21 research outputs found


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    Suvremene medijske kuće razvojem medijske tehnologije sve čeŔće svoje sadržaje objavljuju na različitim platformama. Razvijajući svoju osnovnu djelatnost, bilo da je radijska, televizijska ili tiskovna, djelatnost informiranja javnosti putem online medija prati razvoj i zahtjeve medijske publike. Uz koriÅ”tenje klasičnih vidova informiranja putem objave tekstualnih i fotosadržaja, novinske agencije prateći trendove razvoja medija i svojih korisnika ā€“ medijskih kuća, sve veći naglasak stavljaju na razvoj multimedijalnih sadržaja kojima se u njihovim objavama javnosti s ciljem informiranja pružaju sadržaji obogaćeni zvučnim i videoobjavama, animacijama i simulacijama. U radu će se prikazati na koji način i koliko često novinske agencije upotrebljavaju različite forme objavljivanja, na koji način različiti elementi (tekst, foto i video) novinskoga objavljivanja funkcioniraju zajedno i koliko taj oblik konvergencije sadržaja utječe na doseg vijesti, odnosno preuzimanje u medijima

    Viminacium : lokalitet kod Koraba : istočna nekropola

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    Viminacijum, legijsko utvrđenje i glavni administrativni centar nekadaÅ”nje rimske provincije Gornje Mezije, u nauci je najviÅ”e poznat po ogromnom broju istraženih grobova. U prve dve decenije 21. veka počelo se sa istraživanjem i legijskog logora, a u potpunosti je iskopan i amfiteatar. Međutim, istraživanja nekropola i dalje traju. Nakon objavljenih prvih 1.000 grobova sa lokaliteta ViÅ”e grobalja, usled napredovanja povrÅ”inskog kopa uglja, istraživanja su obuhvatila istočni deo viminacijumske nekropole, čiji deo čini i lokalitet Kod koraba. U periodu od 2005. do 2007. godine istražena je cela ta zona i lokalitet je nakon toga uniÅ”ten zbog iskopavanja uglja. Lokacija je bila poznata pod nazivom Korabe i u njenom srediÅ”tu je bila velika prirodna depresija dimenzija oko 400 x 150 m, duboka do 10 m. U samom srediÅ”tu nalazio se bunar ozidan kamenom, poznat kao Svetinja (Sl. 1, 2). U kamenu krečnjaku kojim se zavrÅ”avao u gornjem delu, bio je uklesan ćirilični natpis Š”Š˜ Š—ŠŠ Š˜Š Š˜Š”Š¢ŠžŠ§ŠŠ˜Šš ŠžŠ“Š ŠŠ”Š˜ ŠŸŠ•Š¢ŠŠ  Š˜ Š”Š¢ŠŠŠžŠ˜Š›, na osnovu oblika slova datovan u period od 13. do 15. veka. U prvoj polovini 20. veka nad bunarom je sagrađena mala pravougaona kapela u kojoj su se nalazile ikone sv. Petke jer je i sam izvor upravo njoj bio posvećen (Sl. 3, 4). StanovniÅ”tvo okolnih sela je verovalo u lekovitost te vode tako da su u kapelici palili sveće, molili se i ostavljali novac, cveće, odeću i slično kao zavetne darove. Smatra se da toponim Korabe vodi poreklo od staroslovenske reči ŠšŠžŠ ŠŠ‘Š›Š¬, Å”to znači brod ili lađa jer na to podseća izgled terena, mada bi možda mogao ukazivati i na nekadaÅ”nje postojanje crkve na tom mestu odnosno brod crkv

    Monitoring efekata toplote hidratacije betona

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    U ovom radu su praćeni efekti toplote hidratacije različitih betona upotrebom termovizijske kamere i termodavača priključenih na osmokanalni sistem za monitoring temperature na bazi PC i LabVIEW paketa, razvijen za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Temperatura ambijenta (laboratorije) beležena je i memorisana pomoću posebnog digitalnog instrumenta. Praćenje temperature svežeg betona je trajalo 24h. VrÅ”ena su poređenja temperatura povrÅ”ine izmerenih termodavačima i termovizijskom kamerom. Na osnovu toga uspostavljene su korelaciju koje bi mogle dovesti do pojednostavljenja daljih ispitivanja, posebno masovnih

