156 research outputs found

    Nudging and corporate environmental responsibility: a natural field experiment

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    We devise a "nudging" natural field experiment to test the impact of a simple form of advertising on environmentally responsible products with/without the increase of the responsible product price. We find that the simple use of a small shelf poster explaining the importance of buying a green product (with/without a concurring price increase) generates significant changes in market shares for some of the product classes for both food and non-food products. Part of the effect is generated by the reduced price elasticity of consumers to the poster-plus-price-increase treatment

    Nudging and corporate environmental responsibility: A natural field experiment

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    We devise a “nudging” natural field experiment to test the impact of a simple form of advertising on environmentally responsible products with/without the increase of the responsible product price. We find that the simple use of a small shelf poster explaining the importance of buying a green product (with/without a concurring price increase) generates significant changes in market shares for some of the product classes for both food and non-food products. Part of the effect is generated by the reduced price elasticity of consumers to the poster-plus-price-increase treatment

    The first record in Italy of Trichogramma cordubense Vargas & Cabello 1985 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) emerging from the eggs of Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

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    This study investigated the egg parasitoids of Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) feeding on Daphne gnidium L. (Malvales, Thymelaeaceae) in the San Rossore-Migliarino-Massaciuccoli Nature Reserve (Tuscany, Italy). Four species of egg parasitoids of the genus Trichogramma spp. were obtained. The parasitization rate gradually increased over the season, reaching its maximum level in September 2015, with a percentage of parasitized eggs close to 55 %. Three of the species obtained were already known as L. botrana parasitoids, whereas the finding of Trichogramma cordubense Vargas & Cabello, 1985 represents the first recording in Italy, as well as the first report of this species among the natural enemies of L. botrana

    Genotype characterisation of Giardia duodenalis isolates from domestic and farm animals by SSU-rRNA gene sequencing

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    In order to investigate the genotypes of Giardia duodenalis from domestic and farm animals in Italy, 21 Giardia isolates, 17 from dogs, 1 from cat and 3 from dairy calves, were genetically characterised by SSU-rRNA gene sequencing. Among dogs, 76.5% of isolates showed the dog-specific genotypes (Assemblages C, D and C/D mixed Assemblage) and 23.5% exhibit potential zoonotic genotypes (Assemblage A and A/C mixed Assemblages). The cat isolate belonged to assemblage A, whereas the sequences among the isolates from calves were found to correspond to hoofed-livestock genotype, namely Assemblage E. These findings suggest that infection of humans by zoonotic genotypes from domestic animals could be of low epidemiological significance, although possible. The present study represents the first contribute to the knowledge of G. duodenalis genotypes in domestic and farm animals from Italy. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Structural compliance: A new metric for protein flexibility

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    Proteins are the active players in performing essential molecular activities throughout biology, and their dynamics has been broadly demonstrated to relate to their mechanisms. The intrinsic fluctuations have often been used to represent their dynamics and then compared to the experimental B-factors. However, proteins do not move in a vacuum and their motions are modulated by solvent that can impose forces on the structure. In this paper, we introduce a new structural concept, which has been called the structural compliance, for the evaluation of the global and local deformability of the protein structure in response to intramolecular and solvent forces. Based on the application of pairwise pulling forces to a protein elastic network, this structural quantity has been computed and sometimes is even found to yield an improved correlation with the experimental B-factors, meaning that it may serve as a better metric for protein flexibility. The inverse of structural compliance, namely the structural stiffness, has also been defined, which shows a clear anticorrelation with the experimental data. Although the present applications are made to proteins, this approach can also be applied to other biomolecular structures such as RNA. This present study considers only elastic network models, but the approach could be applied further to conventional atomic molecular dynamics. Compliance is found to have a slightly better agreement with the experimental B-factors, perhaps reflecting its bias toward the effects of local perturbations, in contrast to mean square fluctuations. The code for calculating protein compliance and stiffness is freely accessible at https://jerniganlab.github.io/Software/PACKMAN/Tutorials/compliance

    A study of the prevalence and genotypes of Giardia duodenalis infecting kennelled dogs

