103 research outputs found

    The wavelength dependence of polarization in NGC 2023

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    NGC 2023 is a bright reflection nebula illuminated by the central star HD37903. At 2 microns the nebula is seen solely by reflected light from the central star but in the NIR there is excess radiation that is supposed to arise from thermal emission from a population of small grains (Sellgren, 1984). The unexpectedly high surface brightness at R and I wavelengths has led to the suggestion that even at these wavelengths there is a significant contribution from this thermal emission process (Witt, Schild, and Kraiman, 1984). If the nebula is seen by reflected starlight then this radiation will be linearly polarized. The level of polarization depends on the scattering geometry, grain size distribution, etc., and is typically 20 to 40 percent for nebulae such as NGC 1999 which is morphologically similar to NGC 2023. If, in any waveband, there is a contribution of radiation from emission processes this radiation will be unpolarized and will serve to dilute the scattered radiation to give a lower level of observed polarization. A study of the wavelength dependence of polarization in nebulae in which there may be thermal emission from grains will indicate the contribution from this process to the total luminosity. Polarization maps were produced in BVRI wavebands for the NGC 2023 nebulosity which confirm that at all wavelengths it is a reflection nebula illuminated by a central star. The wavelength dependence of polarization at representative points in the nebula and in a scatter plot of polarization in V and I wavebands at all points at which measurements are given. Results indicate that throughout the nebula there is a general trend for the level of polarization to increase with wavelength and that maximum levels of polarization occur at the longest wavelengths. No evidence is seen in the data for any significant contribution from the thermal emission from grains in the BVRI luminosity of NGC 2023

    The discovery of a highly polarized bipolar nebula

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    During a search for the optical counterparts of IRAS sources whose flux peaks at 25 microns, a small faint bipolar nebula was discovered in Monoceros at the position of IRAS 07131-0147. The CCD images display the object's considerable structure. The central star seems relatively free of closeby nebulosity: the two lobes have a bow-tie structure with those parts nearest to the star consisting of series of small knots. The outer parts of the lobes seem to be made up of filaments streaming away from knots. On the basis of its optical spectrum, the central star was classified as a M5-6 giant. In the IRAS color classification scheme of Van der Veen and Habing (1988), the central star is VIb which indicates that there are distinct hot and cold components of circumstellar dust and that the mass loss process may have temporarily abated. Therefore, it is proposed that the object is in the post main sequence stage of evolution and is a protoplanetary nebulae. Young protoplanetary nebulae have totally obscured central stars illuminating reflective lobes whereas older ones such as M2-9 have lobes seen in emission from gas ionized by the central hot star which is clearly visible. Since the central object of IRAS07131-0147 is a relatively unobscured late type star and the lobes are seen only by reflection, it is suggested that this nebula is a protoplanetary nebula in an evolutionary stage intermediate between that of CRL2688 and M2-9

    Optical Spectropolarimetry and Asphericity of Type Ic SN 2007gr

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    We present optical spectropolarimetric observations of Type Ic supernova (SN) 2007gr with Subaru telescope at 21 days after the maximum brightness (~37 days after the explosion). Non-zero polarization as high as ~3% is observed at the absorption feature of Ca II IR triplet. The polarization of the continuum light is ~0.5% if we estimate the interstellar polarization (ISP) component assuming that the continuum polarization has a single polarization angle. This suggests that the axis ratio of the SN photosphere projected to the sky is different from unity by ~10%. The polarization angle at the Ca II absorption is almost aligned to that of the continuum light. These features may be understood by the model where a bipolar explosion with an oblate photosphere is viewed from the slightly off-axis direction and explosively synthesized Ca near the polar region obscures the light originated around the minor axis of the SN photosphere. Given the uncertainty of the ISP, however, the polarization data could also be interpreted by the model with an almost spherically symmetric photosphere and a clumpy Ca II distribution.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Absorption-Line Probes of Gas and Dust in Galactic Superwinds

