22 research outputs found


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    女子大学生における居場所感覚の基底にある心理学的機制の探索(Ⅳ):SNS(social networking service)世界における居場所感覚

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    The present study explored the relationship between psychological deficiency in face-toface situations and ibasyo feeling in Social Networking Service universe. Feelings of Unreality Scale(Moroi et al., 2015a; Sunaga, 1996), Over-Adaptation Scale (Moroi et al., 2015b; Ishizu & Ambo, 2008), and Ibasyo Feeling in SNS Universe Scale (Kishi & Moroi, 2011; revised to measure feeling in the SNS universe) were administered to female undergraduates (N=563). Accoriding to the partial correlation analyses and the multiple regression analyses, psychological deficiency in face-to-face situations led to negative ibasyo feeling in SNS universe, while induced positive ibasyo feeling. The significance of research on the psychological mechanism underlying ibasyo feeling in SNS universe was discussed.論

    Clonally Expanded Decidual Effector Regulatory T Cells Increase in Late Gestation of Normal Pregnancy, but Not in Preeclampsia, in Humans

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    Background: Regulatory T (Treg) cells are necessary for the maintenance of allogenic pregnancy. However, the repertoire of effector Treg cells at the feto-maternal interface in human pregnancy remains unknown. Our objective was to study T cell receptor (TCR) repertoires of Treg cells during pregnancy compared to normal and complicated pregnancies.Methods:Paired samples of peripheral blood and decidua in induced abortion and miscarriage cases were obtained from consenting patients. CD4+CD25+CD127low/−CD45RA− effector Treg cells were single-cell sorted from mononuclear cells. cDNAs of complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) in TCRβ were amplified from the single cells by RT-PCR and the sequences were analyzed. The TCRβ repertoires were determined by amino acid and nucleotide sequences. Treg cells were classified into clonally expanded and non-expanded populations by CDR3 sequences.Results: We enrolled nine induced abortion cases in the 1st trimester, 12 cases delivered without complications in the 3rd trimester, 11 miscarriages with abnormal chromosomal karyotyped embryo, seven miscarriages with normal chromosomal karyotyped embryo, and seven cases of preeclampsia [median gestational week (interquartile range): 7 (7–9), 39 (38–40), 9 (8–10), 8 (8–10), and 34 (32–37), respectively]. The frequency of clonally expanded populations of effector Treg cells increased in decidua of 3rd trimester cases compared to 1st trimester cases [4.5% (1.4–10.8%) vs. 20.9% (15.4–28.1%), p < 0.001]. Clonally expanded Treg cells were rarely seen in peripheral blood. The ratio of clonally expanded populations of decidual effector Treg cells in miscarriages with abnormal and normal embryos was not significantly different compared with that in 1st trimester normal pregnancy. Interestingly, clonally expanded populations of effector Treg cells decreased in preeclampsia compared with that in 3rd trimester normal pregnancy [9.3% (4.4–14.5%) vs. 20.9% (15.4–28.1%), p = 0.003]. When repertoires in previous pregnancy and subsequent pregnancy were compared, some portions of the repertoire were shared.Conclusion: TCR repertoires of decidual effector Treg cells are skewed in the 3rd trimester of normal pregnancy. Failure of clonal expansion of populations of decidual effector Treg cells might be related to the development of preeclampsia

    Gefitinib successfully administered in a lung cancer patient with leptomeningeal carcinomatosis after erlotinib-induced pneumatosis intestinalis

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    Abstract Background Pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) is a rare complication of chemotherapy, characterized by multiple gas accumulations within the bowel wall. Case presentation A 71-year-old woman with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma was admitted to our hospital because of reduced consciousness. She was diagnosed as having leptomeningeal carcinomatosis (LM) using lumbar puncture. Because she could not swallow a tablet, erlotinib was administered via a feeding tube. Her state of consciousness gradually improved, but she experienced diarrhea several times a day. After 3 weeks of erlotinib therapy, PI occurred. Erlotinib was discontinued and PI was resolved after treatment with conservative therapies. Erlotinib was re-administrated and PI occurred again. After improvement of erlotinib-induced PI, gefitinib was administered by a feeding tube and the patient did not experience PI or diarrhea. The patient survived 8 months from the diagnosis of LM. Conclusion PI is one of the side effects of erlotinib, and consecutive therapies are useful for the treatment of PI. In this patient, gefitinib was successfully administered after erlotinib-induced PI

    Pneumatosis intestinalis induced by osimertinib in a patient with lung adenocarcinoma harbouring epidermal growth factor receptor gene mutation with simultaneously detected exon 19 deletion and T790 M point mutation: a case report

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    Abstract Background Pneumatosis intestinalis is a rare adverse event that occurs in patients with lung cancer, especially those undergoing treatment with epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKI). Osimertinib is the most recently approved EGFR-TKI, and its usage is increasing in clinical practice for lung cancer patients who have mutations in the EGFR gene. Case presentation A 74-year-old woman with clinical stage IV (T2aN2M1b) lung adenocarcinoma was determined to have EGFR gene mutations, namely a deletion in exon 19 and a point mutation (T790 M) in exon 20. Osimertinib was started as seventh-line therapy. Follow-up computed tomography on the 97th day after osimertinib administration incidentally demonstrated intra-mural air in the transverse colon, as well as intrahepatic portal vein gas. Pneumatosis intestinalis and portal vein gas improved by fasting and temporary interruption of osimertinib. Osimertinib was then restarted and continued without recurrence of pneumatosis intestinalis. Overall, following progression-free survival of 12.2 months, with an overall duration of administration of 19.4 months (581 days), osimertinib was continued during beyond-progressive disease status, until a few days before the patient died of lung cancer. Conclusions Pneumatosis intestinalis should be noted as an important adverse event that can occur with administration of osimertinib; thus far, such an event has never been reported. This was a valuable case in which osimertinib was successfully restarted after complete recovery from pneumatosis intestinalis, such that further extended administration of osimertinib was achieved