38 research outputs found

    Strength Calculations of Block Elements of Room-and-Pillar Mining under the Permafrost Conditions

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    The paper covers results of rheological properties of gypsum under natural conditions of permafrost and stress-and-strain conditions of room’s roof rocks in gypsum quarries depending upon the ceiling thickness. The recommendations concerning room and pillar parameters are given

    Study of rock displacement with the help of equivalent materials using room-and-pillar mining method

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    Field study made with the help of equivalent materials to determine minimum dimension of interchamber and barrier pillars and limiting chamber span was carried out. Modeling was made for gypsum quarry

    Excitation of surface plasma waves across the layers of intrinsic Josephson junctions

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    We analytically study the excitation of surface Josephson plasma waves (SJPWs) propagating across the junctions in layered superconductors in the presence of external dc magnetic field. Both the attenuated total reflection and the modulation of the superconducting parameters methods of the SJPWs excitation are considered. We show that the reflection of the incident electromagnetic wave can be substantially decreased due to the resonance excitation of SJPWs, for certain angles and frequencies of the incident wave when changing the magnetic field. Moreover, we find physical conditions guaranteeing the total suppression of the specular reflectivity. The analytical results are supported by the numerical simulations

    Shape waves in 2D Josephson junctions: exact solutions and time dilation

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    We predict a new class of excitations propagating along a Josephson vortex in two-dimensional Josephson junctions. These excitations are associated with the distortion of a Josephson vortex line and have an analogy with shear waves in solid mechanics. Their shapes can have an arbitrary profile, which is retained when propagating. We derive a universal analytical expression for the energy of arbitrary shape excitations, investigate their influence on the dynamics of a vortex line, and discuss conditions where such excitations can be created. Finally, we show that such excitations play the role of a clock for a relativistically moving Josephson vortex and suggest an experiment to measure a time dilation effect analogous to that in special relativity

    Shape and wobbling wave excitations in Josephson junctions: exact solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional sine-Gordon model

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    We predict a class of excitations propagating along a Josephson vortex in two-dimensional Josephson junctions. These excitations are associated with the distortion of a Josephson vortex line of an arbitrary profile. We derive a universal analytical expression for the energy of arbitrary-shape excitations, investigate their influence on the dynamics of a vortex line, and discuss conditions where such excitations can be created. Finally, we show that such excitations play the role of a clock for a relativistically-moving Josephson vortex and suggest an experiment to measure a time-dilation effect analogous to that in special relativity. The position of the shape excitation on a Josephson vortex acts like a “minute hand” showing the time in the rest frame associated with the vortex. Remarkably, at some conditions, the shape wave can carry negative energy: a vortex with the shape excitation can have less energy than the same vortex without it

    On the Completeness of the Set of Classical W-Algebras Obtained from DS Reductions

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    We clarify the notion of the DS --- generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov --- reduction approach to classical W{\cal W}-algebras. We first strengthen an earlier theorem which showed that an sl(2)sl(2) embedding SG{\cal S}\subset {\cal G} can be associated to every DS reduction. We then use the fact that a \W-algebra must have a quasi-primary basis to derive severe restrictions on the possible reductions corresponding to a given sl(2)sl(2) embedding. In the known DS reductions found to date, for which the \W-algebras are denoted by WSG{\cal W}_{\cal S}^{\cal G}-algebras and are called canonical, the quasi-primary basis corresponds to the highest weights of the sl(2)sl(2). Here we find some examples of noncanonical DS reductions leading to \W-algebras which are direct products of WSG{\cal W}_{\cal S}^{\cal G}-algebras and `free field' algebras with conformal weights Δ{0,12,1}\Delta \in \{0, {1\over 2}, 1\}. We also show that if the conformal weights of the generators of a W{\cal W}-algebra obtained from DS reduction are nonnegative Δ0\Delta \geq 0 (which isComment: 48 pages, plain TeX, BONN-HE-93-14, DIAS-STP-93-0

    Lorentz breaking Effective Field Theory and observational tests

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    Analogue models of gravity have provided an experimentally realizable test field for our ideas on quantum field theory in curved spacetimes but they have also inspired the investigation of possible departures from exact Lorentz invariance at microscopic scales. In this role they have joined, and sometime anticipated, several quantum gravity models characterized by Lorentz breaking phenomenology. A crucial difference between these speculations and other ones associated to quantum gravity scenarios, is the possibility to carry out observational and experimental tests which have nowadays led to a broad range of constraints on departures from Lorentz invariance. We shall review here the effective field theory approach to Lorentz breaking in the matter sector, present the constraints provided by the available observations and finally discuss the implications of the persisting uncertainty on the composition of the ultra high energy cosmic rays for the constraints on the higher order, analogue gravity inspired, Lorentz violations.Comment: 47 pages, 4 figures. Lecture Notes for the IX SIGRAV School on "Analogue Gravity", Como (Italy), May 2011. V.3. Typo corrected, references adde

    Renormalization group flows and continual Lie algebras

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    We study the renormalization group flows of two-dimensional metrics in sigma models and demonstrate that they provide a continual analogue of the Toda field equations based on the infinite dimensional algebra G(d/dt;1). The resulting Toda field equation is a non-linear generalization of the heat equation, which is integrable in target space and shares the same dissipative properties in time. We provide the general solution of the renormalization group flows in terms of free fields, via Backlund transformations, and present some simple examples that illustrate the validity of their formal power series expansion in terms of algebraic data. We study in detail the sausage model that arises as geometric deformation of the O(3) sigma model, and give a new interpretation to its ultra-violet limit by gluing together two copies of Witten's two-dimensional black hole in the asymptotic region. We also provide some new solutions that describe the renormalization group flow of negatively curved spaces in different patches, which look like a cane in the infra-red region. Finally, we revisit the transition of a flat cone C/Z_n to the plane, as another special solution, and note that tachyon condensation in closed string theory exhibits a hidden relation to the infinite dimensional algebra G(d/dt;1) in the regime of gravity. Its exponential growth holds the key for the construction of conserved currents and their systematic interpretation in string theory, but they still remain unknown.Comment: latex, 73pp including 14 eps fig