458 research outputs found

    Infrared Power Generation: Fundamental Understanding, Applications, and Benefits

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    The interaction between infrared radiation and a power generator device can be used to produce voltage and current. This phenomenon is called infrared power generation. It is shown that the infrared radiation transfers both thermal and electric energy to the power generator device. The coexistence of a thermal and an electrical component signifies that the temperature difference between the faces of the power generator devices is not a limiting factor to the amount of power that can be produced. Indeed, many avenues can be explored to increase the power for infrared energy harvesting purposes for military and civil applications. The existence of an electric component in the transferred energy also has interesting manifestations, such as the appearance of non-linear phenomena e.g. solitons, and fundamental consequences, which will be discussed

    Diketopiperazine gels: New horizons from the self-assembly of cyclic dipeptides

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    Cyclodipeptides (CDPs) or 2, 5-diketopiperazines (DKPs) can exert a variety of biological activities and display pronounced resistance against enzymatic hydrolysis as well as a propensity towards self-assembly into gels, relative to the linear-dipeptide counterparts. They have attracted great interest in a variety of fields spanning from functional materials to drug discovery. This concise review will analyze the latest advancements in their synthesis, self-assembly into gels, and their more innovative applications

    Differences in the Same OMI/MLS Aura Tropospheric Ozone Data Set Published Before and After January 2013

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    On the website "NASA Goddard Homepage for Tropospheric Ozone", global data of tropospheric ozone obtained from observations of OMI and MLS Aura satellite instruments, are reported. In mid-2013, the data was covering the period between October 2004 and January 2013. Subsequently, in early 2014, the time series was extended until December 2013. At present time, the published series has been extended to December 2014. Analysing this new series, we observed that the data already published to January 2013 had been replaced; not only the missing months of 2013 were added but all the values published since 2004 were recalculated. We present the detected differences in the comparison between common data to both time series (the original, before January 2013, and the new one, currently published on the website). These differences are important considering that they represent the result of the same satellite observation and should be considered when comparing results before/after January 2013, especially when adopting a certain confidence level in the spectral analysis of these data to intraseasonal scale. A warn of caution is suggested in the use of these observations and intercomparison with other values of these and other instruments, because of possible recurrent problems of instrumental calibration.Fil: Cionco, Rodolfo Gustavo. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Agosta Scarel, Eduardo Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Rubén L.. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Quaranta, Nancy Esther. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; Argentin

    Mean winter conditions and quasi-stationary Rossby waves associated with the winter frequency of warm and cold nights in subtropical Argentina

