32 research outputs found

    Femoral Neck Shaft Angle in Men with Fragility Fractures

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    Introduction. Femoral neck shaft angle (NSA) has been reported to be an independent predictor of hip fracture risk in men. We aimed to assess the role of NSA in UK men. Methods. The NSA was measured manually from the DXA scan printout in men with hip (62, 31 femoral neck and 31 trochanteric), symptomatic vertebral (91), and distal forearm (67) fractures and 389 age-matched control subjects. Age, height, weight, and BMD (g/cm2: lumbar spine, femoral neck, and total femur) measurements were performed. Results. There was no significant difference in mean NSA between men with femoral neck and trochanteric hip fractures, so all further analyses of hip fractures utilised the combined data. There was no difference in NSA between those with hip fractures and those without (either using the combined data or analysing trochanteric and femoral neck shaft fractures separately), nor between fracture subjects as a whole and controls. Mean NSA was smaller in those with vertebral fractures (129.2° versus 131°: P = 0.001), but larger in those with distal forearm fractures (129.8° versus 128.5°: P = 0.01). Conclusions. The conflicting results suggest that femoral NSA is not an important determinant of hip fracture risk in UK men

    The prevalence of vertebral fracture amongst patients presenting with non-vertebral fractures

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite vertebral fracture being a significant risk factor for further fracture, vertebral fractures are often unrecognised. A study was therefore conducted to determine the proportion of patients presenting with a non-vertebral fracture who also have an unrecognised vertebral fracture. METHODS: Prospective study of patients presenting with a non-vertebral fracture in South Glasgow who underwent DXA evaluation with vertebral morphometry (MXA) from DV5/6 to LV4/5. Vertebral deformities (consistent with fracture) were identified by direct visualisation using the Genant semi-quantitative grading scale. RESULTS: Data were available for 337 patients presenting with low trauma non-vertebral fracture; 261 were female. Of all patients, 10.4% were aged 50–64 years, 53.2% were aged 65–74 years and 36.2% were aged 75 years or over. According to WHO definitions, 35.0% of patients had normal lumbar spine BMD (T-score −1 or above), 37.4% were osteopenic (T-score −1.1 to −2.4) and 27.6% osteoporotic (T-score −2.5 or lower). Humerus (n=103, 31%), radius–ulna (n=90, 27%) and hand/foot (n=53, 16%) were the most common fractures. For 72% of patients (n=241) the presenting fracture was the first low trauma fracture to come to clinical attention. The overall prevalence of vertebral deformity established by MXA was 25% (n=83); 45% (n=37) of patients with vertebral deformity had deformities of more than one vertebra. Of the patients with vertebral deformity and readable scans for grading, 72.5% (58/80) had deformities of grade 2 or 3. Patients presenting with hip fracture, or spine T-score ≤−2.5, or low BMI, or with more than one prior non-vertebral fracture were all significantly more likely to have evidence of a prevalent vertebral deformity (p<0.05). However, 19.8% of patients with an osteopenic T-score had a vertebral deformity (48% of which were multiple), and 16.1% of patients with a normal T-score had a vertebral deformity (26.3% of which were multiple). Following non-vertebral fracture, some guidelines suggest that anti-resorptive therapy should be reserved for patients with DXA-proven osteoporosis. However, patients who have one or more prior vertebral fractures (prevalent at the time of their non-vertebral fracture) would also become candidates for anti-resorptive therapy—which would have not been the case had their vertebral fracture status not been known. Overall in this study, 8.9% of patients are likely to have had a change in management by virtue of their underlying vertebral deformity status. In other words, 11 patients who present with a non-vertebral fracture would need to undergo vertebral morphometry in order to identify one patient who ought to be managed differently. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the recommendation to perform vertebral morphometry in patients who are referred for DXA after experiencing a non-vertebral fracture. Treatment decisions will then better reflect any given patient’s future absolute fracture risk. The 'Number Needed to Screen' if vertebral morphometry is used in this way would be seven to identify one patient with vertebral deformity, and 14 to identify one patient with two or more vertebral deformities. Although carrying out MXA will increase radiation exposure for the patient, this increased exposure is significantly less than would be obtained if X-rays of the dorso-lumbar spine were obtained

