9 research outputs found

    Residents’ perception of tourism: a systematic review from 1978 to 2019

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    Residents are crucial stakeholders in tourism development and their perceptions towards this activity have been studied since the 1970s. Since then, studies in this area have expanded considerably, including review papers. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate this evolution and to explore critically methodologies applied in studies about residents ́ perceptions towards tourism between 1978 and 2019 and published in the ten most impactful tourism journals according to the Scimago Journal Ranking (2018). In a total of 260 papers, the main results showed that Tourism Management was the journal with the largest number of papers published. Most studies were quantitative in nature and atheoretical. The Social Exchange Theory has been the theory most frequently applied to date. The papers focused on residents ́ perceptions, specifically in tourism destinations, natural areas, events and mega-events. New lines of research in future studies about this subject are suggested to provide new perspectives in this study area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Motivation, satisfaction and loyalty in outdoor tourism

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    Outdoor tourism is a topic that has been increasingly studied since its practice has been growing. So, understanding motivation, satisfaction and loyalty are essential in planning. In this regard, this study aimed to analyse the relationship between motivation, sa tisfaction, and loyalty among practitioners of outdoor activities in the Northern Region of Portugal. To this purpose, a questionnaire was applied to 216 practitioners of outdoor activities in the Northern Region of Portugal. Three hypotheses were defined; two were tested with Stepwise Multiple Regression and one with linear regression. The results highlighted the existence of a relationship between motivation, satisfaction, and loyalty and between satisfaction and loyalty, corroborating the hypotheses. This demonstrates the importance of knowing the reasons why outdoor activities practitioners choose the region, and how they are satisfied and will transform satisfaction into loyalty. Knowing these factors will enable more effective destination planning that fits practitioners' needs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The use of a geographic information system to increase outdoor tourism

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    Purpose: Outdoor tourism is a growing segment that still requires data for planning and management. Aimed to present the potential of the Geographic Information System (GIS) to improve outdoor tourism in the North of Portugal. To achieve this purpose, a case study was conducted on developing a Web-GIS in Northern Portugal. Methodology: Four steps were followed to develop the GIS tool with information about outdoor tourism in the North of Portugal. In the first step, municipalities in the North of Portugal sent information about outdoor activities. In the second step, the data were georeferenced and associated. In the last step, a Web-GIS was developed. Findings: The development of tools is an important source of support for tourism. This study identified that a tool such as the GIS could support a destination's decision-making and promotional processes, besides providing detailed information to the tourist and facilitating travel planning. Practical implications: GIS provides effective planning of outdoor tourism, once this tool allows an effective search of the tourist offer and, from the tourist's perspective, relevant suggestions of visits according to their location are presented, facilitating their experience in the region. Originality: Several studies relate to GIS and tourism, but there is still a gap in specific studies on outdoor activities. So, this study presents the importance of GIS to improve outdoor tourism in the North region of Portugal. Understanding this importance is essential in planning and managing tourism, helping further policymaking and marketing strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sociocultural determinants of creative tourism

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    Tourism impacts are a widely studied topic and these can be classified as economic, sociocultural, and environmental. Considering that the resident is the most sensitive stakeholder to the impacts, these subjects are usually associated with research. Cultural events also end up generating impacts and understanding how residents perceive the sociocultural effects is essential to the success of this type of event. Thus, this study aims to analyse the sociocultural determinants of creative tourism based on the perspective of residents living in a small village called Amares (Portugal), in the north of Portugal, very close to Braga. Consequently, 202 questionnaires were applied, face-to-face and by Internet using Google Forms, for residents of Amares between March and July 2020. Exploratory Factor analysis with varimax with the Kaiser normalisation rotation method was applied. Three determinants were extracted. The first determinant is related to the costs of the sociocultural effects. The second determinant indicates the benefits related to the cultural aspects. Finally, the third indicates the benefits related to investments and infrastructure improvement. Concluding, understanding the sociocultural dimensions of a creative event, from the perspective of the residents allows for effective planning of the event's activities. Despite some limitations, namely the pandemic period that affected the application of the questionnaires, the study carried out in Amares (Portugal) can be replicated in other similar events and, later on, a comparison can be made with the reality of a small cultural event.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support by national funds FCT/MCTES to UNIAG (UIDB/04752/2020 and UIDP/04752/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Destination image through TripAdvisor’s reviews analysis

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    Tourists’ satisfaction and motivation have been recurrent themes in tourism literature. In recent years these themes have also been addressed based on online evaluations carried out by tourists, TripAdvisor is one of the most used sites. In this context, this study aims to analyse the image of Bragança’s tourism destina- tion based on TripAdvisor reviews during the pandemic period (2020–2022). To this end, 1444 quantitative and qualitative reviews of attractions, hotels, and restaurants in Bragança, Northern Portugal, were analysed. Based on the Latent Dirichlet Allo- cation Algorithm three dimensions were determined for the attractions, two dimen- sions for the hotels and two dimensions for the restaurants. The descriptive statistics made it possible to establish that the municipality has a positive tourist image. Given results, theoretical and practical implications of this important Marketing theme are presented.UNIAG, R&D unit funded by the FCT—Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. Project no. UIDB/04752/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Natural parks image: an analysis of tripadvisor reviews

