6 research outputs found

    Externe Qualitätssicherung epidemiologischer Gesundheitsstudien

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    Eine zuverlässig hohe Qualität ist eine wesentliche Grundlage für das Vertrauen in epidemiologische Studien. Die „Leitlinien und Empfehlungen zur Sicherung von Guter Epidemiologischer Praxis (GEP)“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epidemiologie (DGEpi) enthalten daher Anforderungen an die Qualitätssicherung epidemiologischer Studien. Für die Umsetzung einer externen Qualitätssicherung gibt es jedoch bislang keinen national oder international konsentierten Standard. Das Handbuch „Externe Qualitätssicherung epidemiologischer Gesundheitsstudien – Ein Handbuch für die praktische Umsetzung“ wurde erstellt, um zu diesem Thema eine adäquate Literatur anzubieten und der Weiterentwicklung einer standardisierten externen Qualitätssicherung epidemiologischer Studien einen Anstoß zu geben. Im Kontext epidemiologischer Studien werden in dem Handbuch grundlegende Qualitätsbegriffe (wie „Qualität“, „Qualitätsmanagement“, „Qualitätssicherung“) definiert, relevante Inhalte aus DIN-Normen aufgeführt sowie die Planung, Anforderungen an Teammitglieder, Aufgaben und Werkzeuge einer externen Qualitätssicherung beschrieben

    Framework and baseline examination of the German National Cohort (NAKO)

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    The German National Cohort (NAKO) is a multidisciplinary, population-based prospective cohort study that aims to investigate the causes of widespread diseases, identify risk factors and improve early detection and prevention of disease. Specifically, NAKO is designed to identify novel and better characterize established risk and protection factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, respiratory and infectious diseases in a random sample of the general population. Between 2014 and 2019, a total of 205,415 men and women aged 19–74 years were recruited and examined in 18 study centres in Germany. The baseline assessment included a face-to-face interview, self-administered questionnaires and a wide range of biomedical examinations. Biomaterials were collected from all participants including serum, EDTA plasma, buffy coats, RNA and erythrocytes, urine, saliva, nasal swabs and stool. In 56,971 participants, an intensified examination programme was implemented. Whole-body 3T magnetic resonance imaging was performed in 30,861 participants on dedicated scanners. NAKO collects follow-up information on incident diseases through a combination of active follow-up using self-report via written questionnaires at 2–3 year intervals and passive follow-up via record linkages. All study participants are invited for re-examinations at the study centres in 4–5 year intervals. Thereby, longitudinal information on changes in risk factor profiles and in vascular, cardiac, metabolic, neurocognitive, pulmonary and sensory function is collected. NAKO is a major resource for population-based epidemiology to identify new and tailored strategies for early detection, prediction, prevention and treatment of major diseases for the next 30 years. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10654-022-00890-5

    Die Basiserhebung der NAKO Gesundheitsstudie: Teilnahme an den Untersuchungsmodulen, Qualitätssicherung und Nutzung von Sekundärdaten

