105,309 research outputs found

    Computer simulation of shear flows of granular material

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    The purpose of this paper is to present results from computer simulations of Couette flows of granular materials and to examine the detailed rheological behavior inherent in these simulations. Comparison is made with the experimental results of Bagnold (1954) and Savage and Sayed (1980, 1982) as well as with the various theoretical constitutive models

    The expression and signalling patterns of CD180 toll like receptor in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL)

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is characterised by a progressive accumulation of mature CD5+CD20+CD23+ lymphocytes. Despite the remarkable progress in our understanding of the immunobiology of CLL, the aetiology of the disease remains unknown. The consensus is that CLL cells are driven by (auto)antigen(s) through the B cell receptor (BCR) and are regulated by a variety of signals received from the microenvironment, including toll-like receptors (TLR).Our group has previously shown that engagement of the CD180 orphan TLR expressed by approximately 60% of CLL cells, can re-wire the sIgM-mediated signalling from a pro-survival pathway, involving phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate3-kinase (PI3K) and protein kinase B (AKT) to the potentially pro-apoptotic pathway through mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK). However, little is known about the function of the other BCR - sIgD in CLL and its possible interaction with CD180. Here we studied intracellular signalling and apoptosis of CLL cells following sole or sequential ligation of CD180 and sIgD. Our data indicated that following sequential ligation of CD180 and sIgD, CLL samples demonstrated enhanced p38MAPK phosphorylation leading to increased apoptosis of CLL cells indicating synergistic relationship between CD180 and sIgD. To better understand the prognostic importance of CD180 expression we sought to determine whether CD180 and other prognostic markers such as CD38 and ZAP70 displayed any correlation with the known cytogenetic aberrations:TP53 and DLEU1. Our results suggested that CLL cells with DLEU1 deletion are characterised by the negative expression of both, CD180 and CD38, and this might have a significance for CLL prognosis. To explain this correlation, we hypothesised that interaction of CLL cells with their microenvironment through TLRs leads to the expansion of leukaemic clones, in vivo, in lymph nodes. Our results indicated that CD180 is heterogeneously expressed in the paraffin tissue sections of the lymph nodes of CLL patients and its expression positively correlates with the expression of Ki-67. Our data demonstrated, that although CD180 expression and signaling might have negative prognostic importance in CLL due to the enhanced proliferation of leukaemic cells, its interaction with sIgD would re-direct leukaemic cells towards apoptosis thus opening new opportunities for the disease immunotherapy

    Gold Nanoparticles and Its Potential Applications in Cancer Research

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    2009 Spring Meeting of the NANOFANS Forum. Presented on May 1, 2009 from 11 am-2 pm in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building (Rooms 1116-1118) on the Georgia Tech campus.Cancer Nanotechnology: New Opportunities in Engineering and Medicine / Shuming Nie, Director, Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence, Emory and Georgia Tech -- Magnetic Nanoparticles and Ovarian Cancer: A Potential New Direction in Therapeutic Intervention / John McDonald, Director, Ovarian Cancer Institute and Chair of the School of Biology at Georgia Tech -- Gold Nanoparticles and Its Potential Applications in Cancer Research / Mostafa El-Sayed, Director, Laser Dynamics Laboratory at the School of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Georgia Tech.Shuming Nie is the Wallace H. Coulter Distinguished Chair Professor in Biomedical Engineering at Emory University and the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interest is broadly in biomolecular engineering and nanotechnology. John McDonald is taking an integrated systems approach to the study of cancer. This means that he views cancer not as a defect in any particular gene or protein, but as a de-regulated cellular/ inter-cellular process. Mostafa El-Sayed is the Julius Brown Chair and Regents Professor in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Tech. He researches Nanoscience and also investigates how Nanoparticles can be used in Nanomedicine, Nano Catalysis, and Nanophotonics

    SB-17S-3079 Daniya Sayed

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    Book Review: Mirror of Dew: A Collection of Poems by Alam-Taj Zhale Qa\u27em-Maquami (1883-1946)

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    Review of Mirror of Dew: A Collection of Poems by Alam-Taj Zhale Qa’em-Maquami (1883-1946), translated with an introduction by Asghar Sayed-Ghorab. Harvard University Press, 2014

    Determination of the suitable drilling operating parameters in different geological formations El-Sharara Oil Field (South-Western Libya)

