307 research outputs found

    Hybrid Kinematic-Dynamic Sideslip and Friction Estimation

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    Vehicle sideslip and tyre/road friction are crucial variables for advanced vehicle stability control systems. Estimation is required since direct measurement through sensors is costly and unreliable. In this paper, we develop and validate a sideslip estimator robust to unknown road grip conditions. Particularly, the paper addresses the problem of rapid tyre/road friction adaptation when sudden road condition variations happen. The algorithm is based on a hybrid kinematic-dynamic closed-loop observer augmented with a tyre/road friction classifier that reinitializes the states of the estimator when a change of friction is detected. Extensive experiments on a four wheel drive electric vehicle carried out on different roads quantitatively validate the approach. The architecture guarantees accurate estimation on dry and wet asphalt and snow terrain with a maximum sideslip estimation error lower than 1.5 deg. The classifier correctly recognizes 87% of the friction changes; wrongly classifies 2% of the friction changes while it is unable to detect the change in 11% of the cases. The missed detections are due to the fact that the algorithm requires a certain level of vehicle excitation to detect a change of friction. The average classification time is 1.6 s. The tests also indicate the advantages of the friction classifiers on the sideslip estimation error

    An optimization based planner for autonomous navigation in vineyards

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    Autonomous driving systems found their first applications in the agricultural field, being a way to ease personnel of repetitive jobs and increase precision. Performing operations like harvesting or pruning requires high positioning accuracy, especially in structured environments like vineyards and orchards. In these contexts, the global reference path is dictated by the agricultural procedure to perform. The continuously-changing vegetation and reduced maneuvering space create the need to re-plan the vehicle route with respect to the global reference. Hence, the importance of local planning. This paper proposes a local planning strategy with the objective to follow a park-to-park global path while avoiding obstacles. We formulate the local planning task as a constrained optimization problem. The resulting local plans are not constrained in shape, thus guaranteeing planning freedom, and manage obstacle avoidance in an innovative way. The collision area is precisely determined taking both the vehicle and the obstacles dimension into account, and considering the vehicle approach direction. The proposed system is tested in simulation, where its performance are compared with a benchmark planner. An experimental campaign validates the local planner with satisfactory results

    Handling-Oriented Stiffness Control of a Multichamber Suspension

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    This paper deals with the development of a handling-oriented stiffness control strategy using multichamber suspensions. Indeed, being this technology capable of stiffness variability, it is particularly indicated for improving the vehicle handling performance, here intended as the reduction of roll and pitch angles during maneuvers. The proposed strategy exploits the multichamber's inner features in order to enhance the performance: simulation results show improvements up to 12% compared to the best passive stiffness configuration, still preventing deterioration of the driving comfort

    Closed-loop Control of a Vibrant Duct Gravimetric Feeder

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    Abstract -In this work the control system for a gravimetric feeder with vibrant duct for polymer extrusion process has been designed. The plant considered in this paper is a blending machine that mixes up to six components: each component is measured by a dedicated vibrant duct. All components are mixed directly in the chambers of the extruder screw. The mass delivered by each meter is measured by a load cell. The control objectives are: accurate mass flow estimate on the basis of the weight; accurate mass flow regulation; minimum settling time; robustness of the controller parameters against the variation of material and structure of meter

    Global Considerations in Hierarchical Clustering Reveal Meaningful Patterns in Data

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    BACKGROUND: A hierarchy, characterized by tree-like relationships, is a natural method of organizing data in various domains. When considering an unsupervised machine learning routine, such as clustering, a bottom-up hierarchical (BU, agglomerative) algorithm is used as a default and is often the only method applied. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show that hierarchical clustering that involve global considerations, such as top-down (TD, divisive), or glocal (global-local) algorithms are better suited to reveal meaningful patterns in the data. This is demonstrated, by testing the correspondence between the results of several algorithms (TD, glocal and BU) and the correct annotations provided by experts. The correspondence was tested in multiple domains including gene expression experiments, stock trade records and functional protein families. The performance of each of the algorithms is evaluated by statistical criteria that are assigned to clusters (nodes of the hierarchy tree) based on expert-labeled data. Whereas TD algorithms perform better on global patterns, BU algorithms perform well and are advantageous when finer granularity of the data is sought. In addition, a novel TD algorithm that is based on genuine density of the data points is presented and is shown to outperform other divisive and agglomerative methods. Application of the algorithm to more than 500 protein sequences belonging to ion-channels illustrates the potential of the method for inferring overlooked functional annotations. ClustTree, a graphical Matlab toolbox for applying various hierarchical clustering algorithms and testing their quality is made available. CONCLUSIONS: Although currently rarely used, global approaches, in particular, TD or glocal algorithms, should be considered in the exploratory process of clustering. In general, applying unsupervised clustering methods can leverage the quality of manually-created mapping of proteins families. As demonstrated, it can also provide insights in erroneous and missed annotations

    Measuring Urban Sidewalk Practicability: A Sidewalk Robot Feasibility Index

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    Autonomous parcel delivery is attracting a lot of interest. Terrestrial delivery drones travel at lower speeds, are smaller and lighter than passenger cars. These features make them an ideal and valuable first step and experimental sandbox toward fully autonomous vehicles. To be useful, however, small wheeled drones need to operate on parts of the roads that are reserved to pedestrians. This is a challenge by itself. Pedestrian areas are less structured than road and abide by looser rules. The best route for a delivery drone may not be the shortest path; other aspects need to be accounted for that make a route more or less practical for the specific features of the vehicle. This paper introduces a quantitative analysis of these specific issues. The paper proposes a quantitative index that asses a route practicability for a small terrestrial drone. It combines different aspects that account for sidewalk width, sidewalk surface condition, route length and the number of driveways and crosswalks present on the way. We provide the mathematical definition of the index, and use our wheeled drone prototype to show how it can be used to classify and chose the best routes among a selection. Although the index is designed for autonomous drones, given the specific dynamic features of the drone, it can also be employed as is to quantify the accessibility of different routes for disabled people

    Data-driven Mass Estimation in Continuously Variable Transmission Agricultural Tractors

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    Many control vehicle systems are based on the knowledge of the current load. This trend has recently emerged also in heavy-duty and agricultural vehicles. Knowing the mass has in fact benefits both on safety and driving comfort. This paper proposes a mass estimation algorithm, based on already available sensors for an agricultural tractor equipped with a Continuously Variable Transmission. To this aim, the transmission model is derived, as the key ingredient of the mass estimate is the preliminary knowledge of the wheel torque. The latter, however, may be useful also for other control purposes, concerning, for example, longitudinal dynamics control. In the paper, the estimators proposed are applied on real world data

    Combining tire-wear and braking control for aeronautical applications

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    In ground vehicles, tire consumption is in general mainly due to the mileage covered, and in fact the life span of tires, at least in common situations, is rather long. In the aeronautical context, and for aircraft in particular, instead, tire consumption plays a crucial role in determining the maintenance costs. This is due to the fact that, in aircraft braking, nearly all maneuvers activate the anti-skid controller, which remains in use for long time intervals. In ground vehicles, instead ABS systems are usually active for short time intervals which cover a part of the braking maneuvers only. Thus, tire consumption in the automotive context is usually studied under constant speed assumptions. In this work, we formulate a tire consumption models that encompasses explicitly the wheel acceleration/deceleration dynamics, and we show that tire wear can be directly related to the anti-skid controller parameters. Based on this, a sensitivity analysis of tire-consumption versus braking performance is carried out, showing that the braking control problem can be reformulated as a tire consumption regulation one
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