12 research outputs found

    Kewargaan dan Kolaborasi Pemecahan Masalah Publik : Studi Isu Sampah di Kota Kupang

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    This article intends to examine the collaboration amongst actors in solving public issues, specifically in the topic of waste management in the Kupang city. Methodologically, the issue was disclosed using qualitative methods based on the descriptive survey, structured interviews, and in-depth interviews. Kupang City grow rapidly both in the aspect of social and economy, as a consequence, load of trash is inevitable along with the development. Otherwise, very little attention was paid to the waste management and people tended to recognise it as insignificant issue,constructed as interpersonal issues, and typically as a private matter. This article aims to demonstrate Kupang residents’ perception towards trash as a public matter. On that point, people awareness toward public issues in this article, which is named as “citizenship” become vital. Without this, problem including waste issue will be receiving limited response. Once it comes to its turn, collective action as a prerequisite for constructive problem solving in public relations would be weakened. It appears that the issue is about the amount of waste in the areas that are fully accessible to the public, for example; markets and housing areas. Waste is poorly managed in these two areas. On the other hand, formal institutional collaboration between government in the local government, the provincial government, and the neighbour district in Kupang district’s government also It appeared to have been poorly managed. This study suggests the need for a non-hierarchical  forum that is concerned with decision-making process (not merely consultative) which facilitates the emergence of community control to alleviate "troublesome" environmental issues in surrounding areas in creative ways.  &nbsp

    Disaster management of Malaka district government in flood disaster management

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    Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the disaster management of the Malaka Regency Government in flood disaster management. Research methodology: The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The informants in this study were elements of the government as well as elements of society consisting of the Flood Victims Community. The analysis technique in this study uses data analysis developed by Miles and Huberman (2014: 10) as follows; (a) data reduction (b) data display and (c) concluding. Finding: The result of this research is that the Malaka Regency Government's disaster management in flood disaster management has implemented the best management even though it is still not optimal. Limitations: This study's limitation is that this study only discusses the disaster management of the Malaka district government in overcoming the floods that occurred there. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration and disaster management. Keywords: Management, Disaster, Governmen


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    This research aims at figuring the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility of PT. Inti Kencana in Malaka Regency. There are some concepts used in the research. They are development concept, public policy concept, concept of effectiveness, and corporate social responsibility. This research is included into a qualitative research where the data were taken using qualitative approach and described in a qualitative manner. The result of the research shows that that; 1) All informants understand the CSR program carried out by PT. IDK; 2) It is called right on target if CSR activities are given to people in need. In this stage, almost all informants are of the opinion that the CSR program of PT. IDK is right on target; 3) Timeliness, if the assistance provided coincides with the time when it is needed. At this stage, several informants said that the CSR assistance was not timely because the building that was built took a long time so that it was not finished immediately, was there and was immediately used because it still needed a process; 4) In the stage of achieving the objectives, almost all of the informants agreed that the objectives of CSR development had been achieved; 5) All informants are of the opinion that there has been a real change in the community with the development through the CSR program by PT. IDK

    The Role of Indigenous Institutions in the Implementation of the Malacca Agricultural Revolution Development Program (RPM) in Umatoos Village, West Malacca District, Malacca Regency

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    The Malaka Agricultural Revolution Program (RPM) has not optimally involved all elements of the Umatoos Village community, while one of the institutions in the village that is capable of mobilizing the community is a traditional institution through the fukun-fukun (tribe head). This research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The location of this research was Umatoos Village, West Malaka District, Malacca Regency with 14 informants. The type of research data is qualitative and quantitative, with primary and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews. Document searches were analyzed using data analysis techniques from Bungin (2012:70). The role of Indigenous Institutions in the implementation of the Malacca Agricultural Revolution Development Program (RPM) in Umatoos Village, West Malaka District, Malacca Regency was analyzed using the opinion of Mintzberg (1973:51) where there are three roles carried out in the organization with the findings that; (a) the interpersonal role of the Umatoos Village customary institution is not utilized for its role as Figurehead, Leader and Liaison Manager, (b) an informational role where the Umatoos Village customary institution is not utilized for its role as monitor, disminator and rapporteur and (c) the Umatoos Village customary institution is not utilized role as a decisional role. The inhibiting factors for the role of traditional institutions in implementing the development of the Malacca Agricultural Revolution (RPM) in Umatoos Village were; (a) the role of village customary institutions as village partners is not utilized, (b) there is no program/activity design and (c) the lack of resources

