282 research outputs found

    Study on the morphological evolution of bud break in Vitis vinifera L.

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    The aims are to evaluate morpho-anatomical bud development during dormancy and to compare the heat requirement needed to start bud break in several grapevine cultivars characterised by different geographic origins. A detailed description is presented of the bud growth stages of Vitis vinifera cultivars to contribute to the standardisation of national and international testing systems of fruit growing. Based on the general BBCH-scale, the codes describe the first stages of budbreak in several cultivars with different geographical origins. Dormancy release was evaluated both under natural and forcing conditions, appropriate method to establish the budbreak of deciduous species. The cultivars were characterised in relation to the achievement of complete bud scale opening stage (03 of BBCH scale) which is suggested to consider as an early and indicator of budbreak.

    Evaluation of the effect of esca disease on bud break in Vitis vinifera L.: Possible relationship between cultivars and rootstocks

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of esca disease on bud break of grapevine in relation to different rootstock combinations. For this purpose under field conditions observations of flower bud phenological stages were carried out on three widespread grapevine cultivars 'Cabernet Sauvignon', 'Sangiovese' and 'Trebbiano toscano'. Further phenological observations were recorded under forcing conditions using 'Cabernet Sauvignon' as the most susceptible to esca disease. Each cultivar was grafted on K5BB, 1103P and own rooted. The plants were infected by esca due to the natural presence of fungi in the vineyard. Results showed that esca disease significantly delayed bud break of symptomatic vines for several years. Grapevines on different rootstocks showed different bud break changes, in particular those on K5BB were the most susceptible to esca.

    Use of beneficial bacteria Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 on grapevine rootstocks grafted with 'Sangiovese'

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    Azospirillum brasilense Sp245, a well-known PGPR (plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria), was examined in order to evaluate the effects on nursery propagation. In addition the aim was to test the ability of the inoculated bacterium to improve the rooting parameters of some rootstocks that do not easily root through conventional techniques. Nine rootstocks were tested in a conventional nursery, while two rootstocks were tested in organic nursery: V. berlandieri × V. riparia 420A, 161-49, 157-11, SO4; V. berlandieri × V. rupestris 140Ru, 775P, 1103P; V. riparia × V. rupestris 101-14, 3309C. The quality of the root system was improved in terms of the number of roots, root architecture and the total biomass of vines produced in the organic nursery, while in the conventional nursery the results depended on the rootstock. The results suggest that further study is needed for a better comprehension of the mode of action and to establish how PGPR could be used for the sustainable production of grapevine plants

    Gas Exchange, Stem Water Potential and Xylem Flux on Some Grapevine Cultivars Affected by Esca Disease

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    The effect of esca disease on gas exchange, stem water potential and xylem flux of adult grapevines of CabernetSauvignon, Sangiovese and Trebbiano cultivars was studied over three growing seasons. Water relations weremeasured at véraison and cluster ripening on three types of vines: i) healthy (control); ii) symptomatic and iii)apparently healthy in the year of measurements but that had showed esca symptoms in the previous season. Xylemflux was determined on cane segments by perfusion using a tracing dye before and after the appearance of escasymptoms. Esca induced a marked reduction (about 70%) in carbon assimilation and stomatal conductance,especially in Cabernet Sauvignon and Sangiovese. Esca did not affect the stem water potential. Gas exchangeparameters measured before the symptoms appeared in plants affected by esca were similar to those of healthyplants. Measurements made one month before the appearance of the symptoms cannot be used as screening methodto determine whether the vine will show esca. No differences in dye translocation were found before the symptoms’appearance. However, a decrease in xylem flux was measured in symptomatic vines of Cabernet Sauvignon. Afterthe appearance of esca symptoms, only the Trebbiano had a lower xylem flux than the healthy vines

    Esca symptoms appearance in Vitis vinifera L.: influence of climate, pedo-climatic conditions and rootstock/cultivar combination

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    This study investigated the appearance of esca symptoms in relation to environmental factors and the rootstock/cultivar combination in an experimental setting between 2004 and 2009. Among the common genotypes showing susceptibility to the esca disease, four cultivars were considered: ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’, ‘Sangiovese’, ‘Trebbiano Toscano’ and ‘Chardonnay’. These cultivars were studied own-rooted and in combination with two rootstocks: Kober 5BB and 1103 Paulsen. The difference in susceptibility of cultivars to esca appeared negatively related to the graft. No clear relation was found between esca appearance and environmental factors. Moreover, an unexpected discordance between esca incidence percentage and mortality rate was observed.

