207 research outputs found

    Improving the ability to write persuasive texts in a boy with autism spectrum disorder: outcomes of an intervention

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    In this paper, we describe an intervention implemented to assist a 13.2-year-old boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder, G, without intellectual disability, aimed at improving his ability to compose persuasive texts. There was an initial assessment (baseline), an intermediate assessment after two weeks, a six-session intervention phase, and a post-intervention assessment. Our intervention applied two procedures. The first aimed at enhancing general composition abilities in terms of picking (P) ideas, organizing (O) notes, and writing (W) them down (POW), while the second specified the steps to write a persuasive text addressing a possible reader: a topic sentence (T), reasons (R), an explanation (E) for the reasons and the end of the sentence (E) (TREE). These procedures were termed POW + TREE. To analyze G’s texts, three types of measures were used by two raters at baseline, intermediate and post-test time: a) the presence of the TREE components; b) the quality of the reasons and explanations for the reasons; c) the number of mental state terms. All these measures showed relevant quantitative improvements, as well as qualitative changes. In addition, when G’s performance at the end of the intervention was compared to that of typically developing controls, no statistical difference appeared. The results are discussed in light of the potentialities offered by the type of intervention described here

    Drammaturgia musicale e altri studi

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    Numero monografico che raccoglie contributi di neolaureati e giovani studiosi dedicati all'attivit\ue0 musicale a Palermo tra Cinque e Settecento, con notizie inedite ricavate da fonti archivistiche

    Fruit growth stage transitions in two mango cultivars grown in a mediterranean environment

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    Studying mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit development represents one of the most important aspects for the precise orchard management under non‐native environmental conditions. In this work, precision fruit gauges were used to investigate important eco‐physiological aspects of fruit growth in two mango cultivars, Keitt (late ripening) and Tommy Atkins (early‐mid ripening). Fruit absolute growth rate (AGR, mm day−1 ), daily diameter fluctuation (ΔD, mm), and a development index given by their ratio (AGR/ΔD) were monitored to identify the prevalent mechanism (cell division, cell expansion, ripening) involved in fruit development in three (‘Tommy Atkins’) or four (‘Keitt’) different periods during growth. In ‘Keitt’, cell division prevailed over cell expansion from 58 to 64 days after full bloom (DAFB), while the opposite occurred from 74 to 85 DAFB. Starting at 100 DAFB, internal changes prevailed over fruit growth, indicating the beginning of the ripening stage. In Tommy Atkins (an early ripening cultivar), no significant differences in AGR/ΔD was found among monitoring periods, indicating that both cell division and expansion coexisted at gradually decreasing rates until fruit harvest. To evaluate the effect of microclimate on fruit growth the relationship between vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and ΔD was also studied. In ‘Keitt’, VPD was the main driving force determining fruit diameter fluctuations. In ‘Tommy Atkins’, the lack of relationship between VPD and ΔD suggest a hydric isolation of the fruit due to the disruption of xylem and stomatal flows starting at 65 DAFB. Further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis

    Post-acute COVID-19 neurological syndrome: A new medical challenge

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    In December 2019, in Wuhan (China), a highly pathogenic coronavirus, named SARS-CoV-2, dramatically emerged. This new virus, which causes severe pneumonia, is rapidly spreading around the world, hence it provoked the COVID-19 pandemic. This emergency launched by SARS-CoV-2 also had, and still has, devastating socio-economic aspects. Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups of people is crucial for the adaptation of governments’ responses. Growing scientific evidence suggests that it is essential to keep the attention on people after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection; indeed, some clinical manifestations are frequently present even after recovery. There is consensus on the need to define which symptoms persist after the infection and which disabilities may arise after COVID-19. Recent reviews, case reports, and original contributions suggest that various organs may be affected, and neurological symptoms are present in about one third of patients with COVID-19. Neurological complications after severe COVID-19 infection might include delirium, brain inflammation, stroke, and nerve damage. In the recent pandemic, neurologists and neurobiologists have a chance to study key features of infection neurology. Furthermore, the psychological impact of the pandemic should not be underestimated, although there is currently no definition for this condition

