73 research outputs found

    Targeting histone deacetyalses in the treatment of B- and T-cell malignancies

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    HDAC inhibitors (HDACI) are now emerging as one of the most promising new classes of drugs for the treatment of select forms of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). They are particularly active in T-cell lymphomas, possibly hodgkin’s lymphoma and indolent B cell lymphomas. Presently, two of these agents, vorinostat and romidepsin, have been approved in the US for the treatment of relapsed and refractory cutaneous T cell lymphomas (CTCL). Initially, these agents were developed with the idea that they affected transcriptional activation and thus gene expression, by modulating chromatin condensation and decondensation. It is now clear that their effects go beyond chromatin and by affecting the acetylation status of histones and other intra-cellular proteins, they modify gene expression and cellular function via multiple pathways. Gene expression profiles and functional genetic analysis has led to further understanding of the various molecular pathways that are affected by these agents including cell cycle regulation, pathways of cellular proliferation, apoptosis and angiogenesis all important in lymphomagenesis. There is also increasing data to support the effects of these agents on T cell receptor and immune function which may explain the high level of activity of these agents in T cell lymphomas and hodgkin’s lymphoma. There is ample evidence of epigenetic dysregulation in lymphomas which may underlie the mechanisms of action of these agents but how these agents work is still not clear. Current HDAC inhibitors can be divided into at least four classes based on their chemical structure. At present several of these HDAC inhibitors are in clinical trials both as single agents and in combination with chemotherapy or other biological agents. They are easy to administer and are generally well tolerated with minimal side effects. Different dosing levels and schedules and the use of isospecific HDAC inhibitors are some of the strategies that are being employed to increase the therapeutic effect of these agents in the treatment of lymphomas. There may also be class differences that translate into specific activity against different lymphoma. HDAC inhibitors will likely be incorporated into combinations of targeted therapies both in the upfront and relapsed setting for lymphomas

    Malignant inflammation in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: a hostile takeover

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    Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCL) are characterized by the presence of chronically inflamed skin lesions containing malignant T cells. Early disease presents as limited skin patches or plaques and exhibits an indolent behavior. For many patients, the disease never progresses beyond this stage, but in approximately one third of patients, the disease becomes progressive, and the skin lesions start to expand and evolve. Eventually, overt tumors develop and the malignant T cells may disseminate to the blood, lymph nodes, bone marrow, and visceral organs, often with a fatal outcome. The transition from early indolent to progressive and advanced disease is accompanied by a significant shift in the nature of the tumor-associated inflammation. This shift does not appear to be an epiphenomenon but rather a critical step in disease progression. Emerging evidence supports that the malignant T cells take control of the inflammatory environment, suppressing cellular immunity and anti-tumor responses while promoting a chronic inflammatory milieu that fuels their own expansion. Here, we review the inflammatory changes associated with disease progression in CTCL and point to their wider relevance in other cancer contexts. We further define the term "malignant inflammation" as a pro-tumorigenic inflammatory environment orchestrated by the tumor cells and discuss some of the mechanisms driving the development of malignant inflammation in CTCL

    Refined physical map of the human PAX2/HOX11/NFKB2 cancer gene region at 10q24 and relocalization of the HPV6AI1 viral integration site to 14q13.3-q21.1

