15 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan: (1) Hibriditas yang terdapat pada kumpulan cerpen “Teh dan Pengkhianat” karya Iksaka Banu, (2) Mimikri yang terdapat pada kumpulan cerpen “Teh dan Pengkhianat” karya Iksaka Banu, dan (3) Ambivalen yang terdapat pada kumpulan cerpen “Teh dan Pengkhianat” karya Iksaka Banu. bagian dari rumusan masalah di atas yakni mengetahui konsep pascakolonial melalui jejak – jejak kolonial yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerpen dalam buku “Teh dan Pengkhianat” karya Iksaka Banu dengan pemikiran Homi K. Bhaba yakni Hibriditas, Mimikri, dan Ambivalen. Diharapkan dari penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk pengetahuan baru dalam bidang sastra terutama pascakolonial dalam segi teori, metode, dan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Terutama dalam pascakolonial menurut Homi K. Bhaba yang membahas Hibriditas, Mimikri, dan Ambivalen. Hasil penelitian ini berupa jejak – jejak kolonial berupa pascakolonial yang dapat ditemukan dalam kumpulan cerpen “Teh dan Pengkhianat” karya Iksaka Banu. Jejak – jejak tersebut meliputi hibriditas, mimikri, dan ambivalen. Hibriditas yang dapat ditemukan dalam kumpulan cerpen “Teh dan Pengkhianat” karya Iksaka Banu, yaitu: (1) Tirani kolonial dan budaya Pribumi, (2) Menjustifikasi pernyataan “darah campuran itu terkutuk” bagi kolonial, (3) Kolonialisme tidak selalu jahat kepada Pribumi, dan (4) Pribumi tidak selalu baik dan ramah. Mimikri yang dapat ditemukan dalam kumpulan cerpen “Teh dan Pengkhianat” karya Iksaka Banu, yaitu: (1) Cara berpakaian dan busana yang dikenakan, (2) Cara kebahasaan dengan menguasai bahasa asing. Ambivalen yang dapat ditemukan dalam kumpulan cerpen “Teh dan Pengkhianat” karya Iksaka Banu, yaitu: (1) Membela Pribumi dari kebengisan kolonial, (2) Menerobos larangan kolonialisme. Kata Kunci: pascakolonial, homi k bhaba, jejak kolonia

    The prevalence of overweight and obesity at Secondary School Pupils in the Region ÄŚeskokrumlovsko.

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    Child obesity is serious problem that afflict all civilized countries in the world at present, therefore it has become a subject of this bachelor thesis. The intension is to map the prevelance of owerweight and obesity in selected group of students in secondary school /junior high school/ in area /district/ of Cesky Krumlov. Thesis contains two components with focus on theory and practice. In the teoretical part there are elaborated basic terms characterizing the issue of childehood obesity and factors that contribute to its origin. The primary sources of study and creation of this work were professional literature and scientific publication listed in literature sources. The practical part is presented in the form of quantitative research of selected group of students in secundary school /junior high school/. Prevelance of owerweight and obesity was investigated in cooperation with parents and teachers of selected school. The basic data of the investigated subject have been incorporated into the form with the parents written consent. Anthropometric measurment of 178 students took place out in the next part of study. Body height and weight were determined and waist circumference. The detected parameters were statistically processed and presented in the clear graphic design and tables. According to the BMI table, 26 children are underweight. There are 133 children in the category marked as normal, which is vast majority. 17 Children are overweight and obesity has been measured on two kids

    Influence of robotization in production

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    The thesis deals with the evaluation of influence of robotization in production, possibilities of using robots in companies and it aims to propose recommendation for selected company. The first part of this thesis explains the theoretical basis and explanation of concepts relating to the subject of interest. For example, the history of industrial progress, robots and other tools or automation are discussed. This theoretical concept relates to the issue of evaluation of influence of robotization in production and using it in companies. These theoretical findings are further applied in the second part. The second part of this thesis contains the characteristics of the company. It aims to analyse the influence of robotization in production by the comparison of costs and evaluation of possibilities of using robots in companies. At the end of this thesis, the results are presented and recommendations for our selected company are proposed


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    The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of smoking or vaping on the oral microbiota. The study was approved by the YHC IRB. Seventeen YHC students were divided into three test groups: control (did not smoke or vape), smokers, and vapers. All participants were given a survey regarding their oral hygiene and nicotine use. Swabs of participants’ mouths were placed in saline, which was used to inoculate blood agar (to assess total microbial count and hemolysis) and mitis salivarius agar (selective for Streptococcus). Plates were grown anaerobically for 48 hours at 37˚C and colonies were counted. A sample of colonies were Gram stained and colony morphology was assessed. Participants’ saliva was used to inoculate Snyder agar deeps which indicates propensity for dental caries. Snyder deeps were grown for 72 hours aerobically and checked for yellow color change (an indicator of acid production) every 24 hours. Survey results showed no difference between participant characteristics in the groups except that vapers were significantly younger than the other two groups (p value 0.0282), only smokers reported that they smoked (p value 0.0005) and only vapers reported that they vaped (p value 0.0004). There were no significant differences between the number of colony forming units grown on blood agar (between 7.4 x 104 and 1.1 x 105 CFU/ml) or mitis salivarius agar (between 4.8 x 103 and 1.2 x 104 CFU/ml) or in Snyder agar results between the groups. The results of this study indicate there are no differences between the oral microbiota we surveyed in smokers, vapers, and controls. Supported by the YHC Undergraduate Research Initiative