420 research outputs found

    Socio-demographic and economic characterization of the poultry rural microentrepreneur

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    Brazil is one of the most important countries in agriculture and livestock, being the largest exporter and second largest producer of chicken meat. The predominant system of poultry production is one of vertical integration, which presents advantages for both sides, providing a constant income to the rural micro-entrepreneur, and a constant supply of raw material at competitive costs for the agro-industry. The study aimed to better understand the rural microentrepreneur integrated into the broiler production system in the microregions of Araraquara and São Carlos, totaling 17 counties in the interior of the state of São Paulo. The methodology consisted of applying a structured questionnaire to identify the economic and sociodemographic profile of the region. It was observed that the properties have an average capacity for raising 36,120 poultries in 2 aviaries in a total constructed area of ​​3,397 m2, that the workforce is predominantly male, white, married and with children. 44.9% have only elementary education, while 22.5% have completed high school and only 12.4% have higher education. 86.5% own their properties, while 7.9% are tenants. 88.8% have annual income from the activity of up to R360,000and55.1360,000 and 55.1% chose the sector to supplement their income. 43% do not have any type of financing and 33% are not interested in investing more in the activity at the moment. These data highlight the importance of knowing the profile of micro-entrepreneurs in order to optimize the relationship between the integrated and the integrator and, consequently, increasing productivity gains and increasing competitiveness.Brazil's predominant poultry production system is vertical integration, which has advantages for both sides, providing a constant income to farmers and a constant supply of raw material at competitive costs for the agroindustry. The study aimed to understand better the integrated farmers into the broiler production system in the microregions of Araraquara and São Carlos, totaling 17 cities in the interior of the state of São Paulo. The methodology consists of applying socio-demographic questionnaires in the region. It was observed that the properties have an average capacity for raising 36,120 birds in 2 aviaries in a built area of ​​3,398 m2. The workforce is predominantly male, white, married, and with children. In addition, 44.9% have only elementary education, while 22.5% have completed high school, and only 12.4% have higher education. 86.5% own their properties, while 7.9% are tenants. Also, 88.8% have an annual income of R360,000 from the activity, and 55.1% go to the sector to supplement their income. In addition, 43% do not have any financing, and 33% have no interest in investing more in the activity. The data found in the present study is more favorable than the socio-economic data of rural producers present in the literature, not that they are concerned with the conditions in which the broiler producers are inserted, which are mainly evidenced by the possession of the properties and the producer's way of life. It was also found that many poultry producers have conservative profiles, using their resources, no financing, and with an aversion to taking risks