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    BACKGROUND: The German National Cohort (NAKO) is an interdisciplinary health study aimed at elucidating causes for common chronic diseases and detecting their preclinical stages. This article provides an overview of design, methods, participation in the examinations, and their quality assurance based on the midterm baseline dataset (MBD) of the recruitment. METHODS: More than 200,000 women and men aged 20–69 years derived from random samples of the German general population were recruited in 18 study centers (2014–2019). The data collection comprised physical examinations, standardized interviews and questionnaires, and the collection of biomedical samples for all participants (level 1). At least 20% of all participants received additional in-depth examinations (level 2), and 30,000 received whole-body magnet resonance imaging (MRI). Additional information will be collected through secondary data sources such as medical registries, health insurances, and pension funds. This overview is based on the MBD, which included 101,839 participants, of whom 11,371 received an MRI. RESULTS: The mean response proportion was 18%. The participation in the examinations was high with most of the modules performed by over 95%. Among MRI participants, 96% completed all 12 MRI sequences. More than 90% of the participants agreed to the use of complementary secondary and registry data. DISCUSSION: Individuals selected for the NAKO were willing to participate in all examinations despite the time-consuming program. The NAKO provides a central resource for population-based epidemiologic research and will contribute to developing innovative strategies for prevention, screening and prediction of chronic diseases.HINTERGRUND: Die NAKO Gesundheitsstudie ist ein bundesweites interdisziplinäres Forschungsvorhaben mit dem Ziel, die Ursachen für chronische Krankheiten und deren vorklinische Stadien zu untersuchen. Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über das Studiendesign, die Methoden, die Teilnahme an den Untersuchungen und ihre Qualitätssicherung zur Halbzeit der Basiserhebung. METHODEN: Für die Basiserhebung wurden mehr als 200.000 Frauen und Männer im Alter von 20–69 Jahren aus Zufallsstichproben der Allgemeinbevölkerung in 18 Studienzentren rekrutiert (2014–2019). Die Basiserhebung beinhaltet Untersuchungen, Befragungen und Biomaterialien für alle Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer (Level 1), ein erweitertes Programm für mindestens 20 % (Level 2) und eine Magnetresonanztomografie (MRT) für 30.000 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer. Sekundär- und Registerdaten werden über Krankheitsregister, Kranken- und Rentenversicherungen erhoben. Die Auswertung bezieht die Datenbasis zur Halbzeit der Basiserhebung mit 101.839 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern ein, davon 11.371 mit einer MRT-Untersuchung. ERGEBNISSE: Die mittlere Responsequote zur Halbzeit betrug insgesamt 18 %. Die Teilnahme an den Untersuchungen lag überwiegend bei mehr als 95 %. Bei 96 % der MRT-Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer konnten alle 12 MRT-Sequenzen vollständig durchgeführt werden. Der Erschließung und wissenschaftlichen Nutzung ergänzender Sekundär- und Registerdaten stimmten mehr als 90 % der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer zu. DISKUSSION: Die Bereitschaft, möglichst alle Untersuchungsmodule durchzuführen, war trotz des zeitlichen Aufwandes außerordentlich hoch. Dadurch wird die NAKO zu einer zentralen Ressource für die epidemiologische Forschung in Deutschland. Sie wird es ermöglichen, neue Strategien zur Früherkennung, Vorhersage und Primärprävention chronischer Krankheiten zu entwickeln

    [The baseline assessment of the German National Cohort (NAKO Gesundheitsstudie): participation in the examination modules, quality assurance, and the use of secondary data].

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    BACKGROUND: The German National Cohort (NAKO) is an interdisciplinary health study aimed at elucidating causes for common chronic diseases and detecting their preclinical stages. This article provides an overview of design, methods, participation in the examinations, and their quality assurance based on the midterm baseline dataset (MBD) of the recruitment. METHODS: More than 200,000 women and men aged 20-69 years derived from random samples of the German general population were recruited in 18 study centers (2014-2019). The data collection comprised physical examinations, standardized interviews and questionnaires, and the collection of biomedical samples for all participants (level 1). At least 20% of all participants received additional in-depth examinations (level 2), and 30,000 received whole-body magnet resonance imaging (MRI). Additional information will be collected through secondary data sources such as medical registries, health insurances, and pension funds. This overview is based on the MBD, which included 101,839 participants, of whom 11,371 received an MRI. RESULTS: The mean response proportion was 18%. The participation in the examinations was high with most of the modules performed by over 95%. Among MRI participants, 96% completed all 12 MRI sequences. More than 90% of the participants agreed to the use of complementary secondary and registry data. DISCUSSION: Individuals selected for the NAKO were willing to participate in all examinations despite the time-consuming program. The NAKO provides a central resource for population-based epidemiologic research and will contribute to developing innovative strategies for prevention, screening and prediction of chronic diseases

    Framework and baseline examination of the German National Cohort (NAKO)

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    The German National Cohort (NAKO) is a multidisciplinary, population-based prospective cohort study that aims to investigate the causes of widespread diseases, identify risk factors and improve early detection and prevention of disease. Specifically, NAKO is designed to identify novel and better characterize established risk and protection factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, respiratory and infectious diseases in a random sample of the general population. Between 2014 and 2019, a total of 205,415 men and women aged 19–74 years were recruited and examined in 18 study centres in Germany. The baseline assessment included a face-to-face interview, self-administered questionnaires and a wide range of biomedical examinations. Biomaterials were collected from all participants including serum, EDTA plasma, buffy coats, RNA and erythrocytes, urine, saliva, nasal swabs and stool. In 56,971 participants, an intensified examination programme was implemented. Whole-body 3T magnetic resonance imaging was performed in 30,861 participants on dedicated scanners. NAKO collects follow-up information on incident diseases through a combination of active follow-up using self-report via written questionnaires at 2–3 year intervals and passive follow-up via record linkages. All study participants are invited for re-examinations at the study centres in 4–5 year intervals. Thereby, longitudinal information on changes in risk factor profiles and in vascular, cardiac, metabolic, neurocognitive, pulmonary and sensory function is collected. NAKO is a major resource for population-based epidemiology to identify new and tailored strategies for early detection, prediction, prevention and treatment of major diseases for the next 30 years