    Rapid and non-destructive method to assess in the vineyardgrape berry anthocyanins under different seasonal andwater conditions

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    Abstract Background and Aims: Monitoring of anthocyanins (Anth) in winegrape (Vitis vinifera L.) is fundamental for the production of top-quality red wines. This work was aimed at testing a new fluorescence-based sensor for Anth detection in the vineyard. Significance of the Study: The present study showed a new important innovative technology for viticulture. The sensor evaluation of the large spatial and temporal heterogeneity in Anth accumulation can be useful as support parameter in the harvest date decision or for vineyard zoning of phenolic maturity. Methods and Results: Anth in grape (cv. Aleatico) bunches attached to the vine were monitored non-destructively in the field using a fluorescence-based sensor during the 2008 and 2009 seasons and under different water regimes. The ANTHRG index = log(far-red-fluorescenceR/far-red-fluorescenceG), with fluorescence signals excited with red (R) and green (G) light, was inversely correlated through an exponential function (r2 = 0.875) to the Anth concentration derived from the HPLC analysis of berry skin extracts. ANTHRG was effective in detecting the earlier ripening process in 2009 with respect to 2008 and differences in the Anth accumulation between seasons and in relation to different water regimes.Water deficit imposed in 2009 enhanced Anth concentration in berries because of a reduction in berry size but also an increase of Anth biosynthesis. This effect was observed by both destructive and ANTHRG non-destructive measurements. Conclusions: Our results show that the employed fluorescence sensor represents a reliable, rapid and non-invasive tool for monitoring and determining Anth accumulation in situ

    Gas Exchange, Stem Water Potential and Xylem Flux on Some Grapevine Cultivars Affected by Esca Disease

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    The effect of esca disease on gas exchange, stem water potential and xylem flux of adult grapevines of Cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese and Trebbiano cultivars was studied over three growing seasons. Water relations were measured at veraison and cluster ripening on three types of vines: i) healthy (control); ii) symptomatic and iii) apparently healthy in the year of measurements but that had showed esca symptoms in the previous season. Xylem flux was determined on cane segments by perfusion using a tracing dye before and after the appearance of esca symptoms. Esca induced a marked reduction (about 70%) in carbon assimilation and stomatal conductance, especially in Cabernet Sauvignon and Sangiovese. Esca did not affect the stem water potential. Gas exchange parameters measured before the symptoms appeared in plants affected by esca were similar to those of healthy plants. Measurements made one month before the appearance of the symptoms cannot be used as screening method to determine whether the vine will show esca. No differences in dye translocation were found before the symptoms' appearance. However, a decrease in xylem flux was measured in symptomatic vines of Cabernet Sauvignon. After the appearance of esca symptoms, only the Trebbiano had a lower xylem flux than the healthy vines

    La defogliazione precoce: effetto indotto sulla qualità di uve Sangiovese e di vini sottoposti ad affinamento in legno prolungato.

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    Canopy management embraces a range of viticulture practices aimed to obtain a desired shoot arrangement and avoid an excessive foliage density which would shade and make humid the fruit zone. Leaf removal (defoliation) in the fruiting zone is a canopy management practice widely applied, at any time from fruit set to veraison, to enhance air circulation and light penetration in dense foliage. The aim of this study was to assess, in a commercial cv. Sangiovese vineyard, the usefulness of early defoliation as a tool to reduce cluster compactness and yield and improve grape composition. Two different methods for early defoliation, consisting of removal of all leaves from the first 5-7 nodes, was tested close around flowering: manual and pseudo-mechanical. Non-defoliated vines were considered as a control. The effect of the canopy management method adopted on yield, grape composition and sensorial expression of grapes was evaluated, as well as the evolution of wines obtained by defoliated grapes in the previous two harvest seasons, as a function of aging in oak barrels. Early defoliation, especially the manual one, reduced cluster compactness and yield but increased total phenolics concentration in berries. However, the differences tend to decrease with wine aging

