17 research outputs found

    Towards a Computed-Aided Diagnosis System in Colonoscopy: Automatic Polyp Segmentation Using Convolution Neural Networks

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    Early diagnosis is essential for the successful treatment of bowel cancers including colorectal cancer (CRC), and capsule endoscopic imaging with robotic actuation can be a valuable diagnostic tool when combined with automated image analysis. We present a deep learning rooted detection and segmentation framework for recognizing lesions in colonoscopy and capsule endoscopy images. We restructure established convolution architectures, such as VGG and ResNets, by converting them into fully-connected convolution networks (FCNs), fine-tune them and study their capabilities for polyp segmentation and detection. We additionally use shape-from-shading (SfS) to recover depth and provide a richer representation of the tissue’s structure in colonoscopy images. Depth is incorporated into our network models as an additional input channel to the RGB information and we demonstrate that the resulting network yields improved performance. Our networks are tested on publicly available datasets and the most accurate segmentation model achieved a mean segmentation interception over union (IU) of 47.78% and 56.95% on the ETIS-Larib and CVC-Colon datasets, respectively. For polyp detection, the top performing models we propose surpass the current state-of-the-art with detection recalls superior to 90% for all datasets tested. To our knowledge, we present the first work to use FCNs for polyp segmentation in addition to proposing a novel combination of SfS and RGB that boosts performance

    The evolution of the Australian ‘ndrangheta. An historical perspective

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    This paper explores the phenomenon of the ‘ndrangheta – a criminal organisation from Calabria, South of Italy and allegedly the most powerful among the Italian mafias – through its migrating routes. In particular, by focusing on the peculiar case of Australia, the paper aims to show the overlapping of migrating flows with criminal colonisation, which has proven to be a strategy of this particular mafia. The paper uses the very thin literature on the subject alongside official reports and newspaper articles on migration and crime, mainly from Italian sources, to trace an historical journey on the migration of people from Calabria to Australia in various moments of the last century. The aim is to present the evolution and growth of Calabrian clans in Australia. The topic is largely unexplored and is still underreported among Australian institutions and scholars, which is why the paper chooses an historical approach to describe the principal paths in this very new field of research

    Transnacionalismo e industria: tres empresarios italianos en la Argentina ( 1946-1976)

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    Biografias comparadas de tres empresarios italianos ( Cesar Civita, Agostino Rocca, Torcuato Di Tella) en la Argentina. Transnacionalismo, redes sociales, mercados, tecnologia, cultura

    "Pol\uedtica, ciencia y raza en Am\ue9rica Latina. La misi\uf3n de Corrado Gini en M\ue9xico y el proyecto HGDP de Luca Cavalli Sforza

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    El articulo compara la expedicion realizada por Corrado Gini en Mexico en 1933 para estudiar "grupos etnicos primitivos aislados" y el projecto HGDP de Luca Cavalli Sforza ( 1991) que queria analizar grupos indigenas aislados en el mundo. Las investigaciones de Gini fue bien acogida por el gobierno mexicano. Los estudios de Cavalli Sforza encontraron la hostilidad de los movimientos indianistas en America latina que acusaron el projecto HGDP de ser racista

    Italia y el proceso de independencia de Am\ue9rica latina en los estudios historicos italianos

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    El ensajo analiza como en los estudios historicos italianos la independencia de America Latina fue estudiada en relacion al proceso de independencia italian

    Fascisti in Sud America

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    Questo volume mostra come i fascisti italiani in Sud America siano stati una componente importante delle società d’oltreoceano tra gli anni Venti e Trenta. A paesi, come l’Argentina, il Brasile, il Perù, duramente colpite dalla crisi economica e dalla necessità di rivedere il proprio modello di sviluppo, la leadership e la partnership commerciali, l’Italia fascista si propose come una alternativa credibile e moderna


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    Trata las formas de circulaci\uf3n de ideas y personas e ideas entre Europa y las Am\ue9ricas desde el siglo XIX hasta 1950 poniendo en evidencia las redes de intercambio establecidas en el \ue1mbito intelectual, cient\uedfico y art\uedstico

    As origens da participação da América Latina na Organização de Saúde da Liga das Nações, 1920 a 1940 The League of Nations Health Organization and the rise of Latin American participation, 1920-40

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    A Organização de Saúde da Liga das Nações colaborou com especialistas latino-americanos em saúde pública e doenças infecciosas desde o início da década de 1920 e até a eclosão da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Desenvolveu estudos sobre saúde e nutrição infantil e sobre a lepra. A abordagem foi orientada por especialistas, tendo em mira o desenvolvimento da saúde pública em bases científicas. Houve conferências, visitas e relatórios sobre a América Latina. O artigo demonstra que a colaboração da América Latina com aquela organização internacional de saúde foi ampla e multifacetada.<br>The League of Nations Health Organization collaborated with Latin American specialists in public health and infectious diseases from the early 1920s to the outbreak of the Second World War. The League developed studies of infant health and nutrition, and leprosy. The approach was expert-oriented, and designed to develop public health on a scientific basis. There were conferences, tours and reports in Latin America. This paper demonstrates that the Latin American collaboration with the Health Organization was extensive and multi-faceted