2,328 research outputs found

    Resonant and inelastic Andreev tunneling observed on a carbon nanotube quantum dot

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    We report the observation of two fundamental sub-gap transport processes through a quantum dot (QD) with a superconducting contact. The device consists of a carbon nanotube contacted by a Nb superconducting and a normal metal contact. First, we find a single resonance with position, shape and amplitude consistent with the theoretically predicted resonant Andreev tunneling (AT) through a single QD level. Second, we observe a series of discrete replicas of resonant AT at a separation of ∌145 Ό\sim145\,\mueV, with a gate, bias and temperature dependence characteristic for boson-assisted, inelastic AT, in which energy is exchanged between a bosonic bath and the electrons. The magnetic field dependence of the replica's amplitudes and energies suggest that two different bosons couple to the tunnel process.Comment: 5 pages + 9 pages supplementary materia

    Andreev bound states probed in three-terminal quantum dots

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    We demonstrate several new electron transport phenomena mediated by Andreev bound states (ABSs) that form on three-terminal carbon nanotube (CNT) QDs, with one superconducting (S) contact in the center and two adjacent normal metal (N) contacts. Three-terminal spectroscopy allows us to identify the coupling to the N contacts as the origin of the Andreev resonance (AR) linewidths and to determine the critical coupling strengths to S, for which a ground state transition S-QD systems can occur. We ascribe replicas of the lowest-energy ABS resonance to transitions between the ABS and odd-parity excited QD states, a process called excited state ABS resonances. In the conductance between the two N contacts we find a characteristic pattern of positive and negative differential subgap conductance, which we explain by considering two nonlocal processes, the creation of Cooper pairs in S by electrons from both N terminals, and a novel mechanism called resonant ABS tunneling. In the latter, electrons are transferred via the ABS without creating Cooper pairs in S. The three-terminal geometry also allows spectroscopy experiments with different boundary conditions, for example by leaving S floating. Surprisingly, we find that, depending on the boundary conditions, the experiments either show single-particle Coulomb blockade resonances, ABS characteristics, or both in the same measurements, seemingly contradicting the notion of ABSs replacing the single particle states as eigenstates of the QD. We qualitatively explain these results as originating from the finite time scale required for the coherent oscillations between the superposition states after a single electron tunneling event. These experiments demonstrate that three-terminal experiments on a single complex quantum object can also be useful to investigate charge dynamics otherwise not accessible due to the very high frequencies.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Gate-tunable split Kondo effect in a carbon nanotube quantum dot

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    We show a detailed investigation of the split Kondo effect in a carbon nanotube quantum dot with multiple gate electrodes. It is found that the splitting decreases for increasing magnetic field, to result in a recovered zero-bias Kondo resonance at finite magnetic field. Surprisingly, in the same charge state, but under different gate-configurations, the splitting does not disappear for any value of the magnetic field, but we observe an avoided crossing of two high-conductance lines. We think that our observations can be understood in terms of a two-impurity Kondo effect with two spins coupled antiferromagnetically. The exchange coupling between the two spins can be influenced by a local gate, and the non-recovery of the Kondo resonance for certain gate configurations is explained by the existence of a small antisymmetric contribution to the exchange interaction between the two spins.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Contact resistance dependence of crossed Andreev reflection

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    We show experimentally that in nanometer scaled superconductor/normal metal hybrid devices and in a small window of contact resistances, crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) can dominate the nonlocal transport for all energies below the superconducting gap. Besides CAR, elastic cotunneling (EC) and nonlocal charge imbalance (CI) can be identified as competing subgap transport mechanisms in temperature dependent four-terminal nonlocal measurements. We demonstrate a systematic change of the nonlocal resistance vs. bias characteristics with increasing contact resistances, which can be varied in the fabrication process. For samples with higher contact resistances, CAR is weakened relative to EC in the midgap regime, possibly due to dynamical Coulomb blockade. Gaining control of CAR is an important step towards the realization of a solid state entangler.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Fork stamping of pristine carbon nanotubes onto ferromagnetic contacts for spin-valve devices

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    We present a fabrication scheme called 'fork stamping' optimized for the dry transfer of individual pristine carbon nanotubes (CNTs) onto ferromagnetic contact electrodes fabricated by standard lithography. We demonstrate the detailed recipes for a residue-free device fabrication and in-situ current annealing on suspended CNT spin-valve devices with ferromagnetic Permalloy (Py) contacts and report preliminary transport characterization and magnetoresistance experiments at cryogenic temperatures. This scheme can directly be used to implement more complex device structures, including multiple gates or superconducting contacts.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IWEPNM 2015 conference proceedings (physica status solidi (b)

