307 research outputs found

    Dexamethasone downregulates autophagy through accelerated turn-over of the ulk-1 complex in a trabecular meshwork cells strain: Insights on steroid-induced glaucoma pathogenesis

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    Steroid-induced glaucoma is a severe pathological condition, sustained by a rapidly progressive increase in intraocular pressure (IOP), which is diagnosed in a subset of subjects who adhere to a glucocorticoid (GC)-based therapy. Molecular and clinical studies suggest that either natural or synthetic GCs induce a severe metabolic dysregulation of Trabecular Meshwork Cells (TMCs), an endothelial-derived histotype with phagocytic and secretive functions which lay at the iridocorneal angle in the anterior segment of the eye. Since TMCs physiologically regulate the composition and architecture of trabecular meshwork (TM), which is the main outflow pathway of aqueous humor, a fluid which shapes the eye globe and nourishes the lining cell types, GCs are supposed to trigger a pathological remodeling of the TM, inducing an IOP increase and retina mechanical compression. The metabolic dysregulation of TMCs induced by GCs exposure has never been characterized at the molecular detail. Herein, we report that, upon dexamethasone exposure, a TMCs strain develops a marked inhibition of the autophagosome biogenesis pathway through an enhanced turnover of two members of the Ulk-1 complex, the main platform for autophagy induction, through the Ubiquitin Proteasome System (UPS)

    Hypothalamo-pituitary axis and puberty

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    Puberty is a complex process that culminates in the acquisition of psychophysical maturity and reproductive capacity. This elaborate and fascinating process marks the end of childhood. Behind it lies a complex, genetically mediated neuroendocrine mechanism through which the gonads are activated thanks to the fine balance between central inhibitory and stimulating neuromodulators and hormones with both central and peripheral action. The onset of puberty involves the reactivation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, supported by the initial “kiss” between kisspeptin and the hypothalamic neurons that secrete GnRH (the GnRH “pulse generator”). This pulsatile production of GnRH is followed by a rise in LH and, consequently, in gonadal steroids. The onset of puberty varies naturally between individuals, and especially between males and females, in the latter of whom it is typically earlier. However, pathological variations, namely precocious and delayed puberty, are also possible. This article reviews the scientific literature on the physiological mechanisms of puberty and the main pathophysiological aspects of its onset

    Reverse transcriptase inhibition potentiates target therapy in BRAF-mutant melanomas. effects on cell proliferation, apoptosis, DNA-damage, ROS induction and mitochondrial membrane depolarization

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    Target therapies based on BRAF and MEK inhibitors (MAPKi) have changed the therapeutic landscape for metastatic melanoma patients bearing mutations in the BRAF kinase. However, the emergence of drug resistance imposes the necessity to conceive novel therapeutic strategies capable to achieve a more durable disease control. In the last years, retrotransposons laying in human genome have been shown to undergo activation during tumorigenesis, where they contribute to genomic instability. Their activation can be efficiently controlled with reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs) frequently used in the treatment of AIDS. These drugs have demonstrated anti-proliferative effects in several cancer models, including also metastatic melanoma. However, to our knowledge no previous study investigated the capability of RTIs to mitigate drug resistance to target therapy in BRAF-mutant melanomas. In this short report we show that the non-nucleoside RTI, SPV122 in combination with MAPKi strongly inhibits BRAF-mutant melanoma cell growth, induces apoptosis, and delays the emergence of resistance to target therapy in vitro. Mechanistically, this combination strongly induces DNA double-strand breaks, mitochondrial membrane depolarization and increased ROS levels. Our results shed further light on the molecular activity of RTI in melanoma and pave the way to their use as a novel therapeutic option to improve the efficacy of target therapy. Video Abstract

    Citicoline in ophthalmological neurodegenerative disease: A comprehensive review

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    Cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine has been widely studied in systemic neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and brain ischemia. The rationale for the use of citicoline in ophthalmological neurodegenerative diseases, including glaucoma, anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, and diabetic retinopathy, is founded on its multifactorial mechanism of action and the involvement in several metabolic pathways, including phospholipid homeostasis, mitochondrial dynamics, as well as cholinergic and dopaminergic transmission, all being involved in the complexity of the visual transmission. This narrative review is aimed at reporting both pre-clinical data regarding the involvement of citicoline in such metabolic pathways (including new insights about its role in the intracellular proteostasis through an interaction with the proteasome) and its effects on clinical psychophysical, electrophysiological, and morphological outcomes following its use in ophthalmological neurodegenerative diseases (including the results of the most recent prospective randomized clinical trials)

    The Collagen Binding Domain of Gelatinase A Modulates Degradation of Collagen IV by Gelatinase B