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    Purpose. The objective of this study is to determine the best operating conditions for the most notable drilling parameters (i.e. weight on bit (WOB), rotary drilling speed (RPM), and characteristics of drilling fluid) using field data obtained from El-Sharara Oil Field. Methods. The used data has been extracted from daily drilling reports of well named (NC-186/K04h) field. Such data contains information about the geological formations, casing strings, drill-bits, fuel consumption, flow rate of drilling fluid and other drilling parameters. Findings. The results reveal that, the lower geological formations of El-Sharara Oil Field, the harder are the upper formations. Therefore, it is recommended to apply heavy loads (i.e. WOB of 45000 lb) with low drilling speed (i.e. 100 rpm) in the lower formations; and to apply small loads (i.e. WOB of 19000 lb) with high drilling speed (i.e. 160 rpm) in the upper formations. Originality. This study evaluates the performance of drilling operation based on the interaction between rock formations and machine drilling parameters. Practical implications. Understanding such interaction between rock formations and machine drilling parameters will remarkably improve the rate of penetration (ROP) in the related geological formations. Consequently, the overall drilling costs will be reduced in terms of drilling time, life of drill-bit and fuel consumption.Мета. Визначення оптимальних експлуатаційних умов для технологічних параметрів буріння – осьового навантаження на долото (ОНД), швидкості обертального буріння (ШOБ), характеристик бурового розчину на основі емпіричних даних, отриманих на нафтовому родовищі Ель-Шарара. Методика. У роботі вивчені та систематизовані дані експлуатації нафтової свердловини NC-186/K04h, що містять інформацію про геологічні формації родовища, обсадних колонах, бурових коронках, витрат палива і бурової рідини та інших параметрах буріння. Результати. Дослідження показало, що, чим нижче розташовані нафтоносні геологічні формації Ель-Шарара, тим міцніше породи верхніх формацій. Рекомендовано застосовувати велике навантаження (ОНД – близько 104 кг), при низькій ШOБ (100 об/хв) у нижніх формаціях; і мале навантаження (ОНД – 86 кг) при високій ШOБ (160 об/хв) – у верхніх формаціях. Встановлено кореляційний взаємозв’язок комплексу технологічних параметрів буріння з умовами геологічних формацій родовища. Наукова новизна. Для умов нафтового родовища Ель-Шарара дана наукова оцінка ефективності буріння на основі встановлення взаємозв’язку параметрів формацій і бурових установок. Практична значимість. Врахування взаємозв’язку геологічних формацій і параметрів механічного буріння дозволить суттєво підвищити швидкість проходки свердловин, при цьому загальні витрати на буріння будуть скорочені за рахунок зменшення часу буріння, споживання палива та збільшення терміну служби бурових коронок.Цель. Определение оптимальных эксплуатационных условий для технологических параметров бурения – осевой нагрузки на долото (ОНД), скорости вращательного бурения (СВБ), характеристик бурового раствора на основе эмпирических данных, полученных на нефтяном месторождении Эль-Шарара. Методика. В работе изучены и систематизированы данные о эксплуатации нефтяной скважины NC-186/K04h, которые содержат информацию о геологических формациях месторождения, обсадных колоннах, буровых коронках, расходе топлива и буровой жидкости, а также других параметрах бурения. Результаты. Исследование показало, что, чем ниже расположены нефтеносные геологические формации Эль-Шарара, тем тверже породы верхних формаций. Рекомендуется применять большую нагрузку (ОНД – около 104 кг), при низкой СВБ (100 вр/мин) в нижних формациях; и малую нагрузку (ОНД – 86 кг) при высокой СВБ (160 вр/мин) – в верхних формациях. Установлена корреляционная взаимосвязь комплекса технологических параметров бурения с условиями геологических формаций месторождения. Научная новизна. Для условий нефтяного месторождения Эль-Шарара дана научная оценка эффективности бурения на основе установления взаимосвязи параметров формаций и буровых установок. Практическая значимость. Учет взаимосвязи геологических формаций и параметров механического бурения позволит существенно увеличить скорость проходки скважин, при этом общие затраты на бурение будут сокращены за счет уменьшения времени бурения, потребления топлива и увеличения срока службы буровых коронок.The authors declare that the paper has not been originated under any project and no funding has been raised for this research