458 research outputs found

    Analisi delle implicazioni dell’applicazione dell’emission trading scheme al trasporto aereo

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    Al fine di valutare il contributo che il settore del trasporto aereo potrebbe offrire all’efficace perseguimento, su scala europea, degli obiettivi del Protocollo di Kyoto, il presente lavoro intende analizzare le caratteristiche del sistema di emissions trading e le implicazioni della sua futura estensione al settore del trasporto aereo. Il lavoro richiama le dinamiche che hanno informato il processo europeo di codecisione volto alla modifica della Direttiva ETS 2003/87/CE, per poi focalizzarsi sulla valutazione degli impatti che potranno prodursi, con specifico riferimento al quadro nazionale italiano, a seguito dell’applicazione del meccanismo agli operatori aerei. In particolare, si evidenziano le criticità associate al funzionamento del sistema, essenzialmente riconducibili alla necessità di conciliare il carattere internazionale dell’attività del trasporto aereo con il ruolo oggi assunto dagli Stati Membri quali effettivi garanti del rispetto degli obiettivi ambientali. Più specificamente, il lavoro si articola a partire dall’analisi dei criteri che sono stati individuati per l’attribuzione delle responsabilità di gestione del sistema ETS, sottolineando quegli elementi che, attraverso l’estensione all’aviazione, ne accresceranno il “carattere comunitario”, ridimensionando le competenze nazionali a favore di una maggior centralità delle istituzioni europee. Quindi, nell’intento di fornire un ordine di grandezza dei costi che l’estensione del sistema all’aviazione produrrà, si procede con la stima del contributo alle emissioni di gas serra prodotte dal trasporto aereo italiano, esaminandone le peculiarità a partire dall’osservazione e dall’analisi diretta di singoli dati specifici del settore.Protocollo di Kyoto, quote di emissione, trasporto aereo.

    Ulysses S. Grant

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    Brief biography An introduction to new Grant scholarship If you haven\u27t noticed, a new wave of scholarship has been challenging much of what previous generations concluded about Ulysses S. Grant. Maligned for years as a butcher of a general or an inept president, historians have ...

    The Standards the Court Uses to Determine the Priority of a Party’s Entitlement to Dividends in a Bankruptcy Proceeding

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    (Excerpt) Although the entitlement to receive dividends is not explicitly addressed in the United States Bankruptcy Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”), it is likely this right will be categorized as a security interest and thus be subordinated to creditors’ interests in a bankruptcy proceeding. Creditors are entitled to be paid ahead of shareholders in the distribution of corporate assets. Furthermore, securities are subordinated to claims by creditors of the debtors. Presently, all interests not captured by the Bankruptcy Code are analyzed under the residual clause. This clause provides that unless the interest in dispute is explicitly excluded from the definition of a “security”, it will be considered a security if it bears the hallmarks commonly found in securities. The primary inquiry is: Does the interest make this claimant more like an investor or a creditor? Part I of this memorandum will explain what constitutes a security and the role of the residual clause in bankruptcy cases. Part II will assess when a court is likely to declare an interest a “security” despite parties’ attempts to evade the term. The goal is to ensure fair treatment of both shareholders and creditors during Bankruptcy proceedings, in accordance with bargained-for interests

    #Savequicksilver: How Fans of the Mcu Established Their Fan Identities After Pietro’s False Introduction in the Disney+ Series Wandavision

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    The Marvel Cinematic Universe has one of the largest fandoms in the world, thus making this fandom crucial for fandom studies. In this study, I examine how fan interactions demonstrate fan identities and fandom hierarchies after a particular character in the MCU’s first Disney+ series WandaVision was reintroduced and caused a controversy about the actor playing the character . Fans used the hashtag #SaveQuicksilver to express their feelings about Pietro, a character who was brought back into the MCU as a different actor and became a random character in the MCU. This is significant in fan studies because it caused fans to have a large discussion on Twitter. In this study, I am to examining how fans expressed their identities by using the hashtag and engaging in online interactions. In my analysis of tweets using this hashtag, I found overarching themes about how fans express their fandom

    Key Command: Ulysses S. Grant\u27s District of Cairo

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    Grant\u27s Strategic Command The General as Administrator Cairo, Illinois, is the southernmost northern city of the Civil War. It is farther south than Richmond in a state that extends farther north than Cape Cod. The city\u27s location at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio r...