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    We discuss moderate resolution spectra of the NaD absorption-line in a sample of 32 far-IR-bright starburst galaxies. In 18 cases, the line is produced primarily by interstellar gas, and in 12 of these it is blueshifted by over 100 km/s relative to the galaxy systemic velocity. The absorption-line profiles in these outflow sources span the range from near the galaxy systemic velocity to a maximum blueshift of 400 to 600 km/s. The outflows occur in galaxies systematically viewed more nearly face-on than the others. We therefore argue that the absorbing material consists of ambient interstellar gas accelerated along the minor axis of the galaxy by a hot starburst-driven superwind. The NaD lines are optically-thick, but indirect arguments imply total Hydrogen column densities of N_H = few X 10^{21} cm^{-2}. This implies that the superwind is expelling matter at a rate comparable to the star-formation rate. This outflowing material is very dusty: we find a strong correlation between the depth of the NaD profile and the line-of-sight reddening (E(B-V) = 0.3 to 1 over regions several-to-ten kpc in size). The estimated terminal velocities of superwinds inferred from these data and extant X-ray data are typically 400 to 800 km/s, are independent of the galaxy rotation speed, and are comparable to (substantially exceed) the escape velocities for L∗L_* (dwarf) galaxies. The resulting loss of metals can establish the mass-metallicity relation in spheroids, produce the observed metallicity in the ICM, and enrich a general IGM to 10−1^{-1} solar metallicity. If the outflowing dust grains survive their journey into the IGM, their effect on observations of cosmologically-distant objects is significant.Comment: 65 pages, including 16 figures. ApJ, in pres

    First Observations of the Magnetic Field Geometry in Pre-stellar Cores

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    We present the first published maps of magnetic fields in pre-stellar cores, to test theoretical ideas about the way in which the magnetic field geometry affects the star formation process. The observations are JCMT-SCUBA maps of 850 micron thermal emission from dust. Linear polarizations at typically ten or more independent positions in each of three objects, L1544, L183 and L43 were measured, and the geometries of the magnetic fields in the plane of the sky were mapped from the polarization directions. The observed polarizations in all three objects appear smooth and fairly uniform. In L1544 and L183 the mean magnetic fields are at an angle of around 30 degrees to the minor axes of the cores. The L43 B-field appears to have been influenced in its southern half, such that it is parallel to the wall of a cavity produced by a CO outflow from a nearby T Tauri star, whilst in the northern half the field appears less disturbed and has an angle of 44 degrees to the core minor axis. We briefly compare our results with published models of magnetized cloud cores and conclude that no current model can explain these observations simultaneously with previous ISOCAM data.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figs, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Current developments in gene therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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    INTRODUCTION: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating adult neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor neuron degeneration and death around 3 years from onset. So far, riluzole is the only treatment available, although it only offers a slight increase in survival. The complex etiology of ALS, with several genes able to trigger the disease, makes its study difficult. Areas covered: RNA-mediated or protein-mediated toxic gain-of-function leading to motor neuron degeneration appears to be likely common pathogenic mechanisms in ALS. Consequently, gene therapy technologies to reduce toxic RNA and/or proteins and to protect motor neurons by modulating gene expression are at the forefront of the field. Here, we review the most promising scientific advances, paying special attention to the successful treatments tested in animal models as well as analyzing relevant gene therapy clinical trials. Expert opinion: Despite broad advances in target gene identification in ALS and advances in gene therapy technologies, a successful gene therapy for ALS continues to elude researchers. Multiple hurdles encompassing technical, biological, economical and clinical challenges must be overcome before a therapy for patients becomes available. Optimism remains due to positive results obtained in several in vivo studies demonstrating significant disease amelioration in animal models of ALS

    Formation of Large-Scale Obscuring Wall and AGN Evolution Regulated by Circumnuclear Starbursts

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    By considering the radiative force by a circumnuclear starburst as well as an AGN, we analyze the equilibrium configuration and the stability of dusty gas in the circumnuclear regions. It is found that the radiative force by an intensive starburst can support a stable gaseous wall with a scale-height of several hundred parsecs. Moreover, by taking the simple stellar evolution in the starburst into account, we find that the covering factor of the wall decreases on a time-scale of several 10710^7 yr. The large-scale wall, if formed, works to obscure the nucleus due to the dust opacity. Hence, it is anticipated that the index of AGN type tends to shift from higher to lower in several 10710^7 yr according as the circumnuclear starburst becomes dimmer. On the other hand, if the AGN itself is brighter than the circumnuclear starburst (e.g. quasar case), no stable large-scale wall forms. In that case, the AGN is highly probably identified as type 1. The present mechanism may provide a physical explanation for the putative correlation between AGN type and host properties that Sy2's are more frequently associated with circumnuclear starbursts than Sy1's, whereas quasars are mostly observed as type 1 regardless of star-forming activity in the host galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, ApJ Letters in pres

