30 research outputs found

    Development of a master program "Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning"

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    The development of the master program "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" is described. The foundations of this area were formed during the formation at the Department of Computer Engineering in 2004 of the scientific group of Intellectual Image Processing. In the process of developing a scientific group from 2007 to 2019, 9 candidate dissertations were defended. 4 initiative projects of the group are supported by the RFBR Grants. Currently, the educational process for the master's program is provided by 1 professor, doctor of technical sciences, 2 associate professors, candidate of technical sciences, 3 assistants and 8 graduate students

    Enlargement of Submicron Gas‐Borne Particles by Heterogeneous Condensation for Energy‐Efficient Aerosol Separation

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    To improve the efficiency of aerosol separation, a process sequence for particle enlargement by condensation of water vapor on their surface is suggested. The presented method makes use of packed columns in non-equilibrium operation to achieve supersaturation, which is required for droplet growth. Although this method is known for several years, it is not widely used in industrial processes and still needs accurate investigations for consolidation and establishment. The simulation tool AerCoDe3.0 for predicting saturation and particle growth in packed columns allows investigating the thermal energy consumption under various operation conditions. Based on the results obtained in this study, optimized arrangements of columns, which are applicable as preconditioning step for existing particle separators, are proposed

    Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Auslegung von Entspannungsverdampfern

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    In vielen Bereichen der Verfahrenstechnik werden Entspannungsverdampfer (Flash- Verdampfer) eingesetzt, beispielsweise zur Entsalzung von Meerwasser (Multi-stageflash, MSF). Dabei werden zur Phasentrennung nach dem Entspannungsorgan (Drosselventil) oft Abscheider mit großen Durchmessern eingesetzt, um die Dampfaufstiegsgeschwindigkeiten gering zu halten und somit den Tropfenmitriss zu minimieren. Dies kann hohe Anlagenkosten und einen hohen Platzbedarf verursachen. In der Literatur fehlen allgemein anerkannte Auslegungsrichtlinien für Entspannungsverdampfer. In dem Beitrag werden experimentelle Ergebnisse einer neuartigen Bauform von Abscheidern präsentiert, die zeigen, dass Entspannungsverdampfer wesentlich kompakter als bisher angenommen realisiert werden können

    Experimental study on low temperature desalination by flash evaporation in a novel compact chamber design

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    The production of potable water in dry areas nowadays is mainly done by the desalination of seawater. State ofthe art desalination plants usually are built with high production capacities and consume a lot of electrical energy or energy from primary resources such as oil. This causes difficulties in rural areas, where no infrastructure is available neither for the plants' energy supply nor the distribution of the produced potable water. To address this need, small, self-sustaining and locally operated desalination plants came into the focus of research. In this work, a novel flash evaporator design is proposed which can be driven either by solar power or by low temperature waste heat. It offers low operation costs as well as easy maintenance. The results of an experimental setup operated with water at a feed flow rate of up to 1600 l/h are presented. It is shown that the proof of concept regarding efficient evaporation as well as efficient gas-liquid separation is provided successfully. The experimental evaporation yield counts for 98% of the vapor content that is expected from the vapor pressure curve of water. Neither measurements of the electrical conductivity of the gained condensate, nor the analysis of the vapor flow by optical methods show significant droplet entrainment, so there are no concerns regarding the purity of the produced condensate for the use as drinking water

    Thermodynamik: Grundlagen und technische Anwendungen. Band 1: Einstoffsysteme

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    Thermodynamik: Grundlagen und technische Anwendungen Band 1: Einstoffsysteme

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    Thermodynamik: Grundlagen und technische Anwendungen. Band 1: Einstoffsysteme

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