103 research outputs found

    Organised crime around the world

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    The report seeks to provide an overview of the recent trends in organised crime and the countermeasures taken against it throughout the world. Chapter One gives a general overview of the tendencies and changes displayed by criminal enterprises. The purpose of Chapter Two is to provide an overview of the recent trends of illicit activities within organised crime in various areas in the world (North America, Central and South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Gulf States, Asia and Oceania) and the changes in criminal groups which operate at the international level. Chapter Three describes the recent main initiatives taken internationally against organised transnational crime by both governmental and non-governmental organisations (the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the G7/P8, the European Union, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Organisation of American States) as well as other forms of action, such as bilateral agreements. The aim of Chapter Four is to describe national legislation against organised crime, in terms of both substantive legislation and prosedural legislation

    Recruitment into organised criminal groups: A systematic review

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    This paper provides a narrative synthesis of the results of a systematic review of the social, psychological and economic factors leading to recruitment into organised crime. This is based on the analysis of evidence emerging from 47 qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method studies published in or before 2017. While the selected studies varied markedly in method and quality, several factors emerged as particularly important in understanding recruitment into organised criminal groups. These included the role of social relations (family, kinship, friendship and work-relations), criminal background and criminal skills

    Il contributo della sociologia all’analisi dei fenomeni criminali in Italia tra tradizione ed innovazione

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    Questo saggio costituisce una riflessione sul contributo che la sociologia e più in generale le scienze sociali hanno dato all’analisi dei fenomeni criminali. Ripercorrendo quanto fatto finora in Italia e, guardando a realtà diverse dal nostro paese, esso sviluppa alcune indicazioni essenziali sulle prospettive future. Più che lo stato dell’arte della disciplina si tratta di indicare alcune piste concettuali utili a coloro che, più giovani, vogliono incamminarsi in questo percorso scientifico

    Organised Crime in the EU. A Methodology for Risk Assessment

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    After having discussed the importance of establishing common EU indicators for measuring the impact of the main OC activities, the chapter will focus on developing an original methodology of risk assessment
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