4,082 research outputs found

    Some implications of sampling choices on comparisons between satellite and model aerosol optical depth fields

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    The comparison of satellite and model aerosol optical depth (AOD) fields provides useful information on the strengths and weaknesses of both. However, the sampling of satellite and models is very different and some subjective decisions about data selection and aggregation must be made in order to perform such comparisons. This work examines some implications of these decisions, using GlobAerosol AOD retrievals at 550 nm from Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) measurements, and aerosol fields from the GEOS-Chem chemistry transport model. It is recommended to sample the model only where the satellite flies over on a particular day; neglecting this can cause regional differences in model AOD of up to 0.1 on monthly and annual timescales. The comparison is observed to depend strongly upon thresholds for sparsity of satellite retrievals in the model grid cells. Requiring at least 25% coverage of the model grid cell by satellite data decreases the observed difference between the two by approximately half over land. The impact over ocean is smaller. In both model and satellite datasets, there is an anticorrelation between the proportion <i>p</i> of a model grid cell covered by satellite retrievals and the AOD. This is attributed to small <i>p</i> typically occuring due to high cloud cover and lower AODs being found in large clear-sky regions. Daily median AATSR AODs were found to be closer to GEOS-Chem AODs than daily means (with the root mean squared difference being approximately 0.05 smaller). This is due to the decreased sensitivity of medians to outliers such as cloud-contaminated retrievals, or aerosol point sources not included in the model

    Assessment of a Driver Interface for Lateral Drift and Curve Speed Warning Systems: Mixed Results for Auditory and Haptic Warnings

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    Lateral Drift Warning (LDW) and Curve Speed Warning (CSW)systems were developed to address two main critical events in run-off-roadcrashes, which are road edge departure and excessive speed. The LDW systemused a two-stage alert system, with the first stage activating when the driverdeparted a lane with a dashed boundary and the imminent, or second stage, whendeparting a lane with a solid boundary. The CSW also employed a two-stage alert,with the level based on the degree of over-speed for the upcoming curve. Thehaptic modality, in the form of seat vibration, was chosen as the first levelwarning for both systems, and auditory was chosen as the second or most urgentlevel. The two systems were installed in a fleet of instrumented vehicles andloaned to 78 randomly selected licensed drivers for approximately 4 weeks.Debriefing questions detailing the driver’s experience with the system wereadministered and analyzed in a two by two design of modality by system. Afterexamination of both the statistical results and the open-ended comments, thequestion of which modality is most appropriate is still uncertain. Each modalityhad positive aspects. Haptic does not alert the entire car and participants alsoconsidered it less distracting. Auditory provided better recognition betweenwarnings and participants were better able to understand the meaning and therequired response for each warning

    Will I? won't I? Why do men who have sex with men present for post-exposure prophylaxis for sexual exposures?

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    Background: Failures of post-exposure prophylaxis following sexual exposure (PEPSE) to prevent seroconversion have been reported and are often associated with ongoing risk exposure. Understanding why men who have sex with men (MSM) access PEPSE on some occasions and not others may lead to more effective health promotion and disease prevention strategies Methods: A qualitative study design using semi-structured interviews of 15 MSM within 6 months of them initiating PEPSE treatment at an HIV outpatient service in Brighton, UK. Results: PEPSE seeking was motivated by a number of factors: an episode that related to a particular sexual partner and their behaviour; the characteristics of the venue where the risk occurred; the respondent’s state of mind and influences of alcohol and recreational drug use; and their perceived beliefs on the effectiveness of PEPSE. Help was sought in the light of a “one-off” or “unusual” event. Many respondents felt they were less likely to behave in a risky manner following PEPSE. Conclusion: If PEPSE is to be effective as a public health measure, at risk individuals need to be empowered to make improved risk calculations from an increased perception that they could be exposed to HIV if they continue their current behaviour patterns. The concern is that PEPSE was sought by a low number of MSM implying that a greater number are not using the service based on failure to make accurate risk calculations or recognise high-risk scenario

    The role of tree size in the leafing phenology of a seasonally dry tropical forest in Belize, Central America

