189 research outputs found

    Intra thyroid thyroglossal cyst: a rare presentation

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    Thyroglossal duct cyst is a congenital malformation occurring due to incomplete closure of the thyroglossal duct. The infrequency with which it is encountered in thyroid makes it a formidable diagnostic challenge. Authors report this case because of the rarity of intrathyroid location of thyroglossal cyst.

    Fruit and seed development in mung beans (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.)

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    A study of fruit set at different nodes was made in mung beans, Phaseolus aureus Roxb., under field conditions. Flowering commenced on the fourth node from the base and the percentage fruit set showed a gradual decrease from the fifth node upwards. Yield analysis was carried out for each of the fruiting nodes. When the leaf and inflorescences at a node are taken as a functional unit it is seen that there was a decrease in the ratio of leaf area to fruit and seed weights from the base of the plant upwards indicating that at the upper nodes particularly, some other plant parts also contribute to the photosynthate pool of the developing seeds. A quantitative study of the dry matter, proteins and starch in the fruit wall and seeds of fruits at different stages of development was made. It showed that the rapid increase in dry matter, proteins and starch in the seeds at the later stages of development is compensated, in part, by a decrease of these components in the fruit wall. Histochemical studies of the fruit wall further supported these observations. This indicated the contribution of substrates by the fruit wall to the developing seeds

    Analysis of the pattern of ADR’s reported to an ADR monitoring center in South India: a prospective study

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    Background: All medicines with an ability to produce a desired therapeutic effect will also have the potential to cause unwanted adverse effects. It has been established that ~ 2.9%-5.6% of all hospital admissions are caused by Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) & as many as 35% of the hospitalized patients experience an ADR during their hospital stay. An incidence of fatal ADRs is 0.23%-0.41%. In some countries, ADRs rank among the top 10 leading causes of mortality. In order to increase awareness, observe the pattern of ADRs and communicate scientific data to prevent ADRs, this study was undertaken.Methods: It was a prospective observational study conducted at a tertiary hospital in Kochi. All the spontaneously reported ADRs were assessed and analyzed for type, severity and causality.Results: A total of 120 ADRs were reported during the study period. Most of the ADRs were seen in females in the age group of 61-70 years. Skin and appendage disorders were the most common manifestation of different type of ADRs (49.2%). Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents (30.8%), followed by anti-infectives for systemic use (29.2%) were mostly implicated in the causation of ADRs. Majority of the ADRs were of mild to moderate in severity (89.2%).Conclusions: Although small, but significant number of patients had severe ADRs. Hence, we require a robust system for monitoring the medication use process. So that we can prevent and reduce the morbidity and mortality due to therapeutic agents

    Toxic Effect of Synthetic Pyrithroid Pesticide (Cypermethrin) and an Organo Phospate Pesticide (Chlorpyrifos) on Certain Parameters of fresh water Carp Fish Labeo rohita

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    Aquatic ecosystems are vulnerable to the detrimental effects of variousagrochemicals, including synthetic pyrethroids and organophosphates. In thisstudy, we investigated the toxicity of cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos on acommonly found freshwater fish species Labeo rohita,. The fish Labeo rohita weretreated for acute toxicity with cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos, separately and incombination for 7 days with 1/10th of the LC50 dosage for individual treatment(0.015ppm and 0.042ppm respectively) and 1/20th of the LC50 of cypermethrin andchlorpyrifos for combined treatment (i.e., 0.0075ppm and 0.021ppm respectively).Individual and combined treatment resulted in a significant (p<0.05) change inglucogen, proteins and lipid contents in muscle, liver and kidney tissues wererecorded. Muscle shows the greatest loss of protein followed by liver and kidney.Liver shows significant reduction of lipid and glycogen in comparison with otherselected tissues of the experimental fish species. The changes were greater incombination than individual treatment, possibly because of a synergistic effect ofcypermethrin and chlorpyrifo

    Crystal structure of methyl 1-methyl-2-oxospiro[indoline-3,2â€Č-oxirane]-3â€Č-carboxylate

