258 research outputs found


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    INTRODUCTION: At the Institute for Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Rheumatology “Dr Simo Milosevic” in Igalo for 40 years the State program of the Government of Norway has been implemented. Th e program has been implemented from April to mid-October. In this paper we are going to show the results of the application of physiotherapy skills in maintaining and increasing the mobility of the spine in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Th e paper will show the mobility of the trunk using the standardized measurement method of lateral fl exion fully applied by the physiotherapist. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-fi ve (25) physiotherapists employed in exercise therapy in the second phase of the Institute Igalo have been applying the method of measuring centimeter tape movement lateral fl exion of the trunk in 57 patients (32 men or 56.1% and women and 25 or 43.9%) before the start of rehabilitation and aft er application of therapeutic procedures. In the fi rst group, from April 25 to May 23, 2016 there were 21 participants (13 men and 8 women), while in the second group from May 23, to June 20, 2016 there were 36 participants (19 men and 17 women). Th e average age of the fi rst group was 60.80 years, while the average age of the second group was 53.36 years. Th e average age in both groups was 58 years. RESULTS: Aft er therapeutic procedures the average increase mobility lateral fl exion of the trunk to the right amounted to 4.72 cm, while the average increase mobility lateral fl exion of the trunk to the left amounted to 4.94 cm. Th e results of the application of the T-test for paired samples showed that rehabilitation led to a signifi cant improvement in mobility in lateral angle (p = 0.006 for the lateral right, p = 0.002 for the lateral left ). Wilcoxon signed rank test also showed a signifi cant change in measures of mobility in lateral fl exion of the trunk aft er rehabilitation in relation to the measures before rehabilitation: for the lateral right Z = -2.791, p = 0.005; for the lateral left Z = -3,136, p = 0.002. CONCLUSION: Results from this study indicate that for maintenance and especially for the increased mobility of the spine in the area of the body in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, the successfully applied various techniques and skills by physiotherapists of the Institute Igalo are important. Th e long tradition of successful treatment of various forms of rheumatoid arthritis puts Institute Igalo in distinctive multi-disciplinary rehabilitation centers in Europe

    Ambrosia trifida L.(Giant ragweed)

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    Ambrosia trifida L. belongs to the group of invasive weeds, which in colonized areas cause great damage to the biodiversity of autochthonous flora and vegetation as well as in plant production. It originates from North America wherefrom it has spread to many parts of Europe. In Serbia it is currently locally present in the area of Bačka (the northern region of the country). Early and rapid growth rate, vegetative and generative production, high degree of morphological and reproductive plasticity have given it a competitive advantage over many other weeds, hence in many countries it is considered one of the most problematic weeds in agricultural production. A. trifida could cause great damage in root crops, vegetable gardens and orchards and its harmfulness is measured by the negative impact on biodiversity by suppressing indigenous and other non-indigenous species. With its allergens, A. trifida negatively affects human health. Observing its vegetative and generative potential and climate change on the other hand, recent research indicates the potential for the spread of A. trifida in our country and in Europe, which could be a serious risk for agrophytocenoses and the ecosystem as a whole. In 2019, it was added to the EPPO A2 List of quarantine pests recommended. It can be controlled with the use of mechanical, biological and chemical measures

    Competition between Ambrosia trifida L. and Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in a natural ecosystem

