63 research outputs found

    Interaction and behaviour imaging: a novel method to measure mother–infant interaction using video 3D reconstruction

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    International audienceStudying early interaction is essential for understanding development and psychopathology. Automatic computational methods offer the possibility to analyse social signals and behaviours of several partners simultaneously and dynamically. Here, 20 dyads of mothers and their 13–36-month-old infants were videotaped during mother–infant interaction including 10 extremely high-risk and 10 low-risk dyads using two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) sensors. From 2D+3D data and 3D space reconstruction, we extracted individual parameters (quantity of movement and motion activity ratio for each partner) and dyadic parameters related to the dynamics of partners heads distance (contribution to heads distance), to the focus of mutual engagement (percentage of time spent face to face or oriented to the task) and to the dynamics of motion activity (synchrony ratio, overlap ratio, pause ratio). Features are compared with blind global rating of the interaction using the coding interactive behavior (CIB). We found that individual and dyadic parameters of 2D+3D motion features perfectly correlates with rated CIB maternal and dyadic composite scores. Support Vector Machine classification using all 2D–3D motion features classified 100% of the dyads in their group meaning that motion behaviours are sufficient to distinguish high-risk from low-risk dyads. The proposed method may present a promising, low-cost methodology that can uniquely use artificial technology to detect meaningful features of human interactions and may have several implications for studying dyadic behaviours in psychiatry. Combining both global rating scales and computerized methods may enable a continuum of time scale from a summary of entire interactions to second-by-second dynamics

    Social signal processing for studying parent–infant interaction

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    International audienceStudying early interactions is a core issue of infant development and psychopathology. Automatic social signal processing theoretically offers the possibility to extract and analyze communication by taking an integrative perspective, considering the multimodal nature and dynamics of behaviors (including synchrony).This paper proposes an explorative method to acquire and extract relevant social signals from a naturalistic early parent–infant interaction. An experimental setup is proposed based on both clinical and technical requirements. We extracted various cues from body postures and speech productions of partners using the IMI2S (Interaction, Multimodal Integration, and Social Signal) Framework. Preliminary clinical and computational results are reported for two dyads (one pathological in a situation of severe emotional neglect and one normal control) as an illustration of our cross-disciplinary protocol. The results from both clinical and computational analyzes highlight similar differences: the pathological dyad shows dyssynchronic interaction led by the infant whereas the control dyad shows synchronic interaction and a smooth interactive dialog.The results suggest that the current method might be promising for future studies

    Prenatal Ultrasound Screening: False Positive Soft Markers May Alter Maternal Representations and Mother-Infant Interaction

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    International audienceBackground : In up to 5% of pregnancies, ultrasounds screenin detects a " soft marker" (SM) that places the foetus at risk for a severe abnormality. In most cases, prenatal diagnostic work-up rules out a severe defect. We aimed to study the effects of false positive SM on maternal emotional status, maternal representations of the infant, and mother-infant interaction. Methology and Principal Findings : Utilizing an extreme-case prospective case control design, we selected frome a group of 244 women undergroing ultrasound, 19 pregnant women whose foetus had a positive SM screening and reassuring diagnostic work up, and 19 controls without SM matched for age and education. In the third trimester of pregnancy, within one week after delivery, and 2 months postpartum, we assessed anxiety, depression and maternal representations; Mother-infant interactions were videotaped during feeding within one week after delivery and again at 2 months postpartum and coded blindly using Coding Interactive behavior (CIB) scales. Anxiety and depression scores were significantly higher at alla ssessment points in the SM group. Maternal representations were also observd in the SM groyp. These dyads showed greater dysregulation, lower maternal sensitivity, higher maternal intrusive behaviour and higher infant avoidance. Multivariate analysis showed that maternal representation and depression at third trimester predicted mother-infant interaction.Conclusion : False positive ultrasound screenings for SM are not benign and negatively affect the developping maternal-infant attachment. Medical efforts should be directed to minimize as much as possible such false diagnoses, and to the psychological adverse consequences

    RECHERCHE CLINIQUE EN PERINATALITE: Impact du prénatal sur la psychopathologie du bébé et de la dyade mère-enfant

