50 research outputs found

    Deterministic Linear Time Constrained Triangulation using Simplified Earcut

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    Triangulation algorithms that conform to a set of non-intersecting input segments typically proceed in an incremental fashion, by inserting points first, and then segments. Inserting a segment amounts to: (1) deleting all the triangles it intersects; (2) filling the so generated hole with two polygons that have the wanted segment as shared edge; (3) triangulate each polygon separately. In this paper we prove that these polygons are such that all their convex vertices but two can be used to form triangles in an earcut fashion, without the need to check whether other polygon points are located within each ear. The fact that any simple polygon contains at least three convex vertices guarantees the existence of a valid ear to cut, ensuring convergence. Not only this translates to an optimal deterministic linear time triangulation algorithm, but such algorithm is also trivial to implement. We formally prove the correctness of our approach, also validating it in practical applications and comparing it with prior art

    One Year of Lung Ultrasound in Children with SARS-CoV-2 Admitted to a Tertiary Referral Children's Hospital: A Retrospective Study during 2020-2021

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, the lung ultrasound (LU) turned out to be a pivotal tool to study the lung involvement in the adult population, but the same was not well evaluated in children. We detected the LU patterns through an integrated approach with clinical-laboratory features in children hospitalized for COVID-19 in relation to the temporal trend of the Italian epidemic. We conducted a retrospective study which took place at a pediatric tertiary hospital from 15 March 2020 to 15 March 2021. We compared the characteristics of the initial phase of the first COVID-19 year-in the spring and summer (15 March-30 September 2020)-and those of the second phase-in the autumn and winter (1 October 2020-15 March 2021). Twenty-eight patients were studied both in the first and in the second phase of the first COVID-19 year. The disease severity score (DSS) was significantly greater in the second phase (p = 0.015). In the second phase of the first COVID-19 year, we detected a more significant occurrence of the following LU features than in the first phase: the irregular pleural line (85.71% vs. 60.71%; p = 0.035), the B-lines (89.29% vs. 60%; p = 0.003) and the several but non-coalescent B-lines (89.29% vs. 60%; p = 0.003). The LU score correlated significantly with the DSS, with a moderate relationship (r = 0.51, p < 0.001). The combined clinical, laboratory and ultrasound approaches might be essential in the evaluation of pulmonary involvement in children affected by COVID-19 during different periods of the pandemic

    Skeleton based cage generation guided by harmonic fields

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    International audienceWe propose a novel user-assisted cage generation tool. We start from a digital character and its skeleton, and create a coarse control cage for its animation. Our method requires minimal interaction to select bending points on the skeleton, and computes the corresponding cage automatically. The key contribution is a volumetric field defined in the interior of the character and embedding the skeleton. The integral lines of such field are used to propagate cutting surfaces from the interior of the character to its skin, and allow us to robustly trace non-planar cross sections that adapt to the local shape of the character. Our method overcomes previous approaches that rely on the popular (but tedious and limiting) cutting planes. We validated our software on a variety of digital characters. Our final cages are coarse yet entirely compliant with the structure induced by the underlying skeleton, enriched with the semantics provided by the bending points selected by the user. Automatic placement of bending nodes for a fully automatic caging pipeline is also supported

    Environmental and Oceanographic Conditions at the Continental Margin of the Central Basin, Northwestern Ross Sea (Antarctica) since the Last Glacial Maximum

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    The continental margin is a key area for studying the sedimentary processes related to the advance and retreat of the Ross Ice Shelf (Antarctica); nevertheless, much remains to be investigated. The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge of the last glacial/deglacial dynamics in the Central Basin slope–basin system using a multidisciplinary approach, including integrated sedimentological, micropaleontological and tephrochronological information. The analyses carried out on three box cores highlighted sedimentary sequences characterised by tree stratigraphic units. Collected sediments represent a time interval from 24 ka Before Present (BP) to the present time. Grain size clustering and data on the sortable silt component, together with diatom, silicoflagellate and foraminifera assemblages indicate the influence of the ice shelf calving zone (Unit 1, 24–17 ka BP), progressive receding due to Circumpolar Deep Water inflow (Unit 2, 17–10.2 ka BP) and (Unit 3, 10.2 ka BP–present) the establishment of seasonal sea ice with a strengthening of bottom currents. The dominant and persistent process is a sedimentation controlled by contour currents, which tend to modulate intensity in time and space. A primary volcanic ash layer dated back at around 22 ka BP is correlated with the explosive activity of Mount Rittmann

    Preparedness and response to the covid-19 emergency: Experience from the teaching hospital of Pisa, Italy

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    In Italy, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emergency took hold in Lombardy and Veneto at the end of February 2020 and spread unevenly among the other regions in the following weeks. In Tuscany, the progressive increase of hospitalized COVID-19 patients required the set-up of a regional task force to prepare for and effectively respond to the emergency. In this case report, we aim to describe the key elements that have been identified and implemented in our center, a 1082-bed hospital located in the Pisa district, to rapidly respond to the COVID-19 outbreak in order to guarantee safety of patients and healthcare workers

