女子大学生における居場所感覚の基底にある心理学的機制の探索(Ⅳ):SNS(social networking service)世界における居場所感覚


The present study explored the relationship between psychological deficiency in face-toface situations and ibasyo feeling in Social Networking Service universe. Feelings of Unreality Scale(Moroi et al., 2015a; Sunaga, 1996), Over-Adaptation Scale (Moroi et al., 2015b; Ishizu & Ambo, 2008), and Ibasyo Feeling in SNS Universe Scale (Kishi & Moroi, 2011; revised to measure feeling in the SNS universe) were administered to female undergraduates (N=563). Accoriding to the partial correlation analyses and the multiple regression analyses, psychological deficiency in face-to-face situations led to negative ibasyo feeling in SNS universe, while induced positive ibasyo feeling. The significance of research on the psychological mechanism underlying ibasyo feeling in SNS universe was discussed.論

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