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    Leafing phenology of two dry-forest sites on soils of different depth (S = shallow, D = deep) at Shipstern Reserve, Belize, were compared at the start of the rainy season (April-June 2000). Trees ≥ 2.5 cm dbh were recorded weekly for 8 wk in three 0.04-ha plots per site. Ten species were analysed individually for their phenological patterns, of which the three most common were Bursera simaruba, Metopium brownei and Jatropha gaumeri. Trees were divided into those in the canopy (> 10 cm dbh) and the subcanopy (≤ 10 cm dbh). Site S had larger trees on average than site D. The proportion of trees flushing leaves at any one time was generally higher in site S than in site D, for both canopy and subcanopy trees. Leaf flush started 2 wk earlier in site S than site D for subcanopy trees, but only 0.5 wk earlier for the canopy trees. Leaf flush duration was 1.5 wk longer in site S than site D. Large trees in the subcanopy flushed leaves earlier than small ones at both sites but in the canopy just at site D. Large trees flushed leaves earlier than small ones in three species and small trees flushed leaves more rapidly in two species. Bursera and Jatropha followed the general trends but Metopium, with larger trees in site D than site S, showed the converse with onset of flushing I wk earlier in site D than site S. Differences in response of the canopy and subcanopy trees on each site can be accounted for by the predominance of spring-flushing or stem-succulent species in site S and a tendency for evergreen species to occur in site D. Early flushing of relatively larger trees in site D most likely requires access to deeper soil water reserves but small and large trees utilize stored tree water in site S

    Conservation value of non-Broads lakes in Norfolk: determining what is known

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    Recent research (e.g. Sayer et al., 2008; Wood et al., 2003) has highlighted an urgent need to consider ornamental and other man-make shallow lakes as potential sites for nature conservation. In Norfolk such lakes have survived the ravages of eutrophication (nutrient enrichment) better than the Norfolk Broads due to their smaller catchments in the upper reaches of river systems. As a consequence many of them (particularly some ornamental lakes, but probably many gravel-pits), still support species-rich communities of aquatic plants (and probably invertebrates), including, in some cases, substantial populations of Characeae. For this reason these lakes are very much worthy of nature conservation

    Nutrient sources to Blickling Hall Lake

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    Blickling Hall Lake is a relatively large (10.1 ha.) shallow (average depth 95 cm) estate lake in the grounds of Blickling Hall, near Aylsham, North Norfolk. It was formed in the early 1700s through the damming of a small tributary of the River Bure, presently the major inflow to the lake. Water levels in the lake are controlled by a sluice and there is one outflow which ultimately feeds into the River Bure. The site has considerable current conservation interest in the form of an extensive fringing reedswamp, which provides good habitat for birds and dragonflies in particular. Currently, however the lake itself is of minimal conservation interest

    The Automated Root Exudate System (ARES): a method to apply solutes at regular intervals to soils in the field.

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    Root exudation is a key component of nutrient and carbon dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems. Exudation rates vary widely by plant species and environmental conditions, but our understanding of how root exudates affect soil functioning is incomplete, in part because there are few viable methods to manipulate root exudates in situ. To address this, we devised the Automated Root Exudate System (ARES), which simulates increased root exudation by applying small amounts of labile solutes at regular intervals in the field. The ARES is a gravity-fed drip irrigation system comprising a reservoir bottle connected via a timer to a micro-hose irrigation grid covering c. 1 m2; 24 drip-tips are inserted into the soil to 4-cm depth to apply solutions into the rooting zone. We installed two ARES subplots within existing litter removal and control plots in a temperate deciduous woodland. We applied either an artificial root exudate solution (RE) or a procedural control solution (CP) to each subplot for 1 min day-1 during two growing seasons. To investigate the influence of root exudation on soil carbon dynamics, we measured soil respiration monthly and soil microbial biomass at the end of each growing season. The ARES applied the solutions at a rate of c. 2 L m-2 week-1 without significantly increasing soil water content. The application of RE solution had a clear effect on soil carbon dynamics, but the response varied by litter treatment. Across two growing seasons, soil respiration was 25% higher in RE compared to CP subplots in the litter removal treatment, but not in the control plots. By contrast, we observed a significant increase in microbial biomass carbon (33%) and nitrogen (26%) in RE subplots in the control litter treatment. The ARES is an effective, low-cost method to apply experimental solutions directly into the rooting zone in the field. The installation of the systems entails minimal disturbance to the soil and little maintenance is required. Although we used ARES to apply root exudate solution, the method can be used to apply many other treatments involving solute inputs at regular intervals in a wide range of ecosystems

    The Effects of Lead-Vehicle Size on Driver Following Behavior: Is Ignorance Truly Bliss?