    The impact of educational reform and categorization of scientific journals and scientists on physics in Serbia

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    The trend of the increasing participation and importance of female physicists in Serbia continues. Many women have taken leading position in research and faculty governance and are contributing significantly to educational reform and the improvement of physics education in the primary and secondary schools

    Krpeljni encefalitis kod profesionalno izložene osobe nakon uredno provedenog primarnog cijepljenja

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    In this paper we present a case report of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in a professionally exposed person (forestry worker) who acquired this infection three years after he had received a complete primary vaccination. The patient reported multiple tick bites, the last one eighteen days prior to disease onset. The TBE diagnosis was confirmed according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control case definition of TBE by clinical criteria (meningitis), epidemiological link (exposure to tick bites in an endemic area) and laboratory criteria (detection of TBEV specific IgM and IgG antibodies in CSF and serum samples). The case presented indicates the need of awareness of possible TBE even in persons who have received complete vaccination, especially in the professionally exposed ones or those exposed to multiple tick bites.U radu prikazujemo slučaj krpeljnog encefalitisa (KE) kod profesionalno izložene osobe (Å”umar) koja je oboljela tri godine nakon uredno provedenog primarnog cijepljenja. Pacijent je naveo viÅ”estruke ugrize krpelja, od kojih je posljednji bio osamnaest dana prije početka bolesti. Dijagnoza KE potvrđena je prema kriterijima Europskog centra za kontrolu bolesti (ECDC) na temelju kliničkih (meningitis), epidemioloÅ”kih (izloženost krpeljima u endemskom području) te laboratorijskih kriterija (dokaz specifičnih IgM i IgG protutijela za KE u uzorcima seruma i cerebrospinalnog likvora). Prikazani slučaj naglaÅ”ava potrebu za promiÅ”ljanjem o mogućoj pojavi KE i kod osoba kod kojih je provedeno kompletno cijepljenje, osobito profesionalno izloženih osoba te onih izloženih čestim ugrizima krpelja

    Krpeljni encefalitis kod profesionalno izložene osobe nakon uredno provedenog primarnog cijepljenja

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    In this paper we present a case report of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in a professionally exposed person (forestry worker) who acquired this infection three years after he had received a complete primary vaccination. The patient reported multiple tick bites, the last one eighteen days prior to disease onset. The TBE diagnosis was confirmed according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control case definition of TBE by clinical criteria (meningitis), epidemiological link (exposure to tick bites in an endemic area) and laboratory criteria (detection of TBEV specific IgM and IgG antibodies in CSF and serum samples). The case presented indicates the need of awareness of possible TBE even in persons who have received complete vaccination, especially in the professionally exposed ones or those exposed to multiple tick bites.U radu prikazujemo slučaj krpeljnog encefalitisa (KE) kod profesionalno izložene osobe (Å”umar) koja je oboljela tri godine nakon uredno provedenog primarnog cijepljenja. Pacijent je naveo viÅ”estruke ugrize krpelja, od kojih je posljednji bio osamnaest dana prije početka bolesti. Dijagnoza KE potvrđena je prema kriterijima Europskog centra za kontrolu bolesti (ECDC) na temelju kliničkih (meningitis), epidemioloÅ”kih (izloženost krpeljima u endemskom području) te laboratorijskih kriterija (dokaz specifičnih IgM i IgG protutijela za KE u uzorcima seruma i cerebrospinalnog likvora). Prikazani slučaj naglaÅ”ava potrebu za promiÅ”ljanjem o mogućoj pojavi KE i kod osoba kod kojih je provedeno kompletno cijepljenje, osobito profesionalno izloženih osoba te onih izloženih čestim ugrizima krpelja

    Risks in the Role of Co-Creating the Future of Tourism in ā€œStigmatizedā€ Destinations