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    BACKGROUND: Chromosome band 10q24 is a gene-rich domain and host to a number of cancer, developmental, and neurological genes. Recurring translocations, deletions and mutations involving this chromosome band have been observed in different human cancers and other disease conditions, but the precise identification of breakpoint sites, and detailed characterization of the genetic basis and mechanisms which underlie many of these rearrangements has yet to be resolved. Towards this end it is vital to establish a definitive genetic map of this region, which to date has shown considerable volatility through time in published works of scientific journals, within different builds of the same international genomic database, and across the differently constructed databases. RESULTS: Using a combination of chromosome and interphase fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), BAC end-sequencing and genomic database analysis we present a physical map showing that the order and chromosomal orientation of selected genes within 10q24 is CEN-CYP2C9-PAX2-HOX11-NFKB2-TEL. Our analysis has resolved the orientation of an otherwise dynamically evolving assembly of larger contigs upstream of this region, and in so doing verifies the order and orientation of a further 9 cancer-related genes and GOT1. This study further shows that the previously reported human papillomavirus type 6a DNA integration site HPV6AI1 does not map to 10q24, but that it maps at the interface of chromosome bands 14q13.3-q21.1. CONCLUSIONS: This revised map will allow more precise localization of chromosome rearrangements involving chromosome band 10q24, and will serve as a useful baseline to better understand the molecular aetiology of chromosomal instability in this region. In particular, the relocation of HPV6AI1 is important to report because this HPV6a integration site, originally isolated from a tonsillar carcinoma, was shown to be rearranged in other HPV6a-related malignancies, including 2 of 25 genital condylomas, and 2 of 7 head and neck tumors tested. Our finding shifts the focus of this genomic interest from 10q24 to the chromosome 14 site

    The utility of bexarotene in mycosis fungoides and Sézary syndrome

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    Manisha R Panchal, Julia J Scarisbrick Department Dermatology, University Hospital Birmingham, Birmingham, UK Abstract: Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is an umbrella term that encompasses a group of neoplasms that have atypical T-lymphocytes in the skin. Mycosis fungoides (MF) is the most common type of CTCL and Sézary syndrome (SS) is the leukemic form. Treatment for CTCL is dependent on the stage of disease and response to previous therapy. Therapy is divided into skin-directed treatment, which tends to be first line for early-stage disease, and systemic therapy, which is reserved for refractory CTCL. Bexarotene is a rexinoid and was licensed in Europe in 2002 for use in patients with advanced disease that have been refractory to a previous systemic treatment. We review the use of bexarotene as monotherapy and in combination with other treatments. Keywords: retinoid, CTCL, cutaneous T-cell lymphom

    Clinical features and diagnosis of 42 travellers with cutaneous leishmaniasis.

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    BACKGROUND: Leishmania species that occur within different geographical areas may cause different clinical manifestations, virulence and drug sensitivity. Patients/Methods. All patients with a clinical diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis seen at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases from 1997 to 2000 were identified and clinical details recorded onto a database, with emphasis on clinical presentation, risk factors, travel history and laboratory diagnosis. RESULTS: Forty-two patients were identified, 23 of whom had travelled to New World and 19 to Old World countries. Clinical presentation typically consisted of a single nodule with ulceration. In 50% infection was caused by L. (Viannia) braziliensis. PCR was performed in specimens from 34 patients and species identification was possible in 32 cases (sensitivity 94%), the two PCR negative patients had amastigotes demonstrated by histology and culture. Patients were treated with established therapies. Seventy one percent were cured by treatment, 12% had a spontaneous cure, 7% were lost to follow-up and the remaining 10% required a second-line therapy. No relapses were reported during a mean follow-up period of 27 months. CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights the need for comprehensive investigations and the advantages of PCR in the diagnosis of patients with suspected leishmaniasis in non-endemic regions of the world

    Hairy psoriasis.

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    Time to Next Treatment as a Meaningful Endpoint for Trials of Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma

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    Time to next treatment (TTNT) is an emerging endpoint in clinical studies of primary cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCL), with utility as a surrogate marker for the "duration of clinical benefit". TTNT provides a highly clinically meaningful endpoint that uniquely reflects not only the duration of treatment efficacy on disease and symptom control, but also incorporates the patient experience by accounting for patient compliance and tolerance to the studied therapy(s). Given the distinct challenges of pin-pointing the exact date of progression in patients with multi-compartmental CTCL, TTNT overcomes many of the shortcomings of conventional, disease-focused, clinical endpoints in primary CTCL research. Although widely accepted in clinical research for numerous other incurable malignancies, TTNT currently lacks a standardised definition. In this paper, we describe the value of TTNT as a clinical endpoint, review the applications of TTNT in primary CTCL research, and propose a standardised definition of TTNT to be applied in future clinical research of primary CTCL therapies
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