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    i često kao pridošlice u kolonizovanim područjima prave velike štete kako po biodiverzitet autohtone flore i vegetacije tako i u biljnoj proizvodnji. Za razliku od A. artemisiifolia koja je kod nas široko rasprostranjena na poljoprivrednim i nepoljoprivrednim zemljištima, A. trifida je za sada lokalno prisutna na području Centralne Bačke. Skorija istraživanja ukazuju na potencijalnu mogućnost širenja A. trifida kod nas i u Evropi, što može biti ozbiljan rizik za agrofitocenoze i ekosistem u celini. Stoga, cilj ovih istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi jačina intra- i interspecijske kompeticije unutar i između A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia pri različitom odnosu njihove brojnosti u prirodnom staništu, odnosno da se proceni da li će A. trifida potisnuti A. artemisiifolia ukoliko se nađu na istom staništu, a takođe i kakve štete se mogu očekivati po useve i ekosistem. U poljskim uslovima (2016. i 2017. godine) na području Šapca, selo Dobrić, primenom modela zamenjujućih serija („Replacement design“) postavljen je ogled po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u četiri ponavljanja. Paralelno su rađena dva ogleda, jedan sa ukupnom brojnošću ambrozija (A. trifida + A. artemisiifolia) od 10 (mala gustina) i drugi od 100 (velika gustina) biljaka/m2 pri čemu je ispitivano šest tretmana, odnosno šest odnosa brojnosti A. trifida/A. artemisiifolia (%): 100/0, 80/20, 60/40, 40/60, 20/80, 0/100. Pored zadatog odnosa brojnosti ambrozija po jedinici površine ostali korovi koji su nicali nisu uklanjani da bi se utvrdio efekat interakcije A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia na njihov rast i razviće. Na osnovu vegetativnih (visina i širina biljaka, broj listova, suva masa) i generativnih parametara (broj glavica i cvetova, broj i masa semena) tokom tri ocene (jul, avgust, septembar) proučavana je inter- i intraspecijska kompeticija A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia biljaka. U drugoj eksperimentalnoj godini (2017.), usled povoljnijih meteoroloških prilika, kod obe ambrozije, u obe gustine i u svim tretmanima (različit odnos brojnosti ambrozija/m2) vrednosti svih merenih (vegetativni, generativni) parametara su bile veće. U obe gustine (10 i 100 biljaka/m2), utvrđeno je da sa porastom brojnosti A. trifida u koasocijaciji sa A. artemisiifolia vrednosti vegetativnih parametara kod A. trifida se smanjuju, odnosno kod A. artemisiifolia rastu. Takav trend, tokom obe eksperimentalne godine i obe gustine, ukazuje na izraženiju intraspecijsku kompeticiju kod A. trifida biljaka, dok je kod A. artemisiifolia bilo suprotno. Sa porastom brojnosti A. artemisiifolia smanjenjem A. trifida biljaka vegetativni parametri bili su u porastu što ukazuje na izraženiju interspecijsku kompeticiju kod A. artemisiifolia. Kao najindikativniji parametar za procenu kompetitivnosti pokazala se suva masa po biljci i po m2. U tretmanima sa 20% udela A. trifida u odnosu na A. artemisiifolia (2/8 biljaka/m2 u malim gustinama, 20/80 biljaka/m2 u velikim gustinama) suva masa A. trifida bila je najveća, a kod A. artemisiifolia najmanja. Međutim, pri odnosu brojnosti 50/50 (%) obe ambrozije imale su istu produkciju suve mase/biljci što znači da jedna drugu neutrališu (tip interakcije neutralizam)...Ambrosia trifida L. and A. artemisiifolia L. belong to allochthonous