36 research outputs found


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    O presente artigo objetiva apreender a construção de uma agenda acerca da qualidade para a Educação Infantil representado pelo empresariado social. Nesse movimento, o ideário daNova Gestão Pública se destaca e o diálogo com o Terceiro Setor se aprofunda, evidenciando a predominância de parcerias público-privadas como forma de privatização no contexto da educação infantil brasileira. Entre os sujeitos que tem protagonizado o debate na Educação Infantil no empresariado social, selecionamos para análise a Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal (FMCSV), Fundação esta que se encontra inserida em convênios com municípios, orientações sobre negócios de impacto na área da Infância, organização de estudos sobre boas práticas, organização curricular, orientações intersetoriais, elaboração de políticas, orientando o debate de qualidade pautado em eficiência e eficácia ajustado à produção de capital humano. Constatamos assim que a FMCSV atua no âmbito da privatização exógena e endógena, disseminado receituários de educação, concebidos a partir dos princípios da eficiência e da eficácia, como oportunidades de lucro imediato por meio do investimento na mão de obra futura – pela característica do negócio de impacto na infância, alinhado a uma agenda global, em que o fazer político se articula ao fazer econômico sob nova roupagem, por meio do empresariado social, em uma agenda de descentralização, influência ideológica e privatização dos serviços públicos da educação infantil brasileira

    Enregistrements de longue durée: Opportunités et défis

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    International audienceTechnological developments have allowed the development of lightweight, wearable recorders that collect audio (including speech) lasting up to a whole day. We provide a general description of the technique and lay out the advantages and drawbacks when using this methodology. Field linguists may gain a uniquely naturalistic viewpoint of language use as people go about their everyday activities. However, due to their duration, noisiness, and likelihood of containing sensitive information, long-form recordings remain difficult to annotate manually. Open-source tools improve reproducibility and ease-of-use for researchers, to which end speech technologists can contribute. Additionally, new approaches to human and automated annotation make the study of speech in longform recordings increasingly feasible and promising