    Osteoporosis in Men

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    Produženjem očekivanog trajanja života osteoporoza je postala rastući problem u većini razvijenih zemalja svijeta. U radu se raspravlja o učestalosti, patogenezi, dijagnostičkim kriterijima i mogućnostima liječenja osteoporoze u muškaraca. Svaki treći prijelom kuka događa se u muškaraca, a više od 11 % muškaraca starijih od 50 godina doživi ovaj prijelom. Dijagnoza idiopatske osteoporoze primjenjuje se za muškarce mlađe od 60 godina u kojih nema drugih mogućih uzroka bolesti. U njih je niska mineralna gustoća kosti (BMD) najvećim dijelom posljedica niske vršne koštane mase. U oko 30 % muškaraca nalazi se sekundarna osteoporoza, a involucijska osteoporoza nastaje u muškaraca starijih od 60 godina, kao rezultat smanjenja koncentracije testosterona i IGF-1. S obzirom na rezultate istraživanja koja su pokazala da vrijednost BMD-a u oba spola pruža slične informacije o riziku prijeloma, čini se da se postojeći kriteriji za dijagnozu osteoporoze u žena mogu iskoristiti i za muškarce. U liječenju, bisfosfonati i teriparatid dokazano i značajno povećavaju BMD u muškaraca. Primjena androgena pokazala se učinkovitom u muškaraca s hipogonadizmom, no opravdanost njihove primjene u eugonada još uvijek je predmet rasprava. Povećanjem znanja o metabolizmu kosti i koštanoj pregradnji u novije vrijeme otvorila su se vrata čitavom nizu molekula koje bi u budućnosti mogle postati temelj liječenja osteoporoze u muškaraca.With the prolongation of life expectancy, osteoporosis has become an increasing problem in the majority of developed countries worldwide. The paper discusses the frequency, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and treatment options for osteoporosis in men. Every third hip fracture occurs in men, and more than 11 % of the male population over the age of 50 years suffer the fracture. Diagnostic tests for idiopathic osteoporosis are performed in men under 60 years of age without other potential risk factors of developing the disease. In the majority of cases, their low bone mineral density (BMD) is caused by a low peak bone mass. Secondary osteoporosis occurs in about 30 % of men, and involutionary osteoporosis developed in men over 60 years of age results from their decreased testosterone and IGF-1 levels. The study results showing that BMD levels in both sexes provide similar fracture risk information suggest that the existing diagnostic criteria for female osteoporosis can also be employed in men. It has been proved that biphosphonate and teriparitide therapy significantly increase BMD levels in men. The administration of androgens has been shown to be effective in men with hypogonadism, although their validity for patients with eugonadism has not yet been discussed. An improved knowledge of the bone metabolism and bone remodelling has recently opened the door to an extensive series of molecules that may play a key role in the treatment of male osteoporosis in the future

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    Introduction. Femoral neck shaft angle (NSA) has been reported to be an independent predictor of hip fracture risk in men. We aimed to assess the role of NSA in UK men. Methods. The NSA was measured manually from the DXA scan printout in men with hip (62, 31 femoral neck and 31 trochanteric), symptomatic vertebral (91), and distal forearm (67) fractures and 389 agematched control subjects. Age, height, weight, and BMD (g/cm 2 : lumbar spine, femoral neck, and total femur) measurements were performed. Results. There was no significant difference in mean NSA between men with femoral neck and trochanteric hip fractures, so all further analyses of hip fractures utilised the combined data. There was no difference in NSA between those with hip fractures and those without (either using the combined data or analysing trochanteric and femoral neck shaft fractures separately), nor between fracture subjects as a whole and controls. Mean NSA was smaller in those with vertebral fractures (129.2 • versus 131 • : P = 0.001), but larger in those with distal forearm fractures (129.8 • versus 128.5 • : P = 0.01). Conclusions. The conflicting results suggest that femoral NSA is not an important determinant of hip fracture risk in UK men

