10 research outputs found

    El ritmo musical en los estudiantes del cuarto grado “T” de primaria, Colegio Markham, Distrito de Surco – 2018

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    Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el nivel de capacidad del ritmo musical de los estudiantes del 4to grado “T” de primaria del Colegio Markham en Surco, 2018. EN cuanto al método, ha sido empleado el enfoque cuantitativo, el diseño no experimental, tipo simple o básico, corte transeccional, nivel: Descriptivo. La población está conforma por los alumnos de 4 “T” de primaria del colegio Markham en Surco, 2018. La muestra está conformada por un grupo de 20 estudiantes de 4 “T” de primaria del colegio Markham en Surco, 2018, los cuales fueron seleccionados a través de un tipo de muestreo no probabilístico. Después de la medición de los elementos del ritmo, se obtuvieron resultados en un buen nivel de logro en cuanto al desarrollo del ritmo musical.This research work aims to determine the level of musical rhythm capacity of students in the 4th grade "T" of Markham College in Surco, 2018. Regarding the method, the quantitative approach has been used, the non-experimental design, simple or basic type, transactional cut, level: Descriptive. The population is made up of the students of 4 th grade "T" of Markham School in Surco, 2018. The sample consists of a group of 20 students of 4 th grade "T" of Markham School in Surco, 2018, who were selected through a type of non-probabilistic sampling. After the measurement of the elements of the rhythm, results were obtained in a good level of achievement in terms of the development of the musical rhythm.Tesi

    When Is When?: 8 U.S.C. § 1226(C) and the Requirements of Mandatory Detention

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    Over the past several decades, immigration law has come to resemble criminal law in a number of ways. Most significantly, the current statutory regime allows the U.S. Attorney General (AG) to detain noncitizens during their removal proceedings. Ordinarily, the AG may detain noncitizens subject to removal so long as the AG provides an individualized bond hearing to assess whether the noncitizen poses a flight risk or a danger to the community. Pursuant to 8 U.S.C. § 1226(c), however, the AG must detain and hold without bond any noncitizen who has committed qualifying offenses “when the alien is released” from criminal custody throughout his removal proceedings. Courts disagree as to whether § 1226(c) requires the AG to detain noncitizen offenders immediately, or whether the AG may allow a noncitizen to return to the community for months, or even years, before effecting detention and still retain the authority to detain the noncitizen without a bond hearing. The question exists in the intersection between criminal law and immigration law and the overlap between an agency’s power to interpret statutes and the court’s obligation to do so. This Note examines the timing question that § 1226(c) presents and offers a solution that seeks to balance the liberty interests of detainees with the government’s interests in protecting the community and ensuring removal

    When Is When?: 8 U.S.C. § 1226(C) and the Requirements of Mandatory Detention

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    Over the past several decades, immigration law has come to resemble criminal law in a number of ways. Most significantly, the current statutory regime allows the U.S. Attorney General (AG) to detain noncitizens during their removal proceedings. Ordinarily, the AG may detain noncitizens subject to removal so long as the AG provides an individualized bond hearing to assess whether the noncitizen poses a flight risk or a danger to the community. Pursuant to 8 U.S.C. § 1226(c), however, the AG must detain and hold without bond any noncitizen who has committed qualifying offenses “when the alien is released” from criminal custody throughout his removal proceedings. Courts disagree as to whether § 1226(c) requires the AG to detain noncitizen offenders immediately, or whether the AG may allow a noncitizen to return to the community for months, or even years, before effecting detention and still retain the authority to detain the noncitizen without a bond hearing. The question exists in the intersection between criminal law and immigration law and the overlap between an agency’s power to interpret statutes and the court’s obligation to do so. This Note examines the timing question that § 1226(c) presents and offers a solution that seeks to balance the liberty interests of detainees with the government’s interests in protecting the community and ensuring removal

    Maternal sociodemographic factors associated with the level of knowledge about neonatal screening in first-time mothers hospitalized in rooming-in at a Public Hospital in Lima, 2022.