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    Acknowledgements The authors thank Dr Babu Vargheese, SAIF, IIT, Madras, India, for the data collection.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Synergistic Effect of Cypermethrin and Sodium Fluoride on Kidney Histo Pathology of Albino Mice

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    The aim of the resent study is to understand the renal toxicity, induced by cypermethrin and sodium fluoride (NaF) separately and combined in albino mice. Albino mice were treated with cypermethrin and sodium fluoride (NaF), separately and in combination, with 1/10th of the LD50 dosage of cypermethrin and NaF for individual administration by oral gavage (i.e., 8.5 mg/kg bw and 5.6 mg/kg bw, respectively) and 1/20th of the LD50dose of cypermethrin and NaF for combined administration (i.e., 4.25 mg/kg bw and 2.8 mg/kg bw, respectively). Separate or combined treatment resulted in histopathological changes in the kidney tissue such as degenerative changes in bowman’s capsule (DGBC), distal convoluted tubules (DGDCT),necrotic changes in glomerulus (NCG), atrophied glomerulus (ATG), necrotic change in distal convoluted tubules (NCDCT), necrotic change in bowman’s capsule (NCBC) and necrosis in proximal convoluted tubules (NCPCT), severe necrotic changes in proximal convoluted tubules (SNCPCT) and distal convoluted tubules ( SNCDCT) were observed. The changes were more in combination than individual treatment, this may be because of a synergistic effect of cypermethrin and NaF

    Comparison of direct binding polymerase chain reaction with recombinant coat protein antibody based dot-blot immunobinding assay and immunocapture-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction for the detection of sugarcane streak mosaic virus causing mosaic disease of sugarcane in India

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    Direct-binding polymerase chain reaction (DB–PCR) test was developed for the detection of sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV–AP), a member of the new, undescribed genus in the family Potyviridae. Its sensitivity levels were compared to recombinant coat protein antibody-based tests like dot-blot immunobinding assay (DBIA) and immunocapture-reverse transcription– PCR (IC–RT–PCR) to detect virus in purified preparations and in sugarcane leaf extracts. In DBIA, DB– PCR and IC–RT–PCR, the virus was detected up to 5 ng, 0.01 ng and 0.001 ng in purified virus preparations and 10−2, 10−3 and 10−4 dilutions in infected sugarcane leaf extracts, respectively. When compared to DBIA, IC–RT–PCR appears to be 5000-fold and 100- fold more sensitive with respect to purified virus and infected leaf samples respectively. DB–PCR is 10-fold less sensitive when compared to IC–RT–PCR. Further, shelf-life of recombinant antibody-coated tubes stored at 4°C was checked; it was found that they can be used for PCR up to one month. These PCR-based tests could be useful to screen sugarcane germplasm and in breeding and quarantine programmes

    Biological, antigenic and genomic relationships among the virus isolates causing mosaic disease of sugarcane in South India

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    The virus isolates causing mosaic disease of commercial sugarcane around Tirupati (Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh (AP)), Tanuku (West Godavari district, AP), Hospet (Bellary district, Karnataka) and Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) were propagated on Sorghum bicolor cv, Rio by sap inoculation and also through vegetative propagules of sugarcane. In host range studies, the four isolates infected all the 11 tested sorghum differentials with per cent infection ranging from 10 to 100, but they failed to infect Pennisetum typhoides, Zea mays, Eleusine coracana and Triticum aestivum, The antigenic relationships among these isolates determined by employing agar gel double diffusion (AGDD), direct antigen coating-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAC-ELISA) and electroblot immunoassay (EBIA) tests using antiserum of Tirupati (Chittoor district, AP) isolate (sugarcane streak mosaic virus, SCSMV-AP) revealed that the other three isolates are antigenically similar to SCSMV-AP, This was further confirmed by slot-blot hybridization using radioactive nucleic acid probe (pSV-7) specific to 3'-UTR and C-terminal portions of coat protein gene of SCSMV-AP, The heterologous isolates reacted similarly with the probe, The results demonstrated that the virus isolates causing mosaic disease of sugarcane in South Indian states are pathotypes of recently characterized SCSMV-AP, a new member of the proposed genus Tritimovirus of the family Potyviridae