    Obesidade e fatores de risco cardiovascular da adolescência à vida adulta

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    O objetivo desta tese é avaliar a associação entre obesidade e fatores de risco cardiovascular da adolescência à vida adulta. Para abordar essa temática foram realizados três estudos com delineamentos e fontes de dados distintos. O primeiro estudo que compõe esta tese investigou a prevalência de excesso de peso em adolescentes brasileiros e suas mudanças temporais por meio de uma revisão sistemática com metanálise. A busca na literatura recuperou 10.144 estudos, dos quais 151 foram incluídos na análise. Verificou-se aumento expressivo na prevalência de excesso de peso, sobrepeso e obesidade nas últimas décadas. A prevalência de excesso de peso encontrada foi de 8,2% (IC95% 7,7-8,7) até o ano 2000, 18.9% (IC95% 14,7-23,2) entre 2000 e 2010, e 25,1% (IC95% 23,4-26,8) após 2010. Também foram encontradas diferenças regionais significativas, com as regiões Sudeste e Sul apresentando as maiores prevalências gerais. O segundo estudo avaliou a associação entre o grau de obesidade e fatores de risco cardiometabólicos em adolescentes brasileiros participantes do Estudo de Riscos Cardiovasculares em Adolescentes (ERICA). De um total de 37.892 indivíduos, 8.708 apresentaram excesso de peso, sendo 17,2% com sobrepeso, 5,6% com obesidade e 1,3% com obesidade severa. Foi observada associação do aumento da gravidade da obesidade com pior perfil cardiometabólico na amostra, mesmo após ajuste para múltiplas variáveis. O terceiro estudo investigou a associação entre níveis de NT-proBNP e risco de obesidade em adultos da coorte do Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC). Dados de 9.681 participantes foram analisados, provenientes de duas visitas com seis anos de intervalo entre elas. Comparados com indivíduos no quartil de NT-proBNP mais elevado, aqueles no quartil mais baixo tinham maior chance de apresentar obesidade na visita inicial (OR 1,25; IC95% 1,08-1,45) e de desenvolver obesidade no seguimento (OR 1,35; IC95% 1,07-1,69). Diante dessas informações, conclui-se que o excesso de peso é importante problema de saúde pública que vem aumentando nos últimos anos entre adolescentes, causando inúmeros problemas de saúde que estão intimamente relacionados com o grau de obesidade. O estudo de novos fatores de risco para a obesidade, como os níveis de peptídeos natriuréticos, é necessário para o entendimento da etiologia da obesidade e possível prevenção por meio de intervenções precoces.The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the association between obesity and cardiovascular risk factors from adolescence to adulthood. To address this theme, three studies were carried out with different designs and data sources. The first study that composes this thesis investigated the prevalence of excess weight in Brazilian adolescents and its temporal changes through a systematic review with meta-analysis. The literature search retrieved 10,144 studies, of which 151 were included in the analysis. A significant increase in the prevalence of overweight, overweight and obesity in recent decades was observed. The prevalence of excess weight was 8.2% (95% CI 7.7-8.7) until the year 2000, 18.9% (95% CI 14.7-23.2) between 2000 and 2010, and 25.1% (95% CI 23.4-26.8) after 2010. Significant regional differences were also found, with the Southeast and South regions showing the highest overall prevalence. The second study evaluated the association between the degree of obesity and cardiometabolic risk factors in Brazilian adolescents participating in the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA). Of a total of 37,892 individuals, 8,708 had excess weight, being classified with overweight (17.2%), obesity (5.6%) and severe obesity (1.3%). It was observed that increasing severity of obesity was associated with a worse cardiometabolic profile in the sample, even after adjusting for multiple variables. The third study investigated the association between NT-proBNP levels and risk of obesity in adults in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC) cohort. Data from 9,681 participants were analyzed, from two visits with a six-year interval between them. Compared with individuals in the highest NT-proBNP quartile, those in the lowest quartile were more likely to have obesity at the baseline (OR 1.25; 95% CI 1.08-1.45) and to develop obesity at follow-up (OR 1.35; 95% CI 1.07-1.69). Considering this information, it is concluded that weight excess is an important public health problem that has been increasing in recent years among adolescents, causing numerous health problems that are closely related to the degree of obesity. The study of new risk factors for obesity, such as levels of natriuretic peptides, is necessary to understand the etiology of obesity and possible prevention through early interventions

    A stochastic oil price model for optimal hedging and risk management

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    How do dentists understand evidence and adopt it in practice?

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    Although there is now a large evidence-based dentistry literature, previous investigators have shown that dentists often consider research evidence irrelevant to their practice. To understand why this is the case, we conducted a qualitative study. Objective: Our aim was to identify how dentists define evidence and how they adopt it in practice. Methods: A qualitative study using grounded theory methodology was conducted. Ten dentists working in eight dental practices were interviewed about their experience and work processes while adopting evidence-based preventive care. Analysis involved transcript coding, detailed memo writing, and data interpretation. Results: Findings revealed that dentists’ direct observations – referred to as clinical evidence – provided the most tangible and trusted evidence in practice and during discussions with colleagues. Dentists described a detailed process used to gather, compare and implement clinical evidence. This process began when they were exposed to novelty in daily practice and proceeded through self-driven testing, producing clinical or tangible evidence that clinicians could use in practice. Conclusion: Based on these findings, we propose an alternative to the linear form of knowledge transfer commonly represented in the literature.National Health and Medical Research Council Project Grant 63271

    Experiences of dental care: what do patients value?

