11 research outputs found
Exploring how Generation Y consumers engage with human brands: does it differ from how they engage with traditional brands?
Traditionally, brands have been known as cues that identify or distinguish products, businesses, services, or organisations. More recently, researchers have established that brands can also be human, yet to date very little literature has explored the concept of human brands. For the purpose of this study, traditional brands are brands used as a tool (name, colour, sign, symbol etc.) for marketing and differentiation purposes and specifically created for the sale of physical goods or services. Human brands are famous or well-known individuals (celebrities) in various sectors who are the centre of marketing communications and may or may not be tied to branded organisations. Much of the marketing literature relating to human brands focuses on the concept of endorsement. This study seeks to further establish the presence of human brands, by utilising the concept of consumer brand engagement to understand why and how consumers engage with human brands and traditional brands with a focus on Generation Y. This study further investigates how consumer brand engagement with the two brand types differs. Through 24 in-depth interviews, the findings identified influences of consumer brand engagement with traditional and human brands, which represent why consumers engage with the two brand types. Influences of consumer brand engagement with traditional brands (TB), from the findings of this research, are: product features, brand characteristics, self-brand concept, marketing communication, customer perceived value, consumer brand communication, celebrity/individual behind the brand, consumer-brand relationship, cultural representation. While influences of consumer brand engagement with human brands (HB) are: the celebrity performance, the celebrity characteristics, the celebrity influence, self-brand concept, celebrity authenticity, celebrity relatability, and community. The research findings also show that participants overall expressed more cognitive, behavioural, and emotional engagement attitudes with HB than with TB. Nonetheless, the findings show that there are differences and similarities in the way consumers engage with HB vs. TB. Six main engagement differences were found between the two brands: (1) Engagement with TB is product/service focused, while with HB engagement is focused on the celebrity. (2) Engagement with TB fluctuates whereas it is higher during or before purchase and lower after purchase, while engagement is constant with HB. (3) Engagement is more function-based with TB and more emotion-based with HB. (4) Engagement is highest with TB when consumer-brand relationship is present, while engagement is highest with HB when emotional connection is present. (5) Engagement with TB is adversely affected by negative customer service and decline in product characteristics/performance, while engagement with HB on social media is adversely affected by lack of authenticity. (6) Engagement with TB is higher online than offline, while engagement with HB is high both online and offline. Similarities were: (1) participants had similar online behavioural engagement patterns (liking, commenting, sharing etc.) with both human and traditional brands (2) participants’ cognitive engagement attitudes were low for both HB and TB. (3) Finally, stimuli promote online engagement with both brand types
Cryotherapy - Origin, Development And Therapeutical Benefits
Cryotherapy is a method of treatment used in hospitals and cosmetic centers around the world. Low temperature treatment has been applied since ancient times. Today this is done through the use of a modern apparatus.The point of this report is to sum up information regarding the introduction, evolution and application of cold therapy as a treatment for different illnesses, reinforcing of the immune system and aesthetic procedures.Materials and Methods:Accessible literature has been studied, as well as scientific studies analyzing the benefits on joint diseases, surgery, dermatology, and immune strengthening procedures.Results:The benefits of cryotherapy have been tested many times with the results showing a high effectiveness in a wide spectrum of illnesses. Clinical studies show that cold therapy has a pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effects in acute or chronic traumatic conditions. It lowers the temperature of tissues, blood flow decreases in the treated area, and the pain receptors become less sensitive.Conclusion:Cryotherapy can be successfully incorporated with other physiotherapeutic procedures, medications, and immunoprophylaxis
Acupuncture – The Medical Treatment From The East
In recent years the cooperation between Western and Eastern medicine has been growing. Nowadays there is a tendency toward seeking acupuncture as an additional therapy in Bulgaria. Acupuncture is considered as one of the oldest treatment methods in medicine. It originated in China more than 5000 years ago. Traditional Chinese Medicine incorporates many factors affecting health: internal, such as sexual, psychological, nutritive; and also climatic factors – wind, humidity, heat, cold, dryness. The main philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the energy of life - Qi (Ying and Yang, which should be in balance).The pathways of vital energy Qi are also known as meridians. There are 14 main body meridians related to human organs - 12 paired and 2 unpaired. The aim of this article is to summarize the information about the use of acupuncture in modern medicine and its impact on the human health status
Aromatherapy As Alternative Medicine
Introduction: Aromatherapy has been known by mankind for thousands of years as a mean for achieving mental and spiritual balance. It has been noted back in ancient Egyptian documents as a way for mummifying. In China the application of herbs and fragrance oils can be found in texts dating back to two millennia.Aromatherapy is part of the holistic medicine. It is a method using natural essential oils to make a positive impact on the human body. The term ”aromatherapy” was introduced in 1920 by the French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse who dedicated his life to research of the healing powers of essential oils.Essential oils are extracted from different parts of the plants – blossoms, leaves, tree bark, roots, seeds, fruit peel etc.The treatment with fragrances has been developing intensively in recent years as an efficient natural method and an alternative one to the conventional medicine.Greenhouses for growing of aromatherapy plants have been established in many countries. Essential oils have wide applicability in cosmetics.Aim: The purpose of the article is to investigate the potential of aromatherapy in relation with the treatment of different diseases and its applicability in cosmetics.Materials and methods: The available literature, scientific researches with analyses of useful and prophylactic campaigns, as well as the benefits of the therapy as one with general impact were researched.Results: The benefits of aromatherapy have been a subject of multiple scientific researches. As a result, this method is considered highly effective for a wide range of nosological units. The clinical researches show that the fragrance molecules of the essential oils have a calming impact on the neurological system and impact favorably indigestion problems and physical pain. Moreover, they are antibacterial and antiseptic.Conclusion: Aromatherapy can be successfully combined with medical treatment, as well as with prophylaxis. The evidence about aromatherapy benefits is not fully proven. There is an ongoing discussion on the topic
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran kanalis mandibularis dan variasinya melalui radiografipanoramik pada warga di Kecamatan Medan Selayang. Radiografi dalam kedokteran gigi memainkan peran pentingdalam memperoleh informasi diagnostik . Variasi penyebaran kanal mandibula dapat dilihat melalui gambar radiografipanaromik . Hal ini sangat penting bagi semua dokter gigi untuk melakukan perawatan , seperti operasi gigi molar ketiga,implan dan membagi ramus osteotomy. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survei deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross-sectionaldengan 86 sampel, (laki-laki dan perempuan) di Kecamatan Medan Selayang berusia antara 32-72 tahun. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan yang memiliki kanal mandibula kiri normal 100%. Sebagai kesimpulan, tidak terdapat variasi penjalarankanalis mandibularis kiri pada masyarakat di Kecamatan Medan Selayang berdasarkan gambaran radiografi panoramik
Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Keputusan Investasi, Keputusan Pendanaan, Kebijakan Dividen, dan Profitabilitas terhadap Nilai Perusahaan
This research is to examine and analyze the impact of firm size, investment decision, funding decision, dividend policy, and profitability to value of the firm to the property, real estate and building constraction companies that is listing in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) in the year of 2012-2016. This sample research is taken by purposive sampling technique, so as to get as many 17 samples of property, real estate, and building constraction companies that is listing in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) in the year of 2012-2016. Analysis method that is used multiple linear regression.
