261 research outputs found

    Entanglement, which-way measurements, and a quantum erasure

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    We present a didactical approach to the which-way experiment and the counterintuitive effect of the quantum erasure for one-particle quantum interferences. The fundamental concept of entanglement plays a central role and highlights the complementarity between quantum interference and knowledge of which path is followed by the particle.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; with some clarifications and added reference

    Experimental quantum key distribution based on a Bell test

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    We report on a complete free-space field implementation of a modified Ekert91 protocol for quantum key distribution using entangled photon pairs. For each photon pair we perform a random choice between key generation and a Bell inequality. The amount of violation is used to determine the possible knowledge of an eavesdropper to ensure security of the distributed final key.Comment: 5 pages ReVTeX, 3 figures; version v2 with updated references and minor corrections, author spelling fixe

    Collisional quantum thermometry

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    We introduce a general framework for thermometry based on collisional models, where ancillas probe the temperature of the environment through an intermediary system. This allows for the generation of correlated ancillas even if they are initially independent. Using tools from parameter estimation theory, we show through a minimal qubit model that individual ancillas can already outperform the thermal Cramer-Rao bound. In addition, due to the steady-state nature of our model, when measured collectively the ancillas always exhibit superlinear scalings of the Fisher information. This means that even collective measurements on pairs of ancillas will already lead to an advantage. As we find in our qubit model, such a feature may be particularly valuable for weak system-ancilla interactions. Our approach sets forth the notion of metrology in a sequential interactions setting, and may inspire further advances in quantum thermometry

    Quantum cloning with an optical fiber amplifier

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    It has been shown theoretically that a light amplifier working on the physical principle of stimulated emission should achieve optimal quantum cloning of the polarization state of light. We demonstrate close-to-optimal universal quantum cloning of polarization in a standard fiber amplifier for telecom wavelengths. For cloning 1 --> 2 we find a fidelity of 0.82, the optimal value being 5/6 = 0.83.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Thermalizing Quantum Machines: Dissipation and Entanglement

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    We study the relaxation of a quantum system towards the thermal equilibrium using tools developed within the context of quantum information theory. We consider a model in which the system is a qubit, and reaches equilibrium after several successive two-qubit interactions (thermalizing machines) with qubits of a reservoir. We characterize completely the family of thermalizing machines. The model shows a tight link between dissipation, fluctuations, and the maximal entanglement that can be generated by the machines. The interplay of quantum and classical information processes that give rise to practical irreversibility is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum correlations in Newtonian space and time: arbitrarily fast communication or nonlocality

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    We investigate possible explanations of quantum correlations that satisfy the principle of continuity, which states that everything propagates gradually and continuously through space and time. In particular, following [J.D. Bancal et al, Nature Physics 2012], we show that any combination of local common causes and direct causes satisfying this principle, i.e. propagating at any finite speed, leads to signalling. This is true even if the common and direct causes are allowed to propagate at a supraluminal-but-finite speed defined in a Newtonian-like privileged universal reference frame. Consequently, either there is supraluminal communication or the conclusion that Nature is nonlocal (i.e. discontinuous) is unavoidable.Comment: It is an honor to dedicate this article to Yakir Aharonov, the master of quantum paradoxes. Version 2 contains some more references and a clarified conclusio

    Violation of Bell inequality for thermal states of interaction qubits via a multi-qubit Heisenberg model

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    We study the violations of Bell inequality for thermal states of qubits in a multi-qubit Heisenberg model as a function of temperature and external magnetic fields. Unlike the behaviors of the entanglement the violation can not be obtained by increasing the temperature or the magnetic field. The threshold temperatures of the violation are found be less than that of the entanglement. We also consider a realistic cavity-QED model which is a special case of the mutli-qubit Heisenberg model.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, few changed, accepted by New J. Phy

    One-sided Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution: Security, feasibility, and the connection with steering

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    We analyze the security and feasibility of a protocol for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), in a context where only one of the two parties trusts his measurement apparatus. This scenario lies naturally between standard QKD, where both parties trust their measurement apparatuses, and Device-Independent QKD (DI-QKD), where neither does, and can be a natural assumption in some practical situations. We show that the requirements for obtaining secure keys are much easier to meet than for DI-QKD, which opens promising experimental opportunities. We clarify the link between the security of this one-sided DI-QKD scenario and the demonstration of quantum steering, in analogy to the link between DI-QKD and the violation of Bell inequalities.Comment: v2 replaces the 3-page abstract posted as v1: our results are now given with all necessary details. v3: published versio