136 research outputs found

    Statistical features of edge turbulence in RFX-mod from Gas Puffing Imaging

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    Plasma density fluctuations in the edge plasma of the RFX-mod device are measured through the Gas Puffing Imaging Diagnostics. Statistical features of the signal are quantified in terms of the Probability Distribution Function (PDF), and computed for several kinds of discharges. The PDFs from discharges without particular control methods are found to be adequately described by a Gamma function, consistently with the recent results by Graves et al [J.P. Graves, et al, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47, L1 (2005)]. On the other hand, pulses with external methods for plasma control feature modified PDFs. A first empirical analysis suggests that they may be interpolated through a linear combination of simple functions. An inspection of the literature shows that this kind of PDFs is common to other devices as well, and has been suggested to be due to the simultaneous presence of different mechanisms driving respectively coherent bursts and gaussian background turbulence. An attempt is made to relate differences in the PDFs to plasma conditions such as the local shift of the plasma column. A simple phenomenological model to interpret the nature of the PDF and assign a meaning to its parameters is also developed.Comment: 27 pages. Published in PPC

    Coherence-imaging approach to time-resolved charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy in high-temperature plasma

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    A coherence-based, or interferometric approach to spectral analysis of charge-exchange recombination (CXR) emission radiation from high-temperature plasma probed or heated using energetic neutral beams, offers a number of advantages over wavelength-domain instruments. The spectral-line shift and broadening are obtained from measurements of the spectralcoherence at a given fixed time delay. The coherence is monitored by first approximately isolating the spectral line of interest using an interference filter and subsequently imaging the spectral scene using a field-widened electro-optic path-delay-modulated polarization interferometer.Interferometers have the advantage of high-light throughput (no slit aperture). Moreover, because the spectral information is encoded at harmonics of the electro-optic modulation frequency, a single detector suffices to capture the spectral information, thereby opening the possibility for time-resolved two-dimensional spectralimaging. When unwanted spectral features are passed by the interference filter, the interpretation of the coherence phase and amplitude images can become ambiguous. By modulating the particle beam source, however, we show that coherence imaging using a single-delay modulatable interferometer can distinguish and characterize the Doppler-broadened CXR emission component against a significant background of continuum and intrinsic radiation, or pollution from nearby spectral features

    The origins and development of Zuwīla, Libyan Sahara: an archaeological and historical overview of an ancient oasis town and caravan centre

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    ZuwÄ«la in southwestern Libya (Fazzān) was one of the most important early Islamic centres in the Central Sahara, but the archaeological correlates of the written sources for it have been little explored. This paper brings together for the first time a detailed consideration of the relevant historical and archaeological data, together with new AMS radiocarbon dates from several key monuments. The origins of the settlement at ZuwÄ«la were pre-Islamic, but the town gained greater prominence in the early centuries of Arab rule of the Maghrib, culminating with the establishment of an Ibāឍī state ruled by the dynasty of the BanĆ« Khaáč­áč­Äb, with ZuwÄ«la its capital. The historical sources and the accounts of early European travellers are discussed and archaeological work at ZuwÄ«la is described (including the new radiocarbon dates). A short gazetteer of archaeological monuments is provided as an appendix. Comparisons and contrasts are also drawn between ZuwÄ«la and other oases of the ash-Sharqiyāt region of Fazzān. The final section of the paper presents a series of models based on the available evidence, tracing the evolution and decline of this remarkable site

    Impur ity behaviour and r adiation patter n in the RFX-mod r ever sed field pinch

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    Intr oduction RFX-mod is the largest reversed field pinch operating nowadays, with 2 m in major radius, 0.459 m in minor radius and an installed power dimensioned to drive up to 2 MA of plasma current. In the long shutdown period completed at the end of 2004, several new features have been introduced. Above all, a closer resistive shell with external saddle coils has been installed to harness the rich spectrum of MHD modes. This paper describes the behaviour of the impurities in discharges with plasma current of about 600 kA, in terms of influxes from the wall, radiated power and effective charge; first results on the impurity toroidal velocity are also presented. In the former machine configuration, impurities did not represent a major problem. Despite the strong plasma wall interactions the effective charge was kept at reasonable levels (i.e. below 2), especially at high density. In this respect first observations on the restarted machine confirm the trend. In fact, the measured effective charge towards the plasma density is comparable or slightly lower than what found in the former machine. The effect on the influxes and on the emitted radiation of the strong poloidal and toroidal asymmetries associated with the plasma horizontal shift and with the wallmode locking have been investigated. Results and discussion The TV camera pictures of the inner wall in 600kA discharges show strong plasma wall interactions (PWI) in the region where the phase locked MHD modes form a local deformation in the plasma column (se

    Electromagnetic turbulent structures: A ubiquitous feature of the edge region of toroidal plasma configurations

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    Electromagnetic features of turbulent filaments, emerging from a turbulent plasma background, have been studied in four different magnetic configurations: the stellarator TJ-II, the Reversed Field Pinch RFX-mod, a device that can be operated also as a ohmic tokamak, and the Simple Magnetized Torus, TORPEX. By applying an analogous diagnostic concept in all cases, direct measurements of both field-aligned current density and vorticity were performed inside the filament. The inter-machine comparison reveals a clear dependence of the filament vorticity upon the local time-averaged E x B flow shear. Furthermore, a wide range of local beta was explored allowing concluding that this parameter plays a fundamental role in the appearance of filament electromagnetic features

    On the statistics of edge fluctuations: comparative study between various fusion devices

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    In this paper we present a statistical study of edge fluctuations taken with the Gas Puffing Imaging (GPI) diagnostics. We carry out a comparison of GPI signal from an extensive database including four devices (two Tokamaks and two Reversed Field Pinches). The data are analyzed in terms of their statistical moments Skewness and Kurtosis, as done in [B. Labit, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{98}, 255002 (2007)]. The data align along parabolic curves, although different from machine to machine, with some spread around the best-fitting curve. A discussion about the meaning of the parabolic trend as well as the departure of real data from it is provided. A phenomenological model is finally provided, attempting to accomodate experimental evidence.Comment: To appear in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    DTT - Divertor Tokamak Test facility: A testbed for DEMO

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    The effective treatment of the heat and power exhaust is a critical issue in the road map to the realization of the fusion energy. In order to provide possible, reliable, well assessed and on-time answers to DEMO, the Divertor Tokamak Test facility (DTT) has been conceived and projected to be carried out and operated within the European strategy in fusion technology. This paper, based on the invited plenary talk at the 31st virtual SOFT Conference 2020, provides an overview of the DTT scientific proposal, which is deeply illustrated in the 2019 DTT Interim Design Report

    DTT - Divertor Tokamak Test facility - Interim Design Report

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    The “Divertor Tokamak Test facility, DTT” is a milestone along the international program aimed at demonstrating – in the second half of this century – the feasibility of obtaining to commercial electricity from controlled thermonuclear fusion. DTT is a Tokamak conceived and designed in Italy with a broad international vision. The construction will be carried out in the ENEA Frascati site, mainly supported by national funds, complemented by EUROfusion and European incentive schemes for innovative investments. The project team includes more than 180 high-standard researchers from ENEA, CREATE, CNR, INFN, RFX and various universities. The volume, entitled DTT Interim Design Report (“Green Book” from the colour of the cover), briefly describes the status of the project, the planning of the design future activities and its organizational structure. The publication of the Green Book also provides an occasion for thorough discussions in the fusion community and a broad international collaboration on the DTT challenge