The result of the research is shown that funding decision, dividend policy and profitability is impacted to the value of the firm, while the firm size and investment decision is not impacted to the value of the firm.
Keywords: firm size, investment decision, funding decision, dividend policy, profitability, the firm value, multiple linear regressio
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Photoelectron spectroscopy of supported metal-metal interactions.
The bonding in a series of ligand-bridged metal dimer complexes has been characterized by He(I) and He(II) photoelectron spectroscopy and approximate molecular orbital calculations. Bridging ligands such as carbonyl, nitrosyl, methylene and pyrazolyl in the complexes [CpFe(NO)]₂, [Cp*Fe(NO)]₂, [CpRu(NO)]₂, [Cp*Co(CO)]₂, [CpFe(CO)₂]₂, [Cp*Fe(CO)₂]₂, [CpFe(CO)]₂-μCO-μCH₂, [Cp*Fe(CO)]₂-μCO-μCH₂, [CpFe(NO)]₂- μCh₂, [CpRu(NO)]₂-μCH₂, [CpCo(CO)]₂-μCH₂, [CpRh(CO)]₂-μCH₂, [Ir(pyrazolyl)(CO)₂]₂, [Ir(3-methylpyrazolyl)(CO)₂]₂ and [Ir(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)(CO)₂]₂ are investigated and their effects upon metal-metal interactions are surveyed. Due to the presence of two d⁷ or d⁸ late metal atoms per molecule, these complexes display many overlapping ionization bands in a narrow valence ionization region. Attention has been given to modelling the photoelectron single ionization with asymmetric and symmetric Gaussians. The overlapping ionizations are successfully represented in terms of the model bandshapes. Thermodynamic relationships between bond dissociation and photoelectron ionization energies are also investigated. With relationships of this type, trends in bond energies may be correlated with ionization energies. Ligand inductive and bonding effects as well as small changes in molecular geometry cause shifts in the metal-based ionizations, which aid chemical understanding and interpretation of the molecular orbital picture. By comparing a series of related metal dimers, the assignment of related ionizations in the photoelectron spectra becomes apparent. Changes in ligand π accepting ability and changes in metal and formal oxidation states are also probed. Addition information is provided by vibrational fine structure in Cp₂Os, [CpFe(NO)]₂, and [Cp*Co(CO)]₂ and spin-orbit splitting in Cp₂Os. The metal-ligand backbonding combinations are found to be the most stable interactions and are responsible for the stability of the metal dimers. Metal-metal interactions are found to be relatively unimportant. Ligands with stronger π accepting abilities allow for more stabilized supported metal dimer complexes
Skripsi dengan judul "Pengaruh Faktor Makroekonomi dan Financial Performance Terhadap Tingkat Leverage (Studi Kasus Pada Bank BCA Syariah Periode 2015-2022)" ini ditulis oleh Valeria Savena Putri, NIM.126401202101, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Program Studi Perbankan Syariah, Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Pembimbing Rizal Furqan Ramadhan,S.Kom.,M.T. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perekonomian global yang terus mengalami fluktuasi yang signifikan selama beberapa tahun seperti suku bunga dan tingkat inflasi memiliki dampak pada strategi keuangan dan kinerja keuangan. Beberapa indikator kinerja keuangan yang relevan adalah Debt to equity ratio (DER) dan Net profit margin (NPM). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor makroekonomi dan financial performance terhadap tingkap laverage pada
Bank BCA Syariah periode 2015-2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian
assosiatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan non-probability sampling, dengan penarikan sempel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan triwulan Bank BCA Syariah periode 2015-2022 dengan jumlah sampel 32. Sedangkan Teknik analisisnya menggunakan teknik analisis
regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial terdapat salah satu dari variabel suku bunga, inflasi, DER, dan NPM yang memengaruhi tingkat leverage pada PT. Bank BCA Syariah periode 2015-2022. Dan secara simultan, variabel DER berpengaruh secara signifikan positif terhadap tingkat leverage pada PT. Bank BCA Syariah periode 2015-2022.
Kata Kunci: Suku bunga, Inflasi, DER, NPM dan Tingkat Leverag