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    El estudio busca definir las condiciones medias de la circulación troposférica y posibles forzantes asociados a la frecuencia de ocurrencia de noches frías (TN10) y noches cálidas (TN90) durante el invierno austral (JJA) sobre Argentina subtropical, al norte de 40°S y adyacencias (ASA) a partir de datos de estaciones meteorológicas y de reanálisis (NCEP/DOE AMIP-II y ECMWF ERA-interim). Se encuentra que la frecuencia de noches cálidas (Tmin superiores al percentil 90, TN90) está modulada interanualmente por la propagación de ondas cuasi-estacionarias (OCE) de Rossby inducidas por anomalías de convección en el Índico y el Pacífico. La alta frecuencia de noches cálidas está asociada a calentamiento anómalo del Pacífico central ecuatorial (fase positiva del El Niño-Oscilación del Sur, ENOS). La baja frecuencia de noches cálidas está relacionada con convección anómala sobre el área monzónica de la India y el Índico sur tropical occidental. Esto favorece la propagación de actividad de OCE de Rossby sobre el Índico, el Pacífico y el sur de Sudamérica. Tal teleconexión a su vez favorece la alta frecuencia de noches frías (Tmin inferiores al percentil 10, TN10). En cambio la baja frecuencia de noches frías está vinculada a variabilidad de baja frecuencia del modo de variabilidad de altas latitudes del hemisferio sur (el MAS). Se encuentra que el fortalecimiento (debilitamiento) del jet subtropical sobre Sudamérica y océanos adyacentes caracteriza los inviernos con alta (baja) frecuencia de noches frías (cálidas) en ASA. Los forzantes remotos encontrados involucran procesos atmosféricos/oceánicos que se interconectan interestacionalmente, lo cual podría permitir desarrollar el pronóstico estadístico-dinámico para invierno de alta o baja frecuencia de noches frías o cálidas en invierno.The study aims to examine the mean conditions of the tropospheric circulation and possible forcing associated with the occurrence frequency of cold nights (TN10) and warm nights (TN90) during winter (JJA) over subtropical Argentina, to the north of 40°S and surrounding areas (ASA) from meteorological stations and (NCEP/DOE AMIP-II and ECMWF ERA-interim) reanalysis data. It is found that the frequency of warm nights (Tmin over percentile 90, TN90) is modulated at interannual scales by quasi-stationary wave propagation induced by convection anomalies in the Indic and Pacific. The high frequency of warm nights is associated with anomalous warming over the central equatorial Pacific (positive phase of El Niño-Southern Oscillation, ENSO). The low frequency of warm nights is linked to anomalous convection over the monsoon Indian area and the western tropical southern Indic. Hence quasi-stationary Rossby wave activity propagation is favored over the Indic, Pacific and southern South America. Such a teleconnection favors in turn the high fequency of cold nights (Tmin below percentile 10, TN10). Instead, the low frequency of cold nights is linked to the low-frequency variability of the Southern Hemisphere high-latitude mode (SAM). It is found that winters with high (low) frequency of cold (warm) nights are characterized by a strengthening (weakening) of the subtropical jet over southern South America and adjacent areas. The current remote forcings are related with atmospheric/oceanic processes that are interconnected at seasonal-interseasonal scales, which could allow us to develop statistical-dynamical forecasts for the higher or lower occurrence of warm or cold nights in winter.Fil: Agosta Scarel, Eduardo Andres. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de Los Buenos Aires"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Barrucand, Mariana Graciela. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de Los Buenos Aires"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Ondas cuasi-estacionarias en el Pacífico sur y veranos fríos anómalos en el extremo norte de la Península Antártica