    Predictors of Milk Consumption in a Population of 17- to 35-Year-Old Military Personnel

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    Objective: The purpose of this investigation was to survey an entire population of Air Force recruits (N=32,144) regarding milk consumption and demographic and health-related factors that may predict milk consumption. Design: All subjects were required to fill out a 53-item health survey at the start of basic military training. Subjects/setting: All recruits who entered the US Air Force from August 1995 to August 1996 participated in this study (N= 32,144). Statistical analyses performed: Potential correlates of milk intake were analyzed using Spearman rank order correlations and multiple linear regression. Variables were removed if they did not make a meaningful contribution to variance in milk intake. Because of skewed distributions, several variables were dichotomized (eg, age: 17 to 24 vs 25 to 35 years). Results: In terms of milk consumption, 51.7% of the respondents reported intake of fewer than 1 serving per day; only 17.9% reported intake of 3 servings or more per day. Milk intake was positively associated with body weight and fruit/vegetable intake and negatively associated with age, education level, reported milk-related gastric distress, physical activity level, dieting frequency, and concern about weight. Gender (women reported lower intake) and ethnicity (minorities reported lower intake) were independently related to milk consumption. Of all respondents, 16.1% reported themselves to have milk-related gastric distress, but rates varied depending on age, gender, and ethnicity (ranging from 10.2% for younger non-Hispanic white men to 60.4% for older Asian men). Applications/conclusions: Despite the efforts of large, costly campaigns designed to increase milk consumption, self-reported milk consumption in young adults is extremely low. Given the importance of dairy products as a major source of calcium in the American diet, dietetics practitioners should assess milk consumption among young adults to ensure sufficient calcium intake to maximize peak bone mass in this group

    Health-related quality of life and radiographic vertebral fracture

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    Background: Vertebral fractures are associated with back pain and disability; however, relatively little is known about the impact of radiographic vertebral fractures on quality of life in population samples. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of a recent radiographic vertebral fracture on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Methods: Men and women aged 50 years and over were recruited from population registers in 12 European centers. Subjects completed an interviewer-administered questionnaire and had lateral spine radiographs performed. Subjects in these centers were followed prospectively and had repeat spinal radiographs performed a mean of 3.8 years later. Prevalent deformities were defined using established morphometric criteria, and incident vertebral fractures by both morphometric criteria and qualitative assessment. For each incident fracture case, three controls matched for age, gender, and center were selected: one with a prevalent deformity (at baseline) and two without prevalent deformities. All subjects were interviewed or completed a postal questionnaire instrument which included Short Form 12 (SF-12), the EQ-5D (former EuroQol), and the quality of life questionnaire of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (QUALEFFO). The median time from the second spinal radiograph until the quality of life survey was 1.9 years. Comparison between cases and their matched controls was undertaken using the signed rank test. Results: 73 subjects with incident vertebral fracture (cases), mean age 64.8 years (of whom 23 had a baseline deformity), and 196 controls, mean age 63.9 years (of whom 60 had a baseline deformity), were studied. There were strong correlations between the domain scores for each of the three instruments. There was no statistically significant difference in any of the domain scores between cases and those controls with a prevalent deformity. However, compared with the controls without a prevalent deformity the cases had significantly impaired quality of life as determined using the total QUALEFFO score (38.2 vs 33.7), the physical component score of the SF-12 (39.9 vs 43.7) and the health status score of the EQ-5D (62.3 vs 69.9). When the analysis was repeated after stratification of the cases by baseline deformity status (i.e., cases with and without a prevalent deformity at baseline), cases with a prevalent deformity had impaired quality of life compared with their matched controls, both with and without a prevalent deformity. In contrast there was no significant difference in quality of life among the cases without a prevalent deformity and either control group. Conclusion: In this population-based study a recent vertebral fracture was associated with impairment in quality of life, though this was mainly among those who had sustained a previous vertebral deformity