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    Natural parks and protected areas have been a significant subject of tourism studies. Understanding the image that visitants have of these areas is important to the planning process, and the analysis of online reviews is a method- ology used in different investigations. TripAdvisor is the most used review aggre- gator in these studies. In this context, this research aimed to analyse the image of three cross-border natural parks based on TripAdvisor reviews. For this, 321 reviews of the Montesinho Natural Park (Portugal), Douro International Nature Park (Portugal) and Arribes del Duero Natural Park (Spain) were collected and analysed using the machine learning techniques known as Latent Dirichlet Allo- cation. Two dimensions were determined for the Montesinho (scenery and nature), two for Douro International (activities and nature) and three for Arribes del Duero (water-based activities, nature, activities). The dimensions were measured on a 1–5 scale It can be concluded that the three parks present a positive image, with averages higher than 4, being 4.47 points (±0.703) for the evaluation of Mon- tesinho, 4.48 (±0.671) for Douro International and 4.50 (±0.703) for Arrribes del Duero. The common dimension in the three parks was nature, which also presented the best average in the three realities. This study presented as a limitation the use only of TripAdvisor for data collection, suggesting the use of other platforms in future studies.This project is being carried out within the scope of the DuraDOURO - El Duero como recurso perdurable del paisaje y el territorio de la frontera, 0785_DURADOURO_2_E, financed by FEDER, through the POCTEP. The authors are also grateful to the UNIAG, R&D unit funded by the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for the Develop- ment of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. “Project Code Reference: UIDB/04752/2020 e UIDP/04752/2020”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Residents' perceptions towards cross-border tourism

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    Residents are an important stakeholder in tourism destinations. In this sense, this study aimed to identify in the cross-border zone towards tourism. A questionnaire was applied between April and May 2023 to residents older than 18 years that were randomly approached in shops, parks, restaurants, streets, and residences. A total of 470 valid questionnaires were considered for descriptive analysis of the impacts' means and standard deviation. Residents tend to perceive positively tourism in cross-border areas. The impacts that presented the highest mean were the economics, followed by the sociocultural and in the last, the environmental impacts. One of the stuady's limitations is the sample number difference between the residents of Portugal and Spain, which makes some comparative aspects between the two populations difficult. This is the first study about residents perceptions in the cross-border area of Portugal (Terras de Trás-os-Montes) and Spain (Castilla y León), characterizing the study's originality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Outdoor tourism demand segmentation: a case study from north of Portugal

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    This research aimed to segment the market of visitors who practise outdoor activities in the North region of Portugal based on their motivations. To this end, a survey was applied to visitors who practised outdoor activities in the region. The data was collected between June and September of 2021, and a final sample of 200 valid questionnaires was obtained. ln an overall analysis of the socio-demographic and professional profile of the respondents, it can be said that the sample is constituted by women (50.5%), aged between 28-38 or over (58.5%), with higher education levels (70.5%), single (53.3%) and Portuguese (94.5%), with an average monthly income between 601€ and 2400€ (74%). Most of them live in the Porto Metropolitan Area (25%) located in the Northern region of Portugal. Relating to outdoor activities, 35.5% of the sample occasionally practise these activities in their residence area, and 20% practise 1-2 times a week. The activities most practised were walking/hiding (28.8%), running (11.7%), and cycling (9.5%). This research demonstrates that segmentation of outdoor tourism demand in North of Portugal should set out marketing and promotion strategies in different destinations, attracting demand, from outside the region and according to their preferences. Therefore, this study contributes to the literature by expanding the discussion on outdoor tourism segmentation, an underestimated topic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    I Jornadas Afrociências: livro de resumos

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    As I Jornadas AFROCIÊNCIAS, subordinadas ao tema “De onde Viemos, Onde Estamos e para Onde Vamos”, é um evento científico inovador que tem como um dos seus objetivos a disseminação de conhecimento técnico-científico, com ênfase no continente africano, e o intercâmbio de ideias que enriqueçam os participantes e as suas instituições, que resulte no desenvolvimento de projetos conjuntos, gerando impacto científico e contribuição para o crescimento de jovens investigadores. A ideia da realização das I Jornadas AFROCIÊNCIAS nasceu da iniciativa de um grupo de estudantes da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão (ESTiG) do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), nomeadamente, Arlinda Semedo, Braima Dabó e Pascoal Garcia, e foi apadrinhada e acolhida pelo Professor Doutor Orlando Rodrigues (Presidente do IPB), Professor Doutor Nuno Ribeiro (Diretor da ESTiG) e pela Professora Doutora Paula Odete Fernandes (Coordenadora Científica da UNIAG). Diante deste cenário, a Associação dos Estudantes Africanos em Bragança, o Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, a Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão e a Unidade de Investigação Aplicada em Gestão (UNIAG) tiveram a honra de anunciar as I Jornadas AFROCIÊNCIAS que decorreram no período de 23 a 24 de maio de 2024.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio