287 research outputs found

    Empire, Islam and the postcolonial

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    One of the most persistent criticisms of postcolonialism is that it promotes an antipathy to imperialism that tends to focus on the experience of European colonial empires and neglects other, non-western instances of imperial hubris. The articulation of Islam and empire has not been subject to sustained postcolonial investigation; rather, the relationship between Muslims and imperialism has tended to be represented in terms of Muslim subjugation to European colonial rule. Postcolonial critics have largely avoided the discussion of Islamicate imperialism. • Prof S Sayyid was the Director of the International Centre for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding, University of South Australia. A version of this chapter was published in Graham Huggan (ed), Oxford handbook of postcolonial studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013

    Mirror, mirror

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    The article examines the relationship between political forms and cultural identity. It sets out to explore the way in which notions of ‘democracy’ and despotism are associated with distinct cultural formations. The identity of a political regime is less a matter of its political practices and procedures and more a function of the extent to which it can be considered ‘western’ or ‘oriental’. Given this intimate relationship between democracy and western identity, the paper examines some of the conceptual difficulties with the articulation of Islam and democracy in the context of the contemporary Islamicate world

    Code Switching and Code Mixing in My Stupid Boss Novel by Chaos@work

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    Code switching and code mixing are the strategy of using two languages in a speech. People tend to switch or mix their language in certain occasion. The objective of this research is to find the reason why the characters switch or mix their codes. Revealing and classifying the kinds of code switching and code mixing in My Stupid Boss novel are also the aim of this study. The writer chooses novel as the object of this study because the characters of this novel are bilingual who are able to speak more than one language. The type of this research is library research. Therefore, in conducting this thesis, descriptive qualitative is used as the method of the analysis. The writer employs himself to collect data by reading the novel, and marking them to make it easier to analyze. The result of this research points out that Extern Code Mixing is frequently used by the character in the novel with 30 occurrences. Meanwhile, Intern Code Mixing is the least used with only 1 occurrence. The lack of topic-related vocabulary becomes the main reason engaging in code switching and code mixing. They tend to choose lexical items that are appropriate from the language where their repertoire is more comprehensive, that is, where the available register contains the lexemes they need in order to express themselves effectively


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    Ruang Publik merupakan unsur yang penting dalam menciptakan ruang perkotaan yang berkualitas. Kualitas dari ruang publik itu sendiri dapat ditingkatkan dengan menguatkan hubungan antara manusia dan ruang publik. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan Place-Making, ruang publik dapat dirancang dengan menekankan pada pengalaman manusia terhadap tempat itu sendiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menguraikan Genius Loci sebagai konsep untuk melakukan Place-Making yang dapat menguraikan keunikan konteks pada sebuah ruang publik. Place-Making merupakan pendekatan perancangan ruang publik yang menekankan penggunaan kekayaan lokal, sedangkan Genius Loci merupakan teori mengenai keberadaan sebuah jiwa yang unik dari sebuah tempat. Sebagai studi kasus, penelitian ini meninjau Alun-Alun Kapuas Pontianak sebagai salah satu ruang publik yang berada di Kota Pontianak. Alun-Alun Kapuas Pontianak menjadi pilihan lokasi penelitian karena merupakan ruang publik yang terkenal dikalangan masyarakat Kota Pontianak, sehingga berhasil memberikan pengalaman manusia yang unik. Output dari penilitain ini adalah menemukan Genius Loci yang dimiliki oleh Alun-Alun Kapuas Pontianak dan menguraikan konteks yang dimiliki. Dengan menguraikan Genius Loci beserta konteks dan pengalaman manusia pada Alun-Alun Kapuas Pontianak, maka pendekatan Place-Making dapat dilakuakan untuk pengembangan alun-alun di masa yang akan datang

    Answering the Muslim question: The Politics of Muslims in Europe

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    Since at least the 1990s, there has been a huge growth in interest about the Muslim presence in Western plutocracies. Part of this interest has been due to series of moral panics which have centred on the figure of the Muslim. The mobilisation of Muslims as Muslims has raised questions about national identity and belonging. Increasing interest is also due to the way in which the security threat - as posited by the „war on terror‟ - has been focused on the Muslim question as a means of reconfiguring the liberal-democratic contours of Western plutocracies. The responses to the attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001, Madrid on 11 March 2004 and London on 7 July 2005 have been the most obvious examples of the way in which issues of national security have become conflated with issues of national cultural integrity. The very continuity of Western liberal-democratic traditions is being contested around the Muslim presence. This paper explores the problematisation of a Muslim presence outside Muslimistan, by interrogating the concept of a European Islam

    Political Islam in the Aftermath of “Islamic State”

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    The rapid contraction of the territorial extent of the Islamic state seems to have dented its claims to have restored the caliphate. The question that this raises is what does the end of the Islamic state mean for political Islam in general. To address this question, this article will provide an account of the degree to which political Islam can be distinguished from the fate of the Islamic state group. In the process, it will put forward an analysis in which the emergence of political Islam is explored not only as a geopolitical but also epistemological challenge to the prevailing normal science. This essay is an exercise in critical Muslim studies and argues that no understanding of political Islam can be successful without a critique of Eurocentrism
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