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    Type IV collagen remodeling plays a critical role in inflammatory responses, angiogenesis and metastasis. Its remodeling is executed by a family of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), of which the constitutive gelatinase A (MMP2) and the inducible gelatinase B (MMP9) are key examples. Thus, in many pathological conditions, both gelatinases act together. Kinetic data are reported for the enzymatic processing at 37 degrees C of type IV collagen from human placenta by MMP9 and its modulation by the fibronectin-like collagen binding domain (CBD) of MMP2. The alpha l and alpha 2 chain components of type IV collagen were cleaved by gelatinases and identified by mass spectrometry as well as Edman sequencing. Surface plasmon resonance interaction assays showed that CBD bound type IV collagen at two topologically distinct sites. On the basis of linked-function analysis, we demonstrated that CBD of MMP2 tuned the cleavage of collagen IV by MMP9, presumably by inducing a ligand-linked structural change on the type IV collagen. At low, concentrations, the CBD bound the first site and thereby allosterically modulated the binding of MMP9 to collagen IV, thus enhancing the collagenolytic activity of MMP9. At high concentrations, CBD binding to the second site interfered with MMP9 binding to collagen IV, acting as a competitive inhibitor. Interestingly, modulation of collagen IV degradation by inactive forms of MMP2 also occurred in a cell-based system, revealing that this interrelationship affected neutrophil migration across a collagen IV membrane. The regulation of the proteolytic processing by a catalytically inactive domain (i.e., CBD) suggests that the two gelatinases might cooperate in degrading substrates even when either one is inactive. This observation reinforces the idea of exosite targets for MMP inhibitors, which should include all macromolecular substrate recognition site

    At the cutting edge against cancer: A perspective on immunoproteasome and immune checkpoints modulation as a potential therapeutic intervention

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    Simple Summary:& nbsp;Immunoproteasome plays a key role in the generation of antigenic peptides. Immune checkpoints therapy is a front-line treatment of advanced/metastatic tumors, and to improve its efficacy, a broader knowledge of the dynamics of antigen repertoire processing by cancer cells is mandatory. The scope of this review is to offer a picture of the role of immunoproteasome in antigen presentation to fuel the hypothesis of novel therapeutic interventions based on the modulation of this proteolytic complex and immune checkpoints.Immunoproteasome is a noncanonical form of proteasome with enzymological properties optimized for the generation of antigenic peptides presented in complex with class I MHC molecules. This enzymatic property makes the modulation of its activity a promising area of research. Nevertheless, immunotherapy has emerged as a front-line treatment of advanced/metastatic tumors providing outstanding improvement of life expectancy, even though not all patients achieve a long-lasting clinical benefit. To enhance the efficacy of the currently available immunotherapies and enable the development of new strategies, a broader knowledge of the dynamics of antigen repertoire processing by cancer cells is needed. Therefore, a better understanding of the role of immunoproteasome in antigen processing and of the therapeutic implication of its modulation is mandatory. Studies on the potential crosstalk between proteasome modulators and immune checkpoint inhibitors could provide novel perspectives and an unexplored treatment option for a variety of cancers

    Unprecedented studies of the low-energy negatively charged kaons interactions in nuclear matter by AMADEUS

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    The AMADEUS experiment aims to provide unique quality data of KK^- hadronic interactions in light nuclear targets, in order to solve fundamental open questions in the non-perturbative strangeness QCD sector, like the controversial nature of the Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) state, the yield of hyperon formation below threshold, the yield and shape of multi-nucleon KK^- absorption, processes which are intimately connected to the possible existence of exotic antikaon multi-nucleon clusters. AMADEUS takes advantage of the DAΦ\PhiNE collider, which provides a unique source of monochromatic low-momentum kaons and exploits the KLOE detector as an active target, in order to obtain excellent acceptance and resolution data for KK^- nuclear capture on H, 4{}^4He, 9{}^{9}Be and 12{}^{12}C, both at-rest and in-flight. During the second half of 2012 a successful data taking was performed with a dedicated pure carbon target implemented in the central region of KLOE, providing a high statistic sample of pure at-rest KK^- nuclear interactions. For the future dedicated setups involving cryogenic gaseous targets are under preparation.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    KK-series X-ray yield measurement of kaonic hydrogen atoms in a gaseous target

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    We measured the KK-series X-rays of the KpK^{-}p exotic atom in the SIDDHARTA experiment with a gaseous hydrogen target of 1.3 g/l, which is about 15 times the ρSTP\rho_{\rm STP} of hydrogen gas. At this density, the absolute yields of kaonic X-rays, when a negatively charged kaon stopped inside the target, were determined to be 0.0120.003+0.004^{+0.004}_{-0.003} for KαK_{\alpha} and 0.0430.011+0.012^{+0.012}_{-0.011} for all the KK-series transitions KtotK_{tot}. These results, together with the KEK E228 experiment results, confirm for the first time a target density dependence of the yield predicted by the cascade models, and provide valuable information to refine the parameters used in the cascade models for the kaonic atoms.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Nuclear Physics A, Special Issue on Strangeness and Char