42 research outputs found

    Współpraca i współtworzenie w działalności naukowej muzeów

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    Muzea coraz częściej analizowane są z różnych perspektyw, uwzględniających wielość pełnionych przez nie funkcji. Największe zainteresowanie widać w odniesieniu do aktywności kulturalnych, społecznych bądź turystycznych. Niemniej jednak aktywności edukacyjne, kierowane do dzieci i młodzieży uczęszczających do szkół, również mają znaczenie. Wśród wielofunkcyjności i zróżnicowania form współpracy mniej uwagi poświęca się współpracy w ramach działalności naukowej, która łączy się z podstawowymi zadaniami muzeów: gromadzeniem i badaniem. Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie znaczenia współpracy podejmowanej przez muzea w ramach działalności naukowej. Został on doprecyzowany przez dwa pytania badawcze: 1. Jakie podmioty angażują się we współpracę o charakterze naukowym? 2. W jaki sposób współtworzone są efekty działalności naukowej? W ramach zastosowanego podejścia jakościowego zastosowano wielokrotne studium przypadku. Przeprowadzone zostały wywiady częściowo ustrukturyzowane, obserwacje oraz analiza treści z mediów społecznościowych. Chociaż stopień, w jakim zwraca się uwagę na działalność naukową, zależy od specyfiki danej instytucji, to jest to aktywność mająca znaczenie z perspektywy podstawowych zadań realizowanych przez muzea. Działalność naukowa przyczynia się do łączenia i utrzymywania kontaktów między podobnymi organizacjami, ale otwiera również na nowe relacje. Poza wymiarem stricte naukowym korzyści mogą odczuwać także podmioty mniej zaangażowane w konkretne projekty. Badania terenowe i konferencje, szczególnie widoczne elementy działalności naukowej, mają w sobie również wymiar współtworzenia.Museums are more often analyzed from diverse perspectives, which include the multiplicity of their functions performed. The biggest interest regards cultural, social, or tourism activities. Nevertheless, educational activities, addressing especially the school youngsters, are of importance as well. Among the multifunctionality and diversity of functions performed, less is explored about the cooperation within the framework of scientific projects, which is closely connected to the basic museum duties: collecting and researching. The main aim of the article is to recognize the importance of cooperation initiated by museums within the area of scientific activity. It was specified by two research questions: 1. What entities are engaged in scientific-based cooperation? 2. In which ways effects of such activity are co-created? Within the qualitative research approach applied, the multiple case study method was selected. During the research, the semi-structured interviews were applied, as also observations and content analysis from social media sites. Although the focus on the scientific activities depends on the specific institution, yet is important while looking at the basic activities performed by museums. Scientific cooperation very often connects similar organizations, but also opens for new relations. Despite strict scientific dimensions, the benefits may also affect less involved entities. Field research and conferences, especially visible parts of scientific activities, have an aspect of co-creation as well

    Commemoration or commodification? : a stakeholder's discourse around the establishment of the martyrdom museum

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    Objective: The purpose of the article was to explore a mode of stakeholders' discussion arrangement with the support of social media platforms, about the project of a new dark- heritage oriented museum. Research Design & Methods: The study was realized within the qualitative approach and case study method. The project of the new museum in Krakow was selected purposively for analysis. Findings: The results revealed differences in stakeholders' demands, barriers in participative projects as well as how conflicting values are managed. Moreover, the usage of social media may sway the stakeholder's attributes, as well as enhance participation of the other. Contribution & Value Added: The study contributes by analyzing a multi-stakeholder dialogue focused on the wider museum environment. The practice of participation is hard for effective realization, even if stakeholder expectations are similar

    Exploring the barriers of multi-stakeholder value co-creation : the museum context

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    Purpose: The study builds on the multi-stakeholder perspective and applies the DART model to frame and explore barriers to value co-creation in the museum context. Design/methodology/approach: The empirical research followed a multiple case study design, based on six cases selected in accordance with a maximum variation strategy. The analysis of the data gathered from multiple primary and secondary sources was guided by the qualitative content analysis approach and the pattern-matching technique for a multiple case study. Findings: The findings reveal a largely convergent understanding of value co-creation that relates to the social integration of the intrinsic value of museums. The main barriers to value co-creation were identified at both organizational and personal levels, yet important context-bound differences were found regarding the scope and impact of those barriers across defined museum activity areas. Originality/value: The study enriches literature and museum management by identifying and synthesizing barriers, offering insights for overcoming them through DART model modifications. These insights extend beyond museums, emphasizing stakeholder identification, recognizing activity-specific barriers, understanding interdependence and considering external factors like the pandemic. Managers can leverage this knowledge for informed decisions and interventions