invasive weed species, and as newcomers in colonized areas, often cause great damage to the biodiversity of indigenous flora, as well as to plant production. Unlike A. artemisiifolia, which is widespread in our country on agricultural and non-agricultural land, A. trifida is currently locally present in the area of Central Bačka. Recent research indicates the potential for the spread of A. trifida in our country and Europe, which can be a serious risk for agrophytocenoses and whole ecosystems. Therefore, these studies aimed to determine the strength of intra- and interspecies competition within and between A. trifida and A. artemisiifolia, at different ratios of their presence in a natural habitat, i.e. to assess whether A. trifida will suppress A. artemisiifolia if found in the same habitat, and what level of damage to crops and ecosystems can be expected. In field conditions (during 2016 and 2017) in the area of Šabac, in village of Dobrić, a trial was set up according to the completely random block system with four repetitions, using the replacement series model (Replacement design). Two experiments were performed at the same time, one with a total number of ragweed (A. trifida + A. artemisiifolia) of 10 (low density) and the other of 100 (high density) plants/m2, where six treatments and six A. trifida/A. artemisiifolia (%) ratios were examined: 100/0, 80/20, 60/40, 40/60, 20/80, 0/100. In addition to the given ratio of the number of ragweeds per area unit, other weeds that sprouted were not removed to determine the effect of the interaction of A. trifida and A. artemisiifolia on their growth and development. Inter- and intraspecific competition between A. trifida and A. artemisiifolia plants were studied based on vegetative (height and width of plants, number of leaves, dry mass) and generative parameters (number of heads and flowers, number and mass of seeds), during three evaluation periods (July, August, September). In the second year of experiments (2017), due to more favourable meteorological conditions, in both species of ragweed, at both densities and in all treatments (different ratios of ragweed/m2), the values of all measured (vegetative, generative) parameters were higher. Based on the vegetative parameters in both densities (10 and 100 plants/m2), it was determined that by increasing the number of A. trifida in association with A. artemisiifolia, the vegetative parameters of A. trifida plants decreased, i.e. A. artemisiifolia vegetative parameters increased. Such pattern during both experimental years and in both densities, indicates a more pronounced intraspecific competition in A. trifida plants, while in A. artemisiifolia it was the opposite. With the increase of the number of A. artemisiifolia and the decrease of A. trifida plants, the vegetative parameters were on the rise, which indicates a more pronounced interspecific competition in A. artemisiifolia. The most reliable parameter for competitiveness assessment was the dry mass per plant and per m2. In treatments with 20% share of A. trifida in relation to A. artemisiifolia (2/8 plants/m2 in low densities, 20/80 plants/m2 in high densities), the dry mass of A. trifida was the highest and in A. artemisiifolia the lowest. However, at a ratio of 50/50 (%) both ragweeds had the same dry mass/plant which indicates that they neutralize each other (a type of interaction - neutralization)..