    Role of hexagonal boron nitride in protecting ferromagnetic nanostructures from oxidation

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    Ferromagnetic contacts are widely used to inject spin polarized currents into non-magnetic materials such as semiconductors or 2-dimensional materials like graphene. In these systems, oxidation of the ferromagnetic materials poses an intrinsic limitation on device performance. Here we investigate the role of ex-situ transferred chemical vapour deposited hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) as an oxidation barrier for nanostructured cobalt and permalloy electrodes. The chemical state of the ferromagnets was investigated using X-ray photoemission electron microscopy owing to its high sensitivity and lateral resolution. We have compared the oxide thickness formed on ferromagnetic nanostructures covered by hBN to uncovered reference structures. Our results show that hBN reduces the oxidation rate of ferromagnetic nanostructures suggesting that it could be used as an ultra-thin protection layer in future spintronic devices.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetoresistence engineering and singlet/triplet switching in InAs nanowire quantum dots with ferromagnetic sidegates

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    We present magnetoresistance (MR) experiments on an InAs nanowire quantum dot device with two ferromagnetic sidegates (FSGs) in a split-gate geometry. The wire segment can be electrically tuned to a single dot or to a double dot regime using the FSGs and a backgate. In both regimes we find a strong MR and a sharp MR switching of up to 25\% at the field at which the magnetizations of the FSGs are inverted by the external field. The sign and amplitude of the MR and the MR switching can both be tuned electrically by the FSGs. In a double dot regime close to pinch-off we find {\it two} sharp transitions in the conductance, reminiscent of tunneling MR (TMR) between two ferromagnetic contacts, with one transition near zero and one at the FSG switching fields. These surprisingly rich characteristics we explain in several simple resonant tunneling models. For example, the TMR-like MR can be understood as a stray-field controlled transition between singlet and a triplet double dot states. Such local magnetic fields are the key elements in various proposals to engineer novel states of matter and may be used for testing electron spin-based Bell inequalities.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Shot noise of a quantum dot measured with GHz stub impedance matching

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    The demand for a fast high-frequency read-out of high impedance devices, such as quantum dots, necessitates impedance matching. Here we use a resonant impedance matching circuit (a stub tuner) realized by on-chip superconducting transmission lines to measure the electronic shot noise of a carbon nanotube quantum dot at a frequency close to 3 GHz in an efficient way. As compared to wide-band detection without impedance matching, the signal to noise ratio can be enhanced by as much as a factor of 800 for a device with an impedance of 100 kΩ\Omega. The advantage of the stub resonator concept is the ease with which the response of the circuit can be predicted, designed and fabricated. We further demonstrate that all relevant matching circuit parameters can reliably be deduced from power reflectance measurements and then used to predict the power transmission function from the device through the circuit. The shot noise of the carbon nanotube quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime shows an oscillating suppression below the Schottky value of 2eI2eI, as well an enhancement in specific regions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, supplementar

    Finite bias Cooper pair splitting

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    In a device with a superconductor coupled to two parallel quantum dots (QDs) the electrical tunability of the QD levels can be used to exploit non-classical current correlations due to the splitting of Cooper pairs. We experimentally investigate the effect of a finite potential difference across one quantum dot on the conductance through the other completely grounded QD in a Cooper pair splitter fabricated on an InAs nanowire. We demonstrate that the electrical transport through the device can be tuned by electrical means to be dominated either by Cooper pair splitting (CPS), or by elastic co-tunneling (EC). The basic experimental findings can be understood by considering the energy dependent density of states in a QD. The reported experiments add bias-dependent spectroscopy to the investigative tools necessary to develop CPS-based sources of entangled electrons in solid-state devices.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Carbon nanotube quantum dots on hexagonal boron nitride

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    We report the fabrication details and low-temperature characteristics of the first carbon nanotube (CNT) quantum dots on flakes of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) as substrate. We demonstrate that CNTs can be grown on hBN by standard chemical vapor deposition and that standard scanning electron microscopy imaging and lithography can be employed to fabricate nanoelectronic structures when using optimized parameters. This proof of concept paves the way to more complex devices on hBN, with more predictable and reproducible characteristics and electronic stability.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