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    The present work aims to analyze the tropospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) associated with anomalously cold summers (ACS, Dec-Feb) in the period 1981-2010 over northernmost Antarctic Peninsula (AP). A quartile criterion is used to identify ACSs, and a wave-activity flux for stationary quasi-geostrophic (QG) eddies on a zonally varying basic flow is used as a diagnostic tool to study wave-train propagation from the Pacific Ocean. It is shown that the summer of 2010 was singularly cold, so this summer is studied separately from the ACS composites previous to 2010. The ACSs prior to 2010 are characterized by a Pacific-South American (PSA)-like quasi-stationary wave (QSW) train that extends barotropically through the troposphere up to the lower stratosphere. It is emanated from a region of anomalous convection in New Zealand and it is directed towards the South Pacific. The wave train leads to an anomalous stationary cyclone that is located to the northwest of the AP. The easterly wind anomalies induced by this local anomalous stationary cyclone together with higher cloudiness anomalies are found to be associated with ACS events over the northern AP. The 2010 cold summer not only shows an anomalous stationary cyclone to the northwest of the AP, but singularly also shows a mid-latitude anomalous anticyclone over the south-eastern South Pacific. From there, a shorter QSW regionally propagates towards southern South America. In this case there is no PSA-like wave structure crossing the South Pacific. The short regional QSW seems to emanate from a region of positive sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the middle of the southern South Pacific. The SST anomalies can be related to the generation of locally increased mean-flow baroclinicity. Hence, this QSW propagation is related to anomalous transient activity. In turn, these SST anomalies could be induced by a PSA-like QSW propagation during the previous spring (Sep-Nov) of 2009.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la circulación troposférica en el Hemisferio Sur (HS) asociada a veranos (Dic-Feb) anómalamente fríos (VAF) en el período 1981-2010 sobre el extremo norte de la Península Antártica (PA) mostrando que el verano de 2010 es singularmente frío, razón por la cual este verano es estudiado por separado. De ahí que el verano de 2010 es comparado con la composición de los VAFs previos a 2010. Se utiliza el criterio del cuartil para identificar VAFs y un flujo de actividad de onda para perturbaciones estacionarias cuasi-geostróficas (CG) embebidas en un flujo básico que varía zonalmente como herramienta de diagnóstico para estudiar la propagación de trenes de ondas desde el Pacífico. Los VAFs previos a 2010 se caracterizan por un tren de ondas cuasi-estacionarias (OCE) - del tipo patrón PSA (Pacífico-Sudamericano) - extendido barotrópicamente en tropósfera hasta baja estratósfera, propagándose sobre el Pacífico Sur desde una región de convección anómala sobre Nueva Zelanda. Este tren de ondas da lugar a un centro ciclónico estacionario anómalo al noroeste de la PA. La componente anómala inducida de viento del Este junto a anomalías de alta nubosidad se encuentran asociadas a los VAFs sobre el norte de la PA. El singular verano de 2010 no sólo muestra un centro ciclónico estacionario anómalo al noroeste de la PA sino que también muestra uno anticiclónico en latitudes medias sobre el sudeste del Pacífico Sur. Desde ahí, hay propagación de OCE, localizada regionalmente, atravesando el sur de Sudamérica ya que no se observa una estructura de onda del tipo PSA sobre el Pacífico Sur. La propagación emana desde una zona de anomalías positivas de la temperatura de superficie del mar (TSM) en el Pacífico Sur a través de la generación local de baroclinicidad del flujo medio. De ahí que esta propagación de OCE está asociada a actividad transiente anómala. A su vez, estas anomalías en la TSM podrían estar inducidas por propagación de OCE del tipo PSA durante la primavera (Sep-Nov) de 2009.Fil: Costa, Alfredo Jorge. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Interno y Culto. Dirección Nacional del Antártico. Instituto Antártico Argentino; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Secretaría Académica. Dirección de Investigaciones. Equipo Estudios de Procesos Atmosféricos en el Cambio Global; ArgentinaFil: Agosta Scarel, Eduardo Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Secretaría Académica. Dirección de Investigaciones. Equipo Estudios de Procesos Atmosféricos en el Cambio Global; Argentin

    Austral spring stratospheric and tropospheric circulation interannual variability

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    The relationship between the October (spring) total ozone column (TOC) midlatitude zonal asymmetry over the Southern Hemisphere (SH) and the stratospheric quasi-stationary wave 1 (QSW1) interannual phase variability is analyzed. Once contributions to the TOC from known global predictors, estimated with a multiregressionmodel, are removed, the residual TOC interannual variability is observed to be dynamically coupled to the stratospheric QSW1 phase behavior. The stratospheric QSW1 interannual phase variability, when classified according to specifically designed indices, yields different circulation patterns in the troposphere and stratosphere. High (upper quartile) index values correspond to a westward rotation of the midlatitude ozone trough and the stratospheric QSW1 phase, while low (lower quartile) index values represent their eastwardrotated state. These values can be associated with statistically different tropospheric circulation patterns: a predominantly single poleward tropospheric jet structure for high index values and a predominantly double-jet structure for low index values. For the latter, there is a higher daily probability of double-jet occurrence in the troposphere and a stronger stratospheric jet. These jet structures and their daily behavior are supported by significant synoptic-scale activity anomalies over SH mid- to high latitudes as well as changes in tropospheric quasi-stationary waves 1-3. The wave activity flux (W flux) diagnosis shows the contribution of active quasistationary waves in the observed tropospheric anomalies associated with high and low index values. With low index values, the quasi-stationary waves lead to a self-sustaining state of the stratospheric-tropospheric coupled system.With high index values, the overall mid- to high latitude circulation is associated with wave energy propagation from the tropical central Pacific into higher latitudes. Thus, during the austral spring, there are interactions between the troposphere and stratosphere, leading to the locally well-defined upward and downward propagation of wave anomalies, that is, significant upper troposphere (UT)-lower stratosphere (LS) interactions can occur within a spring month itself.Fil: Agosta Scarel, Eduardo Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Secretaría Académica. Dirección de Investigaciones. Equipo Estudios de Procesos Atmosféricos en el Cambio Global; ArgentinaFil: Canziani, Pablo Osvaldo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Secretaría Académica. Dirección de Investigaciones. Equipo Estudios de Procesos Atmosféricos en el Cambio Global; Argentin