    Monitoraggio in tempo reale dello stress idrico del pesco

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    La frutticoltura odierna Ăš sempre piĂč caratterizzata dall’utilizzo di nuove tecnologie che si basano sull’utilizzo di molteplici sensori. Una delle grandi sfide della Smart Agriculture (agricoltura intelligente) Ăš quella di integrare le informazioni provenienti da sensori remoti, prossimali e a contatto in modelli informativi in grado di sostenere gli agricoltori, in modo tale da determinare un sostanziale beneficio economico per le aziende. La complessitĂ  delle informazioni ottenute scoraggia l’integrazione di dati apparentemente molto diversi, ma allo stesso tempo apre le porte a nuovi modelli d’impresa. In questo lavoro vengono messi in risalto alcuni vantaggi e difficoltĂ  dell’utilizzo congiunto di sensori su foglie e frutti di nettarine

    Engagement of nuclear coactivator 7 by 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid enhances activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in immunoregulatory dendritic cells

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    Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) catalyzes the first step in the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan (Trp) degradation that produces several biologically active Trp metabolites. L-kynurenine (Kyn), the first byproduct by IDO1, promotes immunoregulatory effects via activation of the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) in dendritic cells (DCs) and T lymphocytes. We here identified the nuclear coactivator 7 (NCOA7) as a molecular target of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HAA), a Trp metabolite produced downstream of Kyn along the kynurenine pathway. In cells overexpressing NCOA7 and AhR, the presence of 3-HAA increased the association of the two molecules and enhanced Kyn-driven, AhR-dependent gene transcription. Physiologically, conventional (cDCs) but not plasmacytoid DCs or other immune cells expressed high levels of NCOA7. In cocultures of CD4+ T cells with cDCs, the co-addition of Kyn and 3-HAA significantly increased the induction of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells and the production of immunosuppressive transforming growth factor ÎČ in an NCOA7-dependent fashion. Thus, the co-presence of NCOA7 and the Trp metabolite 3-HAA can selectively enhance the activation of ubiquitary AhR in cDCs and consequent immunoregulatory effects. Because NCOA7 is often overexpressed and/or mutated in tumor microenvironments, our current data may provide evidence for a new immune check-point mechanism based on Trp metabolism and AhR

    A microbially produced AhR ligand promotes a Tph1-driven tolerogenic program in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating autoimmune disease, characterized by chronic inflammation of the central nervous system. While the significance of the gut microbiome on multiple sclerosis pathogenesis is established, the underlining mechanisms are unknown. We found that serum levels of the microbial postbiotic tryptophan metabolite indole-3-carboxaldehyde (3-IAld) inversely correlated with disease duration in multiple sclerosis patients. Much like the host-derived tryptophan derivative l-Kynurenine, 3-IAld would bind and activate the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR), which, in turn, controls endogenous tryptophan catabolic pathways. As a result, in peripheral lymph nodes, microbial 3-IAld, affected mast-cell tryptophan metabolism, forcing mast cells to produce serotonin via Tph1. We thus propose a protective role for AhR–mast-cell activation driven by the microbiome, whereby natural metabolites or postbiotics will have a physiological role in immune homeostasis and may act as therapeutic targets in autoimmune diseases

    Long-term proactive management of psoriasis with calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate foam: an Italian consensus through a combined nominal group technique and Delphi approach

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    Background: Although long-term management of psoriasis is paramount, this approach is challenging in clinical practice. In the recent PSO-LONG trial, a fixed-dose combination of betamethasone dipropionate (BD) and calcipotriol (Cal) foam applied twice a week on non-consecutive days for 52 weeks (proactive treatment) reduced the risk of relapse. However, the role of Cal/BD foam in the long-term management of psoriasis needs further clarifications. The ProActive Management (PAM) program, a nationwide Italian project, aims at reaching a consensus on the role of proactive management of psoriasis. Methods: A steering committee generated some statements through the nominal group technique (NGT). The statements were voted by an expert panel in an adapted Delphi voting process. Results: Eighteen statements were proposed, and the majority of them (14/18) reached a consensus during the Delphi voting. The need to provide long-term proactive topical treatment to reduce the risk of relapse for the treatment of challenging diseases sites or in patients where phototherapy or systemic therapies are contraindicated/ineffective was widely recognized. A consensus was reached about the possibility to associate the proactive treatment with systemic and biological therapies, without the need for dose intensification, thus favoring a prolonged remission. Moreover, the proactive treatment was recognized as more effective than weekend therapy in increasing time free from relapses. Approaches to improve adherence, on the other hand, need further investigation. Conclusions: The inclusion in guidelines of a proactive strategy among the effective treatment options will be a fundamental step in the evolution of a mild-moderate psoriasis therapeutic approach