    Zastupljenost Polygonum aviculare L. u koasocijaciji Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. i Ambrosia trifida L.

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    Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. i Ambrosia trifida L. pripadaju alohtonim invazivnim korovima koje u kolonizovanim područjima prave velike štete jer utiču na smanjenje prinosa poljoprivrednih useva, a takođe svojim kompetitivnim sposobnostima utiču na potiskivanje drugih biljaka i na taj način utiču na menjanje struktura biljnih zajednica. Kako je Polygonum aviculare L. jedan od zastupljenijih korova na evropskom kontinentu i veoma čest pratilac ruralnih i urbanih staništa, u ovom istraživanju proučen je uticaj različitog odnosa brojnosti A. artemisiifolia i A. trifida na pojavu i brojnost P. aviculare. U tretmanima sa povećanjem brojnosti A. trifida i smanjenja A. artemisiifolia/m2 broj P. aviculare bio je u porastu

    Ethnobotanical research of pear varieties (Pyrus communis L.) from Central and Southwest Serbia and biological activity of fruit extracts

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    Plod kruške se koristi u ljudskoj ishrani od nastanka ljudskog roda, pa do današnjih dana. Osim prijatnog ukusa, za ljudsku ishranu je od značaja njegov hemijski sastav, prisustvo antioksidanasa i visoka biološka aktivnost. Brojna etnobotanička istraživanja ukazuju da se kruška koristi u etnomedicinske svrhe širom sveta i na Balkanskom poluostvu. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je utvrđivanje diverziteta autohtonih sorti krušaka na području centralne (rudničko-takovski kraj) i jugozapadne Srbije (srednje i donje Polimlje), etnobotaničko istraživanje, hemijska analiza metanolnih ekstrakata ploda i delova ploda odabranih sorti kruške (pokožica, meso) i utvrđivanje njihove biološke aktivnosti (antioksidativne, antineurodegenerativne, antidijabetične i citotoksične). Etnobotaničko istraživanje je rađeno metodom polu-struktuiranog intervjua, fizičko-hemijska analiza je rađena standardnim metodama, a fitohemijska karakterizacija je urađena korišćenjem spektrofotometrijskih metoda i HPLC-DAD analizom. Biološka aktivnost ekstrakata ploda je utvrđena testiranjem njihove antioksidativne, antineurodegenerativne, antidijabetične i citotoksične aktivnosti. Etnobotaničkom analizom je utvrđeno prisustvo 28 autohtonih sorti na području rudničko- takovskog kraja i 26 sorti na području Polimlja. Etnomedicinska upotreba kruške je izraženija u Polimlju. Ekstrakti ploda autohtonih sorti krušaka su bogati sekundarnim metabolitima, posebno iz grupe fenolnih jedinjenja. Pojedine sorte (Takiša i Lončara) imaju visoku vrednost ukupnog sadržaja fenola u ekstraktu ploda, a pokožica sadrži višu vrednost sadržaja ukupnih fenola u odnosu na meso. Najzastupljenije fenolne komponente u pokožici su hlorogenska kiselina, arbutin i kvercitrin. Ekstrakti autohtonih plodova krušaka pokazali su značajnu antioksidativnu aktivost, a u testovima koji se baziraju na različitim antioksidativnim mehanizmima izdvojile su se Takiša, Lončara i Jeribasma. Svi testirani uzorci su slabo do umereno inhibirali aktivnost AChE, dok je najvišu TYR inhibitornu aktivnost pokazala pokožica Takiše, što je značajno za dalja istraživanja antineurodegenerativne aktivnosti. Rezultati dobijeni ispitivanjem antidijabetične aktivnosti pokazuju da su ispitivani uzorci slabo inhibirali α-amilazu, dok je inhibicija α-glukozidaze bila veoma značajna. Posebno su se izdvojili