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    Background Dentistry in Australia combines business and health care service, that is, the majority of patients pay money for tangible dental procedures such as fluoride applications, dental radiographs, dental fillings, crowns, and dentures among others. There is evidence that patients question dentists’ behaviours and attitudes during a dental visit when those highly technical procedures are performed. However, little is known about how patients’ experience dental care as a whole. This paper illustrates the findings from a qualitative study recently undertaken in general dental practice in Australia. It focuses on patients’ experiences of dental care, particularly on the relationship between patients and dentists during the provision of preventive care and advice in general dental practices. Methods Seventeen patients were interviewed. Data analysis consisted of transcript coding, detailed memo writing, and data interpretation. Results Patients described their experiences when visiting dental practices with and without a structured preventive approach in place, together with the historical, biological, financial, psychosocial and habitual dimensions of their experience. Potential barriers that could hinder preventive activities as well as facilitators for prevention were also described. The offer of preventive dental care and advice was an amazing revelation for this group of patients as they realized that dentists could practice dentistry without having to “drill and fill” their teeth. All patients, regardless of the practice they came from or their level of clinical risk of developing dental caries, valued having a caring dentist who respected them and listened to their concerns without “blaming” them for their oral health status. These patients complied with and supported the preventive care options because they were being “treated as a person not as a patient” by their dentists. Patients valued dentists who made them aware of existing preventive options, educated them about how to maintain a healthy mouth and teeth, and supported and reassured them frequently during visits. Conclusions Patients valued having a supportive and caring dentist and a dedicated dental team. The experience of having a dedicated, supportive and caring dentist helped patients to take control of their own oral health. These dentists and dental teams produced profound changes in not just the oral health care routines of patients, but in the way patients thought about their own oral health and the role of dental professionals. Keywords: Qualitative research; Dentist-patient relationship; Preventio

    How do dentists and their teams incorporate evidence about preventive care? An empirical study

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    Objectives: To identify how dentists and their teams adopt evidence-based preventive care. Methods: A qualitative study using grounded theory methodology was conducted. We interviewed 23 participants working in eight dental practices about their experience and work processes, while adopting evidence-based preventive care. During the study, Charmaz’s grounded theory methodology was employed to examine the social process of adopting preventive dental care in dental practices. Charmaz’s iteration of the constant comparative method was used during the data analysis. This involved coding of interview transcripts, detailed memo-writing and drawing diagrams. The transcripts were analysed as soon as possible after each round of interviews in each dental practice. Coding was conducted primarily by AS, supported by team meetings and discussions when researchers compared their interpretations. Results: Participants engaged in a slow process of adapting evidence-based protocols and guidelines to the existing logistics of the practices. This process was influenced by practical, philosophical, and historical aspects of dental care, and a range of barriers and facilitators. In particular, dentists spoke spontaneously about two deeply held ‘rules’ underpinning continued restorative treatment, which acted as barriers to provide preventive care: (i) dentists believed that some patients were too ‘unreliable’ to benefit from prevention; and (ii) dentists believed that patients thought that only tangible restorative treatment offered ‘value for money’. During the adaptation process, some dentists and teams transitioned from their initial state – selling restorative care – through an intermediary stage – learning by doing and educating patients about the importance of preventive care – and finally to a stage where they were offering patients more than just restorative care. Resources were needed for the adaptation process to occur, including: the ability to maintain the financial viability of the practice, appropriate technology, time, and supportive dental team relationships. Conclusions: The findings from this study show that with considerable effort, motivation and coordination, it is possible for dental practices to work against the dental ‘mainstream’ and implement prevention as their clinical norm. This study has shown that dental practice is not purely scientific, but it includes cultural, social, and economic resources that interfere with the provision of preventive care.NHMRC Project Grant 63271

    Linha editorial e atores políticos na produção noticiosa : uma análise de enquadramento da cobertura de Folha e Estadão sobre o uso de crack em São Paulo entre 1991 e 2016

