107 research outputs found

    Generation of complete source samples from the Slew Survey

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    The Einstein Slew Survey consists of 819 bright X-ray sources, of which 636 (or 78 percent) are identified with counterparts in standard catalogs. We argue for the importance of bright X-ray surveys, and compare the slew results to the ROSAT all-sky survey. Also, we discuss statistical techniques for minimizing confusion in arcminute error circles in digitized data. We describe the 238 Slew Survey AGN, clusters, and BL Lac objects identified to date and their implications for logN-logS and source evolution studies. Also given is a catalog of 1075 sources detected in the Einstein Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC) Slew Survey of the X-ray sky. Five hundred fifty-four of these sources were not previously known as X-ray sources

    Osse Sky Survey Observations for Cycles Three Extreme Red Egret Blazars

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    The original purpose of this work was to probe EGRET sources of low significance, and to use statistical techniques to construct a log N - log S of sources at greater than 50 MeV. At this writing, the detection significance of EGRET sources is still an issue. Therefore, we shifted our focus to the known EGRET detections. These came in two groups: (a) the known blazars; and (b) the high-Galactic latitude EGRET sources not identified with optical (or radio) counterparts

    Identifications of Einstein Slew Survey sources

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    The status of identifications of the Einstien Slew Survey, a bright soft x-ray catalog with 550 new x-ray sources, is discussed. Possible counterparts were found for greater than 95 percent of the Slew Survey based on positional coincidences and color-color diagnostics. The survey will be fully identified via upcoming radio and optical observations

    Einstein Slew Survey: Data analysis innovations

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    Several new methods were needed in order to make the Einstein Slew X-ray Sky Survey. The innovations which enabled the Slew Survey to be done are summarized. These methods included experimental approach to large projects, parallel processing on a LAN, percolation source detection, minimum action identifications, and rapid dissemination of the whole data base

    Finding the rarest objects in the universe: A new, efficient method for discovering BL Lacertae objects

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    We present a new, efficient method for discovering new BL Lac Objects based upon the results of the Einstein Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey (EMSS). We have found that all x-ray selected BL Lacs are radio emitters, and further, that in a 'color-color' diagram (radio/optical and optical/x-ray) the BL Lac Objects occupy an area distinct from both radio loud quasars and the radio quiet QSOs and Seyferts which dominate x-ray selected samples. After obtaining radio counterparts via VLA 'snapshot' observations of a large sample of unidentified x-ray sources, the list of candidates is reduced. These candidates then can be confirmed with optical spectroscopy and/or polarimetry. Since greater than 70 percent of these sources are expected to be BL Lacs, the optical observations are very efficient. We have tested this method using unidentified sources found in the Einstein Slew Survey. The 162 Slew Survey x-ray source positions were observed with the VLA in a mixed B/C configuration at 6 cm resulting in 60 detections within 1.5 position error circle radii. These x-ray/optical/radio sources were then plotted, and 40 BL Lac candidates were identified. To date, 10 candidates have been spectroscopically observed resulting in 10 new BL Lac objects! Radio flux, optical magnitude, and polarization statistics (obtained in white light with the Steward Observatory 2.3 m CCD polarimeter) for each are given

    Thirteen new BL Lacertae objects discovered by an efficient x ray/radio/optical technique

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    The discovery of 13 serendipitous BL Lac objects in the Einstein IPC Slew Survey by means of x ray/radio vs. x ray/optical color-color diagrams and confirmation by optical spectroscopy are reported. These 13 BL Lacs were discovered using a technique which exploits the characteristic broad band spectra of BL Lacs. New VLA detections provide accurate fluxes (f(6 cm) is approximately 0.5 mJy) and 2 in. positions, facilitating the determination of an optical counterpart. All 13 new BL Lacs show essentially featureless optical spectra. Nine of these lie within the range of colors of known x ray selected BL Lacs. Of the remaining four, one is apparently x ray louder (by a factor of 1.5) or optically quieter (by 0.8 mags); and three are optically louder (by 1-1.3 mags) than x ray selected BL Lacs. Approximately 50 new BL Lacs in total are expected from VLA work and upcoming Australia Telescope observations, yielding a complete Slew Survey sample of approximately 90 BL Lacs

    Obscuration in the Host Galaxies of Soft X-ray Selected Seyferts

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    We define a new sample of 96 low-redshift (z<0.1), soft X-ray selected Seyferts from the catalog of the Einstein Slew Survey (Elvis etal. 1992, Plummer et al. 1994). We probe the geometry and column depth of obscuring material in the host-galaxy disks using galaxian axial ratios determined mainly from the Digitized Sky Survey. The distribution of host-galaxy axial ratios clearly shows a bias against edge-on spirals, confirming the existence of a geometrically thick layer of obscuring material in the host-galaxy planes. Soft X-ray selection recovers some of the edge-on objects missed in UV and visible surveys but still results in 30% incompleteness for Type 1's. We speculate that thick rings of obscuring material like the ones we infer for these Seyferts might be commonly present in early type spirals, sitting at the Inner Lindblad Resonances of the nonaxisymmetric potentials of the host galaxies.Comment: 14 pages including 2 tables and 3 eps figures, aas2pp4.sty, to appear in Ap

    NGC 7582: The Prototype Narrow-Line X-ray Galaxy

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    NGC 7582 is a candidate prototype of the Narrow Line X-ray Galaxies (NLXGs) found in deep X-ray surveys. An ASCA observation shows the hard (> 3 keV) X-ray continuum of NGC 7582 drops 40% in ~6 ks, implying an AGN, while the soft band (< 3 keV) does not drop in concert with the hard continuum, requiring a separate component. The X-ray spectrum of NGC 7582 also shows a clear 0.5-2 keV soft (kT = 0.8 (+0.9,-0.3) keV or Gamma = 2.4 +/- 0.6; L(X) = 6 x 10**40 ergs s**-1) low--energy component, in addition to a heavily absorbed [N(H) = (6 +/- 2)\times 10**22 cm**-2 ] and variable 2-10 keV power law [Gamma = 0.7 (+0.3,-0.4); L(X) = (1.7-2.3) x 10**42 ergs s**-1]. This is one of the flattest 2-10 keV slopes in any AGN observed with ASCA. (The ROSAT HRI image of NGC 7582 further suggests extent to the SE.) These observations make it clear that the hard X-ray emission of NGC 7582, the most "narrow-line" of the NLXGs, is associated with an AGN. The strong suggestion is that all NLXGs are obscured AGNs, as hypothesized to explain the X-ray background spectral paradox. The separate soft X-ray component makes NGC 7582 (and by extension other NLXGs) detectable as a ROSAT source.Comment: text: Latex2e 10 pages, including 1 table, and 2 postscript figures via psfi