    Współtworzenie wartości w sektorze kreatywnym z perspektywy muzeów

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    Contacts with the environment, relations as well as different variants of value creation are more intensively explored. Issues of relations concern also museums, which modify their offers and cooperate with private entities, e.g. from the movie industry. However, value co-creation is more often referred to the final stage of the activities and the visitors, instead of other entities. The purpose of the study was to analyze the specificity of the co-creation realized by the museums and the movie industry. A case study method was used. Results showed that a separate movie realization has elements specific to the DART model and value co-creation. Despite some difficulties, through dialogue and interactions is possible to create value.Współpraca z otoczeniem, relacje oraz rożne warianty klasyfikacji i tworzenia wartości są coraz częściej eksplorowane w badaniach. Kwestie relacji dotyczą także muzeów, które modyfikują swoje oferty i działają również z podmiotami prywatnymi, chociażby z przemysłu filmowego. Jednakże współtworzenie wartości częściej odnoszone jest do końcowego efektu działania oraz do osób odwiedzających niż do innych podmiotów. Celem badania była analiza specyfiki współtworzenia podejmowanego przez muzea oraz branżę filmową. W badaniu zastosowano metodykę studium przypadku. Wyniki pokazały, że pojedyncza realizacja filmowa ma elementy charakterystyczne dla modelu DART i współtworzenia wartości. Pomimo pewnych trudności dzięki dialogom i interakcji możliwe jest wspólne tworzenie wartości.Praca finansowana z subwencji Wydziału Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej, przeznaczonej na działalność badawczą, tytuł grantu: „Przebieg i efekt procesu współtworzenia wartości w muzeach w ramach podejścia wielopodmiotowego”, numer N21/MNS/00001

    Cultural authority with a light touch : museums using humor in social media communication

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    The distinctively informal and participatory environment of social media can help museums improve comprehension by providing new ways of seeing, interpreting and experiencing. Aparticular potential in that digital context may relate to a humorous discourse. Given that museum research has yet to explore the use of humor in social media communication, the aim of this article is to fill the gap by investigating how museums incorporate humor to communicate over the net with wide and fragmented audiences. The empirical study was based on a content analysis of messages posted on the social media profiles of museums from the Mal opolska Region in Poland. The analysis involved material gathered from 71 institutions running proprietary social media sites (of a total 119 museums in the region), whose activity was observed during a two-and-a-half-month period. The final sample developed through a consensus coding procedure consisted of 47 humorous messages posted on profiles of 15 institutions. The findings identify certain common trends as well as differences in the use of humor in the social media communication of museums. Observed discrepancies relate to distinct framings and cohesiveness of practiced humorous communication. Along with a variety of humorous utterances different reactions of the audience were identified

    Exploring engagement in value creation : a multi-stakeholder perspective in the museum context

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    This study builds on the multi-stakeholder perspective to explore the nature of stakeholder engagement across key areas of value creation in the museum context. The empirical research followed a multiple case study design, based on three cases selected in accordance with a maximum variation strategy. The investigation involved a qualitative content analysis of primary and secondary sources. The findings reveal a context-bound perception of stakeholders and varying conditions for their engagement in the value-creation process. The study provides a strategic perspective for a comprehensive, multi-layered review of the stakeholder engagement across different activity areas, and thus informs the formulation of strategies to improve the task-evidenced multi-voice narration within the scope of museum activities

    Museums as a research object in the strategic management field

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    The aim of the article is to identify and examine the main thematic paths shaping the strategic approach in the research on the management of museums. The study was based on a systematic review of scholarly papers using the bibliometric method and the qualitative content analysis. The investigation included theoretical and empirical research papers indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Based on the collected information, three main thematic paths were identified, i.e. a stream focused on issues related to financing museums, a second path focused on the management structure and the final client-visitor oriented approach. The obtained results enabled identification of significant research gaps with reference to the competitive environment analysis of museum units

