241 research outputs found

    Short-term angiotensin II treatment regulates cardiac nanomechanics via microtubule modifications.

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    Mechanical properties of single myocytes contribute to the whole heart performance, but the measurement of mechanics in living cells at high resolution with minimal force interaction remains challenging. Angiotensin II (AngII) is a peptide hormone that regulates a number of physiological functions, including heart performance. It has also been shown to contribute to cell mechanics by inducing cell stiffening. Using non-contact high-resolution Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM), we determine simultaneously cell topography and membrane transverse Young's modulus (YM) by a constant pressure application through a nanopipette. While applying pressure, the vertical position is recorded and a deformation map is generated from which YM can be calculated and corrected for the uneven geometry. High resolution of this method also allows studying specific membrane subdomains, such as Z-grooves and crests. We found that short-term AngII treatment reduces the transversal YM in isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes acting via an AT1 receptor. Blocking either a TGF-β1 receptor or Rho kinase abolishes this effect. Analysis of the cytoskeleton showed that AngII depletes microtubules by decreasing long-lived detyrosinated and acetylated microtubule populations. Interestingly, in the failing cardiomyocytes, which are stiffer than controls, the short-term AngII treatment also reduces the YM, thus normalizing the mechanical state of cells. This suggests that the short-term softening effect of AngII on cardiac cells is opposite to the well-characterized long-term hypertrophic effect. In conclusion, we generate a precise nanoscale indication map of location-specific transverse cortical YM within the cell and this can substantially advance our understanding of cellular mechanics in a physiological environment, for example in isolated cardiac myocytes

    Short-term angiotensin II treatment regulates cardiac nanomechanics: Via microtubule modifications

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    Mechanical properties of single myocytes contribute to the whole heart performance, but the measurement of mechanics in living cells at high resolution with minimal force interaction remains challenging. Angiotensin II (AngII) is a peptide hormone that regulates a number of physiological functions, including heart performance. It has also been shown to contribute to cell mechanics by inducing cell stiffening. Using non-contact high-resolution Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM), we determine simultaneously cell topography and membrane transverse Young's modulus (YM) by a constant pressure application through a nanopipette. While applying pressure, the vertical position is recorded and a deformation map is generated from which YM can be calculated and corrected for the uneven geometry. High resolution of this method also allows studying specific membrane subdomains, such as Z-grooves and crests. We found that short-term AngII treatment reduces the transversal YM in isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes acting via an AT1 receptor. Blocking either a TGF-β1 receptor or Rho kinase abolishes this effect. Analysis of the cytoskeleton showed that AngII depletes microtubules by decreasing long-lived detyrosinated and acetylated microtubule populations. Interestingly, in the failing cardiomyocytes, which are stiffer than controls, the short-term AngII treatment also reduces the YM, thus normalizing the mechanical state of cells. This suggests that the short-term softening effect of AngII on cardiac cells is opposite to the well-characterized long-term hypertrophic effect. In conclusion, we generate a precise nanoscale indication map of location-specific transverse cortical YM within the cell and this can substantially advance our understanding of cellular mechanics in a physiological environment, for example in isolated cardiac myocytes

    Myoblast adhesion, proliferation and differentiation on Human Elastin-Like Polypeptide (HELP) hydrogels

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    Purpose: The biochemical, mechanical and topographic properties of extracellular matrix are crucially involved in determining skeletal muscle cells morphogenesis, proliferation and differentiation. Human elastin-like polypeptides (HELPs) are recombinant biomimetic proteins designed to mimicking some properties of the native matrix protein; when employed as myoblasts adhesion substrates they stimulate in vitro myogenesis. Given the consequences that biophysical properties of extracellular matrix exert on skeletal muscle cells, the aim of this work was to investigate the effects of HELP hydrogels on myoblasts viability and functions. Methods: We recently synthesized a novel polypeptide, HELPc, by fusing the elastin-like backbone to a 41aa stretch present in the α2 chain of type IV collagen, containing two RGD motifs. To obtain hydrogels, the enzymatic cross-linking of the HELPc was accomplished by transglutaminase. Here, we employed both non cross-linked HELPc glass coatings and cross-linked HELPc hydrogels at different monomer density as adhesion substrates for C2C12 cells, used as myoblasts model. Results: By comparing cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation, we revealed several striking differences. Depending on support rigidity, adhesion to HELPc substrates dictates cell morphology, spreading, focal adhesions formation and cytoskeletal organization. Hydrogels greatly stimulated cell proliferation, particularly in low serum-medium, and partially inhibited myogenic differentiation. Conclusions: In the whole, the results underline the potentiality of these genetically engineered polypeptides as a tool for dissecting crucial steps in myogenesis