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Rafael Cardoso SampaioDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política. Defesa : Curitiba, 06/03/2018Inclui referências: p.130-146Resumo: O modo como as empresas de comunicação se utilizam do conteúdo que produzem para atuar politicamente ainda é assunto pouco estudado empiricamente na academia. Buscando contribuir para esta área de pesquisa, a presente dissertação utiliza o conceito de enquadramento de Entman (1993) com o objetivo de compreender o quanto a linha editorial dos periódicos interfere em sua produção noticiosa. Para tanto, tem como objeto a cobertura sobre a droga conhecida como "crack", apresentando como norteador o seguinte problema de pesquisa: como os textos informativos da versão impressa dos jornais Folha de S. Paulo (FSP) e O Estado de S. Paulo (OESP) enquadraram, entre 1991 e 2016, a questão do crack na capital paulista e em que medida estes frames foram determinados pelos periódicos em questão? Foram levantadas três hipóteses de pesquisa: (1) os enquadramentos das notícias que tratam da questão do crack sofrem mais influência da linha editorial dos periódicos do que dos demais atores políticos envolvidos na questão; (2) ao longo do tempo, os enquadramentos se modificam, acompanhando as mudanças na própria sociedade; e (3) os usuários de crack são associados a matérias de interesse humano. Para testá-las, foram analisadas 716 matérias (327 de FSP e 389 de OESP) a partir da metodologia da análise de enquadramento, combinando técnicas para a identificação de issue-specific frames e de generic frames (DE VREESE, 2005). Após a identificação dos enquadramentos, buscou-se compreender o quanto os quadros sofreram a interferência dos periódicos analisados. Para isso, foram realizados dois modelos de regressão logística multinomial, tendo como variável dependente os enquadramentos (específicos e genéricos) e como variáveis preditoras os periódicos, a ideologia dos governos municipal e estadual de São Paulo e o período de análise. Os resultados permitiram refutar a primeira hipótese, visto que há pouca diferenciação entre a cobertura dos dois periódicos. A segunda hipótese foi parcialmente confirmada, pois foram observadas mudanças ao longo do tempo apenas para os enquadramentos genéricos. Por fim, a terceira hipótese da pesquisa foi confirmada, já que os dependentes químicos aparecem mais do que o esperado em matérias que contêm narrativas ou que são de interesse humano. Palavras-chave: enquadramento; Jornalismo; atores políticos; crack.Abstract: How communication companies use the content they produce to act politically is a topic little empirically explored at the academy. Aiming to contribute to this scenario, this Master's dissertation uses Entman's (1993) concept of framing to understand how much the newspapers' editorial line affects the news production. That for, this study has as research object the coverture about the drug known as "crack", having as guideline the following research question: how the informative texts of the printed version of the newspapers Folha de S. Paulo (FSP) and O Estado de S. Paulo (OESP) framed, between 1991 e 2016, the problem of crack at São Paulo and in what extent these frames were determined by the newspapers? Three hypothesis were formulated: (1) the news frames about the problem of crack suffer more influence from the newspapers' editorial lines than from the other political actors involved; (2) throughout time, the frames change following changes at the society itself; (3) the crack users are more related to the human interest texts. To test them, 716 news texts were analyzed (327 from FSP and 389 from OESP) using frame analysis as methodology, combining issue-specific and generic frames (DE VREESE, 2005) techniques. After identifying the frames, we tried to comprehend how much they were influenced by the newspapers. That for, two multinomial logistic regression models were tested, having as dependent variables the frames (specific and generic) and as predictors the newspapers, the government ideology and the period of analysis. The results permit to deny the first hypothesis, because there is little difference between the coverture of the newspapers. The second hypothesis was partially confirmed, since changes were observed throughout time only for the generic frames analysis. At last, the third hypothesis was confirmed, because the drug users appear more than expected at texts which have testimonies or are of human interest. Keywords: framing; Journalism; political actors; crack

    Aplicação de nanopartículas de prata em produtos agrícolas e seus efeitos no meio ambiente: Uma Revisão

