80 research outputs found

    Mechanistic analysis and computer simulation of impact breakage of agglomerates: Effect of surface energy

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    Agglomerates are ubiquitous as intermediate or manufactured products in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. During handling and processing they may suffer breakage if they are weak. On the other hand, if they are too strong, their dispersion and disintegration could be difficult. The control of their mechanical strength is therefore highly desirable. However, the analysis of agglomerate strength is complex due to the large number of parameters that influence agglomerate behaviour, such as the primary particle size, density and elastic modulus, and the interparticle bond strength. A simple mechanistic model is presented here which relates the number of broken contacts in agglomerate due to impact velocity, interparticle adhesion energy and the particle properties of the particles forming the agglomerate. The model is based on the hypothesis that the energy used to break contacts during impact is proportional to the incident kinetic energy of the agglomerate. The damage ratio defined as the ratio of broken contacts to the initial number of bonds is shown to depend on the dimensionless group, Δ, in the form (ρV2D5/3E2/3)/ Γ5/3, where V is the impact velocity, E the elastic modulus, D the particle diameter, ρ the particle density and Γ the interface energy. This dimensionless group, Δ, incorporates the Weber number, (ρDV2/Γ), which was previously shown to be influential in agglomerate breakage, and may be presented in the form, Δ=WeIe2/3 , where Ie = ED/ Γ. The predicted dependency of the damage ratio on the surface energy has been tested using Distinct Element Method (DEM). Four different agglomerates have been formed and impacted against a target for three different values of the surface energy of the primary particles. The simulation results show that the effect of surface energy is better described by the above mechanistic model than by the Weber number alone, as previously used to characterise the impact strength of agglomerates

    Low Cost Portable ECG Data Acquisition System

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    A design strategy for the data acquisition block of a portable ECG machine for affordable remote CVD detection and diagnosis is proposed. It exploits the ECG property that most of the signal is concentrated within 20 Hz. Using this system one can achieve a low Nyquist data rate of 50 samples/sec. With Data Acquisition System designed one can also perform Irregular Sampling and using Compressive Sensing recover the signal. Using three such boards 3 ECG leads were simultaneously sampled both using Nyquist sampling and Irregular sampling. The cost of the one single board comes to Rs. (83+300) 383 and that of 3-Lead to Rs. (249 +500) 749. The Microcontroller board cost is not included as it was given free of cost

    On the Sparsest Representation of Electrocardiograms

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    In recent years, telecardiology has been growing in significance, due to the shortage of local caregivers in various parts of the world. As the cardiac data volume grows, compact representation becomes imperative in view of bandwidth, storage, power and other constraints. In this backdrop, we present empirical studies on electrocardiogram (ECG) signal representation using a wide variety of wavelet bases. Specifically, we arrange the transform coefficients in decreasing order of magnitude, and count the number of coefficients accounting for 99% of the signal energy (a sparser representation requires less number). We observe that 'Symlet' and 'Daubechies' families generally offer more compact representation compared to Meyer wavelet as well as biorthogonal and reverse biorthogonal families. In particular, the sparsest representation is provided by the 'sym4' (closely followed by the 'db4') wavelet basis for a broad class of ECG signals. Interestingly, this behavior is observed quite consistently across all fifteen (twelve standard and three Frank) leads. Our study assumes significance in the context of basis selection for various ECG signal processing applications, including compression, denoising and compressive sensin

    On the Sparsest Representation of Electrocardiograms

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    In recent years, telecardiology has been growing in significance, due to the shortage of local caregivers in various parts of the world. As the cardiac data volume grows, compact representation becomes imperative in view of bandwidth, storage, power and other constraints. In this backdrop, we present empirical studies on electrocardiogram (ECG) signal representation using a wide variety of wavelet bases. Specifically, we arrange the transform coefficients in decreasing order of magnitude, and count the number of coefficients accounting for 99% of the signal energy (a sparser representation requires less number). We observe that 'Symlet' and 'Daubechies' families generally offer more compact representation compared to Meyer wavelet as well as biorthogonal and reverse biorthogonal families. In particular, the sparsest representation is provided by the 'sym4' (closely followed by the 'db4') wavelet basis for a broad class of ECG signals. Interestingly, this behavior is observed quite consistently across all fifteen (twelve standard and three Frank) leads. Our study assumes significance in the context of basis selection for various ECG signal processing applications, including compression, denoising and compressive sensin

    Numerical analysis of strain rate sensitivity in ball indentation on cohesive powder Beds