    Rewriting rules for the dual graph of a stripified CLOD mesh

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    A triangular mesh is the piecewise linear approximation of a sampled or analytical surface, when each patch is a triangle. The connectivity of the mesh can be easily represented using its dual graph. Each node of such a graph has at most three incident edges; if the surface is homeomorphic to a sphere, each node has exactly three incident edges. Several triangular meshes, representing the same surface, with an increasing number of triangles are a representation of the surface at different levels of detail (LOD). When the number of triangles from one LOD to another varies continuously we call such a structure a continuous level of detail (CLOD) approximation of the surface. Given a CLOD data structure we can extract, at each level, the mesh representing the surface and derive its dual graph. If we group the triangles forming each mesh in strips, to accelerate their rendering, we should use two colors for the dual graph's edges to distinguish between the edges linking nodes belonging to the same strip or not. The main goal of this paper is to present a set of rules to recolor the dual graph of the mesh when passing from one LOD to the next and back. The operations used to change the mesh are a Vertex Split (VS) when the resolution increases, and an Edge Collapse (EC) when the resolution decreases. We can, then, use a local topological analysis to derive the rules allowing to recolor the graph, and to show that, under certain conditions, the recoloring is optimal. This allows to keep effectively an optimal triangle strip structure over the mesh, while changing its resolution

    Partitioning Meshes into Strips using the Enhanced Tunnelling Algorithm

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    Triangle meshes are the most used representations for three-dimensional objects, and triangle strips are the organization of triangles mostly used for efficient rendering. Since the problem of optimal strip decomposition of a given mesh is NP-complete, many different heuristics have been proposed; the quality of the stripification is usually evaluated using standard indicators as the total number of strips, the number of isolated triangles, the cache coherence, the number of swap vertices. In this paper we present the Enhanced Tunnelling Algorithm (ETA), a stripification method working on the dual graph of a mesh. The method uses a sophisticated mechanism of dynamical update of identifiers, guided by a localization procedure. The algorithm adopts a modified search approach in the dual graph that accelerated the convergence speed of the algorithm. The ETA results efficient and robust, able to deal with datasets of any dimension. The quality of the stripification is remarkable: very few strips (not seldom just one), no isolated triangles, good cache coherence (ACMR value), good number of vertex per triangle

    An Iterative Stripification Algorithm Based on Dual Graph Operations

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    This paper describes the preliminary results obtained using an iterative method for generating a set of triangle strips from a mesh of triangles. The algorithm uses a simple topological operation on the dual graph of the mesh, to generate an initial stripification and iteratively rearrange and decrease the number of strips. Our method is a major improvement of a proposed one originally devised for both static and continuous level-of-detail (CLOD) meshes and retains this feature. The usage of a dynamical identification strategy for the strips allows us to drastically reduce the length of the searching paths in the graph needed for the rearrangement and produce loop-free triangle strips without any further controls and post-processing

    Efficiently Keeping an Optimal Stripification over a CLOD Mesh

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    In this paper we present an algorithm of simple implementation but very effective that guarantees to keep an optimal stripification (in term of frames per seconds) over a progressive mesh. The algorithm builds on-the-fly the stripification on a mesh at a selected level-of-details (LOD) using the stripifications built, during a pre-processing stage, at the lowest and highest LODs. To reach this goal the algorithm uses two different operations on the dual graph of the mesh: when the user changes the mesh resolution the mesh+strips local configuration is looked up in a table and, after a vertex split operation, the strips are rearranged accordingly, immediately after a sequence of special topological operation called “tunneling” with short tunnel length are started till the number of isolated triangles in the mesh get under 10% of the total number of strips. Moreover, when the user select a relevant LOD it can trigger a tunnelling with higher tunnel length to optimize the stripification. Using these operations we are able to keep the progressive mesh stripified in a time of the same order of magnitude of the time needed to change the resolution and, only if required, to perform a time-demanding optimization. Only the stripifications generated by explicit user requests are stored to serve as optimal starting points for further inspection. In this way we can always feed the graphics board with a triangle strip representation of the mesh at any LOD. The results we present demonstrate that we can tightly couple each sequence of vertex splits used to increase the resolution of the progressive mesh with: a simple rearrangement of the strips followed by a very cheap stripification search with a predetermined strategy. A strong feature of the method is that the local rearrangement leads to an implementation that keeps almost constant the execution time. The results of the visualization benchmarks are very good: comparing the rendering of the stripified (using this strategy) and the non stripified meshes we can, on average, double the frames per seconds rate

    Fast Approximation of the Shape Diameter Function

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    In this paper we propose an optimization of the Shape Diameter Function (SDF) that we call Accelerated SDF (ASDF). We discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the original SDF definition, proposing theoretical and practical approaches for speedup and approximation. Using Poisson-based interpolation we compute the SDF value for a small subset of randomly distributed faces and propagate the values over the mesh. We show the results obtained with ASDF versus SDF in terms of timings and error