548 research outputs found

    Propagation Effects in Magnetized Transrelativistic Plasmas

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    The transfer of polarized radiation in magnetized and non-magnetized relativistic plasmas is an area of research with numerous flaws and gaps. The present paper is aimed at filling some gaps and eliminating the flaws. Starting from a Trubnikov's linear response tensor for a vacuum wave with k=ω/c{\bf k}=\omega/c in thermal plasma, the analytic expression for the dielectric tensor is found in the limit of high frequencies. The Faraday rotation and Faraday conversion measures are computed in their first orders in the ratio of the cyclotron frequency Ω0\Omega_0 to the observed frequency ω\omega. The computed temperature dependencies of propagation effects bridge the known non-relativistic and ultra-relativistic limiting formulas. The fitting expressions are found for high temperatures, where the higher orders in Ω0/ω\Omega_0/\omega cannot be neglected. The plasma eigenmodes are found to become linearly polarized at much larger temperatures than thought before. The results are applied to the diagnostics of the hot ISM, hot accretion flows, and jets.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    Optical transparency modes in anisotropic media

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    The modes of nonlinear propagation of the two-component electromagnetic pulses through optically uniaxial media containing resonant particles are studied. The features of their manifestation in the "dense" media and in the media with expressed positive and negative birefringences are discussed. It is shown that exponentially and rationally decreasing solutions of the system of material and wave equations allow us also to describe the propagation of the self-induced transparency pulses in isotropic media in the case, when the direct electric dipole-dipole interaction between the resonant particles is taken into account.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, 4 figures, International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO 2005

    Circular Polarization from Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows

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    We investigate the circular polarization (CP) from Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) afterglows. We show that a tangled magnetic field cannot generate CP without an ordered magnetic field because there is always an oppositely directed field, so that no handedness exists. This implies the observation of CP could be a useful probe of an ordered field, which carries valuable information on the GRB central engine. By solving the transfer equation of polarized radiation, we find that the CP reaches 1% at radio frequencies and 0.01% at optical for the forward shock, and 10-1% at radio and 0.1-0.01% at optical for the reverse shock.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Collective processes in relativistic plasma and their implications for gamma-ray burst afterglows

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    We consider the effects of collective plasma processes on synchrotron emission from highly relativistic electrons. We find, in agreement with Sazonov (1970), that strong effects are possible also in the absence of a non-relativistic plasma component, due to the relativistic electrons (and protons) themselves. In contrast with Sazonov, who infers strong effects only in cases where the ratio of plasma frequency to cyclotron frequency is much larger than the square of the characteristic electron Lorentz factor, nu_p/nu_B >> gamma^2, we find strong effects also for 1 << nu_p/nu_B << gamma^2. The modification of the spectrum is prominent at frequencies nu < nu_{R*} = nu_p min[gamma, (nu_p/nu_B)^(1/2)], where nu_{R*} generalizes the Razin-Tsytovich frequency, nu_R = gamma nu_p, to the regime nu_p/nu_B << gamma^2. Applying our results to gamma-ray burst (GRB) plasmas, we predict a strong modification of the radio spectrum on minute time scale following the GRB, at the onset of fireball interaction with its surrounding medium, in cases where the ratio of the energy carried by the relativistic electrons to the energy carried by the magnetic field exceeds ~ 10^5. Plausible electron distribution functions may lead to negative synchrotron reabsorption, i.e to coherent radio emission, which is characterized by a low degree of circular polarization. Detection of these effects would constrain the fraction of energy in the magnetic field, which is currently poorly determined by observations, and, moreover, would provide a novel handle on the properties of the environment into which the fireball expands.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Ap

    Probing the Magnetic Field Structure in Gamma-Ray Bursts through Dispersive Plasma Effects on the Afterglow Polarization