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de Alimentos.A busca por uma alimentação mais saudável tem aumentado o consumo de frutas e hortaliças devido aos diversos benefícios à saúde humana que esses alimentos proporcionam. Assim, tendo como consequência o aumento na produção de frutas e hortaliças no Brasil, nos últimos anos, e fazendo com que se tornasse também exportador desses produtos. Entretanto, frutas e hortaliças são produtos perecíveis e de curta vida útil, com alto índice de perdas durante o transporte e comercialização até o consumidor final, concomitantemente às perdas monetárias em toda cadeia produtiva. Além de diminuir a disponibilidade desses produtos aos consumidores, aumentando seu preço de venda. As embalagens em conjunto com a refrigeração, são as tecnologias de pós colheita /conservação mais utilizadas na cadeia de comercialização desses vegetais por apresentar menor custos. Entretanto, não é suficiente para evitar as perdas pós-colheita. Assim, tecnologias pós-colheita que possam preservar e prolongar a vida útil de frutas e hortaliças têm sido desenvolvidas e aprimoradas. Dentre estas, tem-se o uso de coberturas e/ou embalagens ativas, que possuem propriedades de barreira que podem reduzir a respiração e transpiração desses alimentos, e assim, retardar o seu amadurecimento, prolongando algumas características desejadas do produto. Recentemente, compostos ativos, como as nanopartículas de prata, têm sido propostos na literatura, como uma alternativa para esse setor. Por possuir atividade antimicrobiana, as nanopartículas de prata são capazes de reduzir ou retardar a incidência de fungos e bactérias, mantendo por mais tempo a qualidade das frutas e hortaliças. Porém, devido ao uso crescente dessas nanopartículas a partir de óxidos, em diversas aplicações, particularmente as nanopartículas de pratas, torna-se importante avaliar os impactos no meio ambiente e nos seres humanos que essas nanopartículas podem provocar. Assim o objetivo deste trabalho foi de realizar uma revisão da literatura para verificar estudos que mostrem os impactos do uso de nanopartículas de prata no meio ambiente.The search for a healthier diet has increased the consumption of fruits and vegetables due to the several benefits to human health that these foods provide, resulting in an increase in the production of fruits and vegetables in Brazil, in recent years, making it also become an exporter of those products. However, fruits and vegetables are perishable products and have a short shelf life, with a high rate of losses during transport and sale to the final consumer, concomitantly with monetary losses in the entire production chain. In addition to reducing the availability of these products to consumers, increasing their selling price. Packaging with refrigeration is the most used in the supply chain of these vegetables because it has lower costs. However, it is not enough to avoid post-harvest losses. Thus, post-harvest technologies that can preserve and prolong the useful life of fruits and vegetables have been developed and improved. Among these, there is the use of active coats and / or packaging, which have barrier properties that can reduce the breathing and perspiration of these foods, and thus, delay ripening, prolonging some desired characteristics of the product. Recently, active compounds, such as silver nanoparticles, have been proposed in the literature, as an alternative for this sector. Because they have antimicrobial activity, silver nanoparticles are capable of reducing or delaying the incidence of fungi, maintaining the quality of fruits and vegetables for longer. However, due to the increasing use of these nanoparticles from oxides, in several applications, particularly silver nanoparticles, it is important to evaluate the impacts on the environment and on humans that these nanoparticles can cause. Thus, the objective of this work was to carry out a literature review to verify studies that show the impacts of the use of silver nanoparticles on the environment

    A operação lava jato : uma análise do enquadramento noticioso das revistas Carta Capital e Veja

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    Orientadora: Carla Cândida RizzottoMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design. Curso de Graduação em JornalismoEsta pesquisa traz a análise de matérias das revistas Carta Capital e Veja a respeito da Operação Lava Jato, que investiga um esquema de corrupção na Petrobras. Os textos selecionados foram publicados entre março de 2014, mês em que a investigação teve início, e agosto de 2015. Foram coletados 51 textos de Carta e 108 de Veja, o que já indica que a segunda publicação buscou manter a Lava Jato no noticiário mesmo quando não havia fatos novos relevantes a serem abordados. Depois, para realizar a análise, a pesquisa utilizou o conceito de enquadramento sob a perspectiva de Robert Entman (1993). Assim, as matérias foram observadas de acordo com as quatro categorias propostas pelo autor: definição do problema, apontamento de causas, julgamentos morais e soluções para o problema. Após o estudo observou-se a existência de frames que eram padrões nas duas publicações. Carta enquadrou o tema enfatizando o envolvimento de vários partidos brasileiros no esquema de corrupção, e apontando que a prática já é antiga no cenário político do país. Já Veja associou o esquema de desvio de dinheiro na Petrobras ao mensalão, colocando o PT como principal responsável pela corrupção. De acordo com a revista, os desvios serviriam para manter o partido no poder e elevaram as práticas corruptas a níveis nunca antes conhecidos. Todo o estudo foi feito com base na ideia de que a comunicação de massa é palco para as interações da política, como aponta Gomes (2004), e de que o jornalismo é parte da construção da realidade, de acordo com a visão de Tuchman (1983)

    Limite: uma análise sobre ritmo, luz e sentimento

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