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    Giardia duodenalis is a protozoan parasite of animals that is zoonotic. Given the capacity of this organism to spread via the faecal–oral route, animals held in overcrowded and unhygienic conditions are at high risk of infection. Faecal samples from dogs in three kennels in Rome were examined by microscopy and PCR for G. duodenalis, and the prevalence data generated were correlated with variables such as kennel identity, age of dog, length of time the dog had been kennelled and clinical signs. The overall prevalence of the parasite in the faecal samples was 20.5% and was higher in samples from the largest kennel, which had the greatest turnover of dogs, and in faecal samples from younger animals. Giardia cysts were found more frequently in diarrhoeic animals but were also found in dogs with no clinical signs. Although the finding that the majority of isolates were dog-specific rather than zoonotic genotypes suggests that the zoonotic risk from this pathogen is less than previously thought, the higher prevalence of infection in younger dogs may pose a specific public health issue as such animals are more frequently re-homed with families. 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Investigation on Opisthorchis felineus occurrence and life cycle in Italy

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    Opisthorchiasis is a fish borne parasitic infection caused by helminths of the genus Opisthorchis (Digenea, Opisthorchiidae), affecting humans and other fish-eating mammals. Despite Opisthorchis felineus was first described in Italy in 1884, no cases of human opisthorchiasis were reported in this country until 2004; from then on, 4 outbreaks due to this species have been recorded in Central Italy. Following the more relevant of these outbreaks, involving 34 people in August 2007, snails, fishes and fecal samples collected from the Bolsena and Bracciano lakes (Central Italy) were analyzed in order to define the cycle of O. felineus in the area and investigate its prevalence in the different hosts. Pools of 20–40 snails each (4983 specimens altogether) of the genus Bithynia were analyzed by PCR for parasite DNA detection. Eight hundred and ninety-four fish belonging to 12 species were collected from the two lakes and tested for metacercariae both by muscle compression and digestion techniques. Eighty-seven fecal samples of 5 putative definitive host species were collected very close to the two lakes and tested for parasite eggs detection by formalin–ethyl acetate concentration technique. Identification at the species level of metacercariae and eggs, respectively, from fish and stool was confirmed by PCR analysis and sequencing. O. felineus DNA was detected in 0.08% (overall minimum infection rate) of snails of the genus Bithynia from the two lakes. The tench, Tinca tinca, was the only fish found infested in both lakes (prevalence 88.5%). O. felineus eggs were found only in cat feces (prevalence 46.4%). The tench represents the only threat for the human consumption in the study area while Coregonus sp., the most economically important species for the local fishery and frequently consumed raw marinated, resulted to be not infected. The high prevalence recorded both in fish and in definitive host suggests a widespread and massive presence of the parasite in the area. Further studies are needed to better investigate the possible role of some cyprinids species as intermediate hosts, in order to check their safety for human consumption

    Etiology of Severe Non-malaria Febrile Illness in Northern Tanzania: A Prospective Cohort Study.

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    The syndrome of fever is a commonly presenting complaint among persons seeking healthcare in low-resource areas, yet the public health community has not approached fever in a comprehensive manner. In many areas, malaria is over-diagnosed, and patients without malaria have poor outcomes. We prospectively studied a cohort of 870 pediatric and adult febrile admissions to two hospitals in northern Tanzania over the period of one year using conventional standard diagnostic tests to establish fever etiology. Malaria was the clinical diagnosis for 528 (60.7%), but was the actual cause of fever in only 14 (1.6%). By contrast, bacterial, mycobacterial, and fungal bloodstream infections accounted for 85 (9.8%), 14 (1.6%), and 25 (2.9%) febrile admissions, respectively. Acute bacterial zoonoses were identified among 118 (26.2%) of febrile admissions; 16 (13.6%) had brucellosis, 40 (33.9%) leptospirosis, 24 (20.3%) had Q fever, 36 (30.5%) had spotted fever group rickettsioses, and 2 (1.8%) had typhus group rickettsioses. In addition, 55 (7.9%) participants had a confirmed acute arbovirus infection, all due to chikungunya. No patient had a bacterial zoonosis or an arbovirus infection included in the admission differential diagnosis. Malaria was uncommon and over-diagnosed, whereas invasive infections were underappreciated. Bacterial zoonoses and arbovirus infections were highly prevalent yet overlooked. An integrated approach to the syndrome of fever in resource-limited areas is needed to improve patient outcomes and to rationally target disease control efforts