    Zespół Susaca

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    Zespół Susaca to rzadko występująca waskulopatia obejmująca małe tętniczki prekapilarne mózgu, siatkówki i ucha wewnętrznego. Charakteryzuje się triadą objawów: encefalopatią, zaburzeniami widzenia z powodu niedrożności rozgałęzień tętnicy siatkówki oraz niedosłuchem czuciowo-nerwowym. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek pacjentki w wieku 29 lat, u której migrenopodobne bóle głowy poprzedziły wystąpienie postępujących zaburzeń poznawczych, objawów zespołu móżdżkowego oraz niedosłuchu. Wykonane badanie rezonansu magnetycznego głowy wykazało obecność licznych ognisk hiperintensywnych w istocie białej obu półkul mózgu, w części centralnej ciała modzelowatego oraz w strukturach tylnego dołu czaszki. W badaniu audiometrii tonalnej stwierdzono obustronny niedosłuch czuciowo-nerwowy. Angiografia fluoresceinowa początkowo nie wykazała nieprawidłowości, jednak powtórne badanie uwidoczniło niedrożność odgałęzień tętnicy środkowej siatkówki. Na podstawie obrazu klinicznego i uzyskanych wyników badań dodatkowych rozpoznano zespół Susaca. Zespół ten należy uwzględnić w diagnostyce różnicowej w wieloogniskowym uszkodzeniu ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Wczesne rozpoznanie choroby oraz zastosowanie leczenia immunosupresyjnego znacznie łagodzi jej przebieg i poprawia rokowanie

    Oxidative stress parameters in women and men with suicidal thoughts and following a suicide attempt

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    BackgroundThis study aimed to evaluate oxidative stress parameters in individuals with depression and schizophrenia, considering gender differences, and manifesting suicidal behavior, encompassing thoughts without a tendency to be realized, thoughts with a tendency to be realized, and suicide attempts.MethodsFrom among the patients from Department of Psychiatry 120 individuals were selected who met the inclusion criteria and did not meet the exclusion criteria for the study. In the initial phase of the project, patients eligible for the study underwent the M.I.N.I 7.0.2 questionnaire (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview). Subsequently, in the second phase of the research, venous blood samples were collected from the patients for the purpose of conducting biochemical assessments, focusing on oxidative stress parameters.ResultsThe obtained results suggest that redox biomarkers, namely TOS (total oxidation state) and OSI (TOS/TAC ratio), in the blood plasma of women increase in tandem with the severity of suicidal behavior. No notable alterations in SOD (Cu-Zn-superoxide dismutase), GPx (glutathione peroxidase), and GSH (reduced glutathione) concentrations and activity were noted between groups exhibiting suicidal behavior. The observed variations in the concentrations and activity of antioxidant parameters were significant solely in comparison to the control group.ConclusionsRedox biomarkers TOS and OSI could prove valuable in diagnosing women at a genuine risk of committing suicide. On the other hand, antioxidant parameters – SOD, GPx, and GSH may be instrumental in identifying patients with suicidal behaviors, without specifying their intensity

    Plerixafor for patients who fail cytokine-or chemotherapy-based stem cell mobilization: Results of a prospective study by the Polish Lymphoma Research Group (PLRG)

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    Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (autoHSCT) requires collection of sufficient number of hematopoietic stem cells. The goal of this study was to evaluate efficacy of plerixafor used in patients with lymphoid malignancies failing conventional stem cell mobilization.This was a prospective, non-interventional study. All consecutive patients (n = 109) treated with plerixafor in 11 centers were reported. The drug was used either in case of previous mobilization failure (n = 67) or interventionally, in case of insufficient CD34 cell output during current mobilization (n = 42). Successful mobilization was defined as resulting in collection of ≥ 2 × 10 CD34 cells/kg for single autoHSCT or ≥ 4 × 10 CD34 cells/kg for double procedure.The overall rate of successful mobilization was 55% (55% for single and 56% for double autoHSCT). The median total number of collected CD34 cells/kg was 2.4 (range, 0-11.5) for patients intended for a single transplantation while 4.0 (0.6-16.9) for double procedure. The number of circulating CD34 cells increased after the use of plerixafor regardless of baseline values. The median fold increase was 3.3 (0.3-155). Data from this observational study confirm high efficacy of plerixafor used in routine clinical practice as salvage for patients with lymphoid malignancies failing conventional stem cell mobilization