ekstrakti Takiše, Lončare i Jeribasme, što je značajno za dalja ispitivanja ploda kruške kao potencijalno antidijabetičnog sredstva. Testirani ekstrakti su imali umeren citotoksični efekat na ćelije kolorektalnog karcinoma, dok je najveći citotoksični efekat pokazao ekstrakt ploda evropske kruške. Najveću biološku aktivnost su pokazale Takiša, a zatim Lončara, Jeribasma i evropska kruška, čime se otvara mogućnost za njihova dalja istraživanja u ishrani i u lekovite svrhe.The pear fruit has been used in human nutrition from the dawn of mankind to modern times. Apart from its pleasant taste, its chemical composition, and the presence of antioxidants and high biological activity are also important for human nutrition. Numerous ethnobotanical studies indicate that the pear is used for ethnomedicinal purposes all over the world and also in the Balkans. The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to determine the diversity of autochthonous pear varieties in the area of central (Rudničko-Takovski region) and south-western Serbia (Central and Lower Polimlje), ethnobotanical research, chemical analysis of methanol extracts of pear fruit and fruit parts (peel, flesh) and the assessment of their biological activity (antioxidant, antineurodegenerative, antidiabetic and cytotoxic). The ethnobotanical analysis was carried out by the method of semi-structured interview, physical-chemical analysis using standard methods, and the phytochemical characterisation using spectrophotometric methods and HPLC-DAD. The biological activity of the fruit extracts was determined by testing their antioxidant, antineurodegenerative, antidiabetic and cytotoxic activity. The ethnobotanical analysis revealed the presence of 28 autochthonous varieties in the Rudničko-Takovski region and 26 varieties in the Polimlje region. The ethnomedicinal use of pear fruit is more intensive in Polimlje. The fruit extracts of autochthonous pear varieties are rich in secondary metabolites, especially from in phenolic compounds. Takiša and Lončara have a high total phenolic content in the fruit extract, and the peel contains a higher total phenolic content than the flesh. The most abundant phenolic components in the peel were chlorogenic acid, arbutin and quercitrin. Extracts from autochthonous pear fruit showed significant antioxidant activity. In the tests based on different antioxidant mechanisms, Takiša, Lončara and Jeribasma showed the strongest activity. All samples of pear fruit extracts showed low to moderate AChE inhibitory activity, while the highest TYR inhibitory activity was exhibited by the peel of Takiša, which is important for future antineurodegenerative research. The results obtained in testing the antidiabetic activity showed that the pear fruit extracts weakly inhibited α-amylase, while the inhibition of α-glucosidase was significant. The extracts from Takiša, Lončara and Jeribasma had the strongest antidiabetic activity, which is important for further testing of pear fruit as a potential antidiabetic agent. The extracts tested showed moderate cytotoxic activity on colorectal cancer cells, with the extract from European pear fruit having the strongest effect. The significant biological activity was shown by the Takiša, followed by the Lončara, the Jeribasma and the European pear, which opens the possibility for further research in the field of nutrition and medicine

    Kompeticija vrsta Ambrosia trifida L. i Ambrosia artemisiifolia L u prirodnom ekosistemu