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    The objective of this study was to examine whether size of a lead vehicle (passenger car or light truck) affects the distance at which following vehicles travel. Naturalistic following data were collected from drivers using instrumented passenger cars in place of their own vehicles. The results show that these drivers followed light trucks at shorter distances than they followed other passenger cars by an average of 5.6 m, or .19 s in headway time margin, but at the same velocities and range-rates. This result is discussed in the context of a passenger car driver’s ability to see beyond a lead vehicle to assess, and respond to, the status of traffic downstream. The results of this study suggest that knowing the state of traffic beyond the lead vehicle, even by only one additional vehicle, affects gap length. Specifically, it appears that when dimensions of lead vehicles permit other drivers to see through, over, or around them, drivers maintain significantly longer (i.e., safer) distances

    Aortic Morphology Following Endovascular Repair of Acute and Chronic Type B Aortic Dissection: Implications for Management

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    AbstractObjectiveThe study aimed to define early clinical outcomes, and medium term morphological changes, following endovascular treatment of acute (AAD) and chronic (CAD) Type B aortic dissections.Main outcomesThe cohort comprised 78 patients who underwent endovascular repair for AAD (38) and CAD (40). Early and late clinical outcomes were prospectively recorded. All patients underwent serial follow up with CT scanning. False lumen thrombosis rates, true, false and total aortic short axis diameter were recorded at the mid point of the endograft and below this level in the thoracic aorta. The total maximum aortic diameter in the thoracic, abdominal aorta was quantified.ResultsThe 30-d mortality was 2.6% in AAD and 7.5% in CAD. The 30-d stroke and paraplegia rates were 5.3% and 0% in AAD. There were no cases of stroke or paraplegia in patients with CAD. At 30 months follow up, the cumulative survival for the two groups was 93% for AAD and 66.5% for CAD (P=0.015, Kaplan Meier) and the cumulative re-intervention rate was 62% and 55% in AAD and CAD respectively (P=0.961, Kaplan-Meier). False lumen thrombosis rates were equivalent in the two groups and were higher at the level of the endograft than below this level (P<0.05). Aortic remodelling was greater in AAD, whereas the aortic dimensions after treatment of CAD remained relatively static. Up to 20% of patients in both groups demonstrated enlargement of the thoracic aorta.ConclusionsThe data support the use of endovascular repair of the thoracic aorta in Type B aortic dissection. 30-d outcomes are acceptable. Patients with AAD demonstrate significant aortic remodelling whereas patients with CAD do not. This has significant implications for practice as patients with CAD must rely on maintenance of false lumen thrombosis to preserve the integrity of the endovascular repair

    Crystal structure and substrate specificity of the thermophilic serine:pyruvate aminotransferase from Sulfolobus solfataricus.

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    Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tThe three-dimensional structure of the Sulfolobus solfataricus serine:pyruvate aminotransferase has been determined to 1.8 Å resolution. The structure of the protein is a homodimer that adopts the type I fold of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent aminotransferases. The structure revealed the PLP cofactor covalently bound in the active site to the active-site lysine in the internal aldimine form. The structure of the S. solfataricus enzyme was also determined with an amino form of the cofactor pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate bound in the active site and in complex with gabaculine, an aminotransferase inhibitor. These structures showed the changes in the enzyme active site during the course of the catalytic reaction. A comparison of the structure of the S. solfataricus enzyme with that of the closely related alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase has identified structural features that are proposed to be responsible for the differences in substrate specificity between the two enzymes. These results have been complemented by biochemical studies of the substrate specificity and thermostability of the S. solfataricus enzyme.University of ExeterBBSRCEPSRCWellcome Trus