19 research outputs found

    Ekosistem Mangrove Perairan Teluk Kwandang Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara

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    In many coastal waters, including in the Kwandang Bay, often there are threeinterrelated ecosystems, they are mangroves, seagrass beds and coral reefs ecosystems.This study aims to determine the existence of mangrove ecosystems in the KwandangBay waters, and to determine the condition of the ecosystem based on the communitystructure. This research was conducted in the waters in the Kwandang Gulf of NorthGorontalo District for three months. The method used in this research was a surveymethod, and purposive sampling was conducted to collect the data. Six samplingstations with 20x20 m2 transect areas were determined to collect the mangroveecosystem data. Mangrove species found were Shoneratia alba, Brugeiragymnorrhiza, Xylocarpus sp,, Cariops tagal, Rhizophora sp, and Avicenia sp. Themangrove ecosystem has low diversity level, evenly distributed species, and there is nodominant species

    A training monitoring system for cyclist based on wireless sensor networks

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    This paper presents a training monitoring system for cyclist that is based on the technology of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A stable and reliable wireless cyclist monitoring system is vital to establish a smart and efficient sports management program. A training monitoring system has been developed and tested in a real cyclist training environment in a velodrome. The system is designed is such a way that the packet loss rate is minimum. Using TelG mote as the basis, customized sensor nodes that function as a forwarder node and the relay nodes are developed to form the WSN. This WSN is linked to the cloud network on the Internet. The cloud network is then established and end users application for data accessing is designed. Several experiments have been conducted in a real scenario in a velodrome to measure the reliability of the system architecture. It is shown from the experiments that the proposed system is reliable even when the cyclist is moving at a high speed. The packet loss is less than 2% which does not give a huge impact to the data transmission

    Peran Adopsi Teknologi Social Media terhadap Niat Berwirausaha Mahasiswa

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    Penelitian ini mengungkap sejauh mana kemampuan adopsi penggunaan   social media yang digunakan mahasiswa vokasi berperan mendorong tumbuhnya minat berwirausaha. Keterampilan lebih yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa vokasi akan mudah mewujudkan minat sebagai wirausaha. Disisi lain perguruan tinggi vokasi, telah membekali mahasiswanya  dengan pengetahuan kewirausahaan. Karenanya diperlukan analisis yang mendalam, apakah pengetahuan dan penguasaan social media yang ada pada diri mahasiswa, menumbuhkan minat menjadi wirausaha. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner pada 309 responden penelitian sesuai kriteria. Analisis data menggunakan analisis faktor dan analisis regresi berganda, ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh adopsi teknologi social media terhadap niat berwirausaha pada mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan gambaran faktual tentang adanya pengaruh adopsi teknologi social media dalam mendorong tumbuhnya niat berwirausaha mahasiswa. Penelitian ini juga memberikan gambaran deskriptif tentang aplikasi social media mana yang paling banyak digunakan oleh mahasiswa dalam kegiatan wirausaha

    Peran Adopsi Teknologi Media Sosial terhadap Niat Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Rekayasa Politeknik Negeri Bandung

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    Social media among Politeknik Negeri Bandung (Polban) engineering students is commonly used in carrying out daily activities. It mostly related to students's social activities. Social media among engineering students has not been aimed at supporting economic value activites such as entrepreneurship. In fact, students have been taken information technology and entrepereneurship courses during their study. This research aims to reveal the extent to which the adoption of social media technology by Polban engineering students affect on entrepreneurial intention. This research used a quantitaive approach by distributing 317 questionaires to Polban engineering students who met the criteria. Data were processed using multiple regression methods to see the influence's size of adoption of social media technology on entrepreneurial intentions. The result of this research provide an up-to-date overview of effect of adoption of secial media technology in increasing the growth of entrepreneurial intention among Polban engineering students

    Filsafat dan Ilmu Pengetahuan dalam Islam = Philosophy and Science in the Islamic World

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    Buku ini menyajikan bagaimana umat islam yang diilhami oleh ajaran Al-Qur'an dan mengenai lika-liku sejarah filsafat islam pada umumnya.xi, 238 hlm.; 21 c

    Development of android-based apps for courier service management

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    E-commerce has grown exponentially over the years. The growth has been characterized by strong consumer demands and the increasing number of various products available online. This in turn creates a logistical problem and a high demand for an efficient courier service to support the growing markets. It is very important for courier service provider that the delivery of the parcel is being done as fast as possible. One of the courier service’s vital and most crucial business process is in the last mile parcel delivery. This is where an efficient delivery service will be of utmost importance. An efficient system needs to be developed in order to facilitate the interaction between the courier service provider and consumer to precisely determine the optimal route for the parcel delivery. In this paper, an Android-based application system for courier service management with last mile route tracking module is developed. It is a mobile application that eases the courier delivery personnel in finding their way to deliver the parcels to the customer’s doorstep. The application will guide the courier personnel to get a list of courier data such as address and contact information and then navigate them to the selected customers’ addresses based on traffic data retrieved from Google Maps API. It will choose the best route to the address and notify the customers before arriving so that the customers are ready to receive the parcel. This last mile route tracking for parcel delivery will provide the basis for an efficient courier service system

    Demokrasi,hak asasi manusia dan masyarakat Madani

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    menjelaskan lebih detail tentang arti dalam demokrasi, hak hak manusia dan masyarakat madanxvii, 338 hlm.: ilus.; 26 c