    Avaliação de desempenho do controle da tuberculose em municípios brasileiros

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    OBJETIVO Avaliar o desempenho no controle da tuberculose dos municípios brasileiros. MÉTODOS Estudo ecológico com municípios brasileiros que notificaram pelo menos quatro casos novos de tuberculose, com no mínimo um caso novo de tuberculose pulmonar entre 2015 e 2018. Os municípios foram estratificados de acordo com a população em < 50 mil, 50–100 mil, 100–300 mil e > 300 mil habitantes e foi utilizado o método k-médias para agrupá-los dentro de cada faixa populacional segundo desempenho de seis indicadores da doença. RESULTADOS Foram incluídos 2.845 municípios brasileiros abrangendo 98,5% (208.007/211.174) dos casos novos de tuberculose do período. Para cada faixa populacional identificou-se três grupos (A, B e C) de municípios segundo desempenho dos indicadores: A os mais satisfatórios, B os intermediários e C os menos satisfatórios. Municípios do grupo A com < 100 mil habitantes apresentaram resultados acima das metas para confirmação laboratorial (≥ 72%), abandono (≤ 5%) e cura (≥ 90%), e abrangeram 2% dos casos novos da doença. Por outro lado, os municípios dos grupos B e C apresentaram pelo menos cinco indicadores com resultados abaixo das metas – testagem HIV (< 100%), exame de contatos (< 90%), tratamento diretamente observado (< 90%), abandono (> 5%) e cura (< 90%) –, e corresponderam a 66,7% dos casos novos de tuberculose. Já no grupo C dos municípios com > 300 mil habitantes, que incluiu 19 das 27 capitais e 43,1% dos casos novos de tuberculose, encontrou-se os menores percentuais de exames de contatos (média = 56,4%) e tratamento diretamente observado (média = 15,4%), elevado abandono (média = 13,9%) e baixa cobertura da atenção básica (média = 66,0%). CONCLUSÕES Grande parte dos casos novos de tuberculose ocorreu em municípios com desempenho insatisfatório para o controle da doença, onde expandir a cobertura da atenção básica pode reduzir o abandono e elevar o exame de contatos e tratamento diretamente observado.OBJECTIVE To evaluate the performance of tuberculosis control in Brazilian municipalities. METHODS This is an ecological study on Brazilian municipalities that notified at least four new cases of tuberculosis, with a minimum of one new case of pulmonary tuberculosis between 2015 and 2018. The municipalities were stratified according to the population in < 50 thousand, 50–100 thousand, 100–300 thousand, and > 300 thousand inhabitants, and the k-means method was used to group them within each population range according to the performance of six indicators of the disease. RESULTS A total of 2,845 Brazilian municipalities were included, comprising 98.5% (208,007/211,174) of new tuberculosis cases in the period. For each population range, three groups (A, B, and C) of municipalities were identified according to the performance of the indicators: A, the most satisfactory; B, the intermediates; and C, the least satisfactory. Municipalities in group A with < 100 thousand inhabitants presented results above the targets for laboratory confirmation (≥ 72%), abandonment (≤ 5%), and cure (≥ 90%), and comprised 2% of new cases of the disease. Conversely, municipalities of groups B and C presented at least five indicators with results below the targets – HIV testing (< 100%), contact investigation (< 90%), directly observed therapy (< 90%), abandonment (> 5%), and cure (< 90%) –, and corresponded to 66.7% of new cases of tuberculosis. In group C of municipalities with > 300 thousand inhabitants, which included 19 of the 27 capitals and 43.1% of new cases of tuberculosis, the lowest percentages of contact investigation (mean = 56.4%) and directly observed therapy (mean = 15.4%) were verified, in addition to high abandonment (mean = 13.9%) and low coverage of primary health care (mean = 66.0%). CONCLUSIONS Most new cases of tuberculosis occurred in municipalities with unsatisfactory performance for disease control. Expanding the coverage of primary health care in these places can reduce abandonment and increase the contact investigation and directly observed therapy


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    Beyond WEIRD: an interdisciplinary approach to language acquisition -public defense June 19 2019 at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris My dissertation was funded by Paris Diderot and Ecole Doctorale FIRE-Programme Bettencourt. The chapters are under or will be peer-reviewed. The documents uploaded to this project HAVE NOT been peer-reviewed, please check my CV to get the published version of this work

    Infant-directed input and literacy effects on phonological processing: Non-word repetition scores among the Tsimane’

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    Language input in childhood and literacy (and/or schooling) have been described as two key experiences impacting phonological processing. In this study, we assess phonological processing via a non-word repetition (NWR) group game, in adults and children living in two villages of an ethnic group where infants are rarely spoken to, and where literacy is variable. We found lower NWR scores than in previous work for both children (N = 17; aged 1-12 years) and adults (N = 13; aged 18-60 years), which is consistent with the hypothesis that there would be long-term effects on phonological processing of experiencing low levels of directed input in infancy. Additionally, we found some evidence that literacy and/or schooling increases NWR scores, although results should be interpreted with caution given the small sample size. These findings invite further investigations in similar communities, as current results are most compatible with phonological processing being influenced by aspects of language experience that vary greatly between and within populations

    Factors structuring lexical development in toddlers: The effects of parental education, language exposure, and age

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    A growing body of research suggests that individual variation in young children’s word comprehension (indexed by response times and accuracy) is structured and meaningful. In this paper, we assess how children’s word comprehension correlates with three factors: socio-economic status (indexed by maternal education), lingual status (based on language exposure), and age. We present results from 91 2- to 3-year-old children using a paired forced-choice task built on a child-friendly touch screen. Effects associated with maternal education and exposure to the tested language (French) were small, and they were greater for accuracy than response times. This pattern of results is compatible with an interpretation whereby the greatest effects of these two variables are on cumulative knowledge (vocabulary size) rather than on processing. Effects for age were larger and affected both accuracy and response times. Finally, response time variation did not mediate the effects of socio-economic status on accuracy or vice versa