    High-Resolution Near-Infrared Imaging and Polarimetry of Four Proto-Planetary Nebulae

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    High-resolution near-infrared HST NICMOS (F160W, F222M) images and polarization (2 um) observations were made of four bipolar proto-planetary nebulae (PPNs): IRAS 17150-3224, IRAS 17441-2411, IRAS 17245-3951, and IRAS 16594-4656. The first three of these are viewed nearly edge-on, and for the first time the central stars in them are seen. Color maps reveal a reddened torus between the bipolar lobes in the edge-on cases, with bluer lobes. The polarization values are high, with maximum values ranging from 40 to 80%. The polarization patterns are basically centrosymmetric, with some deviations in the low polarization equatorial regions. For IRAS 17150-3224, circumstellar arcs are seen at 1.6 um, along with a newly-discovered loop in the equatorial region. Bright caps are seen at the end of the lobes, indicating that they are not open-ended. A distinct point-symmetric pattern is seen in the strengths of the polarization vectors, especially in IRAS 17150-3224. HST NICMOS observations provide a valuable complement to the WFPC2 visible images in deriving the basic structure of bipolar PPNs.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal higher resolution figures are available on http://katherine.as.arizona.edu/~ksu/cv/su_nicmos7840.ps.g

    Three quasars from a survey of strong 25-µm emitters

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    We have carried out a spectroscopic survey of 750 sources that are strong 25-μm emitters from the IRAS Faint Source data base. Many of these sources are previously unknown active galactic nuclei including new IRAS quasars, three of which we describe here: F21382−2659, Z06367−6845 and Z05558−5008. They are all radio and X-ray quiet, and compared to the known IRAS quasars they have similar 25-μm luminosities, L(25 μm), but lower values of L(25 μm)/L(B). Their F(25 μm)/F(60 μm) IRAS colours lie in the range 0.33 to 1.08, indicating the presence of relatively warm dust, presumably in a dusty torus surrounding the central source, and with temperatures similar to those of the known IRAS quasars. The quasar with the warmest dust, F21382−2659, exhibits broad (full width at half-maximum ~4000 km s^(−1)) asymmetric Balmer lines with Hγ having an opposite asymmetry to the other broad lines; also Hβ (only) is double-peaked. Fe ii is very weak in F21382−2659 but strong in the other two quasars, and the anticorrelation between Fe ii and [O iii] holds as anticipated. Two of the quasars are unpolarized: although F21382−2659 is optically polarized (2.1 per cent at 4950 Å), we argue that this provides little insight into the orientation of its dust torus relative to the line of sight

    Evidence for Extremely High Dust Polarization Efficiency in NGC 3184

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    Recent studies have found the Type II-plateau supernova (SN) 1999gi to be highly polarized (p_max = 5.8%, where p_max is the highest degree of polarization measured in the optical bandpass; Leonard & Filippenko 2001) and minimally reddened (E[B-V] = 0.21 +/- 0.09 mag; Leonard et al. 2002). From multiple lines of evidence, including the convincing fit of a ``Serkowski'' interstellar polarization (ISP) curve to the continuum polarization shape, we conclude that the bulk of the observed polarization is likely due to dust along the line of sight (l-o-s), and is not intrinsic to SN 1999gi. We present new spectropolarimetric observations of four distant Galactic stars close to the l-o-s to SN 1999gi (two are within 0.02 degrees), and find that all are null to within 0.2%, effectively eliminating Galactic dust as the cause of the high polarization. The high ISP coupled with the low reddening implies an extraordinarily high polarization efficiency for the dust along this l-o-s in NGC 3184: ISP / E(B-V) = 31^{+22}_{-9} % mag^{-1}. This is inconsistent with the empirical Galactic limit (ISP / E[B-V] < 9% mag^{-1}), and represents the highest polarization efficiency yet confirmed for a single sight line in either the Milky Way or an external galaxy.Comment: 27 pages, accepted for publication by the Astronomical Journa
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