1,561 research outputs found

    SPH-based simulation of multi-material asteroid collisions

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    We give a brief introduction to smoothed particle hydrodynamics methods for continuum mechanics. Specifically, we present our 3D SPH code to simulate and analyze collisions of asteroids consisting of two types of material: basaltic rock and ice. We consider effects like brittle failure, fragmentation, and merging in different impact scenarios. After validating our code against previously published results we present first collision results based on measured values for the Weibull flaw distribution parameters of basalt.Comment: Accepted and to be published in Astronomical Note

    Stand der institutionellen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Berlin und Brandenburg

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    Der Beitrag skizziert den bisherigen Verlauf der beiderseitigen BemĂŒhungen zur Einrichtung gemeinsamer institutioneller Strukturen im Bereich der Landesplanung und Raumordnung, der Regionalplanung und der interkommunalen Abstimmung von BauleitplĂ€nen. Trotz z. T. erheblicher anfĂ€nglicher Dissense ist es den beiden LĂ€nder inzwischen gelungen, in den grundsĂ€tzlichen Fragen der Landesplanung und Raumordnung mit der Einigung auf das Konzept der dezentralen Konzentration einen weitgehenden Konsens zu erreichen. In dieser Phase haben die kurzfristig geschaffenen informellen Gremien und Prozeduren auf Regierungs- und Verwaltungsebene offenbar hinreichend funktioniert. Dem entspricht die Situation im Bereich des nunmehr anstehenden Aufbaus der erforderlichen gemeinsamen Institutionen zur Konkretisierung und Realisierung dieses Konsens noch nicht. Ein besonders deutliches und dringlich zu beseitigendes Defizit ergibt sich im Bereich des engeren Verflechtungsraumes Brandenburg/Berlin. Die vor allem von Brandenburg forcierte Entscheidung, fĂŒr diesen Raum einen gemeinsamen, durch Staatsvertrag zu beschließenden Landesentwicklungsplan aufzustellen, kann allein die dringlichen örtlichen Abstimmungsprobleme ebensowenig lösen wie die vom BauGB vorgeschriebene interkommunale Abstimmung. Angesichts des Zuschnitts der Regionalen Planungsgemeinschaften erscheint es daher geboten, die im Eckpunkte-Bericht als konsensfĂ€hig bezeichnete Einrichtung eines Berlin-brandenburgischen kommunalen Verbandes fĂŒr diesen Raum zĂŒgig zu realisieren

    Young Cities – Urban Energy Efficiency : The German-Iranian Research Project ; Accomplishments and Objectives

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    Gefördert vom Bundesministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung / Sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchThis is the first volume of the Young Cities Research Paper series presenting the scientific results of the mutual Iranian-German research Project Young Cities – Urban Energy Efficiency. Developing Energy-Efficient Urban Fabric in the Tehran-Karaj Region. The Project is funded for the German side by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research bmbf. From the Iranian side, the Building and Housing Research Center bhrc and the New Towns Development Corporation ntdc as the main Project Partners are both affiliated to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development mhud. The Young Cities Research Paper series shall disseminate the scientific results gained from project. The first volume is published on occasion of the completion of the first of the Pilot Project, i. e. the New Quality Pilot project building in Hashtgerd New Tow. Hashtgerd New Town, 70 km to the west of Tehran and 35 km to the west of Karaj forms the spatial focus of the Young Cities project. It is the place of intervention and for testing and trying the solutions and concepts developed for energy-efficient and sustainable urban design and planning, infrastructure provision, and object planning by the Iranian and German partners. The solutions shall, however, be applicable and transferable to other places in the Tehran-Karaj region as well as in Iran and in the Middle East North Africa region mena. The Young cities Project belongs to a worldwide “family” of ten research projects that are funded by the German bmbf and dedicated to the question of energy efficient urban development in future megacities. The other projects of this family are located in India, China, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Morocco, South Africa and Peru. The basic idea and commitment of this German research program is to produce research results useful for growing megacities. This research has to be done not on but for the growing megacities concerned and together with partners in these regions. In the case of the Young Cities project this led to an intensive and constructive cooperation between TU Berlin and the Iranian partners conducted by bhrc. The Research Paper series is intended to present the scientific results from the Young Cities project, while the consulting products including guidelines, software tools, instruments etc. are assembled after application and testing in a real project in Hashtgerd New Town and evaluation in a successively enlarged Manual. Since this first volume of the Young Cities Research Paper presents the overall Young Cities project in Farsi for the first time, focus is only partly laid on the results but also on its outline and objectives and only gives a glimpse into the first accomplishments and results. The present first volume of the Young Cities Research Paper series is to introduce the overall Young Cities Project with its accomplishments up to June 2010. It is divided into four main parts on the background of the project, its objectives and methodological approach, the results and accomplishments reached so far, and an outlook on the future progress of the project. The accomplishments form the main part and the focus of the volume. However, as the first volume, the Young Cities Project is also introduced with respect to some background information and primarily to its objectives and methodology forming the introduction into the whole series. Printed Version published by UniversitĂ€tsverlag der TU Berlin (http://verlag.tu-berlin.de), ISBN 978-3-7983-2255-

    Baryonic and mesonic 3-point functions with open spin indices

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    We have implemented a new way of computing three-point correlation functions. It is based on a factorization of the entire correlation function into two parts which are evaluated with open spin- (and to some extent flavor-) indices. This allows us to estimate the two contributions simultaneously for many different initial and final states and momenta, with little computational overhead. We explain this factorization as well as its efficient implementation in a new library which has been written to provide the necessary functionality on modern parallel architectures and on CPUs, including Intel's Xeon Phi series.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of Lattice 201