    I vini a indicazione geografica tipica

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    E’ una categoria di vini che è stata introdotta ufficialmente con la legge 164/1992, un po’ in analogia con i Vin de Pays francesi. In realtà la normativa è venuta a sanare una situazione che persisteva già da alcuni anni e cioè l’utilizzo della menzione geografica per indicare un vino da tavola che era soggetta ad autorizzazione ministeriale anno per anno. Le norme generali della legge 164 indicavano l’esigenza di utilizzare la Indicazione Geografica Tipica per ampi territori facilmente individuabili da punto di vista geografico. In realtà quindi si sarebbe dovuto utilizzarla per tipologie molto diverse che avevano in comune un certo territorio e eventualmente determinati vitigni. Sotto questo profilo possiamo considerare la IGT “Toscana “o “Toscano”, quella più rispondente a questo principio generale, tuttavia per iniziativa di territori specifici si sono andate poi costituendo iniziative volte a valorizzare le specificità di territori più definiti, come quelli dei “Colli della Toscana Centrale”, che dal punto di vista generale contiene il sostantivo “Toscana”, quando forse secondo la normativa non dovrebbe contenerlo, dato che esiste un’altra IGT con lo stesso nome. Si può peraltro giustificare questa scelta per il fatto che questa IGT è a cascata di tutta una serie di vini, soprattutto quelli rossi che ricadono nel territorio di produzione delle DOCG Chianti, Chianti Classico, Nobile di Montepulciano, Brunello di Montalcino, Vernaccia di San Gimignano, che si producono nella parte centrale di questa regione e che dovrebbero avere quindi delle peculiarità. Anche la IGT “Maremma Toscana” rispecchia l’esigenza di porre questa indicazione a cascata delle DOC esistenti in provincia di Grosseto, che tra l’altro occupa un areale che va dalla montagna al mare, comprendendo ampie aree collinari e zone di recente sviluppo vitivinicolo, che si differenziano nettamente dalla zona centrale della Toscana. Infine tre delle IGT toscane e precisamente “Montecastelli”, “Alta Valle del Greve” e “Val di Magra”, si riferiscono a territori molto circoscritti che prevedono, peraltro, una minore resa produttiva e un minor numero di tipologie di vini con specificazione del vitigno. In particolare la IGT “Val di Magra” si differenzia piuttosto nettamente da quelle del resto della Toscana per la natura del territorio, le condizioni climatiche e per il peculiare assortimento varietale. Pertanto, se lo spirito della legge 164 è stato quello di indicare vini diversi, in funzione della zona geografica, almeno per la “Val Di Magra” è da considerarsi plausibile l’esigenza di non comprenderli sotto l’unificante IGT “Toscana”. Inoltre, i bassi limiti produttivi (10 Ton/ha) si avvicinano a quelli di un disciplinare a DOC piuttosto che alle altre IG

    Degustazione guidata. Le schede e la “classifica” per categoria

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    I vini partecipanti sono stati esaminati, previa anonimizzazione dei campioni, da una Commissione presieduta dal Prof. Giancarlo SCALABRELLI Docente di Viticoltura Dip.Coltivazione e Difesa delle Specie Legnose dell'Università di Pisa. I risultati della Rassegna sono stati già inviati a quotidiani e periodici, alla stampa specializzata ed ai media presenti su internet interessati a questo settore. Tutto ciò per valorizzare le aziende che producono vino da agricoltura biologica e che attraverso una vetrina come Festambiente promuoviamo sia agli appassionati che ad un pubblico vasto, ma sensibile ed attento ai prodotti di qualità. Vengono illustrate le caratteristiche sensoriali dei vini premiati. Selezione Vini Bianchi: Falerio Colli Ascolani Doc 2011 dell’Az. Saladini Pilastri - Spinetoli (Ap); Fontego Soave Doc 2010 de La Cappuccina - Costalunga di Monteforte d’Alpone (Vr); La Raia Gavi DOCG Riserva 2010 della Soc. Agr. La Raia - Novi Ligure (Al). Selezione Rossi Giovani: Bucchero Maremma Toscana IGT Ciliegiolo 2010 della Fattoria Il Duchesco - Alberese (Gr), Marca Trevigiana Igt Merlot 2011 dell’Az.Agr. Giol - San Polo di Piave (Tv). Selezione Rossi Affinati: Coldipietrerosse Val di Cornia Doc 2009 dell’Az.Agricola Bulichella - Suvereto (Li); Larcille Morellino di Scansano Riserva Docg 2008 di Poggio Trevvalle - Campagnatico (Gr) Piediprato Rosso Piceno Doc 2009 dell’Az. Saladini Pilastri - Spinetoli (Ap); Poggio d’Oro Montecucco Sangiovese Doc 2009 dell’Az.Agr. Le Calle - Cinigiano (Gr) Terre del Cereolo Valpolicella Superiore Doc 2007 dell’Az. Trabucchi di Illasi (Vr). Selezione Vini da Dessert : Sfiziale Aleatico Toscano IGT dell’Az.Agricola Bulichella - Suvereto (Li). Spumanti: Satèn Franciacorta Docg 2008 dell’Az. Barone Pizzini di Provaglio d’Iseo (Bs)