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    2004/2005XVIII Ciclo1976Versione digitalizzata della tesi di dottorato cartacea

    Ondas cuasi-estacionarias en el Pacífico sur y veranos fríos anómalos en el extremo norte de la Península Antártica

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    The present work aims to analyze the tropospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) associated with anomalously cold summers (ACS, Dec-Feb) in the period 1981-2010 over northernmost Antarctic Peninsula (AP). A quartile criterion is used to identify ACSs, and a wave-activity flux for stationary quasi-geostrophic (QG) eddies on a zonally varying basic flow is used as a diagnostic tool to study wave-train propagation from the Pacific Ocean. It is shown that the summer of 2010 was singularly cold, so this summer is studied separately from the ACS composites previous to 2010. The ACSs prior to 2010 are characterized by a Pacific-South American (PSA)-like quasi-stationary wave (QSW) train that extends barotropically through the troposphere up to the lower stratosphere. It is emanated from a region of anomalous convection in New Zealand and it is directed towards the South Pacific. The wave train leads to an anomalous stationary cyclone that is located to the northwest of the AP. The easterly wind anomalies induced by this local anomalous stationary cyclone together with higher cloudiness anomalies are found to be associated with ACS events over the northern AP. The 2010 cold summer not only shows an anomalous stationary cyclone to the northwest of the AP, but singularly also shows a mid-latitude anomalous anticyclone over the south-eastern South Pacific. From there, a shorter QSW regionally propagates towards southern South America. In this case there is no PSA-like wave structure crossing the South Pacific. The short regional QSW seems to emanate from a region of positive sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the middle of the southern South Pacific. The SST anomalies can be related to the generation of locally increased mean-flow baroclinicity. Hence, this QSW propagation is related to anomalous transient activity. In turn, these SST anomalies could be induced by a PSA-like QSW propagation during the previous spring (Sep-Nov) of 2009.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la circulación troposférica en el Hemisferio Sur (HS) asociada a veranos (Dic-Feb) anómalamente fríos (VAF) en el período 1981-2010 sobre el extremo norte de la Península Antártica (PA) mostrando que el verano de 2010 es singularmente frío, razón por la cual este verano es estudiado por separado. De ahí que el verano de 2010 es comparado con la composición de los VAFs previos a 2010. Se utiliza el criterio del cuartil para identificar VAFs y un flujo de actividad de onda para perturbaciones estacionarias cuasi-geostróficas (CG) embebidas en un flujo básico que varía zonalmente como herramienta de diagnóstico para estudiar la propagación de trenes de ondas desde el Pacífico. Los VAFs previos a 2010 se caracterizan por un tren de ondas cuasi-estacionarias (OCE) - del tipo patrón PSA (Pacífico-Sudamericano) - extendido barotrópicamente en tropósfera hasta baja estratósfera, propagándose sobre el Pacífico Sur desde una región de convección anómala sobre Nueva Zelanda. Este tren de ondas da lugar a un centro ciclónico estacionario anómalo al noroeste de la PA. La componente anómala inducida de viento del Este junto a anomalías de alta nubosidad se encuentran asociadas a los VAFs sobre el norte de la PA. El singular verano de 2010 no sólo muestra un centro ciclónico estacionario anómalo al noroeste de la PA sino que también muestra uno anticiclónico en latitudes medias sobre el sudeste del Pacífico Sur. Desde ahí, hay propagación de OCE, localizada regionalmente, atravesando el sur de Sudamérica ya que no se observa una estructura de onda del tipo PSA sobre el Pacífico Sur. La propagación emana desde una zona de anomalías positivas de la temperatura de superficie del mar (TSM) en el Pacífico Sur a través de la generación local de baroclinicidad del flujo medio. De ahí que esta propagación de OCE está asociada a actividad transiente anómala. A su vez, estas anomalías en la TSM podrían estar inducidas por propagación de OCE del tipo PSA durante la primavera (Sep-Nov) de 2009.Fil: Costa, Alfredo Jorge. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Interno y Culto. Dirección Nacional del Antártico. Instituto Antártico Argentino; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Secretaría Académica. Dirección de Investigaciones. Equipo Estudios de Procesos Atmosféricos en el Cambio Global; ArgentinaFil: Agosta Scarel, Eduardo Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Secretaría Académica. Dirección de Investigaciones. Equipo Estudios de Procesos Atmosféricos en el Cambio Global; Argentin