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    The primary goal of this paper was to investigate the strength of the influence of different types of risk on the travelersā€™ intention to visit destinations in future, that are, prejudiced due to COVID-19, marked as ā€œstigmatizedā€, ā€œisolatedā€, or ā€œrisky destinationsā€. Field interview research was conducted at the ā€œBelgrade Nikola Tesla Airportā€ (Serbia). The results obtained by multiple regression analysis showed that all types of risks influenced the intention of travelers, with financial risk showing a more significant impact. Canonical discriminant analysis indicated that men were most afraid of human induced risk, service quality risk, natural disaster and COVID-19 risk, and they chose safer destinations. Among the women, the biggest fear was financial risk, socio-psychological risk, and food safety risk. Older respondents and those under the influence of external factors decided on safer destinations, while financial status did not play a significant role in predicting the choice of destination. The selection of the destination according to the degree of security was determined by the ordinal regression methodology. The entire research presents a certain novelty, because so far in the numerous studies on the topic of the negative consequences of COVID-19 on tourism, there has been no discussion of stigmatized or risky destinations that received that epithet, and were therefore negatively and unfairly marked in the minds of tourists for future visits

    From Data to Software to Science with the Rubin Observatory LSST

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    The Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) dataset will dramatically alter our understanding of the Universe, from the origins of the Solar System to the nature of dark matter and dark energy. Much of this research will depend on the existence of robust, tested, and scalable algorithms, software, and services. Identifying and developing such tools ahead of time has the potential to significantly accelerate the delivery of early science from LSST. Developing these collaboratively, and making them broadly available, can enable more inclusive and equitable collaboration on LSST science. To facilitate such opportunities, a community workshop entitled "From Data to Software to Science with the Rubin Observatory LSST" was organized by the LSST Interdisciplinary Network for Collaboration and Computing (LINCC) and partners, and held at the Flatiron Institute in New York, March 28-30th 2022. The workshop included over 50 in-person attendees invited from over 300 applications. It identified seven key software areas of need: (i) scalable cross-matching and distributed joining of catalogs, (ii) robust photometric redshift determination, (iii) software for determination of selection functions, (iv) frameworks for scalable time-series analyses, (v) services for image access and reprocessing at scale, (vi) object image access (cutouts) and analysis at scale, and (vii) scalable job execution systems. This white paper summarizes the discussions of this workshop. It considers the motivating science use cases, identified cross-cutting algorithms, software, and services, their high-level technical specifications, and the principles of inclusive collaborations needed to develop them. We provide it as a useful roadmap of needs, as well as to spur action and collaboration between groups and individuals looking to develop reusable software for early LSST science.Comment: White paper from "From Data to Software to Science with the Rubin Observatory LSST" worksho

    Decreasing the implementation costs of smart metering systems with interoperability

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    This paper describes the importance of the interoperability in smart metering systems for modern distribution system operators. The lack of interoperability significantly increases the costs of smart metering system implementation for distribution system operators, especially the costs of purchasing new equipment. The replacement, cleanup and maintenance of electricity meters produced by different manufacturers, which are not interoperable, are also much more complex and expensive. Furthermore, without the interoperability, the system cannot be observable, i.e. the observability exists only for some particular segments of the system. This prevents many functionalities of distribution management system. In terms of interoperability, smart metering systems have gone through four different stages. A comparison of the system implementation costs for these four stages is presented for distribution system operator of Serbia.Peer-reviewed manuscript: [https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_dais_12247

    Use Case Specification Using the SILABREQ Domain Specific Language

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    The software requirements engineering process is a part of a software development process and one of the key processes in software development. The elicitation, analysis, specification and validation of software requirements occur during the requirements engineering process. Use cases are used as a technique for functional system specification. Different notations can be used for a use case specification. In this paper, we present SilabReq Domain Specific Language (SilabReq DSL) for use case specification. On the one hand, we develop this language to describe the use cases in clear and precise way through the meta-model, and on the other hand to specify the use cases to be readable and understandable for all stakeholders in the software development project. This allows us to develop different transformations to get the structure and the behavior of the system from defined use cases. In this paper apart from the SilabReq DSL, we present some of these transformations