78 research outputs found

    Sharir Kriyatmak aspect of Grahani

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    Ayurveda aims at preservation of health and curing of the disease. Ayurveda emphasizes more on the normal condition of Jatharagni (digestive fire), that is why it has been mentioned as “Rogaha Sarvepi Mandagni.” The food undergoes metabolic transformation by Jatharagni and results in maintenance of the body tissue elements by their growth and repair processes. According to Charaka, Jatharagni is the leader of all the factors concern with digestion in the body of all living beings. Charaka also states the seat of Agni is also known as ‘Grahani’ because it receives and retains the food. Further, the main function of Grahani is to support Pachak Pitta which is required for digestion of food, which is brought to this part on the way to Pakwashaya. Grahani not only helps in digestion and metabolism but also take care of separation of Sara and Kitta. Any impairment of Agni will impart the integrity of Grahani. Grahani Roga is one of the very commonly seen diseases in our society, may be because of perverted food habits, socioeconomically condition, modern lifestyle and mental state of human beings. The aim of this study is to describe the Grahani in its Sharir Kriyatmaka (physiological) aspect. So, that it will be easy to prepare efficient protocol for diagnosis and treatment of Grahani Roga

    A Study of Components and Benefits of Organic Waste using Decision Tree: A Classifier in Data Mining

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    Population in India has been growing at a rapid rate. With this increase, there has also been an increase in the amount of wastes being produced especially in the urban cities. Increase in population has led to increase in waste material. Sources of waste are various, generated from industries, agriculture and domestic, but waste management’s schemes are few and improper. Domestic waste is the one generated in huge amount. There are waste management scheme being used by government and non – government organization to properly dispose and manage waste. Due to increase in habitat in various geographic areas and due to mismanagement of people living in a particular geographic area- people throw waste material anywhere they wish in and around they live. This effect the environment like surface water gets contaminated, soil gets contaminated, pollution increases, leachate occurs,etc. all these creates adverse effect on the human being and ecosystem. This paper gives a brief study of the components organic waste and its benefits on human begins and ecosystem by using decision tree classifier of datamining

    The effect of Yasthimadhu Ghrita Pichu in Cervical Erosion - A Case Study

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    Cervical erosion is a physiological state after menarche; the columnar epithelium within the endocervical canal grows and everts exposing the glandular epithelium on the ecto-cervix. The exposed glandular epithelium is gradually replaced by squamous epithelium. Mostly occurs during child bearing age with the symptoms like vaginal discharge, itching, pelvic pain, post coital bleeding dyspareunia. If it is not treated properly leads to cervical cancer. This case study is of a female patient who complained of cervical erosion which was treated with Ayurvedic Stanika Chikitsa - Yonidhavana with Nimba Patra Prakshalana and Yastimadhu Ghrita  Pichu for 7 days. In the present study, Pichu with Yashtimadhu Ghrita is proved to give good results in cervical erosion. Hence the clinical trial can be done in large number of patients to see further results

    Heterogeneous network optimization using robust power-and-resource based algorithm

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    In order to meet the increasing mobile data-traffic, spatial densification of network with several low-power nodes, the high-power macro BS and HetNet are the major key enabling solution. However, the HetNet is unplanned in nature, causes irregularities and interferences that without any user association rules. The appropriate deployment of the femto-cell in HetNet can provide effective traffic offloading, where the alleviate mobbing in the macro-cells can decrease the power consumption therefore it optimizes the user experience. Moreover, the protection is also important for the macro and femto cell users in a network through maintaining the min-max level of interferences. In this paper, we proposed RPRA that comprises two robust approach such as robust power-controller and the robust channel-allocation approach, which can improve the spectral efficiency and user experiences at lower network coverage areas via eliminating the week coverage zones. Also provide high user rate connection by effective interference in an efficient spectrum, lowering in transmission power and cost-effectiveness via less time delay. To show the effectiveness of our proposed model we have compared with several existing techniques and we got significant improvement in throughput, also reduction in time delay and transmission power

    A clinical study in the management of Garbhini Mutrakricchra with Shatavari Ksheerapaka w.s.r. to UTI in Pregnancy

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    Background: Pregnancy is the state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the female body. Profound biochemical, anatomical and physiological changes occur during the course of pregnancy. Urinary tract infections are the second most common infections worldwide. Pregnant women have 4 times higher rate of developing UTI as compared to non-pregnant women.  Pregnant women develop ureteral dilation resulting in increased urinary stasis and ureterovesical reflux due to increased progesterone level and the pressure of gravid uterus on the bladder. The classical Lakshanas of Mutrakricchra like frequent micturition, difficulty during micturition, burning sensation during micturition are similar to the signs and symptoms of Urinary tract infection. Shatavari Ksheerapaka has been mentioned in Sahasrayogam for the management of Mutrakricchra.  Shatavari is Sheeta in Virya, acts as a diuretic and helps in the reduction of Mutrakricchra symptoms. According to Bhavprakash Nighantu, Sita is Ruchikara and Ksheera is Rasayana. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Shatavari Ksheerapaka in Garbhini Mutrakricchra w.s.r UTI in Pregnancy. Method: It is a controlled clinical study of two groups consisting 15 patient each in control and trial group. Conclusion: Shatavari Ksheerapaka and Trinapanchmoola Ksheerapaka both are equally effective in treating the Garbhini Mutrakricchra w.s.r. UTI in Pregnancy

    A clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Murivenna application on Episiotomy Wound