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    Ambrosia trifida L. i A. artemisiifolia L. pripadaju alohtonim invazivnim korovskim vrstama i često kao pridošlice u kolonizovanim područjima prave velike štete kako po biodiverzitet autohtone flore i vegetacije tako i u biljnoj proizvodnji. Za razliku od A. artemisiifolia koja je kod nas široko rasprostranjena na poljoprivrednim i nepoljoprivrednim zemljištima, A. trifida je za sada lokalno prisutna na području Centralne Bačke. Skorija istraživanja ukazuju na potencijalnu mogućnost širenja A. trifida kod nas i u Evropi, što može biti ozbiljan rizik za agrofitocenoze i ekosistem u celini. Stoga, cilj ovih istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi jačina intra- i interspecijske kompeticije unutar i između A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia pri različitom odnosu njihove brojnosti u prirodnom staništu, odnosno da se proceni da li će A. trifida potisnuti A. artemisiifolia ukoliko se nađu na istom staništu, a takođe i kakve štete se mogu očekivati po useve i ekosistem. U poljskim uslovima (2016. i 2017. godine) na području Šapca, selo Dobrić, primenom modela zamenjujućih serija („Replacement design“) postavljen je ogled po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u četiri ponavljanja. Paralelno su rađena dva ogleda, jedan sa ukupnom brojnošću ambrozija (A. trifida + A. artemisiifolia) od 10 (mala gustina) i drugi od 100 (velika gustina) biljaka/m2 pri čemu je ispitivano šest tretmana, odnosno šest odnosa brojnosti A. trifida/A. artemisiifolia (%): 100/0, 80/20, 60/40, 40/60, 20/80, 0/100. Pored zadatog odnosa brojnosti ambrozija po jedinici površine ostali korovi koji su nicali nisu uklanjani da bi se utvrdio efekat interakcije A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia na njihov rast i razviće. Na osnovu vegetativnih (visina i širina biljaka, broj listova, suva masa) i generativnih parametara (broj glavica i cvetova, broj i masa semena) tokom tri ocene (jul, avgust, septembar) proučavana je inter- i intraspecijska kompeticija A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia biljaka. U drugoj eksperimentalnoj godini (2017.), usled povoljnijih meteoroloških prilika, kod obe ambrozije, u obe gustine i u svim tretmanima (različit odnos brojnosti ambrozija/m2) vrednosti svih merenih (vegetativni, generativni) parametara su bile veće. U obe gustine (10 i 100 biljaka/m2), utvrđeno je da sa porastom brojnosti A. trifida u koasocijaciji sa A. artemisiifolia vrednosti vegetativnih parametara kod A. trifida se smanjuju, odnosno kod A. artemisiifolia rastu. Takav trend, tokom obe eksperimentalne godine i obe gustine, ukazuje na izraženiju intraspecijsku kompeticiju kod A. trifida biljaka, dok je kod A. artemisiifolia bilo suprotno. Sa porastom brojnosti A. artemisiifolia smanjenjem A. trifida biljaka vegetativni parametri bili su u porastu što ukazuje na izraženiju interspecijsku kompeticiju kod A. artemisiifolia. Kao najindikativniji parametar za procenu kompetitivnosti pokazala se suva masa po biljci i po m2. U tretmanima sa 20% udela A. trifida u odnosu na A. artemisiifolia (2/8 biljaka/m2 u malim gustinama, 20/80 biljaka/m2 u velikim gustinama) suva masa A. trifida bila je najveća, a kod A. artemisiifolia najmanja. Međutim, pri odnosu brojnosti 50/50 (%) obe ambrozije imale su istu produkciju suve mase/biljci što znači da jedna drugu neutrališu (tip interakcije neutralizam). Različit odnos brojnosti A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia odrazio se i na generativnu produkciju ambrozija. U obe gustine i obe godine A. trifida formirala je veći broj glavica i cvetova/biljci nego A. artemisiifolia. Kod produkcije semena bilo je suprotno, tj. A. trifida je produkovala manje semena/biljci od A. artemisiifolia u malim gustinama (u obe sezone), dok je u velikim gustimana u prvoj godini trend bio isti, a u drugoj godini A. trifida je imala veću produkciju semena/biljci nego A. artemisiifolia. Različit trend u produkciji semena između godina kod A. trifida rezultat je povoljnijih meteoroloških prilika u drugoj eksperimentalnoj godini koje su omogućile inače robusnijim A. trifida biljkama da ostvare svoj biološki potencijal. Dodatno, na osnovu Pearson-ovog koeficijenta korelacije utvrđena je visoka zavisnost između gotovo svih vegetativnih i generativnih parametara kod A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia biljaka u obe gustine i obe eksperimentalne godine. Različit odnos brojnosti ambrozija u malim i velikim gustinama u obe sezone imao je uticaja i na brojnost i pokrovnost ostalih korovskih vrsta. U malim gustinama, u obe eksperimentalne godine, najbrojnije ostale korovske vrste/m2 bile su: Setaria viridis, Polygonum aviculare i Chenopodium album. Takođe, i u velikim gustinama situacija je bila slična, odnosno dominirale su samo Setaria viridis i Polygonum aviculare. U 2017. tj. meteorološki povoljnijoj godini, u obe gustine (mala i velika), vegetativna produkcija A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia biljaka pri svim odnosima njihove brojnosti bila je veća što je uticalo na slabiji rast i razvoj ostalih korovskih vrsta (interspecijska kompeticija). Na osnovu različitih gustina, različitog odnosa brojnosti A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia /m2 u dve meteorološki različite sezone, na osnovu vegetativnih i generativnih parametara može se konstatovati da je A. trifida pri manjoj brojnosti/m2 jači interspecijski kompetitor kada raste u koasocijaciji sa A. artemisiifolia. Istovremeno, A. trifida ispoljava i jaku intraspecijsku kompeticiju pri većoj brojnosti biljaka/m2 (naročito u monokulturi), što upućuje na zaključak da se ne očekuje da će A. trifida potisnuti A. artemisiifolia ako se u većoj brojnosti nađe u usevu gde je prisutna A. artemisiifolia

