5 research outputs found


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    The paper presents the approaches to FE modelling of blade airfoil, contact between the shrouds and operational damage. The regularities are established concerning the influence of the finite element type, finite element mesh and model of contact interaction on the spectrum of natural frequencies of blade assemblies. The use of the developed computational models is substantiated to determine the forced vibration characteristics of the selected objects of investigation. Based on the performed numerical experiments it was substantiated of finite element model selection for analysis of characteristics of shrouded rotor blade vibrations.W artykule przedstawiono podejścia do modelowania elementów skończonych płata łopaty, styku osłon oraz uszkodzeń eksploatacyjnych. Ustalono prawidłowości dotyczące wpływu typu elementu skończonego, siatki elementów skończonych oraz modelu interakcji stykowej na widmo częstotliwości drgań własnych zespołów łopatek. Uzasadnione jest wykorzystanie opracowanych modeli obliczeniowych do wyznaczania charakterystyk drgań wymuszonych wybranych obiektów badań. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych eksperymentów numerycznych uzasadniono wybór modelu elementów skończonych do analizy charakterystyk drgań osłoniętych łopat wirnika

    Analysis of the reliability of the plates of complex shapes for the cams of automatic half-hose machines by the criterion of fatigue strength

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    The purpose of the work is to develop the algorithm for calculation of the probability of failure-free operation of flexible plates of complex shapes for the cams, using the criterion of fatigue strength, to make decisions on minimization of their sizes with the subsequent evaluation of the implemented measures. The studies are performed on the example of a plate for the cam, the configuration of which provides both beam and double console deformations at the same time. The comprehensive approach is presented, which includes dynamic analysis of the needle impact on the cam surface, computer simulation of geometric parameters of the plate by the finite element method (FEM) according to the condition of strength, and classical principles of mathematical statistics and Theory of Probability. The finite-element model with a volumetric 8-node element is used, which allows, with ease of calculations, to obtain the results with a high accuracy when determining the stress-deformed state of the study object. The computer simulation is performed using Code_Aster software with free access. Also, in the calculation of reliability, the random nature of the multifactorial influence on the value of the plate fatigue limit and the loading variations of the cam are considered. When determining the equivalent forces, taking into account the cyclical operation of the machine, the forces that affect the cams during the production of one product are taken as a loading. The numbers of cycles corresponding to these loadings are calculated by the formulas, which are made as a result of the analysis of trajectories of needles motion concerning the cams when knitting different sections of the product. When calculating equivalent stresses, only stresses that influence the accumulation of fatigue failures are used, that is, the values greater than the half of the detail fatigue limit. The proposed computational approach can be used to generate the cams with flexible work plates of different configurations, including under the equal stress condition

    Modeling of the elastic plates of non-base configurations for the cams of automatic half-hose machines

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    The purpose of the work was analytical research and computer modeling of the influence of shape and size of console beams of elastic plates in non-base configurations for the cam of the automatic half-hose machine under the conditions of flexibility, strength, and minimization of sizes. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the further development of the theory and methodology of designing the elements of knitting systems of the automatic half-hose machines based on regimes of loading, limitations in strength and dimensions, as well as requirements of the technological process. In order to increase the flexibility of the elastic plate, the symmetrical introduction of two console beams of trapezoidal shape was proposed. The influence exerted by the coefficient of the shape of console beams and their lengths on the magnitudes of deflections and stresses was analyzed, which allows making grounded and flexible decisions regarding the dimensions of the root and the end sections of the beams at the preliminary stage of design. The mathematical support was presented mainly in an explicit form, which simplified the analysis of the influence of controlled dimensions of the elastic plates on their flexibility and strength, as well as contributes to the comprehensive approach to the development of cams of different constructions with elastic plates and allows improving the quality and efficiency of design solutions of cams. The beam bending theory and the finite element method based on Code_Aster shared software were used. The model of the plate was represented by an ordered grid of finite nodal elements of the same size, without the use of elongated and flat elements. According to the results of simulation experiments, the distributions of deformations and stresses on the surface of the elastic plate of the cam were obtained, depending on its shape and size, which confirmed the validity of calculated recommendations

    An influence of shroud design parameters on the static stresses of blade assemblies

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    In this study, the structural analysis of the blade assemblies was carried out using the finite element method to determine the influence of design parameters of shroud couplings on the static stresses of turbine rotor blades with zigzag and slant shroud couplings. An angle of inclination of the shroud contact surfaces with respect to the rotor rotation axis was selected as the design parameter. Based on the calculation results, it has been found that irrespective of the type of the shroud coupling, the values of the contact pressure and the stresses in the shroud increase with the angle of inclination of the contact surfaces. Also, for the slant shroud coupling, the stresses increase in the blade airfoil portion with the increase of angle of inclination of the contact surfaces, while for the zigzag shroud coupling the contact stresses decrease with the increase of this angle. It was concluded that the zigzag shroud coupling causes the increase in static stresses when compared to the slant one