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    A surgically planned incision on the perineum and the posterior vaginal wall during the second stage of labor is called episiotomy (Perineotomy). It is in fact an inflicted second-degree perineal injury. It is the most common obstetric operation performed. This is done to enlarge the vaginal introitus to facilitate easy and safe delivery of the fetus and to minimize overstretching and rupture of the perineal muscles and fascia thus to reduce the stress and strain on the fetal head. This wound of episiotomy is associated with a delicate area of the female with immense pain and discomfort and seeks appropriate medical care and attention. If ignored, it may lead to puerperal wound infections and delayed healing that can interfere mother-infant interaction, lactation and prolonged hospital stay. Episiotomy wound care should be start immediately after suturing the wound in order to reduce pain and inflammation. The surgical wound of episiotomy can be considered as Sadyo Vrana. Different treatment modalities have been told in Ayurveda for Vrana Chikitsa. Drugs having Shodhana and Ropana qualities are essential for healing. In this research study total 30 patients were registered and treated in two groups, group A with application of Jatyadi Taila on episiotomy wound after Ushna Jala Parisheka as a standard control group and Group B with application of Murivenna after Ushna Jala Parisheka as a trial group. Encouraging results were observed in Murivenna. Study emerges that Murivenna possess better pain relieving and tenderness diminishing properties

    Nondescent vaginal hysterectomy: analysis of indications and complications

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    Background: Hysterectomy is the commonest major surgical procedure performed in gynecology. It can be done by abdominal or vaginal route and with the help of laparoscopy. Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH) and total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) although gaining more popularity now a days, though it is associated with higher cost, longer duration of operation, and need general anaesthesia. The latest value study concluded that major haemorrhage, hematoma, ureteric injury, bladder injury, and anesthetic complications were more in laparoscopic assisted hysterectomy (LAVH) group when compared to abdominal and vaginal hysterectomies. In addition LAVH was accomplished in twice the time required for vaginal hysterectomy.The objective of the study was to analyse the indication and to study the complications of nondescent vaginal hysterectomy.Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study.  60 women who underwent nondescent vaginal hysterectomy in the department of OBG, B.G.S. Global Institute of Medical Sciences, Banglore, India were included in the study. Patients’ records were retrieved. Data regarding patient’s age, parity, indications for hysterectomy, uterine size in weeks, previous surgeries in the past, duration of surgery and complications were recorded. Data collected on a semi structured proforma and the same was analysed using suitable statistical analysis.Results: A total of 60 cases were operated for different indications. Among the study participants majority were in the age group of 41-45 years with 28 (46.7%). Most common indication for hysterectomies were dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) with 27 (45%), followed by fibroid uterus 15 (25%). The mean duration of surgery time taken was 50+10minutes. Majority of the women who underwent hysterectomies had bulky uterus with 42 (70%).  Complications were very few. Fever, UTI (urinary tract infection) and headache were seen in 3 (5%) cases. There was one case of vault sepsis and one case of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI). In one patient vaginal hysterectomy could not be completed and abdominal hysterectomy was carried out. Mean hospital duration was 4 days.Conclusions: Vaginal hysterectomy is the least invasive with fewer complications and most economical route for hysterectomy. Nondescent vaginal hysterectomy should be the gynaecologists first choice for hysterectomy

    Evaluation of the Antiasthmatic Activity of Methanolic Extract of Trigonella Foenum Graecum on Experimental Models of Bronchial Asthma

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    The present study deals with the phytochemical screening and evaluation of antiasthmatic activity of methanolic extract of Trigonella foenumgraecum on experimental models of bronchial asthma and anaphylaxis. The antiasthmatic activity was studied on histamine-induced bronchospasm in guinea pig (Dunkey-Hartley) for respiratory parameters such as maximum airflow, minimum airflow, tidal volume, respiratory rate, minute volume, specific airway resistance determination on double chambered whole body plethysmography on un-anesthetized guinea pigs, for mast cell degranulation by compound 48/80 (in vitro) was done using rat (Albino Wistar) peritoneal fluid. Trigonella foenum graecum treated result indicated significant protection against histamine-induced bronchospasm in guinea pigs at highest dose i.e. 400mg/kg. The bronchodilatory effect of Trigonella foenum graecum was found comparable to the protection offered by the standard drug Salbutamol on respiratory parameters in double chambered whole body plethysmography, Treatment with Trigonella foenum graecum at a dose of 400mg/kg showed a significant decrease in degranulation rate of actively and passively sensitized mast cells of sensitized rats when challenged with antigen. Trigonella foenum graecum. Possess significant anti-asthmatic activity due to its potential anti inflammatory, antioxidant and the antihistaminic activity, which reflects as anti-degranulating effect on mast cells and on respiratory parameters. Keywords: Trigonella foenum graecum; asthma; mast cell; compound 48/80; histamin

    Efficiency of Paddy Farms in India: an Empirical Evidence of TBP Area of Karnataka state

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    The study on efficiency of paddy farms revealed that majority of the farmers were operating in medium efficiency level (70%) followed by low efficiency level (17%) and high efficiency level(13%) with respect to nitrogen. Similar trend was noticed in plant protection chemicals wherein farmers operating in medium efficiency level (74%) were higher than those of high (13%) and low efficiency levels (13%). The percentage excess of nitrogen usage over the frontier level ranged from 38.86% to 91.03% and plant protection chemicals from 42.53% to 70.54% with increase in nitrogen levels indicating inputs like nitrogen and plant protection chemicals were used indiscriminately in the study area in view of practice of their own method of cultivation. It is suggested that farmers should be trained about adoption of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices in paddy cultivation in TBP area. Key words: Integrated Nutrient Management, IPM, Paddy, Frontier, MVP, OC, Efficienc