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    El tamizaje neonatal es una prueba que se toma de forma estandarizada a todo recién nacido en territorio nacional. El objetivo del presente estudio será determinar la relación que existe entre los factores sociodemográficos maternos y el nivel conocimiento sobre el tamizaje neonatal en madres primerizas hospitalizadas en alojamiento conjunto de un hospital público, Lima 2022. El tipo de investigación es básico y diseño de investigación corresponde al no experimental de corte transversal. La población estudio estará conformada por madres primerizas hospitalizadas en alojamiento conjunto del Hospital Marino Molina Scippa con una muestra de 210 madres. La variable conocimiento sobre el tamizaje neonatal será medida mediante un cuestionario compuesto por 2 dimensiones, conocimiento sobre la prueba de tamizaje y conocimiento sobre el procedimiento del tamizaje. Asimismo, para la variable factores sociodemográficos maternos sé utilizará un cuestionario que contiene 5 dimensiones las cuales son edad, estado civil, ocupación, grado de instrucción y estructura familiar

    Notice sur la fabrication des eaux minérales gazeuses / par P. Savaresse,...

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    Estudio de la calidad microbiológica fúngica del aire en un área de envasado de bebidas

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar los hongos ambientales existentes en el área de envasado de bebidas de la empresas AJEPER S.A. Planta Huachipa, situada en la Av. La Paz 131 Santa María de Huachipa, San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima-Perú, durante los meses de diciembre del 2014 y enero del 2015. Conocer la diversidad fúngica y su concentración en un ambiente interior es muy importante para evaluar la calidad del aire interno, ya que las esporas fúngicas tienen la capacidad de afectar negativamente a la salud humana y podrían producir alergias, infecciones o toxicidad en las personas que labora en él. Se evalúo la calidad del aire al interior del área de envasado, con el fin de conocer la concentración y la variedad de géneros fúngicos mediante el método volumétrico por impactación, y simultáneamente se midió la temperatura ambiental y el porcentaje de humedad relativa con un termohigrómetro. Se tomaron un total de 264 muestras en 11 puntos, de los cuales 10 puntos se ubicaron al interior del área de envasado y un punto al exterior de ésta. El muestreo se realizó durante el turno día por el transcurso de 12 días. Se obtuvo una concentración total de 12220 UFC/ cm3 colonias fúngicas identificadas durante todos los días de muestreo, siendo los géneros encontrados con mayor frecuencia Penicillium (65.70 por ciento), Cladosporium (20.64 por ciento), Paecilomyces (5.57 por ciento) y levaduras (2.12 por ciento). El ambiente exterior presentó valores de concentración fúngica superiores a los obtenidos en todos los puntos del ambiente interior. Se concluyó que el interior del área de envasado de bebidas presenta condiciones ambientales de temperatura y humedad relativa que favorecen el desarrollo fúngico y que los niveles de concentración fúngica encontrados en él califican entre “intermedio” y “alto” en las referencias para ambientes interiores no industriales.The aim of the present study was to analyze the airborne fungi existing in the bottling room of AJEPER S.A. Planta Huachipa, located at Av. La Paz 131. Santa María de Huachipa, San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima – Peru, during the months of December 2014 and January 2015. Knowing the airborne fungal diversity and its concentration in indoor environments is very important in order to evaluate indoor air quality, as fungal spores may negatively affect human health and could cause allergies, infections or toxicity in workers. To evaluate indoor air quality inside the bottling room, airborne fungal concentration levels and fungal genera were determined through air quality sampling using a volumetric impaction method. Also, ambient temperature and percent relative humidity were measured simultaneously with a thermo hygrometer. Over the course of 12 days during the day shift, a total of 264 samples were taken in 11 points, of which 10 points were located inside the bottling room and one point was located outside that room. A total of 12220 UFC/m3 fungal colonies were identified during those days, where the genera most frequently found in the 11 sampling points were Penicillium (65.70 percent), Cladosporium (20.64 percent), Paecilomyces (5.57 percent) and yeast (2.12 percent). Airborne fungal concentration values obtained outside the bottling room were higher than those obtained in all sampling points inside that room. We concluded that the indoor air of the bottling room presents temperature and relative humidity conditions than favor fungal development, and the levels of airborne fungal concentration found in it qualify as “intermediate” and “high” in some references for non-industrial indoor air quality.TesisUniversidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento Académico de Biologí