    Impact Analysis of Marine Affairs Decentralization Policy on Fishermen's Socio-Economic Conditions in Alor Regency

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    This study explains the impact of the demolition design on Alor fishermen's socio-economic conditions. This research was done in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara. This study focuses on the transition in managing government affairs in the budget sector from the District Government to the Provincial Government. The author uses Wolman's opinion in Faquet regarding repeal in the distribution of government affairs as an analytical tool. This theory classifies government affairs into two aspects: efficiency and governance management. This study is a qualitative study involving interviews, documentation, and observation. Miles and Huberman's data analysis approaches were employed to validate study outcomes. Based on economies of scale, the study reveals that the demolition design has no impact on the socio-economic conditions of Alor fishermen. Based on externalities (both positive and negative), the study shows that more negative impacts arise from the arrival of people outside the district (migrant fishermen) in terms of fishing because they dominate more in terms of supervision. In contrast, immigrant fishermen are less controlled and supervised strictly. Other dominance covers the market and areas in Alor Regency. The analysis shows that the provincial government has above-average economic (potential) and administrative capabilities for management quality. Human resources, infrastructure, and budget are still issues. The analysis shows that the provincial government has above-average economic (potential) and administrative capabilities for management quality. Human resources, infrastructure, and budget are still issues. Fortunately, the provincial government is still helped by the partnership syste

    The Impact of Bureaucratic Restructuring on Public Services and Organizational Performance at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion in NTT Province

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    Bureaucratic restructuring must be able to produce a structure that is lean, flexible, responsive and efficient. However, this has not yet happened to the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Province of NTT, so an in-depth study is needed regarding the impact of bureaucratic restructuring on organizational performance at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Province of NTT based on changes in the dimensions of the organizational structure. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method, the type of data in this research is qualitative data and quantitative data and the data sources in this research are primary data and secondary data. The results of the study found that changes in the dimensions of the organizational structure by Robbins (1994:89-91) on: (a) the complexity aspect was found in terms of vertical differentiation, namely that there were still tasks for echelon III structural officials directly delegated to functional officials because they were not there are structural echelon IV officials so that all services are still running as before the restructuring occurred, (b) in the aspect of formalization it was found that the functional positions resulting from the restructuring were only "as long as they are given" to fulfill the simplification requirements of the bureaucracy and even there were still several functional positions that no one had filled and (c ) in the centralization aspect, it was found that decision making did not change after bureaucratic restructuring

    Potential loss of business services levy receipts in the Marine and Fisheries Office of East Nusa Tenggara Province

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research was to identify the potential loss of business service levies received by the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Research Methodology: This study used a qualitative approach and power analysis using spiral data analysis techniques. The informants consisted of 33 people. Data collection was carried out by qualitative observation, qualitative interviews, qualitative document tracing, and qualitative audio-visual material. Results: There was a potential loss from receiving business service levies at the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Limitations: This research focused on identifying the potential loss of business service levy at the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Contribution: This research can be a scientific source and can be the basis for the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of East Nusa Tenggara Province in overcoming the potential lost problem. Furthermore, this research can be scientific information for public administration students

    The Neutrality Dilemma of Civil Servant in 2020 Local Leaders Election on Malaka Regency

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    Purpose: This study discusses the problem of neutrality of civil servants in the government of Malaka Regency. There are indications of violations committed by civil servants during the campaign period. Research methodology: This research is a case study where the researcher investigates the phenomena that exist in the field. Results: (1) The dilemma of neutrality of civil servants in the 2020 Malaka Regional Election occurred because civil servants did not have the power or capacity to fulfill all aspects that would make them neutral, namely legal, material, strategic or superior aspects such as aspects of political action. (2) The cause of the neutrality dilemma for civil servants is due to the patron-client factor and position compensation. Limitations: Researchers find it difficult to meet civil servants in the Malaka district. Contribution: Propose efforts to prevent the dilemma of neutrality of civil servants in the 2020 Malaka Regional Head Election by implementing a merit system, clear division of tasks and free from political interference, rational hierarchical authority structure, impersonal relations between members, mechanism for appointment or recruitment and promotion of employee positions civil service based on technical skills and bureaucratic reform