1,027 research outputs found

    The Architectural Dynamics of Encapsulated Botnet Detection (EDM)

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    Botnet is one of the numerous attacks ravaging the networking environment. Its approach is said to be brutal and dangerous to network infrastructures as well as client systems. Since the introduction of botnet, different design methods have been employed to solve the divergent approach but the method of taking over servers and client systems is unabated. To solve this, we first identify Mpack, ICEpack and Fiesta as enhanced IRC tool. The analysis of its role in data exchange using OSI model was carried out. This further gave the needed proposal to the development of a High level architecture representing the structural mechanism and the defensive mechanism within network server so as to control the botnet trend. Finally, the architecture was designed to respond in a proactive state when scanning and synergizing the double data verification modules in an encapsulation manner within server system

    Das Kreuz mit dem Kreuz : wenn Wirbelsäule und Bandscheiben verschleißen – Abgestuftes Therapiekonzept ermöglicht differenzierte Behandlung

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    Rückenschmerzen bezeichnen die Mediziner inzwischen als Volkskrankheit oder gar als Epidemie der Neuzeit. So leiden zirka 80 Prozent der Deutschen wenigstens einmal in ihrem Leben an Kreuzschmerzen, 35 Prozent davon langfristig. Zirka 20 Millionen Bundesbürger begaben sich beispielsweise 1999 wegen derartiger Beschwerden in ärztliche Behandlung; keine andere Krankheit verursacht so viele Krankenhausaufenthalte. Beträgt die Krankheitsdauer mehr als sechs Monate, kehrt lediglich jeder Zweite in den Arbeitsprozess zurück. Während früher sehr viel schneller gravierende operative Methoden eingesetzt wurden, hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren ein abgestuftes Therapiekonzept entwickelt, das sich sehr differenziert an dem jeweiligen Stadium der Erkrankung ausrichtet

    Pore-gas Dynamics in Overburden and Reclamation Soil Covers

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    Large above-grade overburden landforms comprised of low-grade lean oil sands (LOS) are amassed during the surface mining of oil sands in northern Alberta, Canada. Reclamation soil covers consisting of locally-salvaged soils are subsequently placed above the LOS landforms in single and multi-layered configurations. The soil covers are intended to 1) provide sufficient pore-gas O2 to facilitate the growth of native boreal forest vegetation and to 2) oxidize methane (CH4) produced in the anaerobic zones of the LOS before being exhausted to the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas. Prior to covering the LOS with soil covers, rates of CO2 efflux from the surface of the LOS to the atmosphere ranged from 0.1-7.1 kg/m2/a. Pore-gas concentrations within the uncovered LOS ranged from 0-18% for oxygen (O2), 3-21% for carbon dioxide (CO2), and 0-12% for CH4. Following placement of soil covers, peak rates of CO2 efflux were 2.3 kg/m2/a from the surface of the soil covers to the atmosphere and 1.8 kg/m2/a from the LOS into the soil covers. Peak rates of O2 influx from the atmosphere through the soil covers was 18 kg/m2/a. Pore-gasses within the overlying soil covers and uppermost LOS were typically below the threshold that poses a risk to the survivability of reclamation vegetation, >10% O2 and 16%. Rates of CH4 oxidation were quantified in batch soil column experiments for the soil cover materials and LOS in single and multi-layered configurations. Oxidation rates were sensitive to variations in temperature, moisture content, and bulk density. The results of the column experiments indicate that CH4 generated deeper than 2 m within the LOS landform will be partially oxidized in both the soil covers and uppermost LOS horizon. Statistical analyses and finite difference numerical modelling were conducted to guide mine operators regarding practical issues involving the construction of LOS landforms, design of soil cover systems, and management of reclamation sites. Based on these exercises, it appears that the characteristics of the LOS landform are more important to pore-gas dynamics than the design of the soil cover systems

    Assessing Cultural Receptivity in Fostering: Scale Development and Validation

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    The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.Session 1. Presenter: Tanya M. Coakley, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville (2004) - "Assessing Cultural Receptivity in Fostering: Scale Development and Validation"The Ohio State University College of Social Wor

    Mitigating Botnet Attack Using Encapsulated Detection Mechanism (EDM)

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    Botnet as it is popularly called became fashionable in recent times owing to it embedded force on network servers. Botnet has an exponential growth of about 170, 000 within network server and client infrastructures per day. The networking environment on monthly basis battle over 5 million bots. Nigeria as a country loses above one hundred and twenty five (N125) billion naira to network fraud annually, end users such as Banks and other financial institutions battle daily the botnet threats.Comment: This paper addresses critical area of networ

    Gauging Newton's Law

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    We derive both Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics as gauge theories of Newtonian mechanics. Systematic development of the distinct symmetries of dynamics and measurement suggest that gauge theory may be motivated as a reconciliation of dynamics with measurement. Applying this principle to Newton's law with the simplest measurement theory leads to Lagrangian mechanics, while use of conformal measurement theory leads to Hamilton's equations.Comment: 44 pages, no figures, LaTe