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    (Abr) The origin and structure of magnetic fields in Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) fireball plasmas are two of the most important open questions in all GRB models. We show that the structure and strength of the magnetic field may be constrained by radio and IR observations of the early afterglow, where plasma effects on the polarization of propagating radiation are significant. We calculate these propagation effects for cold and relativistic plasmas, and find that in the presence of a uniform equipartition field the degree of linear polarization is suppressed, and circular polarization prevails at low frequencies, nu < 1-3 GHz, (2x10^11 Hz < nu < few x 10^14 Hz) in the forward (reverse) shock. At higher frequencies linear polarization dominates. At the frequency of the transition between circular and linear polarization, the net level of polarization is minimal, ~10-20%. These features are nearly independent of the circumburst density. The transition frequency is smaller by a factor of ~10 when the uniform field is much weaker than equipartition. The dependence of these results on viewing geometry, outflow collimation and magnetic field orientation is discussed. When the configuration of the field is entangled over length scales much smaller than the extent of the emitting plasma, the aforementioned effects should not be observed and a linear polarization at the few % level is expected. Polarimetric observations during the early afterglow, and particularly of the reverse shock emission, may therefore place strong constraints on the structure and strength of the magnetic field within the fireball plasma.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Revised version includes improved discussion of viewing and fireball geometry, with implications to resulting polarizatio

    The V-mode polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    The V-mode polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background is discussed in a weakly magnetized plasma. The VV and VT angular power spectra are computed for adiabatic initial conditions of the Einstein-Boltzmann hierarchy. Depending upon the frequency channel and upon the magnetic field intensity, the VT power spectra of the circular polarization can even be seven orders of magnitude larger than a putative B-mode polarization stemming from the lensing of the primary anisotropies. Specific programs aimed at the direct detection of the V-mode polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background could provide a new observational tool for the scrutiny of pre-decoupling physics.Comment: 9 pages, 4 included figures; minor corrections to match the published versio

    Gravitational orientation of the orbital complex, Salyut-6--Soyuz

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    A simple mathematical model is proposed for the Salyut-6-Soyuz orbital complex motion with respect to the center of mass under the one-axis gravity-gradient orientation regime. This model was used for processing the measurements of the orbital complex motion parameters when the above orientation region was implemented. Some actual satellite motions are simulated and the satellite's aerodynamic parameters are determined. Estimates are obtained for the accuracy of measurements as well as that of the mathematical model

    Quantum interference in the classically forbidden region: a parametric oscillator

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    We study tunneling between period two states of a parametrically modulated oscillator. The tunneling matrix element is shown to oscillate with the varying frequency of the modulating field. The effect is due to spatial oscillations of the wave function and the related interference in the classically forbidden region. The oscillations emerge already in the ground state of the oscillator Hamiltonian in the rotating frame, which is quartic in the momentum.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Electron-ion coupling upstream of relativistic collisionless shocks

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    It is argued and demonstrated by particle-in-cell simulations that the synchrotron maser instability could develop at the front of a relativistic, magnetized shock. The instability generates strong low-frequency electromagnetic waves propagating both upstream and downstream of the shock. Upstream of the shock, these waves make electrons lag behind ions so that a longitudinal electric field arises and the electrons are accelerated up to the ion kinetic energy. Then thermalization at the shock front results in a plasma with equal temperatures of electrons and ions. Downstream of the shock, the amplitude of the maser-generated wave may exceed the strength of the shock-compressed background magnetic field. In this case the shock-accelerated particles radiate via nonlinear Compton scattering rather than via a synchrotron mechanism. The spectrum of the radiation differs, in the low-frequency band, from that of the synchrotron radiation, providing possible observational tests of the model.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures. To appear in ApJ vol. 65

    New Kinds of Acoustic Solitons

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    We find that the modified sine-Gordon equation belonging to the class of the soliton equations describes the propagation of extremely short transverse acoustic pulses through the low-temperature crystal containing paramagnetic impurities with effective spin S=1/2 in the Voigt geometry case. The features of nonlinear dynamics of strain field and effective spins, which correspond to the different kinds of acoustic solitons, are studied.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur
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