    Caratterizzazione idrogeologica e geochimica delle principali sorgenti carsiche della Provincia della Spezia

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    Fin dalla sua nascita il Gruppo Speleologico Ligure Arturo Issel è stato impegnato in diversi campi di interesse scientifico legati alla speleologia ed allo studio delle acque carsiche della provincia di Genova ed ha contribuito a migliorare la conoscenza di questi sistemi. Negli ultimi anni l’interesse del gruppo si è focalizzato sulle sorgenti carsiche della Provincia della Spezia, attraverso un’ indagine idrogeologica e geochimica effettuata nel periodo 2009/2010 che comprende il monitoraggio e il campionamento delle principali sorgenti, la determinazione delle loro caratteristiche chimico-fisiche e batteriologiche, la misurazione della portata, e la valutazione del loro potenziale utilizzo come risorsa potabile. I risultati preliminari di queste indagini sono presentati in questa comunicazione nella quale sono stati riconosciuti i principali processi geochimici che controllano la mineralizzazione delle acque. Questi risultati insieme ai dati idrogeologici e idrologici già acquisiti consentono di ricostruire il modello idrogeologico-geochimico di questi sistemi carsici che sono costituiti da circuiti sotterranei separati, controllati da importanti linee tettoniche. Ulteriori indagini di idrologia isotopica saranno necessarie per i sistemi più complessi come quelli del Golfo della Spezia.Since its first establishment the Gruppo Speleologico Ligure Arturo Issel has been involved in different fields of scientific interest related to speleology and karst waters in the Province of Genoa and has contributed to a better understanding of these systems. In recent years the interest focused on the karst springs of the Province of La Spezia through a hydrogeological-geochemical research carried out in 2009/2010, comprising monitoring and sampling of main springs, determination of their chemical, physical and bacteriological characteristics, measurement of flow rate and evaluation of their potential use as drinking resource. Preliminary results of these hydrogeological-geochemical investigations are presented in this communication. The main geochemical processes controlling the mineralization of these karst waters are highlighted. These outcomes together with hydrogeological and hydrological data allow to define the hydrogeological-geochemical model of these karst systems, which are constituted by separate circulation patterns, controlled by important tectonic lines. Further investigation of isotope hydrology will be required for the most complex systems, such as the Gulf of La Spezia aquifers

    Daño de gusanos “cogollero” y “de la espiga” en maíces Bt, en dos fechas de siembra

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    Los maíces genéticamente modificados, resistentes a insectos, expresan toxinas insecticidas obtenidasde la bacteria de suelo Bacillus thuringiensis. Existen materiales que expresan toxicidad haciainsectos lepidópteros (orugas) y otros contra coleópteros (gusanos de suelo), como así tambiéncontra ambos grupos.Fil: Szwarc, Diego. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Vitti Scarel, Daniela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; ArgentinaFil: Almada, Melina Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Reconquista; Argentin