13- to 18-years-old) compared to same-aged athletes who did not have a diagnosis/history of TBI. A Multivariate analysis and t-test are utilized to address the self-reported data in relation to students’ feelings, disruption, and school apathy with and without head trauma. It is expected that the results will show adverse effects in those student athletes who had reported head trauma when examining their feelings, disruptions, and school apathy when compared to those student athletes without head trauma.   Article visualizations

    Sequence and partial functional analysis of canine Bcl-2 family proteins

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    Dogs present with spontaneous neoplasms biologically similar to human cancers. Apoptotic pathways are deregulated during cancer genesis and progression and are important for therapy. We have assessed the degree of conservation of a set of canine Bcl-2 family members with the human and murine orthologs. To this end, seven complete canine open reading frames were cloned in this family, four of which are novel for the dog, their sequences were analyzed, and their functional interactions were studied in yeasts. We found a high degree of overall and domain sequence homology between canine and human proteins. It was slightly higher than between murine and human proteins. Functional interactions between canine pro-apoptotic Bax and Bak and anti-apoptotic Bcl-xL, Bcl-w, and Mcl-1 were recapitulated in yeasts. Our data provide support for the notion that systems based on canine-derived proteins might faithfully reproduce Bcl-2 family member interactions known from other species and establish the yeast as a useful tool for functional studies with canine proteins


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    The low-incidence disability of visual impairment has led to many challenges in the field of education. The present study compared school related issues of adolescents with a visual impairment and their parents to adolescents who do not have a visual impairment and their parents. The purpose of this study was to examine the perspectives of students with a visual impairment and their parents to determine the level of satisfaction of the education the students are receiving. A sample of n = 180 parents and 10th grade students were used to answer the questions regarding various factors of education. The predicted outcome will be that overall parents are satisfied with their child’s education but will have negative feelings regarding the quality of education. It is also predicted that the students with a visual impairment will have similar feelings regarding education.  Article visualizations

    The effects of hearing deficits on student self-perceptions of social belonging, difficulty at school, and self-image

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    A paucity of research exists that examines how well hearing-impaired students function in the primary and secondary grades when attending a general education setting. The research that does exists to suggest that issues of poor self-perception, challenges regarding a sense of belonging, and self-image may be amplified for the non-hearing student. The current investigation examines the self-reported feelings of the hearing-impaired students relative to the student with no identified hearing difficulties. Results suggest that while social belonging may be a problem for the hearing-impaired students relative to their hearing peers, no differences were found on the responses associate with self-image or trouble at school


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    The low-incidence disability of visual impairment has led to many challenges in the field of education. The present study compared school related issues of adolescents with a visual impairment and their parents to adolescents who do not have a visual impairment and their parents. The purpose of this study was to examine the perspectives of students with a visual impairment and their parents to determine the level of satisfaction of the education the students are receiving. A sample of n = 180 parents and 10th grade students were used to answer the questions regarding various factors of education. The predicted outcome will be that overall parents are satisfied with their child’s education but will have negative feelings regarding the quality of education. It is also predicted that the students with a visual impairment will have similar feelings regarding education

    Adjustment and Other Factors Related to High School Aged Students Identified as Hearing Impaired

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    Healthy social, emotional and cognitive development of deaf children depends upon complex interactions between the many individual and environmental factors associated with deafness. Deaf children and adolescents have been reported to possess greater rates of mental health problems than hearing children and adolescents. Dysfunction in one or more systems impacts the other systems in the child’s life. Dysfunction increases the risk for maladjustment and poor mental and emotional health. Deaf youth are at greater risk for disruption in interactions between the child and their environment and therefore are also at greater risk for social and emotional problems. Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult was used to gain a better understanding of deaf student’s feelings of acceptance at school, reported positive feelings, academic grades and future plans. Twelve (12) deaf students were included in a total of 456 youth participants from across the county. No significant differences were found between the two groups.


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate if students with multiple disabilities perceived a lower level of feeling cared about, more difficulty in school, and decreased mental health status, when compared to their typically developing peers. Data from 244 participants was extracted from the National Survey of Adolescent Health. Of this sample, 36 participants were identified as having multiple disabilities. Independent samples t-tests and multivariate analyses of variance were used to analyze data using the sample of the population. No significant results were found, indicating that there are no differences between the perceptions of students with multiple disabilities and their typically developing peers.   Article visualizations
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