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    This thesis takes place in the study of the link between prenatal stress and relational mother infant disorders and specific question of fetal scan. In order to examine these questions, we first develop an analytic reflexion about fetal scan characteristics and implications on mother's representation. Then, we assessed by a case-control prospective study the impact of soft markers of fetal scan on mother's representations and early mother infant interaction at birth and 2 months postpartum. In other hand, we analysed, by a retrospective study, clinical profiles of infant before one year referred to a 0-3 unit. Results show that soft markers on fetal scan, in contrast to its harmless presentation induces perturbation of mother's representations and interaction disorders. Some factors can be pointed: gap between mother's and sonographist's attempts, announcement problematic, picture characteristics. Mother's representations are suspended during reassuring results waiting time and then keep traces of this perturbation. Mothers show a pattern of investment reduced or disorganized. Perturbations to early mother-infant interactions were observed in the study group and these dyads showed greater dysregulation, lower maternal sensitivity, and higher maternal intrusive behaviour. During interactions, SM infants displayed higher avoidance of their mothers. Multivariate analysis showed that maternal representation and depression at third trimester predicted mother-infant interaction. In specialized zero to three unit, we find a peak of referral before three months. 25% of infants referred before one year have an exclusive Axis II diagnosis (relational disorders). Multiple correspondence analyses showed this axe explains 18% of the third clinical profiles highlighted. These powerful link between pre and post natal emphases the necessity to favoured earlier mother infant health care from prenatal period.Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'étude du lien entre le stress prénatal et les troubles des interactions et la question particulière de l'échographie fœtale. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les implications de l'échographie fœtale sur les représentations maternelles d'elle même et de son futur enfant par le prisme analytique. Puis, nous avons mesuré par une étude prospective cas témoin, l'impact d'une image suspecte et de bon pronostic vue à l'échographie fœtale, les " softs markers ", sur les représentations maternelles en pré et post-partum et sur les interactions précoces mère enfant. Dans un autre temps, nous avons analysé, par une étude rétrospective, les profils cliniques des enfants reçus en unité petite enfance dans leur première année de vie et tenté d'en dégager la part des troubles des interactions. Les résultats de ces études, montrent combien l'apparente bénignité de l'échographie fœtale est trompeuse. La séquence échographique porte en elle plusieurs facteurs perturbateurs : le décalage entre les attentes parentales et celles de l'échographiste, les caractériqutques de l'image échographique et l'effet d'" annonce " de suspicion d'anomalie qui font écho aux mouvements ambivalents des femmes enceintes pour leur fœtus. L'analyse des représentations maternelles montre par ailleurs qu'après la sidération de l'annonce et la suspension des investissements dans l'attente des résultats rassurants, la dynamique psychique est détournée de ses objectifs premiers et que cette " déviation ", s'amplifie et s'installe avec le temps. Les mères montrent des patterns d'investissement évitant ou désorganisé de leur enfant dont les conséquences vont être perceptibles au cours des interactions précoces mesurées à la naissance et aux deux mois de l'enfant. À la naissance, la mère est en difficulté pour percevoir les signaux de son enfant. Elle est plus intrusive et opératoire. L'enfant, lui, montre moins d'initiative et des comportements de retrait. Les niveaux d'anxiété et de dépression maternels sont supérieurs en pré et post partum dans la population clinique. Les analyses multivariées montrent que le type de représentations et le niveau de dépression au troisième trimestre prédit les perturbations de l'interaction. En unité petite enfance au cours de la première année, nous constatons un pic de consultation avant trois mois. Les troubles de la relation isolés (Axe II) représentent 25% des consultants et expliquent 18% de la variance des 3 profils cliniques dégagés. Ce lien puissant entre le pré et le post natal insiste sur la nécessité d'une prise en charge la plus précoce possible en particulier dès la période prénatale

    Analyse de livre

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    Chapitre 5. Les « divorces »

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    Selon le droit canonique, seules des raisons bien précises permettent d’accorder la séparation de corps ou « divortium quo ad thorum » : le consentement mutuel pour entrer en religion, l’adultère de l’un des époux, l’hérésie, la sorcellerie, les sévices graves et les mauvais traitements. En revanche la folie, la maladie ou une condamnation ne peuvent justifier une demande. Hommes ou femmes peuvent invoquer les mêmes causes pour demander la séparation, alors qu’en France les juristes établisse..