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    In the shear deformation of powder beds beyond the quasi-static regime the shear stress is dependent on the strain rate. Extensive work has been reported on the rapid chute flow of large granules but the intermediate regime has not been widely addressed particularly in the case of cohesive powders. However in industrial powder processes the powder flow is often in the intermediate regime. In the present work an attempt is made to investigate the sensitivity of the stresses in an assembly of cohesive spherical particles to the strain rate in ball indentation using the Distinct Element Method. This technique has recently been proposed as a quick and easy way to assess the flowability of cohesive powders. It is shown that the hardness, deviatoric and hydrostatic stresses within a bed, subjected to ball indentation on its free surface, are dependent on the indentation strain rate. These stresses are almost constant up to a dimensionless strain rate of unity, consistent with trends from traditional methods of shear cell testing, though fluctuations begin to increase from a dimensionless strain rate of 0.5. For dimensionless strain rates greater than unity, these stresses increase, with the increase in hardness being the most substantial. These trends correlate well with those established in the literature for the Couette device. However the quantitative value of the strain rate boundary of the regimes differs, due to differences in the geometry of shear deformation bands. Nevertheless, this shows the capability of the indentation technique in capturing the dynamics of cohesive powder flow

    Solid Friction from stick-slip to pinning and aging

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    We review the present state of understanding of solid friction at low velocities and for systems with negligibly small wear effects. We first analyze in detail the behavior of friction at interfaces between wacroscopic hard rough solids, whose main dynamical features are well described by the Rice-Ruina rate and state dependent constitutive law. We show that it results from two combined effects : (i) the threshold rheology of nanometer-thick junctions jammed under confinement into a soft glassy structure (ii) geometric aging, i.e. slow growth of the real arrea of contact via asperity creep interrupted by sliding. Closer analysis leads to identifying a second aging-rejuvenation process, at work within the junctions themselves. We compare the effects of structural aging at such multicontact, very highly confined, interfaces with those met under different confinement levels, namely boundary lubricated contacts and extended adhesive interfaces involving soft materials (hydrogels, elastomers). This leads us to propose a classification of frictional junctions in terms of the relative importance of jamming and adsoprtion-induced metastability.Comment: 28 page

    Modeling the break-up of nano-particle clusters in aluminum- and magnesium-based metal matrix nano-composites

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    Aluminum- and magnesium-based metal matrix nano-composites with ceramic nano-reinforcements promise low weight with high durability and superior strength, desirable properties in aerospace, automobile, and other applications. However, nano-particle agglomerations lead to adverse effects on final properties: large-size clusters no longer act as dislocation anchors, but instead become defects; the resulting particle distribution will be uneven, leading to inconsistent properties. To prevent agglomeration and to break-up clusters, ultrasonic processing is used via an immersed sonotrode, or alternatively via electromagnetic vibration. A study of the interaction forces holding the nano-particles together shows that the choice of adhesion model significantly affects estimates of break-up force and that simple Stokes drag due to stirring is insufficient to break-up the clusters. The complex interaction of flow and co-joint particles under a high frequency external field (ultrasonic, electromagnetic) is addressed in detail using a discrete-element method code to demonstrate the effect of these fields on de-agglomeration

    Coupling of acoustic cavitation with DEM-based particle solvers for modeling de-agglomeration of particle clusters in liquid metals

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    The aerospace and automotive industries are seeking advanced materials with low weight yet high strength and durability. Aluminum and magnesium-based metal matrix composites with ceramic micro- and nano-reinforcements promise the desirable properties. However, larger surface-area-to-volume ratio in micro- and especially nanoparticles gives rise to van der Waals and adhesion forces that cause the particles to agglomerate in clusters. Such clusters lead to adverse effects on final properties, no longer acting as dislocation anchors but instead becoming defects. Also, agglomeration causes the particle distribution to become uneven, leading to inconsistent properties. To break up clusters, ultrasonic processing may be used via an immersed sonotrode, or alternatively via electromagnetic vibration. This paper combines a fundamental study of acoustic cavitation in liquid aluminum with a study of the interaction forces causing particles to agglomerate, as well as mechanisms of cluster breakup. A non-linear acoustic cavitation model utilizing pressure waves produced by an immersed horn is presented, and then applied to cavitation in liquid aluminum. Physical quantities related to fluid flow and quantities specific to the cavitation solver are passed to a discrete element method particles model. The coupled system is then used for a detailed study of clusters’ breakup by cavitation

    Dry Adhesive Friction of Elastomers: A study of the fundamental mechanical aspects

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    Mechanical Maritime and Materials Engineerin