1,299 research outputs found

    Il lessico di AusiĂ s March: problemi di traduzione

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    The paper aims to underline the difficulties inherent in translating a poet such as AusiĂ s March. All those who have endeavored to translate March in a modern language are well aware of the danger of betraying the original text. Translators have to face potential pitfalls like the often obscure syntax of March's poems, their semantic density, their comparison-based structure, and their liberal usage of specialized languages (legal, medical, nautical, etc.). On the basis of the work that was carried out for IVITRA, my paper intends to offer a survey of the typology of the problems in translating March

    Mort es lo reis, morta es midonz. Une étude sur les planhs en langue d’oc

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    Lo studio è incentrato sul genere del planh in lingua d’oc, il lamento funebre composto in morte della donna amata o del signore. In particolare vengono indagate le caratteristiche formali proprie del genere che in molti casi rispondono a topoi consolidatisi nel medioevo anche grazie ai manuali precettivi delle Artes poetriae. L’analisi mette in luce le peculiarità del genere in lingua d’oc rispetto ai planctus mediolatini individuando alcuni elementi retorici nuovi (rinuncia al canto, impossibilità di suicidarsi per chi resta in vita, assoluto rilievo dell’io lirico rispetto al defunto etc.). Lo studio propone inoltre una ridefinizione del corpus dei planhs occitani, espungendo dalle liste precedentemente stilate da Alfred Jeanroy e da Maria Ida Opocher Cevese i testi che per motivi cronologici o contenutistici non possono afferire al genere ed aggiungendo i componimenti o sfuggiti alla critica o venuti recentemente alla luce, come il planh anonimo in morte di Giovanni di Cucagna ritrovato negli Archivi Capitolari di Cividale del Friuli

    Sail d’Escola, Gran esfortz fai qui chanta ni·s deporta (BdT 430.1)

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    L'articolo propone una nuova interpretazione dell'unico testo pervenutoci del trovatore Salh d'Escola. Presenta inoltre alcune modifiche critiche all'edizione di riferimento

    Tipologie dell’esordio nei poeti della Scuola siciliana tra riprese e mutamenti

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    Il saggio propone una classificazione delle modalitĂ  di esordio dei poeti siciliani volta a cogliere riprese e mutamenti rispetto al modello trobadorico

    Developments in Accounting Education

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    Whether in public practice, industry, government, or academia, all CPAs face the challenge of staying current with the competencies, skills, requirements, and demands associated with the profession. College accounting professors received important guidance in their mission to educate and advise accounting students at the recent Accounting Educators Conference sponsored by the NYSSCPA’s Higher Education Committee

    Mentoring the Next Generation

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    The article discusses the highlights of the 2009 Accounting Educators Conference held in New York State. Information about the certified public accountant (CPA) examination, accountancy reform law and accounting education requirements are provided by Dan Dustin of the New York State Board for Public Accountancy. Ebony Thomas of Ernst & Young and Lisa Brandt of UHY Advisors NY Inc. discussed salaries for new accountants and related recruiting issues. Some pieces of advice are offered to CPA who are counseling accounting students

    How the Madoff Fraud Could Affect Your CPA Practice

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    With an estimated $65 billion lost from trust funds, retirement plans, pensions, investment funds, inheritance monies, and nonprofit organizations, many people have been adversely affected by the Ponzi scheme perpetrated by Bernard L. Madoff. When you combine a lot of lost money with a lot of angry people, the result is a lot of lawsuits. The breadth of those lawsuits will encompass all associated with the affected organizations--including CPAs. Those messages were loud and clear at the May 27, 2009, breakfast symposium Are CPAs the Next Madoff Victims? The Accountant\u27s Liability, sponsored by The CPA Journal

    Are 21st Century After School Programs an Effective Academic Intervention for Elementary School Students Attending High Poverty Schools?

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    In America, millions of children are living in poverty and/or attending high poverty schools. These students, on average, score lower on assessments of math and reading achievement than their more affluent peers. The federal government budgets money each year towards interventions targeted to raise the achievement of students living in poverty. 21st Century after school programs have received billions of dollars over the past 20 years towards this goal. This is a secondary analysis of students attending five diverse, high poverty elementary schools in New Hampshire between 2008 and 2013. Ordinary Least Squares multiple regression analyses were used to estimate the impact of participation and dosage in the 21st Century after school program on math and reading achievement for each year of data. Multi-level modeling for change was used to estimate the longitudinal impact of participation and dosage on achievement over time. Results were mixed on the impact of participation on achievement in math and reading. Some years, a negative impact of participation was found; while other years there was no impact. In some years, differential positive impacts of participation were found for students identified as Hispanic, African American, or having special needs. Mixed results were also found for the impact of program dosage on achievement, with no impact seen in some years, and a positive impact found in others. A differential negative impact was found for males in one year, and a differential positive impact of dosage found in other years for students identified as English language learners or Hispanic. While no longitudinal impacts were found of program participation or dosage on math achievement, impacts were seen for reading. Students that participated in the program at high doses over the course of three years were found to score higher on tests of reading achievement than non-participants. These results provide mixed support for 21st Century after school programs as an effective academic intervention for students attending high poverty schools. This indicates a need for further study in this area. These results should be considered in the broader arena of evaluations of other federal interventions to aid students living in poverty in order to most strategically target federal funds. Finally, results should be considered in conjunction with other 21st Century program goals, including providing affordable, supervised care for students living in poverty during the after school hours

    How Academics and Practitioners Can Work Together: A Perspective from an Educator with Private Industry Experience

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    The author reflects on how academics and accounting practitioners can work together. He states that encouraging students in the accounting profession is very rewarding. He mentions that advising students on which is the better course of action depends upon their personal preferences, their financial situation, and the state in which they expect to be employed. He adds that despite all the substantive issues facing the profession, future accountants will find being a Certified Public Accountant as rewarding a career as ever
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