    Chemical composition of selected winter green pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes

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    Breeding and selection of winter pea for seed quality is a serious challenge to every breeder. The result of breeding mainly depends on good knowledge of the genetic material. Chemical and technological analysis is necessary for an accurate determination of the following traits of technologically mature seed of the winter pea collection: protein content, total nitrogen content, total sugars content, starch content, fatty oil content, cellulose content, and ash content (g (100 g)(-1)). The protein content in the tested lines of pea was in the range 22.86-28.04 g (100 g)(-1), the total nitrogen content 3.66-4.49 g (100 g)(-1), total sugars content 10.30-14.67 g (100 g)(-1), starch content 39.44-46.23 g (100 g)(-1), fatty oil content 1.48-1.89 g (100 g)(-1), cellulose content 8.79-10.28 g (100 g)(-1) and ash content 3.08-3.67 g (100 g)(-1). PCA analysis was used to identify the three components that collectively explained 81.59 % of the total variation. The first component was mainly defined by the ash and the total nitrogen, protein and cellulose contents. The second one, independent from the first one, was mainly correlated to the fatty oil and starch contents, while the third was defined by the content of total sugars

    Karakteristike plodova paprika poreklom iz slobodne oplodnje

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    In different regions of Serbia people consume pepper fruits with various shapes, sizes and colors. In southern Serbia consumers prefer longer fruits, while in the northern part shorter fruits are more preferred. The aim of this paper was to evaluate four pepper genotypes (355, 356, 357, and 358) with shorter fruits originating from open pollination. These genotypes were compared with the parental line 354 with longer fruits. The fruits were harvested in technological maturity. Fruit (length, width, weight, and index), locule number, pericarp thickness, total soluble solids and fruit yield per plant were evaluated. The line 354 had the longest fruits (14.46 cm). Genotype 358 had the highest pericarp thickness (5.8 mm), while the genotype 357 had the highest fruit weight (105 g). Based on the evaluated traits, genotype 357 will be used for further selection because of higher fruit weight, and genotype 358 because of a thicker pericarp.Paprika je jedna od značajnijih povrtarskih vrsta u Srbiji. U pojedinim regionima naše zemlje potrošači su navikli da konzumiraju plodove različitog oblika, veličine i boje. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispitaju 4 genotipa paprike (355, 356, 357 i 358) kraćih plodova poreklom iz slobodne oplodnje, poredeći ih sa ishodnom majčinskom linijom 354 dužih plodova. Na plodovima iz druge berbe izmerena su sledeća svojstva: dužina, širina i masa ploda, broj komora, debljina perikarpa, sadržaj suve materije i prinos plodova po biljci. Indeks ploda je izračunat na osnovu odnosa dužine i širine ploda. Podaci su obrađeni u programu Statistica 12, metodom analize varijanse, koristeći Dankanov višestruki test intervala na nivou značajnosti 0,05. Između ispitivanih genotipova nije bilo značajnih razliku u prinosu plodova po biljci. Na osnovu izmerenih svojstava, genotip 357 će biti korišten za dalji selekcioni rad zbog veće mase ploda, a genotip 358 zbog debljeg perikarpa

    Gustina sadnje kasnog kupusa

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    Late cabbage forms a large above-ground mass which requires certain vegetation space in order to thrive. Late cabbage planting density should therefore, start from at least 70 cm inter-row and 50 cm intra-row spacing. Transplanting at the required spacing gives 28.600 plants per hectare. The required spacing provides proper plant development, the formation of rosettes (over 70-80 cm) with large leaves, and compact cabbage heads. Applying cultivation techniques needed for cabbage production and proper spacing results in the formation of regular head mass and expected yield of late cabbage. Proper spacing also provides better use of agricultural mechanization without damage to cabbage heads. On the other hand, higher planting density increases production costs of transplantation, cultivation practices, and workforce.Kasni kupus formira veliku nadzemnu masu, koja za svoj razvoj zahteva određeni vegetacioni prostor. Zbog toga bi trebalo da je sklop kasnog kupusa od minimalnih 70 cm međurednog razmaka i 50 cm razmaka između biljaka u redu. Rasađivanjem na pomenuti razmak dobijamo 28.600 biljaka po hektaru. Ovakav sklop omogućuje pravilan razvoj biljaka, dalje formiranje lisne rozete (preko 70-80 cm) sa krupnim listovima i na kraju obrazovanje pravilne i dobro zbijene glavice kupusa. Sa ovakvim sklopom kasnom kupusu je omogućeno da formira pravilnu masu glavice i da se dobije očekivani prinos, naravno uz poštovanje svih principa agrotehnike neophodnih za proizvodnju kupusa. Takođe pravilan skop omogućuje kvalitetniji prohod mehanizacije bez mogućnosti oštećivanja glavica gaženjem. Gušći sklop na drugoj strani povećava troškove proizvodnje rasada kupusa, troškove agrotehnike, ali i radne snage za sečenje glavica

    Canine Babesioses in noninvestigated areas of Serbia

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    During the years 2012-2014, a total of 158 outdoor dogs from Pančevo and Đurđevo (northern Serbia) and Niš and Prokuplje (southern Serbia) were submitted to molecular analyses (PCR and sequencing) for canine babesioses. An overall prevalence of 21.5% was found, due to the species Babesia sp. 'spanish dog' (10.1%), B. gibsoni (5.7%), B. canis vogeli (1.9%), B. caballi (1.9%), and B. microti (1.9%). In addition, sequence analysis showed the presence of Hepatozoon canis in a dog from Niš. No significant difference between infected and noninfected dogs was found by age, sex, and place of residence, whereas there was difference regarding the presence of ticks (p<0.005) and application of preventive measures such as applying of antitick drugs/devices. Moreover, a significant difference was established by area: Dogs from Prokuplje showed infection rates (59.1%) higher than dogs from Pančevo (11.9%), Niš (4.5), and Đurđevo (where infected dogs were not found), and a different geographical distribution of the species was found. The presence of so many Babesia species and the first identification of H. canis will allow investigations on the pathogenic role played by each one and suggests entomological studies on the tick species that are more suitable vectors for each of them. Finally, the presence of so many infected dogs offers the opportunity of evaluating the hypothesis of a possible zoonotic role of babesial species affecting dogs