    Combination of Rehabilitative Therapy with Ultramicronized Palmitylethanolamide for Chronic Low Back Pain: An Observational Study

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    Chronic low ba,:k pain (LBP) caused by intervertebral disc herniation was reported in the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study to be the main reason for;zears lived wittL disability. It causes significant personal, social, and economic burdens. Many of those who suffer from LBP find convent:ional medica.l treatments to be unsatisfactory for treating their pain, so they are increasingl'g resorting tcr complementary and alternalive medicine (CAM) therapies. Given that thr: population ir; aging, there is an urgent need to characterize the combinations of complementary therapie:; that yield the best outcomes and treatments, even for prolonged periods. The multiple action of PEA in connbination with CAVI therapies may represent the multitarget approachr needed trc tackle the as-yet unsolved problem of chronic pain resistant to conventional therapie

    Studio RIFRA: il rischio fratturativo in Italia

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    L'osteoporosi \ue8 un disordine scheletrico cronico-evolutivo, caratferizzato dalla perdita dell'equilibrio del metabolismo osseo con conseguente degenerazione quantitativa e qualitativa che compromette la resistenza dell'osso e predispone ad un aumentato rischio di fratture. Colpisce soprattutto il sesso femminile,conunaprevalenza del33%nelrange tra60eT0aacheaumentaconl'avanzaredell'et\ue0. Pu\uf2 rimanere clinicamente silente e successivamente manifestarsi con fratture (vertebrali 100.000 casi/anno, di polso 85.000 casi/anno e femorali 80.000 casi/anno). Le fratture da fragilit\ue0 comportano gravi conse gse\ueeze, sia a livello clinico individuale che sociale ed economico; rappresenrano pertanto una fonte di disabilit\ue0 complessa, che in quanto tale necessita di una presa in carico globale. Lo studio RIFRA nasce da un'idea del GISMO per rispondere alla necessit\ue0 primaria di quantificare il reale rischio fratturativo in Italia attraverso una specifica scheda e di valutare l'influenza delle comorbilit\ue0 e delle terapie corelate al rischio di frattura. L'obiettivo secondario analizzare \a percentuale di pazienti sottoposti a trattamento farmacologico in relazione ai valori densitometrici e alle pregresse fratture, nonch\ue9 valutare la prevalenza di fratture da fragilit\ue0 nella popol azione in studio

    Learning Together: Cohort-Based Capacity Building and the Ripple Effects of Collaboration

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    Foundations frequently commission evaluations and are the primary audiences for findings. Grantee organizations, however, often don’t see the results, or they find in them limited value and relevance to their own work. Funders like the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation are quietly disrupting this status quo by exploring ways to fully engage grantees, co-funders, technical consultants, and evaluators in collective learning and reflection. The foundation’s comprehensive, cohort-based capacity-building program, PropelNext, was designed to enhance the performance of promising nonprofits that serve America’s disadvantaged youth. With a combination of financial support, individualized coaching, and peer-learning sessions, grantees engage in a test-and-learn cycle to promote a culture of learning and continuous improvement. This article explores what collaborative learning looks like in the PropelNext context and how foundations can “practice what they preach” by modeling a reflective practice, sharing what they’re learning, and supporting evaluations that surface information that is useful to everyone. It also discusses findings related to collaborative learning for both a regionally based and a nationally based cohort. Finally, it highlights specific strategies and tools to promote collaborative learning and to leverage peer networks in ways that can accelerate change, strengthen funder-grantee interactions, and advance the field

    The effectiveness of intra-articular injectionc of Hyalubrix combined with exercise therapy in the tratment of hip osteoarthritis

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    Purpose. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder in the elderly, causing significant pain which negatively affects mobility and quality ol liie. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of ultrasound \ucdmage-guided intra-articular injections of Hyalubrix@ combined with exercise therapy in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis. Methods. This was a single site, prosp\ue8ctive, open-fabel, Investigator-initiated study. Forty patients rilere enrolled and received three ultrasound image.guided injections of Hyalubrix@, 45 days apart, combined with three sessions a week of phys\uedcal therapy (proprioceptive rehabilitation of the lower limbs; gait training; balance training) up to a total of 30 sessions (10 weeks), starting from one week after the first injection. Results. The primary obiective was to achieve a lasting reduction in OA symptoms related to pain during activity. During the course of the study the pain perceived by the patient during activity dropped from a mean value of 6.94 cm to a mean value of 1.46 cm and showed a statistically significant decrease from visit 1 compared to baseline (p < 0.05) which was confirmed at all the subsequent time points. Significant improvements were also observed in the evaluation of the secondary objectives: hip disability; OA-related pain at rest; daily functioning and NSAIDs intake. Conclusions. Results from this study including 40 patients for a total of 65 treated hips demonstrate a significant improvement in OA-related pain, hip disability, and patient's daily functioning as well as a reduction in NSAIDS intake. Patients suffering from hip OA s\ue8em to benefil from the treatment wiih Hyalubrix@ injections plus exercise therapy
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