    The health impact of hazardous waste landfills and illegal dumps contaminated sites: An epidemiological study at ecological level in Italian Region

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    Background and aim: The implementation of idoneous management of hazardous waste, in contrast to illegal practices, is one of the environment and health priorities of the WHO. The aim of the present study, based on a collaborative agreement between the Italian National Health Institute and a Prosecution Office located in Naples North, was to evaluate the health effects of illegal landfills and burning of urban and hazardous waste in the territory of the Prosecution Office. Methods: The municipalities included in the study territory were investigated with respect to the regional population. Regression analyses were performed in the study area between four classes of an environmental municipal indicator of waste risk (MRI) previously defined, computing the relative risks (RRs) in 2–4 MRI classes, with respect to the first MRI class (the least impacted). The prevalence of reproductive outcomes and cause-specific mortality and hospitalization were analyzed in the general population and in the 0–19-year-old population using SAS software. Results: An increase of mortality and hospitalization risk in both the genders of the whole area, with respect to regional population, were found for overall all cancer cases, cancer of the stomach, the liver, the lung and the kidney, and ischemic heart diseases. An increase of mortality for leukemias in the 0-19-year-old population and in hospitalization risk for certain conditions originating in the perinatal period were observed. Correlation between MRI and the risk of mortality from breast tumors in women (MRI class 2: RR = 1.06; MRI class 3: RR = 1.15; MRI class 4: RR = 1.11) and between MRI and the risk of hospitalization from testis tumors (MRI class 2: RR = 1.25; MRI class 3: RR = 1.31; MRI class 4: RR = 1.32) were found. The hospitalization risk from breast tumors and asthma exceeded significantly in both genders of three and four MRI classes. Among the 0-19-year-old population, correlation between MRI and hospitalization from leukemias (MRI class 2: RR = 1.48; MRI class 3: RR = 1.60; MRI class 4: RR = 1.41) and between MRI and the prevalence of preterm birth (MRI class 2: RR = 1.17; MRI class 3: RR = 1.08; MRI class 4: RR = 1.25) were found. Conclusion: A correlation between health outcomes and the environmental pressure by uncontrolled waste sites was found. Notwithstanding the limitation of the study, the results promote implementing the actions of environmental remediation and the prosecution of illegal practices

    Transparent carbon nanotubes promote the outgrowth of enthorino-dentate projections in lesioned organ slice cultures

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    The increasing engineering of carbon-based nanomaterials as components of neuro-regenerative interfaces is motivated by their dimensional compatibility with subcellular compartments of excitable cells, such as axons and synapses. In neuroscience applications, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been used to improve electronic device performance by exploiting their physical properties. Besides, when manufactured to interface neuronal networks formation in vitro, CNT carpets have shown their unique ability to potentiate synaptic networks formation and function. Due to the low optical transparency of CNTs films, further developments of these materials in neural prosthesis fabrication or in implementing interfacing devices to be paired with in vivo imaging or in vitro optogenetic approaches are currently limited. In the present work, we exploit a new method to fabricate CNTs by growing them on a fused silica surface, which results in a transparent CNT-based substrate (tCNTs). We show that tCNTs favour dissociated primary neurons network formation and function, an effect comparable to the one observed for their dark counterparts. We further adopt tCNTs to support the growth of intact or lesioned Entorhinal-Hippocampal Complex organotypic cultures (EHCs). Through immunocytochemistry and electrophysiological field potential recordings, we show here that tCNTs platforms are suitable substrates for the growth of EHCs and we unmask their ability to significantly increase the signal synchronization and fibre sprouting between the cortex and the hippocampus with respect to Controls. tCNTs transparency and ability to enhance recovery of lesioned brain cultures, make them optimal candidates to implement implantable devices in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Reshape Synaptic Function in Cultured Brain Networks

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    Graphene offers promising advantages for biomedical applications. However, adoption of graphene technology in biomedicine also poses important challenges in terms of understanding cell responses, cellular uptake, or the intracellular fate of soluble graphene derivatives. In the biological microenvironment, graphene nanosheets might interact with exposed cellular and subcellular structures, resulting in unexpected regulation of sophisticated biological signaling. More broadly, biomedical devices based on the design of these 2D planar nanostructures for interventions in the central nervous system require an accurate understanding of their interactions with the neuronal milieu. Here, we describe the ability of graphene oxide nanosheets to down-regulate neuronal signaling without affecting cell viability